
Red Doesn't Suit You, Park Jimin

Park Jimin, the Priest's son, the town loner, and the Pawn to Jungkook's twisted game of chess. Jeon Jungkook, the Town's Little SweetHeart, the Priest's favorite human second to his son, and Park Jimin's living hell. After an unfortunate turn of events, Jungkook finds himself more involved with Jimin, and he's hating every second of it. But is he really?

ItsJustMe_Joy · Others
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3 Chs

Introduction: It's Just a Normal Day...

"And that my friends will conclude our time here today. Go forth in peace and spread the love of our beloved Deity to one another." An abundance of claps and cheers shake the steeples of the church as the Priest, Father Jin, steps down from the altar; he waves goodbye to his fellow townsfolk, and everyone begins to file out of the church. A young man with brown hair and a cute smile gets up from the now empty pews to greet the Priest.

"Good morning, your holiness." He bows politely, and the Priest smiles with charm.

"Ah, good morning to you, Jungkook. How are you?"

"I'm doing well. I was just wondering, Father, do you need any assistance with the Church's fundraiser this week?" The young man speaks with a sense of eagerness in his voice.

"I'd greatly appreciate your help Jungkook. Thank you." The Priest says with a smile.

Something sparks the flame of curiosity in the younger, and so he grins and asks, "How's your son, Jimin?" The question sent shivers to Jin's spine, and urges him to ask the question to himself, 'W-where is my son...?'

Father Jin shakes it off and looks at Jungkook, "He's doing fine, Jungkook, er- why do you ask?"

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to know where Jimin was during the service is all. I didn't see him the crowd, but then again, I could've just missed him." Hints of pride soil Jungkook's words, but that's the least of Jin's concern.

The Priest stares blankly at the empty church, his eyes searching for something - someone, his own son. But, nothing. He sighs and thinks to himself.

'Oh, my sweet boy, why did you have to stray from the path...your mother wouldn't have wanted this...'

He gave another hopeful glance at the entrance of the church, and still nothing. Father Jin sighs softly; the once plastered smile begins to crack, and the blue façade of the Priest attempts to break free.

Before the Priest could even open his mouth, the younger's got him beat.

"Don't worry, Father Jin! Your son will come around!" Jungkook gives the Priest a hopeful smile, in which Jin attempts to smile back. Then, before another word was spoken, Jungkook bows his head to Father Jin and leaves in haste out of the church.

Dark eyes and a deceitful grin mask the younger's façade. "Now, where are you, Park Jimin? Playing hooky against your flesh and blood? How incredibly evil of you..." He chuckles softly to himself, "Heh- as if."

Somewhere on the opposite side of the town, a young boy is perched on the edge of an overlooking cliff. He gazes over the bottom of the mountain and looks down below to where his fate could meet him if he so dared. The town he loved was nestled comfortably at the base of the hill and a full river neighbors the opposite side of it. A secluded little village, but it was home after all.

The young boy sighed at the scene.

"Hey mom," he says, looking up at the blue sky, "I hope you're doing well. I would've brought you today, but dad locked your vase in your room..."

He looks back down to the town, he scans the town square and sees his father walking out of the church.

"I wonder how today's service went..." he says softly to himself.

A stranger walk behind him, and the voice startles him for just a second.

"The service was perfect since you weren't there."

The boy isn't fazed by the voice's poison and doesn't give him the satisfaction of turning around.

"Get away from me, Jeon Jungkook." He says in a hushed tone.

"And miss the chance of witnessing your downfall? You're funny, Park Jimin." Jungkook mocks Jimin with a sarcastic laugh.

"How'd you even find me anyways..." the boy asks.

"Your fear and weakness stenches the town. You're not that hard to miss."

Jimin's eyes filled with sorrow, but he shuts his eyes quickly, denying the tears to fall.

Jungkook notices and laughs, "You are weak, Park Jimin. You're so pathetic."

"Shut up, Jungkook..." Jimin says softly, trying very hard to keep his tears from choking him.

"What did you say? Preacher boy?" Jungkook hisses and gets close to Jimin's ear from behind. Like a snake stalking his prey, waiting to strike, taunting him.

"I said, SHUT UP!" The yell echoes all around the two and a couple of birds fly off into the sky.

