
Chapter 3

A/N: I would like to thank all the positive feedback and suggestions for the harem. We will see the harem/ peerage list at the end of this chapter, but it could also change as a couple. I am still trying to figure it out.

This is an original story crossover. I do not own any rights to Highschool DXD or Danmachi, but I will use the characters and storyline. It will have a harem, but it is progressive and won't be a big harem.



Inner Voice



Chapter 3: Dimension World of Orario

As Issei left Rossweisse with Kiba and Gasper to sort into her peerage, Issei asked Grayfia, Venelana, and Ajuka to a private room to discuss something that needed to be said.

"So I like to thank you guys following me here to talk privately as I need bits filling in from when I have been gone but also want to fill you in some stuff as well," Issei says in a way that looks like a leader.

"Ise-Kun, it's no problem at all, and nothing much needs to be said from mine and Grayfia's side as much apart from Rias and the rest of ORC, including Irina, are currently in cells waiting for their trial by leaders of pillars," Venelana says with a slight blush.

"Apart from giving Rossweisse her pieces, theirs not much to say on our front apart from an international rating game that we will host soon," Ajuka says, curious about what Issei is going with this.

That's cool. I'm guessing it's International means anyone can join? When is the trial? I might want to attend, but will I see their excuse?

"That can be arranged, but when were you thinking of going to another dimension?" Venelana asks out of curiosity.

"Hmm, well, maybe after the trial and also help with training for the others. Also, I made something that could use your help with, if possible, Lord Ajuka," Issei asked.

"Oh, what can I help you with, Issei? Call me Ajuka. No need for formalities. We are friends and allies, aren't we," Ajuka says with a big smile.

"Ok, Ajuka, well, I am hoping to create a reincarnation system similar to evil pieces for dragons but also trying to figure out a way without the downside effects from what evil pieces sometimes do," Issei says as he explains while smiling.

"Hm, well, I will be happy to help in that area but have you got something that can be used as a piece? The crystal I use for the pieces is limited and has more devil power than anything," Ajuka said while thinking.

"Well, I hope to find something along that line when I explore this other dimension. If not, Ddraig might know something which could work but will come to that if all fails," Issei says as Ajuka is now showing stars in his eyes for such an idea.

"Issei, if you find such a thing, can you let me do some tests on it?" Ajuka says, now excited.

"Well, if I find such a thing, then sure, but if it's what Ddraig has, I doubt he would agree as it's a rare item that should not be played with, apparently," Issei explains while nodding.

"So what are you going to do now, Issei?" Asked Venelana out of curiosity.

"Well, going to see if Sona wants any help in some training ideas, then also might take Rossweisse out for a date before I go to the other dimension after that, I dunno," Issei says while rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh, Sona would probably like that as she's been struggling for some of her members to up their power respectively," Venelana says while in a thinking pose.

"Well, I will be happy to help out in any way I can if there's something I can help with, of course," Issei says.

"Is there anything else needed to discuss while we are all here? If not, we should part ways to get things sorted out and ready," Ajuka says in his maou mode.

"Nothing to my end. Just let me know when the trial is on so I can see what will go off," Issei says as he gets up and bows to them all.

Everyone stood up and got ready to leave after saying goodbyes. Venelana and Grayfia give Issei bone-crushing hugs before disappearing through their magic circle. Now we see Issei making his way to find Sona and asking if she would like help training her peerage. As he entered the hallway, she used his sense to locate where Sona was, but when he saw Momo coming and looked down, Issei wanted to cheer her up.

"Hey, Momo-san, are you ok?" Issei asked with concern.

"Oh, hi Issei-san, I'm ok, just thinking about something," Momo says with a fake smile.

"Hmm, Momo-san, don't lie. I can tell you're sad about something. I will happily listen and cheer you up.

"Are you sure, Issei-san, as I know you're not yourself?" Momo asks, a bit worried herself.

"It's fine, honestly. Never know. We could probably cheer each other up," Issei says as he smiles at her.

"Okay, well, lately, Saji has not been paying attention to Ruruko or me, and it feels like he's moving away from us and isn't saying anything like what he's doing and so forth," Momo says while sniffling.

"Hmm, do you girls sleep with him or anything?" Issei asked out of curiosity.

"Couple of times," Momo says, embarrassed.

"Well, the best bet to find out the truth if Saji doesn't say anything is to ask Vritra here. I'll write down how to connect to him. Just tell him Issei and Ddraig sent you as you are worried about something and want to know the truth," Issei says as he writes down the method to connect to the dragon.

"Thank you, Issei, this means a lot," Momo says as she cheers up.

"Hey, what are friends for? But if the worst is true, I'm here for you to vent to ok," Issei says to reassure her.

"Okay, thank you again," Momo says as she kisses Issei on the cheek as a thank you, then disappears.

