
Red Cipher

When Earth was thrown into the apocalypse state and society's advancement with technology and AI broke through new developments, Red an agent for Hornet didn't think her life would be questioned when magic was added to the mix. A genius programmer who experimented with the possibility of creating a system powerful enough to shift the dimension and create a rip in the space vile. The government whom people placed their hopes on surfing through the tough times were developing several spaceships to migrate themselves into outer space. The several hundred of meters colorful shards that suddenly appeared on Earth, sapping away the life force of the world. And if this wasn't going south enough, an egg hatched into a 'ferocious' baby dragon in Red's arms. "Mammy," the little toddler waddled over to her, sucking his thumb as beads of tears rolled down his chubby pale face, "daddi hit me." "Daddi hit you? How could he hit my little dumpling?" Red picked up the toddler and gently patted him on the back hoping to cease the crying. "He saith choquwawet ish bad," the toddler hugged Red's neck weeping pitifully. "He said chocolate is bad? How dare he!" The toddler nodded, feeling incredibly hungry. The 'daddi': "..." Later that night, the said 'daddi' suffered in freezing snowy mountains as he was tasked to make 10 chocolate bars. He used to be the 'little dumpling' in her eyes, that woman is so fickle, he'll never belive in her words ever again!

drawingMeSpare · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


Pushing open the doors to the two-story building, Rae was greeted by the smiling face of Amy, the guild's receptionist, "welcome back, we've just received payment from your job; the guild master seems to be in a good mood.

"Well money will always put him in a good mood," Rae happily replied as she walked past the front desk towards the elevator leading to the 1stfloor.

"I think that's the sole reason he still keeps you around, you know, your trash ability to do your job and angering all your employers into firing you," Rae ignored the sarcastic comment from the probably smiling pink-head at the front desk who seemed to always wants to start a fight whenever she saw her and made her way up the opening doors of the elevator.

"This isn't your first time you had your job dropped?" 2B asked, stupefied at the new information it had just learnt about.

"Darling, didn't you know? I've never completed any of my missions; although this company is running off the fees I manage to wring out of the employers." She took a right turn once she was at the top of the staircase, "that's what your idol is like, a total fraud that forces his employees-"

"Don't lie!-" 2B cut in, however, Red continued on ignoring its complaints.

"-to engage in illegal activities," Red looked devastated as she pouted while readjusting her gloves, seemingly sad at what she had just said.

2B was silent for a few seconds not believing half of what she said. So, what the receptionist said was no exaggeration? "Then shouldn't there be any bad reviews towards the company? How come 2B can't find a piece of negative data related to you?"

Red stopped in front of an office door, knocked once before turning the handle, "sweet-cheeks you'll understand soon enough," then pushed the door open and went inside, leaving the confused AI outside with the door slammed in front of its face.

Inside the room, Red strode across the lounge area, disregarding the skinny middle-aged man who sat behind the desk counting the credits in his hands and rested herself down onto one of the sofas, before placing her handbag on the table and helping to the fresh coffee and cakes on the table.

Busying herself by looking through the data she had just collected. Brick, who had finally finished counting all of the 'Profits' he had received, once stored carefully away, in the briefcase beside him, stood up and walked towards the sofa where his best employee was and sat on the couch opposite her.

"I didn't notice you come in," he commented as he glanced at the often-anti-social cyborg opposite him.

"I don't notice trash either, you're just lucky your tie is bright," Rae switched windows and began to mark on the holographic map in front of her.

"Glad your humour is still working, biting; how was the search? Did you find anything of interest?" Brick stood up and went to stand behind her on the sofa.

Glancing down at the several red markings on the map. He knew those markings were all the locations of the terrorist attacks that have happened in the last year.

"It's amazing how they've managed to bomb an Interstate Gold Line; I can imagine Bronze and Silvers, but the security on Gold is no joke," Brick muttered under his breath after all the Gold Line led to Zone A, where all the money of the city congregated semi-regularly, "was it done by the same group?"

"There was a familiar red symbol sprayed on one of the walls of the tube," she pulled up a 3D model that had been scanned in earlier and zoomed in to a specific spot where the symbol had been graffiti on then switched to the photos she had taken earlier, "also here," Rae pulled out the tube filled red liquid from her handbag and handed it to him, "I found this in a small hidey-hole on the actual track. Hard to find."

Brick took the glass tube and scrutinised the red liquid, "it looks very, ordinary."

Rae shrugged; it was none of her concern. Above her moderate 'paygrade', "What's the board looking like?"

Turning the tube over a few times, he went over to his desk and picked up the tablet. Scrolling through the list; he handed it to her, "I've got a priority job for you."

Glancing over at the two concerned parties written on top of the post, Rae nearly threw the device at his face; the GISA?!

"What?" She uttered sharply, "scamming businessmen aren't enough; you want me to f*** around with the Corp creating spares for me and everyone else in this goddamn city?"

Brick chuckled, amused, "come on, it won't be that bad, plus I think you might be able to complete a job for once; just read the post and consider for lovely ol' Brick."

Rae glared at him before scrolling down and reading the contents, frowning she asked, "an escort mission? Since when did I become a guard-dog?" it was an Omega level job, usually only available to the rich or loyal Corpo dogs and she was neither; what type of person was she going to escort and to go to Brick of all people?!

Brick went to pat her on the shoulder to reassure her but was harshly swatted away, "don't f*** with me Brick, I don't mind being part of your golden fraud program, but that doesn't include putting me on suicide row"

"Come on, I'm telling you, you'll be fine. The guy is probably a rich a**hole using me to prove a point to his snobby counterpart; he's probably just going to a cafe for a cup of joe. The monies good, I checked."

Rae gave him a stern look and scrolled; 10 million credits? 80% share, something was fishy, but has Brick f***** her over so far? "Have you transferred the money from the previous mission?" She casually asked as she scrolled to the signature section.

"Who do you think I am- "

"An asshole-"

"Of course, I have," Brick ignored her rude interruption.

Without another word, Rae signed her name at the bottom of the page before passing the tablet to him, "the job isn't until next week, I'm gone until then, don't even bother contacting me," standing up and without so much as a farewell left the room.

Watching the woman leave, Brick glanced down at the contract before smiling; he'll make sure to give her as much time alone as she wanted; after all, she'll be needing all her energy for this mission.

Outside the room, Rae was bombarded with the questioning intelligence, "how's the guild master doing? Has he eaten today? What's the guild master like?"

Rolling her eyes, Rae ignored the AI, a complete fanbot, before walking down the stairs this time and past the reception desk. Luckily the big-mouth Amy was too busy on the phone to be giving her any snide comments; if Rae knew that was the last time, she'd ever see her, maybe she would've at least flipped her off before leaving.