"Getting brave, now are we?" Jungkook stares down Jimin with dark, sultry eyes. "You better watch yourself, Park Jimin. Wouldn't something to your father now do we?"

Confused, and very angry, Jimin bites his tongue to keep him from speaking again. He stares at Jungkook as he walks away with a low chuckle. When the boy from hell is out of view, his words are far from gone in Jimin's mind.

'Wouldn't want something to happen to father?'

Then the reality of Jungkook's words hit him like a wooden canoe crashing into the walls of a raging river. Without missing a single beat, Jimin rushes down the side of the mountain, minding his steps along the way. He leaps and hurdles over fallen trees, eventually sliding down a few feet into a ditch. During the slide, his leg catches a single branch and cuts his right thigh, causing him to hiss in pain, but nonetheless, he gets up and rushes out of the ditch.

Another thing about the mountain is that it's not entirely stone and rock. The mountain has a beautiful blanket of green that covers most of the land as well as close to town.

Recap, the town is surrounded by a forest that has a river on one side and all together, it's all at the base of a mountain.

''Mom, if you can hear me, please protect dad...' Jimin thinks to himself as he's limping out of the forest. Blood is trailing down his leg, his hairs a mess, and dirt-stained his cheeks. As he makes his way into town, he receives unappealing looks from the townsfolk.

Whispers of harsh gossip and stares that could condemn, fill the town square. Instantaneously, Jimin feels so small, and he hugs himself as he limps past people. His bloody leg drags across the square, and with the amount of blood he's lost, he's starting to feel faint.

'J-just a little further.' He whispers to himself. However, his vision begins to blur.

"D-dad... Daaad!" He yells as he gets closer to their home. No response. His heart starts to beat rapidly.

'Please, please, dad, be home.'

A silent prayer slips through his lips when his shaking hand makes contact with the doorknob. He takes a deep breath and opens the door. The house is too quiet for Jimin's liking. All he can hear is the beating of his heart.

"Father?!" He screams out. The floor creaks as he stumbles into the kitchen, where he was hoping his father would be. Unfortunately, there's no one to be seen or heard. His legs finally give out, and his vision is failing him. He collapses in the kitchen with the world spinning around him.

He weeps softly, saying, "Father...father... dad... "He brings his legs close to his chest and lets the universe take him hostage. His eyes become heavy, and tears fall onto the cold wooden floor.

Meanwhile, Father Jin is seen walking around the farmer's market that's being held at the far end of town. There's a variety of produce and fresh meat to choose from, not sure what to make for dinner that evening. In the back of his mind, he's hoping that his son is ok.

After gathering and purchasing all his items, he bids the local farmers goodbye and goes on his merry way. As he makes his way into the town square, he's stopped by Jungkook, who has a big smile on his face.

"It's nice to see you again, Father Jin." The boy says, bowing.

"It's nice to run into you again, Jungkook." The Priest smiles politely, although he's in a hurry to get back home, he still manages to entertain the young boy just for a bit.

"Would you like any help carrying your produce, Father?" Jungkook motions to the food.

"Oh, no, it's fine, Jungkook. Thank you, though." Jin takes a step forward, but it is quickly rejected when Jungkook steps to the side, blocking the Priest. The brown eyes of the younger gleam in the sunlight as he looked up at the unamused Priest.

"Allow me, Father Jin."

Taken back by the strange behavior, Jin has no choice but to hand over his groceries to the boy. As soon as the boy has the product in hand, he smiles widely & pivots around to walk side by side with the Priest.

When the two enter the town square, Jin notices a streak of blood.

His eyes widen as he continues to stare at the blood, following the streak.

"Oh, my word, what happened here?" He turns to Jungkook for an answer, but Jungkook nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders, as if he could care less for the blood. Jin, now worried and confused, continues to study the blood, following its pattern, and then he notices where the blood leads.

He whispers under his breath, "Oh no…JIMIN!"

He rushes to his home, where the blood leads him, leaving Jungkook to run behind him. Once he reaches his humble abode, he notices the blood trailing right through the doorway with subtle handprints on the door itself and the knob. Jin holds his breath, mentally preparing himself for whatever tragedy he's about to see.