(" Well, that was interesting, partner") Ddraig says smugly.

"Shut up. You are only trying to be a good friend. Let's go find Sona," Issei says as he looks for Sona.

Back to Rias and the rest of the peerage

"Rias, do you think they found out that we betrayed Issei behind his back," Akeno asks, worried about what will happen to them.

"Doubt it, but then again, Kiba and Gasper have not returned, and I don't feel their link to me anymore," Rias says, now worried.

"Not good, and without Sirzechs and Serafall here, we might be in trouble," Akeno says while thinking of ways to cheer Rias up.

"Onee-Sama will everything be okay?" asked a worried Asia, confused about what was happening.

"I don't know, to be honest, Asia. I think we have been caught and about to face punishment for what we did," Rias said, telling the truth to the others.

"Wait, that means we might be in big trouble. Oh no, what have I done? Please forgive this angel for falling in love with another," Irina says, but when she gets her wings out notices something odd as it feels like her card is being judged.

"Hm, I've also lost connection to Durandal, like it's rejecting me. I guess we messed up big time," Xenovia says as she slams down to the floor with a defeated look.

"Well, I guess you all finally figured out what you've done," a familiar voice said.

"Raiser, what are you doing here?" Rias asked out of curiosity.

"Well, come to let you know that thanks to your misdeeds, Ravel has been removed from Kuoh and is now in confinement until further notice waiting for her judgment from Mother and Father," Raiser says with a bit of anger.

"What! So that means we are in serious trouble," Rias said, who has now gone white.

"Issei did me a favour instead of saving you from me. He's saved me from you. I feel sorry for him and hope to still talk to him." Raiser Said with a frown

"So why are you down here just to gloat?" Rias said, a bit pissed at the attitude of Raiser.

"Nope came to inform you that your trial is starting in the morning, and everyone that's still here is coming to judge you on all your actions against the Pillar," Raiser says as he leaves to let them sink into the floor.

Back to the Hyoudou Residence

As Issei finished talking to Momo and hoped it cheered her up a bit, he carried on to look for Sona and see if she wanted help with training or to talk about what he's been up to. Walking down the stairs, he met Tsubaki, who looked like she was in her world.

"Hey, Tsubaki-senpai," Issei says as he sees her.

"Oh hey, Issei-Kun, hope you're well," Tsubaki said

"Doing good, thank you, you looked lost in thought. Is it because you can still hang out with Kiba-san?" Issei says with a teasing smile.

"I-I-I don't know what you're on about," Tsubaki says while going red in the cheeks.

"Sorry, sorry, couldn't help but tease you there," Issei says as he chuckles but begs forgiveness as Tsubaki playfully hits him.

"Hmph, I'll forgive you this time, but apart from that, yes, I am happy to be able to carry on hanging out with Kiba on days off," Tsubaki says, still red to the cheeks.

"That's good to hear. Has he let you try his homemade cheesecakes yet? They are delicious," Issei says as he starts to drool while thinking about it.

"Yes, I have. They are delicious, especially the lemon one," Tsubaki says while imagining a piece of lemon cheesecake.

"I agree with you on that, as it's sweet but not too sweet at the same time," Issei said, happy to have similar tastes. "Do you know where Sona-senpai is?"

"Oh, she's downstairs on the sofa looking at some information for school," Tsubaki says, confused.

"Ah, thank you, if you are wondering why I'm looking for her, it's cause I just wanted to catch up," Issei says to help Tsubaki understand.

"I see. Well, I'll take you to her then. I'm sure she has a lot of questions to ask, especially how you feel as you know, we were all shocked when we heard about what happened, and sorry you had to go through that, especially after all you did for them time and time again," Tsubaki says out of her heart with a small smile.

"Thanks, Tsubaki-senpai, that means a lot, and I'm glad Kiba has a lucky girl like you as you always know what to say to cheer someone up even if they are not in the same peerage," Issei said as he gave a smile back to her.

"T-t-thanks," Tsubaki says as she blushes, then turns around to return downstairs.

Issei then follows Tsubaki down the stairs to the living room, where Sona sits with a cup of tea and a lot of paperwork scattered about, looking like she is organising something. This piqued Issei's interest as she wanted to know more about what she does as King for her peerage. Sona was more straightforward than Rias, which was sometimes confusing as she was more distracted by other things.

"Sona-Sama, Issei is here," Tsubaki says to alert her friend and king.

As Sona looks up with a small smile. "Ah, thank you, Tsubaki. Issei, sit with me. We have a lot to talk about to fill you in."

"Ah, please, that'd be great. Plus, if you need any help with anything, let me know, as I'll try and help in any way," Issei says as he sits down next to Sona.

"That means a lot. Thank you, Issei. So what would you like to know?" Sona asks while looking at Issei.

