
Red Calimity

An average boy orphaned after a cliché encounter, now finds himself in a world he saw as fantasy, but with completely real memories and feelings, how will he go on in this dangerous world where death, destruction and doom lurk everywhere? Grinding of course, after all that's what Gamers do. Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

MattJack · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Well I died.

Shit right?

Interestingly I don't feel too worried about it, my life was so... monotonous and repetitive.

The irony of my once so empty life is stark now. Because? Now, this is simply because I am currently in a place that I would truly call emptiness.

I don't even know if this is really a place, honestly.

I only see a vast endless darkness, that's it, just darkness, nothing more. It's like I'm floating where nothing exists.

Or rather, I think I can't even feel anything, as strange as it may seem, it's as if my thoughts and nothing else exist.

Although we don't realize it, we always feel something physically, even the heat of our blood rushing through our body.

It is imperceptible, subtle, in our daily lives.

But the saying goes, when we miss something is when we realize how much we appreciate it.

Well, right now, I even miss the things I didn't even want to feel, like the stench of the city.

Because at least I would still feel SOMETHING.

This is a hell on its own, living only with your thoughts and not having any kind of feeling, this is a prison, at the highest level.

It 's unbearable.

To have senses and sensations for years, only to have it suddenly ripped from me is just cruel.

Know the best? I can't even tell if it's been 1 minute or 1 millennium since I got here, apparently the perception of time doesn't exist in this damn place either.

I just want to feel something, even pain.

To find out if I'm still alive or if I'm really dead, or if this is some kind of hallucination of the highest degree.

Which I highly doubt it is, I don't think my brain hates me that much to do this sort of thing to me or that humanity has had the ability to produce a drug that has this effect. Honestly, it's very real for a hallucination.

My old life doesn't seem so bad compared to this.

Well my name is or was Jonathan Miller, I was 15 years old, about to start every teenager's private hell, or for short, high school.

I had very few friends, and yet I don't know if we were close enough to call them friends, maybe colleagues is a better definition.

But after my parents died in a car accident when I was 12, I completely closed myself off from everyone.

Of course, that was a bad idea, but my excuse is that I wasn't doing very well mentally.

My parents were a sticky situation, nothing involving abuse or anything, it's just that they were so…distant.

They were CEO of a company that made hardware, and we were doing very well financially, but it didn't make up for the lack of them, a lot of business trips.

Anyway, they died in a car accident, apparently they were going through a mountain road and my dad had to make a turn. Only it was raining a lot and my father's car tire was a little worn out, he didn't pay much attention to it.

As a result, the car skidded and they fell off the road with the car flipping over. The car was found 2 days later, and they managed to retrieve some stuff from the car that linked my parents to me, documents or something, and then I got the news that they had died in an accident.

I was 12, naturally it hit me hard.

I pushed everyone away, friends and some family members here and there that were left over.

I was left with a good amount of money and my parents had already taught me about financial responsibility at a young age, so I didn't have much trouble maintaining the basic necessities of my life.

After 1 year, I also got a part-time job, so my parents' money wasn't spent much.

And at that time I also got to know anime and manga, and I was absolutely fascinated by everything I saw.

An anime in which the protagonist is an alien with more than 5 different transformations.

Ninjas who wear bright orange and manipulate elements.

A slime that builds a city and becomes the absolute god of the world.

Cannibals with powers.

An orange haired human who is every race in the world.

Honestly, a lot of weird but really cool stuff.

But after 1 year getting to know the amazing world of anime, manga and light novels, I arrived in the underworld of this world.


I mean, I don't consider myself a saint or anything, but holy hell, there are people out there who are hardcore and kind of crazy. Maybe it's their way of venting their frustrations.

But despite everything, I couldn't stop, it seems like when we look at rock bottom and he looks right back at you, there's really no going back.

Anyway, my sad side story.

How did I get here?

Ah yes, funny story.

I was coming home at night after work and when I was crossing the street, there he was.

With its two smug headlights on.

I could almost hear him say 'come on, it's isekai time'.

