
Red Envelop of three realms (Op fan-fic)

Zane Uchiha at 21 is last member of Ancient Ninja Family That was famous for its Dōjutsu . From age of 4 his grandfather taught him Ninja techniques but unfortunately he wasn't able to awaken sharingan until death of his grandfather. he went out of the forest , to only see how advance technology are there in city . From there on he was adapting knowledge he was able to acquire Fortunately time passed on 5 years later he chose to become part time Assassin with his ninjutsu he became famous and he was so dangerous people from elite class or top dog become to tremble . due to underworld insecurity they began to hunt him . so Zane was pissed he went out killed some organization that were trying to track him . so after the massacre people in underworld of all countries began plan for capturing him . Zane was not mood for more massacre he left Assassin .. from then he found out he manga, light novel,web novel, Anime etc he was addicted ,so full year he read fan-fic, novels and best favourite was 'red Envelop group of the three realms'

Aniket_Sharma_7677 · Others
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12 Chs

Bloodline (Sister meeting)

At dinner table 8 people silently sitting, after finishing up food, 1st one to break silence was bai'er (chen bai) " sister lin how were you after leaving our neighbourhood " and continued " did you got along with someone or a boyfriend? " innocently said bai.

all of us were holding back from not laughing.

listening bai he thought that bai too innocent and decided to play along.

" Yes sister lin did you got boyfriend " said chen teasingly.

all of us holding back but eventually laughter broke out starting with with Huang' er and rest off us laughed our hearts content. although bai'er didn't understand why were laughing, to not get left out she laughed as well.

mean while Lin was head was down and was embarassed with shame.

| 5 minutes later |

" ok my lovely wives let your sister off, she is too tired and i have to began bloodline assimilation "

" " " ok" " "

Chen can only smile wryly seeing his wife antics. But seeing how cheerful his four wife began became he sighed in relief, because his 4 four wife were semi-shut-in as they don't make friends because they can understand opposite persons nature, so most of the time people come with covetting there beauty or they come in jealousy.

"Lin com here sit down with your legs cross, also relax your body and practice [Limitless Foundation body Refining Cultivation Technique]."

He was supprised that she began to cultivate too fast for even mortal cultivaters. This shows the cultivation talent that she had was already high.

"Lin take this bloodline vial and drink it. And tell me if it is painfull, so i could stabilised"

Although he knew integrating Bloodline will be painfull from previous bloodline integratings like when Order of Assassin girls had there bloodline integrate they were groaning painfully, so he decided to help them a little although he help them completely but then there will power can't be challenged.

He he was thinking Lin already took vial from his hand and drank it, as resumed her cultivation technique.

When chen was thinking, he heard groaning painfully voice of Lin. So he decided to help here little so her 'will' power strong.

Lin Xiang, who was feeling that ant biting all over her body felt strange energy that was beginning to comfort her. So after small amount of discomfort she began to focus in her cultivation.

"Lin, after absorbing the Qi, you will be sending your energy outward your body"

After 1 hour

As Lin finished integrating bloodline she opened her eyes to only see black guu type substance, and to be honest she was freaked out, But then she remembered read the novel and according to novels she read these black guu type substance were her impurities. after calming herself, she heard Chen's voice

"Go take yourself a bath and clean off your impurities"

"en" Nodded lin.

After Lin was done with the shower, she felt her body was lighter than before. she has been anticipated the changes to her face as read in those novels that after impurities is removed from the body for first' time he/she will become handsome/beautiful. and the anticipation is killing her from inside. As she saw the reflection of herself on the mirror, she gasped in supprise, to say beautiful would be understatement. as she touched the skin which was soft as baby, she noticed that there was ting of red in the eye making her appear demonic beauty.

| In Living-room |

Meanwhile chen sat on couch and watched TV, enjoying cuddling with his wife.

After sometime chen noticed that bathing room door is opening, as he was excited to see his 5th wife new looks and its not like she was not beautiful, but he guessed that she ethereal beauty.

Lin come out with wide smile, as if knowing that chen will be watching her, so she dressed wearing sexy clothes.

Coming infront of Chen, she spins around and says "chen how am looking and how's the dress" even though she know she was very pretty/ethereal beauty, but all of chen wife were also beautiful as she was. so she was deep down nervous.

Seeing nervous looks on her face, chen couldn't help but laugh. but Lin was not sure was what chen was laughing about and deep down she nervous about that chen was making fun of her. as she teard up, any moment she ready to burst.

Chen stood up hugged her as he was aware of her insecurity in her life that gave her . he himself felt bad for misleading her to misunderstanding that laughing was not making fun of her.

"hai hai i was not laughing to make fun you, my dear, i was laughing because you were making nervous face. and remove all the insecurity from now on, as i will making you happy from now." said chen to Lin like soothing baby and bit of reprimand.

Unknown to chen Lin already been sleep on his chest.

Chen sighed, as he expected leaving her for all these years was bad idea.

Chen make her sleep in his bedroom and himself sleep next to it.