"Well, how're things progressing with the repair of the school in the underworld?" Issei asked out of curiosity.

"Well, to be honest, it's slow but getting there, which is understandable due to what happened. I was checking the progress through the paperwork I just got," Sona says with a smile.

"Oh, that's good to hear, then. By the way, when school is finished, is there a possibility that I can help in any way?" Issei asks out of curiosity, leaving Sona and Tsubaki stunned by his question.

"Well depends on what you want to teach to be honest. Even though I am happy, you asked but also shocked as I didn't know you would want to teach?" Sona says, confused but happy nonetheless.

"Hehe, well, I'm full of surprises, to be fair, and if I was going to teach may be more about the different kinds of Sacred Gears and also help people make contracts with the possibility of making Artificial Sacred Gears like what Azazel did for your peerage" Issei answered honestly but also surprised her with that answer.

"Wow, I didn't know you were into making things. Also, why are you so interested in Sacred Gears?" Sona asks, now curious.

"That's easy, considering there are plenty of Sacred Gears, even some duplicates, even though they are mostly low class but still have a possibility of helping if taught the right way. The Higher class like the Longinus have a chance to evolve in such a way as you noticed with me with Ddraig and our Balance Breaker forms," Issei says as he explains.

"Okay, now that's shocked me as I never really thought about it that way. You amaze me, Issei, by teaching me something I never really looked into myself," Sona says with a devious smirk.

"Hmm, that look you're giving me tells me you want an example, maybe testing that theory?" Issei said nonchalantly.

"Of course, what you said got me interested, so if that's ok, would you like to help and show me?" Sona asks while doing a puppy-eye look

"Hehe, I thought as much, and sure I know it won't work straight away, but if they practice, they might be able to achieve something and unlock some potential or even more," Issei says as he replies to Sona.

"Right, we'll try it a bit later on. I know Saji won't be able to join us due to looking after his brother and sister, but others will be here at least," Sona says as she looks happy.

"That's fine, so I'll meet you in training room two in an hour?" Issei asks as he gets up.

"Okay, see you down there, Issei," Sona said as Issei left but left a smile on her face. "You truly messed up, Rias. Issei is so thoughtful and more intelligent than he acts. I wonder what he is like in a game of Chess," Sona thought.

Training Room 2

As Issei made his way into the centre of the training room to get it ready for training for whoever came down with Sona, A magic circle appeared, and Riser came out of it and waved to Issei as he walked to join him.

"Hey Issei, getting ready for some training, I see," Riser says as he stops near him.

"Hey Raiser, yeah, going to help Sona and her peerage with some bits. What brings you here?" Issei asked out of curiosity.

"To talk to you about something, if that's ok?" Riser asks.

"Sure, ask away, my friend," Issei says as he smiles at Riser.

"Well, I know what happened between you and the girls, and I want to apologise for what Ravel has done and hope there's a way to forgive her to a certain extent," Riser asks, hoping not to upset him.

"Hmm, well, I'm guessing Lord and Lady Phenex have punished her to an extent, Plus knowing Ravel, she must have been led to the actions she did, so I'll forgive her in time but won't forget if that makes sense," Issei said with a look of understanding.

"Ah, thank you, Issei. I'll do anything to make up for it. As for her punishment, she's basically been put back in my peerage and has fewer privileges now due to her rank being stripped of her as her punishment," Riser said with a look of sadness.

"That's understandable. Tell you what, if she asks for forgiveness, she needs to work hard for you. Start training your body and magic, but do something to bring money into the household. Know sweets related, so a cafe and peerages help you run it." Issei says in an understandable tone

"Thanks, Issei. I will tell her that. Also, have you heard about the international rating game they are setting up?" Riser asks curiously what he will say.

"Yeah, Lord Ajuka mentioned it, so when I go off to train, I might see if I can bring back some new team members," Issei says excitedly.

"Well, when it's finalised, hopefully, we can maybe get a chance to face each other in it, as I love to see how far you come without them with you," Riser says with a smirk.

"Haha, we must wait and see now, won't we? So make sure you train hard then," Issei says as he fistbumps Riser.

"You know I will take care, Issei, and thanks again," Riser says before disappearing through a magic circle.

As Riser disappears, Sona comes down with her peerage, minus Saji, due to him looking after his sister and brother due to not having any parents alive, which makes Issei respect him so much to do stuff like that.

"Hey ladies, sorry for taking your time, since Sona asked me to help out with abit of training for you, but what I'm going to do is not fighting related as of yet but to help bring out more potential with syncing to your Sacred Gears and for Sona her aura," Issei said as he explains while looking at them.