Man, this is a cliché situation in so many fanfics, however, this is easily acceptable and realistic. The number of accidents by vehicles daily is absurd, it is not something difficult to happen.

But anyway, maybe my devotion to the truck-sama wasn't to his liking.

Because he brought me to this hell. Of course, in some fanfics the MCs end up in a similar void, but so far I haven't heard any voices that suddenly-

"Could you stop the blah blah blah please?"


Fuck, seriously? Motherfucker, fuck it, all I had to do was think about it and then it happened.

"Well, it was fun watching you ramble to a point, but it was getting boring." I could hear the amusement pouring into his voice, or maybe it's all in my head anyway.

Well, now what?

"Straight to the point, fine, yes, you will transmigrate."

I was immensely holding back my anxiety at this point. If I choose the world, fine, I choose a random easy world with hot women and my life is great. Hey, 15-year-old who's going to be transmigrated? Don't fucking blame me.

But if I were sent to a world like High School DxD or Attack on Titan, in short, I'd be the most purely fucked up, and not in the coolest way.

"No, you will not choose the world that will be sent, nor will you be able to jump to another"

Well shit.

"Don't complain, I might as well throw you into one of those two worlds, for example, as a normal human with nothing"

I sincerely apologize.

"Yes yes, anyway, I will send you to an AU world of Naruto, you will be transmigrated into the protagonist's own body, and to avoid problems that many had in transmigration, you will basically merge with him, this Naruto is much more mature, his mindset is very similar to yours and you will also have access to 1 wish before going there."

Okay, this works, I would like to complain about going into a world of basically assassins who start out as children and some have enough power to change the landscape, but being the protagonist and knowing a few things, I have a lot to work with. All ninjas have the potential to be exceptional, but most are just lazy and stop training after reaching a certain level, such as chunin or jonin.

But this is an AU world, meaning I have to wait for things that didn't happen in the anime.

But going straight to desire, well, I already know what I want.

The cheat code of many reincarnated and transmigrated.

I wish to have a Gamer System.

"...Predictable, all right, granted. Some information beforehand. In this world, Uzumaki Kushina is alive after the incident with the Kyuubi and instead of just 1 child, she had twins, a girl named Uzumaki Natsumi and you, one boy named Uzumaki Naruto. Namikaze Minato in that day took advantage of the whole situation after fighting Uchiha Obito to split the Kyuubi into 2 halves, and seal each one in the 2 children to serve only as a weapon for Konoha, this was already planned since Kushina inherited Kyuubi from Uzumaki Mito, the whole situation of Kumo's kidnapping, was nothing more than henges where after being captured, she would be saved by Minato and later fall in love with him. Hiruzen and Minato were talking about this plan in the hospital room where Kushina and the babies were, but they believed she was unconscious and would die moments after the Kyuubi was extracted.

But Kushina kept them a secret about the Uzumakis, and this allowed them to survive even after extracting a Bijuu, shortly after Minato completed sealing on the twins and died due to the Shinigami claiming his soul. Kushina, after an internal surge of pure rage against Minato, Hiruzen and the village, claimed the Uzumaki twins under the wing of the Uzumaki Clan.

As she is a powerful S-rank ninja who was still in the village, Hiruzen couldn't do anything against her and even after giving birth, a few days later she returned to full power.

She still did S rank missions and when she left the village, she bought the necessary supplies for her and the twins, and after talking to 3 friends, Mitarashi Anko, Yuhi Kurenai and Uzuki Yugao, who saw Kushina as an older sister, they joined with Kushina and the twins at the Clan Complex under her wing, as they didn't trust the Hokage and the village in general as much as they used to and didn't have as much love for the village anymore. And the godmother of the 2 children, Senju Tsunade, after knew about everything that happened to Kushina and the twins, after being stopped by Kushina when she was about to go to the Hokage's office and turn him into a very death and red puddle, also joined the group and together they took care of the 2 children.

