
Red Doesn't Suit You, Park Jimin

Park Jimin, the Priest's son, the town loner, and the Pawn to Jungkook's twisted game of chess. Jeon Jungkook, the Town's Little SweetHeart, the Priest's favorite human second to his son, and Park Jimin's living hell. After an unfortunate turn of events, Jungkook finds himself more involved with Jimin, and he's hating every second of it. But is he really?

ItsJustMe_Joy · Others
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3 Chs

Trouble spells out Red

To say the next few days weren't torturing for Jungkook would be an understatement.

To say that the next few days weren't "Heaven on Earth" for Jimin is -again- an understatement.

There was no secret that Taehyung was a newcomer, for he certainly didn't act like it, nor was he shy in making first impressions. He was a devilish charmer, and everyone knew he was up to no good. However, despite that gut feeling, the townsfolk still welcomed him wholeheartedly. Many girls swooned over him and offered him food and shelter, which made Jimin indescribably jealous. Fortunately, for Jimin's sake, Taehyung sweetly declined the poor girls, causing their little hearts to break- much to Taehyung and Jimin's delight. The relationship between Jimin and Taehyung was questionable; additionally, it made Father Jin and Jungkook very uncomfortable.

It's the morning of the Church's Semi-annual Fundraiser, and Jungkook is helping as he promised the Sunday prior. He's directing people where they should go and what needs to be done. Yes, he's the son of the Devil himself, but who said he can't have a taste of being the boss?

During the hustle and chaos of preparations, Father Jin approaches Jungkook, who's barking orders to the volunteers.

"Jungkook, could you walk with me, please?" The priest asks nicely. Jungkook abides and walks side by side with Jin.

"Do you need something, Father?"

The priest shakes his head before answering, "You haven't seen Jimin have you?"

"No. He's been with Taehyung these days." Jungkook empathizes with his brother's name with disdain.

"Hmm, this Taehyung, is he of good character?" The Priest asks.

"No, he's not. He's a bad influence." Jungkook spits as he has no regrets in disregarding his brother's existence.

"I see. Well, do you mind doing a Father's a favor?"

Jungkook turns to face the Priest; his eyes were serious and facial expressions stern. "What is it?"

"Watch over Jimin for me, please. I know that's much to ask of you. But I fear that I lost my son a long time ago."

Taken back by Jin's request, Jungkook stares blankly at the pleading Father, stammering over his words, "I-I don't know Father. Jimin doesn't like me or sees me as a friend; I think you should ask someone else." Jungkook turns on his heel to walk away, but Jin grips his wrist.

"I don't know who else to ask Jungkook. Please, as a father, I need to know Jimin will be okay." The Priest's eyes are pleading as they glisten against the sun's rays.

Growing impatient, Jungkook slowly starts to tear away, "Jimin will be fine. He's a big boy; he can handle himself. Now please, we have a fundraiser to manage."

Before Jin could say anything else, Jungkook quickly walks away & turns to the nearest alleyway he could find. His heart is beating against his chest & his blood boiling within his veins.

"What do you think I am, Father Jin?! Some kind of babysitter?" He spits as his eyes go red.

"Well, someone pissed you off." A voice giggles in Jungkook's ear & the embodiment of his brother starts to appear in front of him.

"Fuck off, Taehyung." He glares with intensity in his eyes like a fire raging wild with no intention of cooling down.

"Whoa, what's with the hate?" The older brother scoffs at Jungkook's attitude against him.

"You're driving me insane, Tae. When are you going to leave?" Jungkook steps forward, and his brother steps back, smirking like always.

"I'll leave when I feel like it, Kook. Besides, I think little Jimin would miss me if I leave." Taehyung chuckles, taunting his younger brother.

"I doubt he'd care about you." The younger hisses and Taehyung just chuckle lowly with his eyes closed as he shakes his head.

"You'd be surprised, Kook." Taehyung's eyes glow a bright red while licking his lips, "I got him wrapped around my finger."

Then, without missing a beat, Jungkook grabs his brother's shirt & slams him into the side of the building that forms the alley - causing a crack to form.

"What the fuck did you do to him, Taehyung?" Jungkook's jaw is clenching, veins popping out from the side of his neck.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Taehyung looks down at Jungkook, teasing him, "brother?"

Moments before the encounter between Jungkook & Taehyung:

"I don't know about this, Taetae." An anxious Jimin clutched onto the fabrics that Taehyung tossed to him moments before.

"You'll be fine, Jiminie. You trust me, don't you?" A little pout formed on Taehyung's face.

"Y-yes, of course, I do Tae, I just don't know how I feel about impersonating my father." The grip on the fabric tightened as he gritted his teeth.

"Don't think of it like that. Think of it as preparing yourself to be the next Town's Priest. Besides," Taehyung moved smoothly behind Jimin, resting hands on his shoulder, then bringing him close to almost whispering in his ear, "wouldn't you like to know what these people have to confess about? It's so deliciously tempting, isn't it?"

Chills went up Jimin's spine as the whispers tickled his ear. He nervously shook his head as he was tempted to know all the juicy sins this town had. Reluctantly, he threw the fabrics on and did a spin to show it off to Taehyung, to which Taehyung responded by clapping his hands in approval.