"Okay, what you got planned for us?" Sona asks, now curious

"Quite simple, as you be surprised, it's pretty much meditating so you can sync yourself with your aura or Sacred Gears. If I remember correctly, some of you got contracted gears, which Tsubasa has with a Fairy. So you plan to try and talk to the fairy and hopefully learn about her and maybe gain some new skills with what elements she controls. As for you, Sona, if you sync with your aura, you should be able to use your magic more efficiently and can use less of it to make such moves," Issei said as he replied to her, making everyone wide-eyed.

"Makes sense, so what else would we need to do after we do this?" Tsubaki asks, now curious as she wants to know what it does for her Sacred Gear.

"Well, it will take some of you fair few times to use it fully, but if you do it every so often, even if for an hour, you will gain more control and even be able to achieve a mind space to train such skills with your spirits of the Sacred Gears and in doing so should be able to utilise your pieces as well like I did with mine and evolving the gear to the pieces itself which also should work with Ruruko-san and Saji-san if put the time into it. As your Sacred Gear Tsubaki-san, if you can connect with your Gear Spirit, you should be able to make more mirrors not just to counter a move but also have the possibility of absorbing and gaining the ability to use the skill yourself," Issei said with a smirk, which made Tsubaki and Sona wide-eyed in shock again by this idea.

"I never thought it was possible to do that with the Sacred Gears," Sona said, now thinking about what else they could do.

"Of course, as I said, most Sacred Gears will have some form of spirits in them, it's just able to look for it, and there are always possibilities to evolve them with the constant training to achieve it, even mastering your evil piece to a degree, will also help. You are more useful for your gear. For example, Momo-sans Gear can help create barriers within a radius, so if she manages to work more on her magic reserves, she also should be able to make barriers even further and even be able to do multiple at once," Issei said, now giving her more ideas.

"I see. So if Ruruko and Saji can have more use for their piece as they can promote, they should also be able to make a subspecies to their gear to relate to it?" Sona asked for confirmation.

"Pretty much like it, Saji-san can use his bishop piece more. He should be able to use the absorb line, and his flames are a lot stronger due to the bishop's power being enhanced to a degree, and he could, if it was me, make a skill that uses Vritra's power as a combined skill as such" Issei says. "So if you want, split up times for meditating training and get more uses to your evil piece, but also make sure to do plenty of physical training, as it helps out much more than you think."

"Okay, Issei, since it's late tonight, we do abit of the meditation you suggested. Then tomorrow, Tsubaki and I will sort a timetable out but also fill Saji in on what you mentioned," Sona says, smiling.

"Okay, if you need more help with ideas or even simple spars, let me know, so I'll bid you, ladies. Good night. I'm a bit tired, so going to nap," Issei says as he stretches his arms.

"Night, Issei/Issei-san," Everyone said with smiles.

Back to Rias and others

As Riser left, all the girls knew they would be judged and won't see the outcome, which caused a few fights between them, and they also started to fear the past returning.

"Great, now what" Shouted Irina in frustration

"Nothing we can do. We got caught, and now we will be judged, probably with a slapped wrist at most," Rias said, still hopeful.

"You know I shouldn't have listened to you. Now I will probably be made a fallen angel or something," Irina shouts angrily.

"Not our fault you decided to listen to the words of devils" Xenovia perks up

"Xenovia, you, of all people, should know how much I have in faith with the lord," Irina says now with a hurt look with her friend.

"Girls, come on, calm down if we pray. The lord might give us the answers," Asia said, hoping her friends would calm down.

"Shut up, you witch. You, of all people, also betrayed your first friend, and now we will all be punished," Irina shouted at her.

"Hey, don't say that to Asia, you proclaimed angel, or should I say ex-angel," Xenovia said, trying to defend Asia.

"Ara ara, it's a good thing you are not in the same cell as you all would get some punishment for your behaviour," Akeno says as she looks at every with a thirsty look while licking her lips.

"Akeno, do you have to do that? You'll give Asia nightmares, considering how Raynare did something similar to her," Rias said, not realising what she had just said.

Asia was picturing Akeno with Raynare and overlapping their images, so now she was scared of Akeno as all she could see was Raynare. Akeno was trying calm Asia down, saying she wasn't Raynare but in doing so, made it worse, and now she was looking at Rias with an angry look due to it.

"Why did you have to say that, Rias? Now Asia is panicking and isn't looking at me," Akeno shouted at her best friend.

"What?" Rias said while tilting her head, acting dumb

As the arguments and insults were being shouted, they were interrupted by a new presence that made them know something terrible was happening and was coming soon.

"Wow, I never thought I would hear some disturbing things being said by your friends," said a beautiful blonde girl at the entrance.

"G-G-Gabriel-Sama, what are you doing here?" Irina asked worryingly.

"Well, I've come to collect you, Irina, to take you back to heaven to be trialled, and both your parents will be there as well," Gabriel said with a disappointed look.

"Eh!" shouted Irina, knowing she was in big trouble.

