
Red Dragon Emperor: More Children And Blessings Make Me Stronger

Xi Ye underwent a remarkable transformation, crossing over into the realm of dragons and becoming a Red Dragon—one of the legendary five-color dragons. In a twist of fate, he unintentionally acquired a system that granted him an abundance of concubines, numerous children, and extraordinary blessings. Each time a child was born, Xi Ye's own power grew stronger, driving him to establish his own clan and ensure the continuation of his bloodline. A peculiar phenomenon arose on the continent—a crimson dragon, dedicated to seeking out females as its prey. This creature was none other than Xi Ye himself. [With Human Heir 1, get the crown of indomitable reward! 】 [With Elf Child 1, get the heart of the forest as a reward! 】 [With Silver Dragon Heir 1, get a reward of frozen breath! 】 [With the Red Dragon Heir 1, get the reward Red Dragon Emperor! 】 As time passed, his offspring multiplied, causing Tiamat, the mother of dragons, to take notice and ponder: "Could Xi Ye become the progenitor of the five-color dragons?" This was only the beginning for Xi Ye, as his ambitions extended beyond mortal realms. Even the lofty God Realm would be saturated with his bloodline. The tale of Xi Ye's ascent had just begun, filled with incredible possibilities and an unwavering determination to leave his mark on the world.

Longevity_Star · Fantasy
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9 Chs

CH 1: Forging a Legacy: The Red Dragon's Quest for Vengeance and Progeny

A battered and enraged red dragon named Xi Ye limped through the mountains, his body covered in injuries and broken scales.

He cursed vehemently as he walked, his tattered wings resembling torn paper.

"Damn bitch! One day, sooner or later, I'm going to press that slut on the ground and have my way with her!"

In this unfamiliar world, Xi Ye was originally a resident of the Blue Star.

However, due to a mysterious accident, he found himself on this continent as a red dragon—one of the illustrious five-color dragons.

"If I wasn't so unprepared and relaxed, how could she have ambushed me" said Xi Ye in extreme anger.

"She dares to call herself a Red dragon, if I hadn't seen her scales I would've thought she was a green dragon, so cunning" Xi Ye growled in anger.

Xi Ye's early days were relatively smooth. After reaching adolescence, he left the dragon lair and sought to establish his own power.

But today, his territory was invaded by a female red dragon.

Disregarding his status as an adult red dragon of the same race, she mercilessly attacked and defeated him, expelling him from his own domain.

If it weren't for the intervention of the esteemed Tiamat dragon mother, the female red dragon would have likely killed Xi Ye to avoid future conflicts.

Nevertheless, Xi Ye's current state was akin to death. He sustained severe injuries, and the monster clan that followed him had been decimated.

With his battered body and being underage, Xi Ye was now vulnerable to attacks from higher-level monsters.

It wouldn't take much for them to feast on his dragon flesh.

"My great Majesty Xi Ye, what shall we do next?" asked Chris, the leader of the loyal wolf-man followers, approaching cautiously.

Despite his anger, Xi Ye refrained from taking it out on Chris. He was the first gnoll leader Xi Ye encountered after leaving the lair.

Chris had chosen unwavering loyalty and became part of Xi Ye's monster army clan.

In the eyes of monsters, being subdued and acting as a subordinate to the dragon clan elevated their status and symbolized nobility.

It also presented opportunities for growth beyond the limitations of their wild monster origins.

Xi Ye couldn't bring himself to drive away such a loyal subordinate.

He understood the importance of keeping the hearts of his followers warm, even though he was a red dragon known for evil and destruction.

"It's getting dark. Let's find a cave to rest," Xi Ye said, his voice tempered.

Chris nodded, grateful for Xi Ye's restraint. With the remaining monsters in tow, they set out to search for a suitable cave for rest and recuperation.

Once they found a cave, the monsters lit bonfires, their flames casting black smoke into the air.

Monsters gathered around the campfire, seeking warmth, while the gnolls discarded their foul-smelling belongings nearby.

Some injured monsters lay on the ground, bleeding and near death. Xi Ye positioned himself in the deepest part of the cave.

As he breathed, intermittent bursts of fire escaped through the gaps in his dragon scales, casting a warm glow within the dark confines.

"That female dragon dared to invade his majesty's land! She slaughtered our brothers and sisters! Can we let this slide?" Exclaimed Chris.

"No!!!" exclaimed one of the monsters, his voice full of anger and determination.

"Boys, cheer up! With His Majesty Xi Ye leading us, we will seek revenge! We shall tear their flesh, crush their bones!" Chris rallied the discouraged group, standing on a stone to address them.

"Long live his majesty Xi Ye, may our master conquer the world", the monsters chanted, their voices initially weak but gaining strength as their spirits were reignited.

Chris nodded in satisfaction, and then made his way deeper into the cave.

He knelt on one knee before Xi Ye, his words filled with respect.

"Your Majesty Xi Ye, all the monsters have been settled. Just as the green leaves may grow larger and unfurl earlier than the stamens, they are still just green leaves."

"You are the stamen that has yet to bloom. When you reach full bloom, even the largest green leaves will merely serve as your backdrop. Your will guides our future progress."

Xi Ye, rising gradually, settled before Chris. Fortunately, the cave had enough space for him to maneuver.

His eyes, bright like flames, locked onto Chris's gaze.

"Chris, you have done well. When I ascend to the mountain's peak, I will bestow great honors upon you," Xi Ye praised, acknowledging Chris's loyalty and dedication.

With nothing tangible to offer at present, Xi Ye's words held immense value, surpassing material rewards.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Xi Ye, for your recognition," Chris replied, his voice filled with gratitude and anticipation.

Chris then inquired about their next course of action, fully aware that staying within close proximity to the female red dragon's territory was not a viable option.

Their remaining monsters would be in constant peril.

"May I ask His Majesty Xi Ye, what should we do next?"

Chris continued.

It is impossible to continue to stay in this mountain range, right?

It is still too close to the territory occupied by the red dragon.

If they catch up later, they might not be able to keep the remaining monsters.

Xi Ye, on the verge of revealing his revenge plan, was suddenly interrupted.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the system of concubines, many offspring, and abundant blessings!]

"Next, I must find suitable partners and sire great and powerful offspring," Xi Ye stated matter-of-factly, leaving Chris dumbfounded.

What in the world? Have offspring now?

Though it was well-known that dragons had certain inclinations, it seemed highly inappropriate to discuss such matters given their current circumstances.