"Perfect Jiminie. Just perfect." The idea of being praised gave Jimin a bit of pride to hold on to and smirked at the comment. Unfortunately, his ego was shortly outlived once he gave the plan more thought.

"What if my father finds out that I did this without his knowledge?" Jimin's face showed his guilt & Taehyung rolled his eyes without Jimin noticing.

"Jimin, you're really starting to piss me off. This was supposed to be fun, and you're draining the fun by being so... careful." Taehyung hissed. He grabs Jimin's chin with one hand & forces the boy to look him in the eyes, but Jimin avoids his glare. "Look at me, Jimin," Taehyung demands while clutching onto his chin a little tighter. Finally, Jimin looks into Taehyung's eyes and gets frightened when he witnesses Taehyung's deep brown eyes shift to a bright red.

"T-taehyung... your eyes..." Jimin whimpers and Taehyung just smirks.

"What's the matter, Jiminie? You don't like the color red?" Taehyung mocks him. Jimin tries to pull away from him, but Taehyung's grip grows tighter on his chin.

"T-Taehyung... please let me go. You're hurting me." His eyes are glassy & his voice becomes desperate. The gaze that Taehyung had on him turns soft at the plea. He let's go of Jimin's chin but quickly embraces the boy, petting his head.

"Oh, Jiminie. You're too precious for this world. But you're so boring when you're like this..." Taehyung hovers his lips over Jimin's forehead. "Looks like I'm going to have to change you, angel." His lips make contact with Jimin's forehead, and Jimin's face goes blank, tears streamed down his face when he suddenly felt empty. The young boy's brown hair bled a red that matches the eyes of the Devil that took ahold of his precious soul.

"YOU BRAINWASHED HIM?!?!?!?" Jungkook shouted as Taehyung laughed when he finished his story. Jungkook didn't have it. The rage was building up within him, and he was too enraged to even think of why he could possibly care.

"I didn't brainwash him. I just took a part of his soul for a while. I wanted him to be carefree. I don't understand why you even bother with him, Kook. He's such a bore." Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and pushed his angry little brother off of him.

"How long do you have his soul for?" Jungkook asked with his fists clenched, and his veins from his neck protruded.

"Just for the day. If you want to see him so bad, just look for him in the church." Then with that, Taehyung disappeared from the alleyway.

Jungkook stood there, for perhaps a few seconds, contemplating his future actions. Would it matter? Why does it matter?

"Fuck me..." He groans to himself as he shuts his eyes, disappearing from the alleyway and reappearing in one of the rooms of the Church. His clothes slightly singed at the transition into the holy place without proper care beforehand.

"Dammit, and I really liked this shirt." Jungkook rolls his eyes and shakes it off. He looks around & notices the confession booth is currently occupied. Curiosity overcomes him & he quietly creeps close to the box. As soon as he gets close, he hears a voice begging for forgiveness from the Priest.

"Please, Father. I'm but a humble Believer. However, I've committed some adulterous deeds. I ask you today for forgiveness." The voice pleads. The Priest hums, as if in thought, & as he replies, Jungkook was shocked to hear the voice.

"This forgiveness that you seek cannot be found in a booth. But be found in the works of our Almighty." The voice that Jungkook expected wasn't Jimin's, but the Priest himself?

'But I thought...' Jungkook stood by the booth, listening carefully, but he couldn't understand. 'Where's Jimin then?' After some minutes of wisdom and even more pleading for forgiveness, the session between the Priest & the random soul comes to an end. The lowly townsfolk walks carefully out of the booth & it isn't till the Priest calls from the box that Jungkook moves from his spot to go inside the enclosure.

The confession booth was small & dark; very claustrophobic for most people who didn't enjoy small spaces, people like Jungkook.

'Get in, get answers, then get out.' Jungkook kept repeating his goals repeatedly. His head was bowed when he entered the booth, & the familiar voice woke him from his trance.

"What do you have to confess today, my child?" The voice asked. It was then that Jungkook looked up through the small intricate holes of the wall that separated both of them, that he noticed something - off.


A small gasp slips between Jungkook's lips & the figure with the red hair looks up between the crevices. Jungkook doesn't see much else other than the red hair, but then he notices a grin growing from one side of the face to the other.

"So, what brings you in, sinner?" The voice coming from the figure sounds exactly like Father Jin, but his tone isn't the same. It's an odd mix that even Jungkook can't comprehend. But the difference is there.

"I come to confess," Jungkook responds, & the figure chuckles.

"Of course, you are. Confess what?" It takes a moment or two for Jungkook to think of some kind of confession to feed to this "Priest." If it's the Priest himself, then he might know what could break him. If it's Jimin, then he definitely knows what could break his soul down even more. The "Priest" grows impatient with Jungkook's silence & taps his fingers in annoyance. He groans as he perches his arm up & then places his chin snug on his hand. His face is seemingly closer to the wall that separates him & Jungkook. To Jungkook's disadvantage, he still can't tell who's on the other side.

"Any time now..." The red-headed Figure hisses.

Finally, Jungkook comes up with his confession.

"I confess to murder & jealousy."

Suddenly, the figure grows stiff - backing away from the internal wall.


The red-headed Priest starts to show interest in Jungkook's confession. "Tell me more."

He inhales before speaking, "It was a long time ago. I was jealous of a family that seemed too perfect for the world of this stature to produce. So, out of jealousy, I plagued the mother."