"Ano Gabriel-san, do you know what will happen to us? Asked Akeno

"Hm, well, you will all be trialled separately. Your father will be their Akeno-san, and he didn't look happy." Gabriel said as she looked at her. "Anyways, I'm taking Irina to see you, ladies."

Soon Gabriel left with Irina, and the whole group was now shaking cause they were not going together to the trial but separately, which meant they couldn't cover for each other.

"We screwed," everyone thought when Gabriel said those words.

While this was happening, Grayfia and Venelana were nearby, hearing all the commotion and now knew they did the right thing in doing a separate case on all of them, which made it harder for them to stand up for each other.

"Guess it's nearly time to let Issei know that their trial is starting soon, and probably enjoy seeing them trialled separately," Grayfia says as she looks at Venelana.

"Agreed, I'm still upset about how my daughter did this, I guess we all spoiled her too much, and it got to her head," Venelana says as she looks down in regret.

"It's all of our fault Venelana-sama. It's just sad that she did it to such a loyal and honourable person," Grayfia says as both walks to the lounge.

"I wonder what Sirzechs would do if he saw all this happening," Venelana says while pondering.

"Knowing him, he would be gutted and blame himself but also be very disappointed with her, at the same time struggle what to do as he has to be a leader first and brother second," Grayfia says, knowing how he would react if he were here.

Timeskip - Trial Day

As Issei woke up, he checked when it was 4.30 am. Hence, he got out of bed, showered, and dressed. After that, he made his way downstairs to the kitchen to start prepping breakfast and lunches for everyone as most of them still got school, so he thought it to be friendly and make everyone something as he never got to show anyone his cooking talents, so he knows the girls were going to be shocked much to his delight. After a while, everything was ready. Issei managed to make a lot of food for Bentos and even did one for Saji with a note inside to explain the training idea to help further along his sacred gear, and he hopes to catch up with him soon. Suddenly Issei can hear movement coming down the stairs, Rosswiesse followed by Sona and Tsubaki.

"Morning, Ladies. I hope you're hungry," Issei said as he smiled.

"Morning, Ise/Issei-san/Hyoudou-san," they said simultaneously.

"I made everyone breakfast, also homemade Bentos for everyone," Issei said, smiling as he served breakfast to the three ladies.

"Thank you, looks good, and I never knew you could cook?" all three said, laughing afterwards as they all thought the same.

"Hehe, I'm full of surprises, to be honest, and the only reason you didn't know Rose is cause every time the others used to do it, so I never got a chance to show off," Issei said as he shrugged.

"I see that makes sense, but I must admit your food is delicious. Who taught you to cook like this?" Rosswiesse asked out of curiosity while Sona and Tsubaki also looked, wanting to know.

"Well, basic cooking was what my mum taught me, but after that, everything else was just me, I love cooking, so I used to do it in my spare time and learned a lot from watching videos as well for advice," Issei said while scratching his cheek.

"Wow might have to get you to teach me some. By the way, Issei, you, I, and Tsubaki will be coming with you to the trial later on?" Sona said while enjoying the breakfast meal.

"Oh, I didn't know it to be today. Hm, need to make something before the trial starts and hopefully able to talk to the council or whoever is judging before the whole thing starts", Issei says as he thinks.

"How come?" Sona asked while looking intrigued.

"Well, I was thinking to solidify if they are lying as they could probably try and weasel their way out. Plus, if I'm hiding from them in plain sight, why not join them as judges? But it also gives me an idea of asking certain questions to see if they cared about me at all or just used me as a tool cause of me having Ddraig with me," Issei said as he looked at Sona.

"Interesting. It would help a little since Ajuka is the only Maou left, and having to face the rest of the council on his own must be tiring to appoint," Sona says as she nods to Issei's answer.

"Yeah, also, that reminds me, Rose, could you maybe be able to bring my work and help cover me when I'm away later when I go to another world," Issei asked Rosswiesse with a smile.

"That won't be a problem at all, Ise. I'll tell them that you volunteered to do extra work with someone at Kyoto about its history, etcetera," Rosswiesse says with a smile of her own.

"Ah, sounds like a plan, as Kyoto is part of the occult in a way with all the priests and shrines there," Issei says as he nods in agreement. "Well, I'm heading upstairs to get ready and work on the gadget. Just let me know when we head out, but maybe you could ask Grayfia if I can talk to everyone before they bring them in if possible."

"No worries, Issei, I will talk to Grayfia after I give the rest of the peerage what they need to do," Sona says as she watches Issei disappear upstairs.

"Well, that's me finished, and time to head to school so that I will see you around Sona and Tsubaki," Rosswiesse said as she got up to leave.

"You too, Rosswiesse. I will tell you how the trial goes if you don't hear from Issei before we get back," Sona says as she sees Rosswiesse wave bye and smile.