Also along with Mikoto Uchiha years later, who was Kushina's best friend in the academy. On the night of the Uchiha Massacre, she was visiting at the Uzumaki complex, Itachi knew that and right after all the killing, he went to the complex but not to kill her, after all, even he wouldn't stand a chance against Kushina. At first when they saw him at the door full of blood, the women were worried about him, and then he told his mother, Kushina and the other girls everything, about the coup, Uchiha Shisui, Danzo, everything. Soon after, he said that he was going to infiltrate a mercenary organization called Akatsuki and keep in touch with them from time to time to let them know some things.

Uchiha Itachi knew about the situation of the Uzumaki family, and when he found out, despite still being loyal to the village, he also had a lot of love for the Uzumaki twins who called him Itachi-nii-san.

She stayed at the Uzumaki Complex because Uchiha Sasuke became spiteful and hateful after the Massacre and didn't want to believe anything she said about Itachi, from very early on Sasuke was becoming a carbon copy of Fugaku, a man she really didn't love and her marriage was arranged by the Uchiha Clan. The child that born from her long ago stopped loving her and wanted only Fugaku's attention, and now he just feels hate and wants to kill his brother, so she obeyed his request to leave him alone and went to live with people who really wanted her, not to mention that she loved the Uzumaki twins like an aunt."

Well... holy shit.

This... looks a lot like a fanfic situation.

Okay, come on, I'm basically going to be living between 6 ladies and my little sister.

I suppose as long as I'm indoors I'll be quite secure, and if the Uzumaki are the monsters of the seals like in the anime and fanfics mainly, to invade the Uzumaki complex will take an entire army.

And teachers won't be a problem either, and interestingly it covers almost all fields, Yugao is mostly a swordswoman and if there's some fanfic elements in that world, Kushina is also an excellent swordswoman. Kurenai is a master of genjutsu, but I don't think I would specialize in it, I mean, between blowing up a mountain or doing illusions, my choice is pretty obvious for a teenager. Mikoto, like all Uchihas, must be very good at ninjutsu. Tsunade is the best healer of the elemental nations and knows a lot about the human body, so her finding vital points without needing a Sharingan or Byakugan shouldn't be impossible, and with that monster strength... And Anko, must be good at taijutsu but her specialization is infiltration, torture and interrogation.

And I should try to get my sister to participate in the training, I always wanted a little sister, and since I'm going to inherit Naruto's feelings, I'll probably love her too much, so I'll want to protect her, but even if I do, i can't protect her 24/7 , if she is not strong, death is still possible. After all, one of the things that Satoru Gojo teaches is that no matter how many allies you have, when we die, we're alone, and that fits Naruto perfectly. Unless Madara is in front of you, then you and your allies die together too.

Is there any way I can boost someone with my Gamer System?

"Believe me child, being an Uzumaki and jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi, and instructed by the same women as you, she will have no problem getting stronger. Of course, with the Gamer System, your evolution will be abnormally fast, but she will inevitably become one of the powerhouses of this world."

Okay, fine, it works, and if she and I get along with Kurama from the start, we really won't have any problems.

I mean, I've always sympathized with Kurama, if people just treated me like a weapon without feelings or rationality and took away my freedom and free will just because I was used when I was being controlled, I would also be pissed and hate humanity. Nobody ever tried to understand Kurama, after all 'everyone knows this is just a big mass of chakra and hate'. But what everyone knows doesn't mean it is what it is.

Honestly, Hashirama was a bastard, he was the one who started all this bitching with the bijuu, he was the one who collected them all as objects and delivered the villages as gifts.

His excuse was that they were 'too powerful to be let loose'. Bullshit, before Madara was an idiot and controlled Kurama with the Sharingan, they never caused any problems. And so he captured all the bijuu, gave it to the leaders of other villages for the purpose of peace, and that peace barely lasted a blink of an eye. That is, the bijuus were captured and imprisoned for years and years for a purpose that failed.

But other than the Uchihas, the biggest son of a bitch in this whole world is Danzo, that guy should never have existed in the first place. Hashirama wanted to create a village where children didn't have to fight wars, kill and die, so that at least I could respect him. And Danzo basically erased it from his brain, shit on top of the wood guy's grave and did the exact opposite of Hashirama's principle of creating the village.