Shortly before entering his home, Jungkook makes a disguised concern on the situation, "Oh no, hope nothing bad happened to him." Sarcasm is hidden so well that Jin didn't even catch it. His only concern was his son. When the two enter the home, there was silence.

The father calls out for his son, "Jimin! Jimin!"

A distinctive moan is heard from the kitchen. Jin rushes over and sees his son in a pool of blood that's originating from his leg.

"Oh, my son! My precious boy!" The father cries out as he holds his dear son to his chest, tears spilling from his eyes, landing on Jimin's cheeks.

"Wake up my boy, please wake up." He pleads softly. The floor creaks when Jungkook approaches him.

The teary-eyed father looks up at him and says, "Jungkook, please help me. Help my son."

Something tugs at Jungkook's heart, and he builds up the tolerance to help the poor man. He bends down and picks up Jimin from the Priest's embrace, carrying Jimin bridal style. The feeling of Jimin's warm, bloody body pressed again his own, is enough for Jungkook to vomit in his mouth. He manages to ignore the disgustingly, sweet stench that radiates from Jimin's body as he and the Priest rush to the Town's Doctor.

As soon as they arrive, Jin busts through the door demanding for someone to assist them.

"Someone, please help! I don't want to lose my son too!"

During Jin's cries for help, Jungkook feels a weird sensation close to his neck. He looks down to see Jimin scrunching his nose and breathing softly against his skin. Jungkook sighs and almost, just almost, smiles at the sight of Jimin. However, he catches himself and grins.

'Get it together, Jungkook. You hate this guy. He's your enemy.' Jungkook aggressively shakes his head and frowns angrily at the fact that he almost smiled at Park Jimin.

He makes a silent oath to himself that tonight, he will murder Park Jimin.

After a few minutes of the frantic father begging for help, a once-vacant room becomes occupied. Jungkook places Jimin on the bed and watches the doctor named, Min Yoongi, patch up Jimin's wound. Nobody realized how severe the injury was until Yoongi stripped off Jimin's pant leg. Jin let out a surprised gasp and fell to his knees next to his son.

The gash on his right leg was deep, approximately a few inches deep, and it was cut from where the thigh and calf meet, close to the side of the knee; pieces of wood are stuck within the wound. Yoongi examines the cut, he looks up at Jin, and then to Jungkook.

"How long has he been bleeding for?" He asks, looking back at Jin.

"I- I don't know. I just found him at home in a pile of his blood..." The father's voice starts to trail off, and he reaches for his son's hand.

He clutches the small hands and tears up, "Please Yoongi, as a friend and a parent, please... do something." He pleads, and Yoongi scratches the back of his head.

The doctor sighs, "Of course I'll help your boy Jin. Just be patient. The procedure is going to take a while."

The father bolts up with a smile, and hugs his old friend tightly, repeatedly thanking him over and over. Yoongi leaves the room to prepare for the removal of the splinters, and Jin looks hopeful. He turns to face Jungkook, who's been standing patiently in the corner.

"Thank you for helping Jungkook. You truly are an angel." Jungkook fakes a smile, and Jin smiles back with the understanding that Jungkook could possibly be an angel.

Jungkook didn't have to stay with the Priest while his son was being operated on, he didn't have to wait around twiddling his fingers being bored out of his mind. He really didn't have to be there at all, but for some reason, he just couldn't walk away.

'I have to kill him. I have to kill him tonight.' He'd sit next to the Priest and repeat his promise to himself. It was quiet between the two bodies for the most part. They made small talk and shared a few stories, which Jungkook made up half of them.

However, the conversations never got too personal. There was no talk about Jungkook's origins, or where his family was or if he even had any more family at all. The curiosity did spike in the Priest's mind, but he didn't have the heart to ask the young man.

Fortunately, the feelings were mutual. Jungkook didn't care to talk about his life, or even bothered to tell about the Park's life. It wasn't his business, nor did it matter to him at all.

A few hours passed, and Yoongi finished his operation with Jimin.

"Well, your boy has all patched up now, Jin. I don't think you have to worry about further infections or random pieces of wood in him anymore." Yoongi informs Jin as he walked out of the room, "He's still knocked out, though because of how much blood he lost. So, he will have to stay here for the night so he can recover properly. I hope that won't be an issue."