"Tsubaki, could you please check on the others and tell them to hurry up before their breakfast gets cold and tell them Issei made them all bentos too? While you do that, I'll call Grayfia about what Issei asked about," Sona said to her queen and best friend.

"Hai will do Sona-Sama," Tsubaki says as she gets up and leaves to get the other Student Council/Peerage members.

As Tsubaki left, Sona contacted Grayfia to let her know what Issei said and wanted to do also mentioning about making something for the trial to help out further in case they tried to lie without being detected, saying this made Grayfia curious and how he was going to achieve that but just rolled with it knowing its how her little brother was like always managing to make the impossible possible this makes her smirk knowing what those girls have no chance but also even more curious about asking the members of ORC specific questions. Afterwards, she told Sona that she would contact Ajuka to let him know, and the chosen council members also said to them that Ajuka would come to fetch them, which Sona understood and ended the call with her.

Timeskip - 3 hours

As Issei, Sona & Tsubaki left the Hyoudou residence with Ajuka to make their way to the room holding the ORC group trial, they separated so Issei could talk to Ajuka and the rest the council that was attending to pass their judgment. Also, Ajuka was curious about what I made to help identify if the said person was lying, as love has anything to do with science-related things.

"So, Issei, what do you want to talk to us about before the trial starts?" Ajuka asked with a raised eyebrow, and the council, including Lord Bael, was also curious.

"Well, I was wondering if I can blend in with you guys during the trial but also let you know if their answers to the questions you will ask are a lie or not with this globe I made," Issei said as he showed them a shiny globe.

"How does that globe suppose to work?" Lord Bael asks curiously about it.

"Quite easy. I made a magic-induced platform for it to sit on to power it. When powered up, it activates the program spell I embedded into it, detecting a hint of lies or truths that will respond in colours, so if you tell the truth, it shines blue. If it were a lie, it would shine black," Issei explained, which made Ajuka have stars in his eyes and can already tell him he wanted to examine it.

"But wouldn't we be able to tell through their eyes if they were lying?" asked one of the council members.

"Not always depends on the person if they good at passing lies as truths," Ajuka said as Lord Bael agreed.

"Exactly, it's why I made this device, as I know Rias has a way of getting a pass. Don't worry about them seeing the device. It is covered from view to them. Only us and Lord Ajuka can see," Issei said, which made everyone wide-eyed, as this could also help in future trials.

"Issei, you can sit next to me during the trial, as I want to see if you be willing to join the likes of the Maou or Council to help out," Lord Bael said in hope.

"Well, I'm grateful. May I think about it as, as I discussed with Lord Ajuka, I am looking for a new source of energy crystals for my pieces as same attributes to the Evil pieces," Issei said, which made them look in shock.

"Is that even possible?" Lord Phenex asked

"Well, I will be off training to get myself ready for the world tournament that I heard about, but also maybe find some new Allies along the way while searching for the source," Issei said as he smiled.

"So, would these pieces still turn you into a devil or something else?" Lord Gremory asks.

"Well, if it's perfect, it can help many factions as a power source. I want to help bring back some dragons, but only if the person wants to be a dragon," Issei said, telling them his plans.

"So you won't join the devil's side no more?" Lord Bael asks, now curious about his answer.

"Well, to be honest with you, Lord Bael, I'm a full dragon as it is due to being reborn from the flesh of great red and the power of Ophis as well, but what you don't know is when I absorbed the pieces of the pawns, I became Demon/Devil Dragon of sorts as I have access to Power Of Destruction which was inherited from the Bael family," Issei said as he smirks causing everyone to wide-eyed again.

"So you're a true dragon but also a devil at the same time but without the hybrid of mixed race?" Lord Phenex asked, and Ajuka looked like he wanted to experiment on me.

"Correct, so my pieces will not only bring back dragons if the person wanted to but also can access the devil side and make contracts as well but also can work for other breeds as well if they choose to keep the race, for example, if I reincarnated a Yokai into my peerage but wanting to keep their race instead of mixing they can but will just have enhancements of dragon/devil powers with the pieces," Issei said now making everyone even more wide-eyed.

"Well, I can't wait to see this achievement Issei. Just bring the pieces to me once you find this source, and I will help set them up for you," Ajuka said as he smiled and liked this new side of Issei.

"Thank you, Lord Ajuka, let's get inside and start this trial and get it over with, but may I ask a suggestion?" Issei asked

"Sure, what do you want to suggest," Lord Bael asks.

"Well, instead of judging them straight off, we can collect the right evidence beforehand and punish them when they get back together to hear the verdict as a group, but when it's over, I suggest sealing their powers so they can't use them against us and also separate them," Issei said as he looked at everyone waiting for their responses.

"Hm, that sounds reasonable to me," Lord Phenex said

"I agree. Even if it's my daughter, she needs to learn. Everything can't go her way," Lord Gremory said, even though he was sad.