So if I get the chance, I'll be very happy to slit that bandaged pussy's throat. Mainly because I'm sure he's going to be a pain in the ass for me and my future family.

This guy has some kind of fetish where everything that has a shade under the sun he wants to turn into a weapon.

"Yes, it would be good for you to watch out for Danzo and Hiruzen for now, when I send you there, it will be at the age that you will be 12, your mother, your "big sisters" and your godmother will still do S rank missions, each taking turns to stay with you and your sister so you two are not alone. This is to keep a sense of your usefulness to Konoha, money really wouldn't be an issue being your mother of the Uzumaki clan and your godmother of the Senju clan. But from the moment you and your sister ask to train, they will take a few months off to teach the two of you. I advise you to do this as early as possible when you wake up."

I was already going to do something like this anyway, the sooner I start the better.

Well I'm going to live around 6 incredibly beautiful and sexy women, it's certainly worth all the shit.

"...Sigh, another pervert, wonderful. Why are all transmigrators and reincarnated so sex-crazed? Even more so in the so-called 'MILFs'"

... Seriously? Is this still really a question? I won't even deign to answer that.

And you still dare to ask why MILFs are the best?


"...You know I'm a God, right? How can I be a heretic?"


"*Sigh* I'd rather not have to deal with you anymore, I'll send you there now."

Thank you, I will always remember how kind you were to send me into a world of carnage that also has a lot of hot women.

"...Just get out of here once and for all and see you never again."

You know, that was pretty rude, could you at least-

Before I could finish my sentence of righteous rebuke with him, the place formerly sunk in empty darkness began to light up with an incandescent light.

It was a very good thing, something different to see beyond nothing.

And then I wake up with a feeling of heaviness above my chest and a soft structure beneath me, slowly opening my eyes looking down, I can see blond hair and at the same time a flow of information and feelings starts to penetrate me.

Oh right, this is my little sister, Natsumi, she's the same age as me, 12 years old, she has silky smooth golden hair that she usually wears with two braids on each side of her head, she has the same mustache marks on her cheeks, characteristic of being a jinchuuriki of Kyuubi, only they are a little more faded than the original Naruto, she has deep cerulean blue eyes, and a very cute face with a little bit of baby fat remaining, although with a little pale skin, but that's because we almost never leave the house and only sometimes we go to play in the field that has in the complex, I can say that she will be incredibly beautiful when older.

She's slept in the same bed with me since we were kids, and yes, I was right, I have a deep affection for her.

It's…nice, really nice, and she certainly reciprocates all the love I have for her too.

While I'm more mature, she's a little more hyperactive, energetic, and cheerful, a bit like Naruto from the anime, but not over the top like him.

Basically, she is a very cute and cheerful little girl.

And I already feel like i would do anything to bring her smile.

It's comforting to have these feelings, a common problem in reincarnation and transmigration fanfics is the MC thinking in the world only as a fiction and not his current reality, which ends up causing some problems.

And that, luckily, is impossible for me, what I feel for the people close to me here is totally legitimate.

Honestly I feel more like this life has always been mine and now I only have someone else's knowledge, and honestly that's really good for me.

This is a fresh start, a second chance to have a better life.

There weren't really many things that connected me to my old life, I never really had any friends, my parents were kind of absent since before the accident and the rest of my family just wanted to get close to me and my parents to be in their good graces, since we were rich.

This can all go to hell for all I care, I have a new life now.

I then wrapped my arms around Natsumi and started hugging her tight and burying my face in her golden hair, which ended up causing her to snuggle even closer to my chest and let out a few satisfied grunts.

Hm, her hair smells like strawberries, nice.

Dude, what time is it?

Turning my head a little, I see a clock on top of a piece of furniture beside the bed. It's 8:00 in the morning, huh?

Well, as comfortable as I am here, I think it's time to get up.

I started shaking Natsumi's shoulder a little to wake her up.