Jin smiles in relief, "No, Yoongi, that's fine. I just want him to be okay." Jin extends a hand to Yoongi, "Thank you. Thank you for your help, old friend."

Chuckles lift the room's spirit, "You're older than me Jin. But don't worry about it. Jimin's my nephew; I wouldn't have wanted anything to happen to him."

While the two friends were talking to each other, Jungkook snuck out to the back of the building to getaway. A few moments to himself allowed him to release his fake persona, even for a second. This charade he kept playing was growing weary; he just wanted to end Jimin already.

He rested on the side on the wall, leaning on it while looking up at the sky. The day was slowly turning into night, and he was becoming sleepy. His eyelids were growing heavy, but then, he was suddenly awakened by the shaking of nearby bushes.

With one eye open to look at the commotion, he chuckled softly to himself and closed his eye again. "Taehyung, get out from there. I know it's you, idiot."

Then, from the shadows, a tall, dark, handsome man steps out. He brushes his fingers through his hair as he smirks.

"Ah, can't slip anything past you, little brother." The man steps closer to Jungkook, although Jungkook pays no mind.

"What are you doing here, Taehyung?" Jungkook asks coldly. Taehyung acts offended, gasping as he clenches at his chest as if Jungkook shot his heart.

"Oh, my aching cold heart -"

"You don't have a heart Tae," Jungkook smirks.

"And neither do you, baby brother." Taehyung disappears into thin air but then reappears, this time sitting next to Jungkook. He lets out a screech as he stretches and then leaning back on the wall. The two brothers lay there for a moment. The wind hollowing and the sun settling down for the day.

Taehyung breaking their peaceful silence with a question, "So, are you going to do it?"

Pretending like Jungkook doesn't know, he asks stupidly. "Do what?"

"Don't play coy brother. Are you going to kill that cute Park Jimin?"

"Well, I have to bring down an empire, somehow, don't I? The Priest will crack, and no one could save this pathetic little town once the Priest is out of the picture."

Taehyung still not understanding his plan.

"If you want the downfall of this town, then why not just kill the Priest? Father's been impatient. You've spent almost a whole human lifetime here & barely made a dent. All you accomplished was making everyone here believe that you're some kind of saint. Which is gross, by the way."

Jungkook groans and gets up from his comfortable spot. "I don't think you or Father gets it. This town is crawling with Believers. It's secluded from the rest of the world because this town was built on the idea of it being /Heaven on earth/. It's a hard town to reach, but once people find their way here. They stay, and they go to the church here, and then the birth of another Believer happens. Tae, understand when I say, this town is the birthplace of Beliefs."

Taehyung just stares at his baby brother with a blank expression, "Um."

Grunting in disbelief, Jungkook throws his hands in the air and yells, "You've got to be kidding me! You can't be that stupid brother; you just can't."

Taehyung just shrugs, "I just don't get why you can't just kill the Priest and be on your merry way. Why go after Jimin if - "

An odd realization hits Taehyung, his eyes grow wide, and a fat grin is planted on his face, "You like him."

Taken back by the assumption, Jungkook defends himself with hesitation, "No, no, that's blasphemy. That's beneath me, Taehyung."

"You want him beneath you." Taehyung winks.

"You're disgusting, Tae." The little brother remarks as he slumps back down on the ground.

"Just calling it how I see it, little bro. We're the spawn of Satan. Literally. You can do whatever you want, bang whoever you want, take whatever or whoever you want. Just don't piss Father off."

A chuckle escapes Jungkook, "As if I haven't done that already. You know why I'm doing all of this."

Again, Taehyung shrugs, "Yeah I know, but I'm just saying, you've been here long enough. If you want to ruin this town, you would've done it by now. Instead, you're wasting time in the human world, giving hell to one person. Jimin."

"He's just fun to mess with..." Jungkook says under his breath, avoiding eye contact from his brother.

Taehyung just sighs hopelessly, "You do whatever you want, Jungkook. But if you don't do something, then I will. The last thing I need is Father getting on my case about you again. I can only do so much to protect you."

As Jungkook looked up to respond to his brother, he was gone; disappeared into the darkness from which he came.