"We agree too," the rest of the council said.

"Well, I think that means your suggestion is approved, Issei," Lord Bael said as he smiled.

"Ok, let's head to our seats and get the trial started," Ajuka said as everyone left.

When the trial started, they brought all the ORC in separately, asked them various questions to see why they did it, and asked if they cared about me, which mostly turned out to be a lie that hurt me inside abit. Still, I noticed a truth from Akeno about caring about me, but I also learned she got pushed to cheat on him, which made Issei wonder what to do. When it came to Rias trial, we all knew the harsh truth that she had lied about everything and realised I was just a tool for her and never loved me at all, as all her answers were a lie. Once the questions were answered and finished, they returned to the cell to await the council's verdict. Let's say they were a bit disgusted with most, but the worse was Rias, even her father, was upset adequately about this.

"Well, I guess we know what to do," Lord Phenex told the group.

"Okay, with splitting them up, I suggest we send Koneko to Lady Yasaka as a servant under her watch but also remove the evil piece inside her, for Akeno I think we should also take out her evil piece and let her dad decide her punishment as not only it's his daughter, but I think being around her dad should bring her back and hopefully learn her lesson, I also think others should be turned into maids and split to different households with powers sealed" Issei suggested.

"Hm, that's possible cause they help out the factions more, and since the Nekomata is quite low in population Lady Yasaka would like that suggestion as punishment but also to preserve her kind," Lord Bael said in agreement. "Now, the only thing is Rias. What should we do about her?"

"Well, I'm happy with whatever judgment you suggest as I removed her status as an Heir of Gremory and revoked her territory in Kuoh to hand it to Sona Sitri with the help of Rosswiesse," Lord Gremory said with a bit of disappointment in his tone.

"Well, we remove her powers from her and exile her with no memory of being a devil and then place her somewhere with no supernatural influence around," Ajuka suggested.

"Yes, that's possible. What about these so-called boyfriends of theirs?" Lord Paimon asked

"Sona has already whipped their memories of the ORC and also found out most of them are cruel people with intended of harming or just having sex with them and dumping them," Issei said, which shocked everyone.

"Wow, that's interesting to know, so is everyone happy with this verdict and ready to pass judgment on them," Ajuka said, wanting to get this over with.

"Yes, we all agree on the verdicts," Everyone said.

"Okay, let's head back inside and bring them out to pass judgment on them," Ajuka said as everyone exited their seats and returned to the trial room.

As ORC was brought out together, they were sweating buckets as they didn't know what would happen the only person who wasn't was Rias, as she thought she got away with it, which would soon be broken when she found out what was going to happen.

"Right, the Council and I have come to a verdict. You all are guilty and will now have your punishment handed to you," Ajuka said sternly. "Koneko/Shirone, your judgment is removement of the evil piece and banish you from here to serve as Lady Yasaka's servant, and she will have control of you from here on in"

This shocked everyone, but Koneko was the worse. Everyone else just gulped for their punishment.

"Akeno, your punishment is also removement of Evil Piece and will be sent to your father for him to decide your punishment. Xenovia and Asia, your punishment is to serve as a housemaid to different households. It will have your powers sealed, and last but not least, Rias," Ajuka said, now looking at Rias with an intense glare making the girl sweat bullets. "Your punishment is sealment of your powers and also banishment from hell. You are removed as an Heir to the Gremory, including being disowned. Also, your territory and status as a high devil have been stripped from you."

As soon as Rias heard that, she just fell to the floor, knowing that she had lost everything from her family to friends, but she had hope for the boyfriend she had made.

"Also, just thought to let you girls know that your supposed boyfriends have had their memory wiped from knowing you, but if you think that's bad, you are lucky as some of them are quite not innocent as they seemed," Ajuka said as he saw the hope of Rias break finding out.

As the ORC learned their punishment, they were separated and sent to their new location, but what they didn't suspect was seeing Issei in the crowd, and that's they knew they fucked up badly and couldn't ask forgiveness. As the trial ended, Issei returned to the Hyoudou household with Sona and Tsubaki. They were shocked at the verdict but saw that Issei needed to be alone and bid him good night.

Morning Of Departure

After the trial, everything was still digesting what happened, and Issei was upset knowing he was used just as a tool and never actually loved apart from Akeno and Asia in a way but still hurt the cause of the betrayal, even if it was just a forced push to do it they should have known better. Issei was currently in his world, just waiting for the arrival of everyone, including Ophis before she took him to the other dimension to learn new things and probably get new allies.

"Issei, you ok? You look puzzled?" Momo asks, which breaks Issei out of thinking.

"Ah, sorry, Momo was just in thought from yesturday. That's an all-knowing harsh truth and all", Issei said with a sad smile.

"I'm here for you. As you said to me before, Issei as a friend can always vent off," Momo said with a big smile while giving him a shocked hug.

