
Jose's Ingratiation Plan

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After arriving at the kitchen, Jose landed on the ground and walked straight in. As a True Dragon, and because the people assigned to the kitchen were all low-level monsters with weak combat power, no one dared to stop him.

After a while, he found something — a basket of watermelons. He picked up a watermelon that was bigger than a football and threw it into his mouth, chewing and then swallowing it like he was eating an apple.

"The taste is not bad. I'll choose you." He carried the basket and picked up a large basin before leaving.

Suddenly, the Gnoll Overseer appeared with his blade and blocked the door.

"Little brat! Aren't you going on a mission?! Are you running here to avoid responsibility?!"

Jose was startled at first but then realized what was happening.

At this point, he no longer held any reservations, so he replied in a tone that was neither servile nor overbearing. "I was ordered to bring some fruits for Lord O'Neal. Please move aside!"

"I see." Upon hearing that, the Gnoll Overseer smiled mockingly and withdrew his blade to make way.

He was letting him off so easily?!

Jose looked suspiciously at the Gnoll Overseer and cautiously walked around him to the open space before flapping his wings and flying up.

"Little brat! On the battlefield, strength is all that matters! Your eloquence won't save you!"

Jose did not want to have a meaningless argument. He flew into the sky and returned to his companions, saying, "Are you ready? Let's go!"

The air currents whistled under their wings as the three dragons flew beneath the white clouds. Their altitude rose gradually, and soon, the Red Dragon saw the layers of mountain passes between the distant valleys.

The Mistress of the Red Nest — Shavana — had built nearly a hundred strongholds between the mountains surrounding the Red Nest in order to ensure the safety of her base camp. She had also sent troops to guard them, with the Graystone Stronghold being one of the many strongholds.

Just like its name, "Graystone", Graystone Stronghold was unremarkable among the many strongholds, and the mountain pass it guarded was not a major transportation route.

However, after war broke out, Graystone Stronghold gained some fame because it was located to the north of Red Nest, one of the furthest places from the frontline.

After flying for a while, the three dragons saw the Graystone Stronghold from afar.

It was called a stronghold, but Jose thought it was more like an outpost. A wall made of gray stones stretched across the narrowest part of the fortification. Behind the wall were dirty shacks that looked like slums. Ant-like goblins, gnolls, kobolds, lizardmen, and other vassals of the evil-dragon faction moved through the muddy roads. This was the Graystone Stronghold?

Beyond the stronghold, he saw a large stretch of primitive forest, and if he was not wrong, the target destination of their mission would be deep within it.

The three dragons descended from the sky and landed beside the forest three to four hundred meters away from the stronghold. There was a spring beside the forest, and the spring water was what they needed.

Jose laid out the large basin and watermelons he had brought along from the kitchen. He then said, "Come here, Yaligos. Cut the watermelon open, remove the melon seeds, and leave them alone."

He filled another small basin with water. "Cassie, use your dragon breath to freeze the water into ice. Then smash the ice until it turns into crushed ice."

After being busy for a while, the watermelons and crushed ice were ready. Jose mixed them together and stirred them evenly. A serving of natural watermelon shaved ice was ready.

He used his dragon claws to grab some homemade shaved ice and put it into his mouth. As an ice-cold liquid with a sweet fragrance slid down his stomach, he commented, "It tastes pretty good."

Cassie copied Jose's method and also picked up a lump of shaved ice and put it in his mouth. His eyes immediately lit up.

The Golden Dragon loli, who was initially hesitant, also ate a little. "Mmm! Delicious! That commander will definitely like it!"

The shaved ice was meant for the Black Dragon; the three dragons only tasted it to examine the flavor.

They placed the shaved ice on top of Cassie's head as the three dragons headed toward the stronghold.

Dragons were big and could travel at rapid speeds. Before long, they arrived in front of the Graystone "Stronghold". The stench of feces mixed with body odors hit them. Fortunately, they did not hold any expectations towards the hygiene of the low-level monsters and were mentally prepared.

Jose looked around. The kobolds, goblins, gnolls, and other monsters were looking at him in awe.

He picked a kobold that he liked and said, "You! Come here!"

The chosen kobold ran over and immediately fawned, "Woof, oh great True Dragon, kobold Doug is at your service."

It was worth mentioning that the kobolds did not look like dogs. They looked like lizards that stood up on human legs. They were called kobolds only because their cries sounded like barking.

Moreover, the kobolds were of dragon descent. Although the dragon bloodline in their bodies was so weak that it was almost negligible, it still existed.

These "Lesser Dragons" worshiped True Dragons and were proud of their service. That was why Jose chose a kobold to lead the way.

"Take us to the Black Dragon — Lord O'Neal."

Hearing O'Neal's name, the kobold trembled in fear.

"E—Esteemed True Dragon, I…"

"Just bring us to the entrance."

The kobold heaved a sigh of relief, but Jose was starting to feel worried.

Just the name alone scared the kobold to this extent. It seemed that O'Neal was not a kind dragon.

After some thought, he felt relieved.

The Five-Colored Dragons were a group of thugs, to begin with. Before reaching adulthood, they would still keep a low profile and endure silently. However, after reaching adulthood and gaining strength, their true nature would come out. Without hundreds of lives in their hands, it would be too embarrassing to call themselves an evil dragon.

"Esteemed True Dragon, please follow me." The kobold led the way.

There was a little surprise: the kobold did not lead the three dragons into the interior of the "stronghold." Instead, he walked around the edge of the stronghold toward a nearby mountain. As they turned a corner, the three dragons saw a cave opening in the mountain.

The kobold pointed at the ugly cave and said, "Esteemed True Dragon, this is the place."

"Tha—" Partway through his sentence, Jose suddenly remembered that thanking the lowly kobold was not in line with the behavior of a Red Dragon. He quickly changed his words. "Scram!"

"Scram? What do you mean?" The kobold was confused.

"It means you can get rolling!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I'll scram! I'll scram!" Then, the kobold lay down and rolled away.

Jose's heart was filled with complex emotions. Just a casual remark could make a sentient creature abandon its dignity and roll away. Once again, he felt the authority of the Five-Colored Dragons.

The Golden Dragon loli looked at Jose thoughtfully.

With mixed feelings, Jose and his companions walked to the cave. "Lord O'Neal, we are here to report that we have arrived on orders."

"Come in."

The three dragons entered the cave one after another. It was only then that Jose realized that the interior of the cave was completely different. The interior of the cave was about the size of a standard football field. Tables, training equipment, and other items were laid out, with monsters practicing by attacking dummies there.

Unlike the cannon fodder in the shacks outside, the monsters here were real warriors. They were tall and strong, and their movements were skilled and orderly.

Furthermore, there was no sound coming from the outside of the cave, so there must have been a magical barrier surrounding this place.

As expected, when he passed a half-closed door, he saw a hooded monster mage holding a short staff flash past.

Such military strength was hidden even in this small outer outpost, so he wondered what kind of scene was inside the real stronghold surrounded by tall cliffs and rocks!

With this thought, Jose had gained a deeper understanding of the Mistress of the Red Nest's power.

At the same time, the young dragon made a vow in his heart: One day, I will reach this level too.

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