He groans, throwing his head back and looking up at the sky again. He admired the way the stars twinkled, even with a black canvas as it's the background. Although he liked stargazing, the act of it made him feel incredibly small.

Which is odd. The son of Satan, of all things, feeling small. For just a second, Jungkook starts to doubt himself, and the words of his brother haunt him ever so slightly.

'Maybe- maybe Taehyung's right.' The thought alone makes Jungkook feel off. 'Whatever. I probably just need to sleep.' He thinks as he dozes off a bit. Not even thirty seconds after Jungkook's eyes close completely, Jin barges outside, looking around in a panic.

"Jungkook!?" He cries out & the younger groans in annoyance. The panic that occupied Jin's eyes fade into relief, "Oh, there you are. I was worried about where you were."

"Nope. Been here the whole time." Jungkook's annoyed tone of voice flies through one ear and out the other. The Priest suggests that Jungkook stay the night, but Jungkook politely declines and gets up to leave. Unfortunately, the Priest isn't one to fight with.

"It's late, Jungkook. I don't feel comfortable with you being out alone at this late hour; something could happen to you." Pure and genuine words spill from the Priest's lips; it's too sickening for Jungkook to bare.

"I rather not be a burden to you, Father Jin. Besides, I would much prefer to sleep in the comforts of my own home." The efforts of being friendly and polite is a little harder to do considering how tired Jungkook is becoming with every second his eyes remain open.

The Priest detests Jungkook one more time, "Jungkook, please, as a father who could've lost his son to being bled to death, I don't want anything bad to happen to you." Hints of worry & possible regret twinkle in the Priest's eyes.

The need for sleep overcomes Jungkook. "Fine."

The younger drags his feet from under him as he follows the Priest to a bed that's been made inside the same room Jimin is currently in. If he had been awake, he would've run out of the building fast before anyone could call out his name. However, for now, he's tired.

Cravings of sleep fill him, and soon before the Priest could fix the blankets for Jungkook, the younger already has plopped himself onto the bed anyway. The Priest just chuckles at the sleepy Jungkook and whispers softly a goodnight.

As the little devil sleeps, a vision comes to him in his dream.

Red; a color he knows all too well. The color red is rarely seen amongst the town, considering the meaning behind it. Red meant bloodshed; red meant wrong intentions; red meant the Devil. Flashes of this color tainted his dreams- not like he could complain.

But then the color red is shown dyed on someone's hair? Is it blood? No. Definitely dyed. But how?

'That can't be.' Jungkook's mind must be playing games on him. From what he recalls, nobody has red hair. In a sea of red that flashed and drowned Jungkook's thoughts, drops of green came from the sky. Some of the drops land on Jungkook's finger; he looks at it curiously. He's seen this green liquid before. Jungkook suddenly flashbacks to visions of his Father laughing hysterically with his minions, luring in innocent souls with this Devil's drink, then dragging them to the darkest pits of hell.

During these times of torture for mortals, Taehyung and Jungkook were mere children. They laughed and giggled at the sight of naïve mortals begging at the feet of their Father.

"See here, sons! Another human asking for mercy. How incredibly stupid." His father would divert his attention to the sobbing mortal before him, "Your mercy was denied the second you came. The big almighty man upstairs rejected you, and your pathetic cries and dumped your worthless self-down here. You're in my domain now." Then with the snap of his fingers and a scream following after, the mortal disappears into thin air. The two children cheer and laugh.

Without a doubt, as children, their father showered them with love and compassion. However, as they got older, their Father grew more severe and harsh towards his two sons. His expectations were high, which was understandable since every Ruler needed an heir.

Between the two sons, Taehyung was the oldest, meaning that by default, he'd be the next Ruler of Hell. Except, Taehyung didn't care to rule. He'd continuously mention the amount of responsibility that the position required.

Going on to say, "I'm not about that, Father. Sorry." Shrugging his shoulders and walking away in the heat of their arguments- leaving Jungkook alone in the aftermath, then receiving the backlash from his father.

Years of bickering between Taehyung and their Father would continue on, during which Jungkook grew up to be just as manipulative and hateful as his Father; while also growing to hate his own father throughout the years. Tensions between one another finally gave way when their Father told Jungkook that he'd never be the heir.