"Thanks, Momo, that helped. By the way, any news from Vritria about your worries?" Issei asked in a quiet tone.

"Actually, yeah, according to Vritria, Saji is just overworking himself getting ready to stand for vice president of the Student Council, plus worrying about his siblings," Momo said with abit of relief.

"Well, that's good, but he needs to slow down abit, so my advice is, as I know you are running for President, to snap him out of it and get him to ask for help every so often," Issei said with a smile.

"Hehe, I will, don't you worry, and I'm glad I can talk more openly about this to you. I know we didn't get along at first due to your past activities, but you are a lovely-hearted person," Momo said,

"I agree with that," Sona said, making Momo and Issei jump.

"Sona/Sona-sama, don't do that. You'll give us a heart attack," Both Issei and Momo said, blushing.

"Wow, you too are closer than you used to," Sona said with a smirk that looked mischievous.

"I know that look, and don't even think about it, Sona, or I won't give you a special gift that I made for you," Issei said as he deadpanned Sona.

"Oh, now I'm curious, as I didn't expect anything," Sona said, intrigued.

"Well, I've something for everyone," Issei said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I look forward to it then when you pass them out," Sona says with a smile.

After saying that, everyone was here, including Grayfia and little Millicus, with Lord and Lady Gremory. They all gathered in the living room, having friendly chats and catching up till it was time for Issei to go.

"Right, everyone, before I go I got some gifts to give to some people, which I made myself," Issei said as he smiled, watching everyone's eyes widen. "So first, Rose, I made you a special necklace as an influence of your Asgardian side but also a mix of my dragon side of things to know how much you mean to me," Issei says as he passes her the box with the necklace inside.

"Wow, thank you, Ise, it's lovely," Rosswiesse said with a big smile and blush.

"Your welcome Rose. Right next are Gasper and Kiba. I made bracelets to help in defence. If you put a certain amount of magic into it, you should gain a bit of armour.

"Thanks, Issei," Kiba and Gasper said while they bro hugged each other.

"Right next is Sona. I know your love for chess is next to none, so I made an amazing set that automatically moves the pieces for you so when you did not get anyone to play with, you have a magic-induced one to try and play against you with has different modes depending what level you like to play at," Issei said as he gives the set to Sona which shocked her.

"T-Thank you. I wouldn't have thought this would be the gift," Sona said, still in shock but also blushing abit as she was embarrassed.

"Hehe, well, you're a friend, so why wouldn't I," Issei said while giving her a quick hug. "Well, the next many gifts are for everyone, a set of special bracelets which, if you put magic into it, can increase or decrease the weight. These are to help out with your train schedule. There's also a magic restriction mode to help focus on the magic side of things to get more powerful spells with less waste of magic."

As Issei explains about the gifts and said hopes it helps with there training that they started, he gives a kiss on the head to Rose and a hug and then gives everyone else a hug or fist bump before he goes to Ophis to take him to the Dimensional Gap so from there he can go into the other world to train and find new allies.

"Okay, everyone, I'll see you soon and hopefully before the international ranking game so we can all go into it together. I'll find some unique gifts to bring back and hopefully new friends," Issei says before walking to Ophis.

"Ready, Issei?" Ophis said while tilting her head.

"Yeah, I'm ready to. Let's head out," Issei said as he waved goodbye.

Dimensional Gap

"Okay, Issei, before I send you to this world, it will have some of the same gods from our world, but some might be a different gender," Ophis explained while Issei nodded in understanding.

"I understand. Anything else I need to know?" Issei asked out of curiosity.

"Nothing much that I know as I never explored it properly due to not wanting to be detected," Ophis said in her usual tone.

"Hm, okay, makes sense, so I'm ready whenever you are Ophis," Issei said with a smile.

"Right, first I'll give you abit more of my energy so if you're in trouble, I can come straight to you as it is linked to me, so stay safe. Also, the time in this world is a lot slower than the world, so I will communicate to you when the time is ready to return to our world," Ophis said as she gave Issei more energy.

"Woah definitely will have to train more to get used to the extra power now, and please be safe, Ophis. If there's an emergency, come grab me straight away," Issei says like a caring brother.

Ophis tilts her head at that and nods before making a ripple in the dimensional gap to send Issei in. Issei approaches it and waves goodbye to Ophis before going into the ripple.

World of Orario

Suddenly a ripple appeared, and out came Issei. He looked around, confused about where he was trying to figure out but saw something in the distance, so he decided to walk towards it, not knowing what it was or who.

"Okay, dunno where I am, but maybe this person knows," Issei said to himself. "Hey, Ddraig might have to be careful and not try and summon you straight away, just in case."

"No worries, partner. Call me if you need me, though," Ddraig said before disappearing.

"Will do, buddy," Issei said.