"Natsu-chan, wake up, let's have breakfast." I say it a little softly as she starts to wake up, the affectionate abbreviation of her name and the honorific comes naturally from me.

She started to grunt a little, but she lifted her head to look at me, rubbed her face with the back of her hand, and started yawning.

Then giving me a sleepy little smile, she said "Good morning Onii-chan"

Ahh, man, my sister is really cute.

I stroked her head, for which she expressed a very pleased expression.

Hm, so is that the power of head patting?

"Good morning, I'm going to go take a shower, in the meantime you can sleep a little more." I say smiling at her.

"Hai Hai"

I started to disentangle myself from her, getting up off the bed, and she basically clung to the pillow like a koala.

Our room wasn't really fancy, some furniture here and there, gray walls, tiled floor and white ceiling. It's what you could call simple and cozy.

So I went into the bathroom that was in our room and started looking at myself in the mirror.

I was a little surprised by what I saw, I still had 3 mustache marks on each cheek like my sister but a little more pronounced than hers, my hair, although still spiky, was different and was in a crimson red color, very similar to the protagonist of an anime, food fights or something, I didn't really watch it, I only saw a photo of the protagonist. And my eyes were a violet color, like two amethysts, a little pale skin like my sister and a very pretty face, but with some baby fat still on me, which would come off after some training, I think at the moment I would describe myself as very cute.

Although my appearance is different from the original Naruto, I really enjoyed it, and I'd say it's quite an upgrade.

So I took my shower.

Coming out of the bathroom, I head towards the bed and start poking Natsumi's cheeks to wake her up again.

"Hey Natsu-chan, wake up, go take a shower."

"Hm, 5 more minutes, Onii-chan." She said a little muffled, her face burying in the pillow.


She kind of woke up almost instantly and started to get up.

"Alright alright, just don't call me that again." And then she started running towards the bathroom.

Heh, that always works, apparently she really hates her when I call her by her full name and not 'Natsu-chan', and whenever I call her like that, it's because I start to get upset.

Really, my sister is so cute.

Laughing a little to myself I leave the room and head downstairs towards the pleasant smell coming from the kitchen.

The Uzumaki complex I could say is something elegant but simple, it doesn't have to be extravagant to be beautiful. Sometimes simplicity is much more pleasant and cozy.

The hallway walls are made of polished dark brown wood, the floor has the same black floor as my room and Natsumi, with a gray ceiling, and some lamps.

Apparently in our complex, electrical energy is fed by the chakra into a main matrix, where the chakra is transformed into electricity and then distributed around the house where it needs it, and it also has a kind of chakra battery so that it does not need to be energized regularly.

I remember Mom once said that to me and Natsumi, I can remember Natsumi's eyes shining when Mom talked about stamps.

Well, it looks like we have a future seal master among us. I'm also interested in seals but not at Natsumi's level.

Eventually I walk into the kitchen and see my mom who turned her face away when she noticed me coming in and gave me a warm smile when she saw me and man, apparently it's not just me who's different from how I look in the anime. I knew from my memories, but seeing it directly is an entirely different thing.

Mom was wearing a purple apron as she made breakfast, and well, something quite different from the anime is that Kushina's body is pretty... voluptuous, damn it, drool-worthy curves, wide hips with a perfectly plump ass, I could see the contours of her wonderfully large breasts, nothing too exaggerated but I could tell you could sink your hand in very pleasantly.

But her face, damn, in the anime she was already beautiful, but now it's like taking what she had in the anime and being... better, I can't explain, maybe seeing it in person will be different? She still has that beautiful straight crimson hair that goes down to the middle of her back and also frames the sides of her face, and a clip that leaves part of her hair to the left, she usually leaves her hair in a ponytail, her face a little little less pale than mine and Natsumi's is like jade carved by God, amethyst violet eyes like mine.

I would say without a doubt that she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

And I don't know how she was bullied because of her hair at the academy, her hair is beautiful.