"How could I not be Father?!" Fire ablaze in Jungkook's eyes.

"You know why, Jungkook! Why must we go through with this every single time?!" His Father's nostrils flaring.

"Because I don't understand why! Taehyung doesn't even want to be the heir! I've trained for years, I've sat through lessons for Taehyung, I've done your dirty work for you, I've done the jobs of a Ruler, and yet you tell me I still cannot be your heir!?!"

"You are NOT the firstborn Jungkook. It is NOT your birthright. It is your brother's birthright."

Jungkook groans, "But he- "

His father snaps, cutting his son off, "That is ENOUGH, Jungkook! You will NEVER be the Ruler, and that is FINAL!"

His Father's last words before he fled was tattooed in his mind. When he came to the mortal world, he vowed to make his father see his capabilities. He promised to make his father understand his mistakes.

When Jungkook first arrived in the mortal world, he spent years finding the perfect place to corrupt mankind. He wasn't like Taehyung when it came to manipulation and torture. Taehyung's wicked ways were less traditional and more seductive. From city to city, Taehyung would take make multiple people fall in love with him and then would corrupt their souls and vowed their loyalty to him. Slowly but surely, Taehyung converted a lot of Believers to him. After a few years, he gained a considerable number of followers. His followers would then do Taehyung's dirty work, whether it be stealing, killing, or converting more people away from their Beliefs. The perks of being a spawn of Satan is having devilishly good looks, in which Taehyung used to his advantage.

As for Jungkook, he used his cute looks to make him seem innocent. When he found the hidden town, he hadn't realized at the time that he had seen the most condensed population of Believers on the planet. Upon his arrival in the town, he figured to make history for himself. Reversing time itself, he lessened his hundred something-year-old body into the body of a toddler. He roamed the streets crying out until Father Jin found him and took him to the local orphanage, where Jungkook grew up all over again.

This was all part of the plan.

Innocence looked so good on Jungkook, and he played the part well, perhaps too well. The elders of the town sensed a great deal of evil radiating from the boy's aura, but Father Jin had always put his faith before Jungkook, and whatever Father Jin said, others would believe him.

On occasion, Jungkook would break his innocent character and would harass Park Jimin, even though Jimin was older than Jungkook. Nonetheless, Jimin wouldn't fight back against Jungkook. As a Priest in training, Jimin was taught to never be violent.

During the years, Jungkook made a name for himself. "Town's sweetheart" they'd all call him, and he'd smile with pride. His little plan was going along swimmingly. Except there was a slight setback. Initially, the Priest was Jungkook's primary target. He knew what could happen to this town of Believers if he killed off the Priest.

However, he realized that if he killed the Priest, then Jimin would rise to be the new Priest, and Jungkook would have to kill him too. It's bloody work, and the last thing Jungkook needed was someone catching suspicion against him. The town is small and heavily condensed with people. Therefore, word gets out pretty quickly. For a bunch of Believers, they sure love to gossip.

As far as his plans go, it's all coming together after years of preparing and making a name for himself. Years of tormenting Park Jimin was the only thing that made his time pretending bearable, maybe even enjoyable.

Jungkook smiles in his sleep, reminiscing peacefully before…

Muffled sounds and the shaking of a wooden bed startles Jungkook to awaken. He notices Jimin's body is spasming, however, the boy isn't waking up. His eyes are closed shut, and his mouth refuses to allow any sound to leave his lips.

Then Jungkook sees it.

Red. Jimin's bed is covered in red. The wound that was supposed to be patched up has reopened. Jungkook looks at it, confused. He notices that the injury seems to be torn open - intentionally.

'B-but why?' There's no time to think. He's not sure what to do. Panic overcomes him, and Jungkook just stands there, overlooking Jimin's shaking body.

But then a voice whispers behind him, "I told you I was going to do something if you didn't, little brother."

Wide-eyed with a slight gasp slipping through his lips, Jungkook spins at his heel, expecting to see his brother. Unfortunately, there was nothing but an empty wall behind him. Jimin's body ceases to spasm, and Jungkook rushes to bandage his leg to stop the bleeding. Not even realizing what he's doing, Jungkook carefully picks up Jimin and places him on his own bed just a few feet away from Jimin's red-stained mattress. He tucks the boy in and gently fluffs the pillow from under his head.

With quick haste and silent footsteps, Jungkook changes out the bedsheets, tossing the bloodstains away. During the change-out, Jungkook overhears a murmur coming from Jimin.

'He's mumbling in his sleep... cute.' Jungkook misses the fact that he just grinned at Jimin.

A beam of light shines through a hole in the curtain, and a rooster from the nearby farm starts to crow, signaling to its surrounding neighbors that morning is upon them. Jungkook groans at the realization and falls back onto the bare mattress. Sleep overcomes him as the mattress forms to the shape of his body, hugging him into slumber.

As Jungkook falls back to sleep, Jimin's eyes flutter open, and he lets out a small yawn as he stretches his arms out like a cat. But then a pain in his leg shocks him, and he remembers what happened the day before. He reflects on yesterday's events before realizing that he isn't in his usual bed.

'Where am I?' He thinks to himself as he looks around the unfamiliar room. He notices a tall, broad figure sleeping in the bed beside him.

'This is weird. I wonder if that's dad.' Jimin extends his arm out to the figure and pokes his presumed father's back before quickly retracting his arm back when the figure groaned as it shifted.

'Hm. He's usually not a heavy sleeper.' He extends his arm once more, this time tapping on his shoulder and whispering, "Dad, wake up. Father, where am I? Yoo-hoo??"

The figure groans loudly, shifting in his spot, "Stop touching me, or I will kill you."

Jimin pouts, "Hey, you can't say that to your son!"

Jungkook, finally awake and angry beyond all reasons, whips his head, "Yes, I can because I'm not your father, you idiot."

Jimin shrieks and attempts to scurry off his bed, however, he can't once he realized the amount of pain that's coming for his leg.

"W-what are you doing here? What am I doing here?! What's going on?!!" Frantic, confused, and in pain, Jimin's voice becomes increasingly louder after every question.

Jungkook looks up at Jimin with an angry look on his face. "It's too early in the morning for you to be loud ok?"

Completely in awe of the situation, Jimin's mouth hangs open, and his eyes growing wide as he watches Jungkook struggle sitting up on the bed.

"Close your mouth Jimin. It's impolite to stare like that." Jungkook shoots a glare at Jimin, and he instantly closes his mouth.

Still fatigued, Jungkook rubs his eyes as he speaks, "Listen, you're here because your father saw you passed out in your kitchen with blood gushing from your leg. Coincidentally, I was with your father, so I helped him carry you here. Understand?"

"But, why would you, of all people, want to help me?" Jimin's back is against a wall, and he starts to slide down.

Jungkook shakes his head as he gets up and extends a hand to help Jimin up, except Jimin doesn't take the hand.

"Fine, suit yourself." Jungkook huffs.

He sits back down at the corner of the bed. "I'm only helping you because, at the end of it all, I'm just helping myself."

At this point, Jimin's sitting on the floor, glancing over to Jungkook with a raised brow. "Helping y-yourself? I don't understand. You don't gain anything."

Jungkook just smirks at the statement, "I gain more than you could ever grasp, Park. You're just a pawn in this twisted game of chess."

Before Jimin could speak, his father comes through the door. "Jimin, are you up? Oh, son, what are you doing on the floor?" Confused in his world, nothing comes out of Jimin's mouth as his gaze is locked onto Jungkook.

'Why does he have to be so obvious?' Jungkook mentally slaps himself in the face.

"Jimin's just having a weird morning, Priest," Jungkook speaks up as he stands to bow.

Confused, but not thinking much of it, Jin nods and gives a warm smile to Jungkook. "Well, as long as you both slept okays. Anyways, whenever you both are ready, Yoongi has prepared a small breakfast downstairs."

Another few shared glances before Jin walks out of the room, leaving the two boys by themselves again.

"Can you be any more ridiculous than you already are, Park?" Jungkook snaps his attention back to the still-dazed Jimin.

"Uh, I, uh." Jimin stammers, completely lost for words.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, "You're hopeless."

It takes a few minutes for Jimin to come back to reality & when he does, he's got more than enough questions to ask. But before he could ask anything, his stomach starts to growl & so does Jungkook's.