She is a very cheerful woman, and overly devoted and loving to me and Natsumi, as well as Anko-nee, Kurenai-nee-, Yugao-nee, Mikoto-onee-san, and Tsunade-obaa-chan. Outside the house, she is very cold to everyone, but professional, her temper is off the charts, and if anything happens to be a threat to me or Natsumi, I guarantee this thing won't live long. Although she loves me and my sister very much, she is strict when she needs to be so we don't grow up spoiled.

I looked at the kitchen table to continue to question the beauty of the women I saw in my old life.

The other women of the house were there.

One had silky black hair that came down to mid-shoulder blades, attractive blood red eyes with an impossibly pretty face with red lips, and a body like my mother but a little less voluptuous. This is Kurenai-nee. She is a very kind and caring woman, very intelligent also with a bit of an obsession with genjutsu, seriously, don't insult this branch of ninja, apparently she has a genjutsu where men have the illusion of losing their balls, I shuddered a little internally with that.

Another had purple hair tied behind her head with slightly exotic eyes, covering between lilac and violet, her face was a little rounder and she had an always fun expression, and a great body too, jesus. This is Anko-nee. She outside the house, when she is walking around the village, maintains an antipathetic and grumpy personality because of everyone who thinks she is a bitch because of Orochimaru, but with us inside the house, she is very affectionate and fun. She's just a little sadistic at times.

The last of the trio had long purple hair that was tied in a ponytail with the bangs spiky, she had chocolate brown eyes, and a pretty face like all the women here with red lips like Kurenai-nee, she had a physique slender and less voluptuous than the other women but what totally suited her. She is Yugao-nee. She is very attentive and like everyone here, very affectionate, and a little too dedicated at times, she has a very deep love for kenjutsu, contrary to the canon where Hayate teaches her, here was my mother who taught her Kenjutsu, in true Yugao, Kurenai and Anko were my mother's students when they became gennin. So the 3 are very attached to me and Natsumi, but Yugao is especially dedicated to us, she's a doting sister.

And there were the other two women who were more mature than them.

Another had black hair with a bluish tinge and bangs hanging on either side of her head that framed her cheeks, a little pale skin like mine and my sister's for being the one that stays inside the house the most behind me and Natsumi and a beautiful face with a gentle expression, she had eyes as black as a jewel of jet. A curvy, voluptuous body like my mother. That was Mikoto-onee-san (she told me to call her that). She's a very loving and kind woman, although strict when it's needed, she's really like an aunt to me and Natsumi or a second mother, and she can be very provocative at times.

And finally, one who was the oldest in age, but which did not diminish her appearance in any way, with blond hair the color of wheat, whose bangs were parted in the middle and framed both sides of her face, with brown eyes and rosy lips, with a pretty face. And her body, well, Jesus Christ, these things are really deadly weapons. And apparently, unlike canon, using the seal she has on her forehead doesn't use her life force, it would because the seal she developed only used yin chakra to heal herself, but with my mom's help, they modified the seal to use yang chakra together, which didn't make his body use its life force to create more cells at an insanely fast rate. She's Tsunade-obaa-chan (although she always throws something at me when I call her that). Like all the other women here is very loving, considerate and kind, but she has a great temper. Trying to push her buttons is not a good idea, her punching a crater is one of the reasons, she is also fun and nurturing. a deep affection for me and Natsumi, like everyone here. She really loves medical ninjutsu and basically takes care of that aspect of my and Natsumi's lives and she also wants to pass that knowledge on to us, which is going to be difficult considering our chakra control, but unlike the original canon, here is It's quite possible to reach perfect chakra control or close, it's just that... ninjas are lazy when training.

Of course I wasn't overtly lusting after their bodies, I just glanced at them and the rest came from my memory. I'd rather not get slapped by 6 angry ladies, thank you very much.

But I was really fascinated by their appearances.

Honestly, they would make the supermodels of my former self's world cry with embarrassment.

Maybe it's something to do with chakra but they didn't have any kind of blemish in their appearance, each one's faces looked as if they were made to be perfect, sculpted by the hand of the God whose need was seen to mold the most beautiful of women into them.