"Come on, let's go eat," Jungkook says, suggestively. Jimin nods in agreement. The two make their way downstairs, and the usually busy first floor of the so-called infirmary is quiet with a table of food waiting near the kitchen. Jungkook and Jimin stare at the weirdly placed table, then without missing a beat, Yoongi and Jin make an appearance.

"About time, you two woke up. I was about to eat without you." Yoongi teases as he motions everyone to sit. "Now, I normally don't have visitors, but since everyone pretty much crashed here, I had to make an exception."

Everyone finds a seat, Jungkook, and Jimin sitting across from each other, and Jin and Yoongi sitting across as well.

"It's not much. But I'm blessed to live and work under one building." Yoongi explains, and judging from the looks of the younger's, he answered their mental question.

Conversations over breakfast were mostly just between Yoongi & Jin, talking about the past adventures the two friends had, then a brief moment where they spoke about Jimin's most embarrassing days of his childhood.

The entire time Jimin was red & shy, while Jungkook was entertained.

"And then Jiminie would run around with his diaper on his head screaming 'Uncle Woongi is going to eat me!' It was the cutest thing ever!" Father Jin clapped his hands as he laughed and occasionally slapped Jimin's shoulder.

"I still can't believe you called me Uncle Woongi." Yoongi chuckled as he took a sip of his black coffee.

"I can't believe you guys are talking about this in front of Jungkook." Jimin tried hiding in his shirt as if mimicking a turtle retreating into his shell.

"Oh, come now, Jiminie. It's not like Jungkook's a stranger. He's been your friend since you two were toddlers."

'Friends?! How could they put Jungkook and me being friends in the same sentence?!'

Jimin's mind started to explode with anger thoughts, and his embarrassment diminished as his brain attempted to wrap around the idea of ever being friends with that snake called Jungkook. Jimin looks over at the snake, and of course, the snake is grinning.

"Yeah, Jiminie, we're practically best friends." Jimin winces at the nickname, and from what it looked like, Jungkook seemed pained after making his remark, possibly regretting his choice of words.

Jimin's ears start to turn red from the fury burning within him, like a ticking time bomb, his time is up. "Let's get one thing straight here, Jungkookie. I hate your guts! You've given me nothing but hell since the day you walked into my life. I want nothing to do with you!" Fuming with rage and his fists balled up, Jimin finally got to say what was on his mind.

However, his father isn't too fond of his outburst.

"JIMIN!" His father yelled, standing up as he spoke. "You are a priest-in-training. Where is your compassion, my boy?"

"Compassion?! FOR HIM!? Father, even you are blinded by him. He's nothing but a walking hell. Th-these years that he's been a part of my life, he's been nothing but a thorn in my side. Constantly hurting me & driving me to the desire of sweet death." Jimin's rage turns into tears.

For some reason, the words that are spilling from Jimin's lips start to wound Jungkook's pride. The slight grin that once held a secret begins to fade, the more Jimin spoke. Yoongi and Jungkook just watch the Father, and the Son has a moment of revelation.

"J-Jimin... I-I don't understand..." The father attempts to reach for his son, but Jimin flinches away. "M-my boy..."

No hesitation in his movements, Jimin stands up from his chair abruptly and glares at the floor, "No." He speaks with a stern voice, "You never understand me."

Then his glare meets his father's soft eyes, "And you never will."

"Son, please, I never knew, please just. Let's just talk?" Desperation can be heard in Jin's voice, but it doesn't faze his son's conscience.

"And then what father? You ask me to forgive him?" Jimin snaps.

"I-it's our way, Jimin. Our teachings. We must forgive those who wrong us."

"NO! I will never forgive that man father!" Jimin points aggressively at Jungkook, who's currently wide-eyed.

"But Jimin...-"

"No! I'm YOUR son! Stop protecting him as if he's your child too! He's not!"

Guilt comes in waves, and it silences Jin. Jimin huffs and takes one last look at Jungkook, then to his father.

"Don't bother calling me your son." Then at that, a shattering heart can be heard. There are no words to explain the painful shock that coursed through his body. Before another word could be spoken, Jimin has already escaped through the front door of Yoongi's building.