"Naru-chan, are you okay?" My mother asked me with a worried expression, using the affectionate nickname for my name.

I think I spent too long with a stunned face looking at them.

"Ah… it's just that, well, I don't think I've really had time to notice it, but… well, you're all incredibly b-beautiful. I think I was a little stunned, that's all." Fuck, I still stutter, even though I've technically lived with them my whole life, the antisocial part of my old life still affects me a little, mostly because I have 6 drop-dead gorgeous women staring at me.

After what I said, they started blinking like owls, including my mother, and once they understood, they started to smile and even blush a little. They don't really have much contact with men and aren't complimented often but they get lewd looks over their bodies by the other ninjas and villagers which makes them incredibly angry and irritated so getting a stunned face and genuine praise for their appearance is very nice.

What I didn't know was the plan they started talking about that concerned me and the Uzumaki clan, but that's for later.

The smile that slowly appeared on my mother's beautiful face was so radiant it would make the sun jealous.

She kind of disappeared and then appeared in front of me and grabbed me in a tight hug like I was the most precious thing in the world to her, which ended up making my face get stuck between her soft, voluminous pillows, man, that's paradise.

"Do you think mommy is beautiful? Oh my baby you are so cute. Thank you sweetie." Her voice was such a beautiful angelic, melody tone, man, she would make even singers jealous, is there anything this woman isn't perfect at?

"Ara Ara~~ ufufu, that's very kind and sweet of you, Naru-kun" Came an equally melodious but teasing from the table.

And while I returned my mother's affection physically.

Mentally I froze.

That was Mikoto-onee-san. Did she just? Did she just say ara ara with a giggle? Oh shit.

My mother suddenly lifted me from her heavenly twin pillows and placed her hands on each of my cheeks as she looked at me with fervent intent.

"Naru-chan, tell me, what do you like most about my appearance?" She asked me suddenly. Oh right, the insecurity with her hair, which is stupid.

Look, although it sounds cliché, her hair is something magnificent, strands wonderfully silky and soft in a beautiful crimson red. But there's also her eyes, the violet gemstones amethysts like mine were a satisfying thing to look at, although her body hers is something amazing, that's just to appreciate in intimate moments if you know what I mean, which really calls me the attention on her is her eyes and hair.

I had a really conflicted expression trying to choose between the two options. I could see her face getting more and more happy and anxious as I kept looking between her eyes and her hair.

In the end, I just said what I was thinking. "Mom, you have your violet eyes, which are beautiful and just like mine, which is something I'm very proud of. But you have your hair that is silky and very soft and it's such a beautiful shade of red, I don't think I really can choose between the two."

After I said that, she just froze still looking at me, and then I found myself back in the soft sensation of the 2 twin pillows of happiness.

She started screaming happily about how cute and sweet I am. Since it's the first time I've said she was beautiful, it's also the first time she's asked me what I like best about her appearance, and I knew complimenting her hair would make her so happy. But I was genuine, I always loved her in the anime, and her hair is really beautiful. She only has a certain lack of confidence in it because of the idiot kids who tormented her at the academy.

She let go of me a little and started splattering kisses all over my face as I blushed in embarrassment, I could see the amused expressions of the other women in the room as my mom continued to adore me.

"Tell me honey, is there something you want?" She asked me after a few more moments of embarrassment/satisfaction for me, hey, being kissed by a beautiful woman feels really good, even if it's my mom. And well, I guess praising her made her want to do something for me?

So I took a moment to think about her question. Well, it might as well get it over with, right?

"Actually, there's something I want, and I think all of you can help me with that." I said, causing everyone to have a questioning expression asking me to continue.

I took a deep breath before saying. "I want to start training to be a ninja, and possibly Natsumi."


Well, tell me what you think of this chapter, I really need to finish assembling my computer soon, currently I can only use my first cell phone, which means that as an update it won't really be that regular.

Some will find it strange for Naruto to fit so quickly into his new body and life, but as I wrote and emphasized a lot during the chapter, he basically merged with that Naruto, everything that Naruto felt or knew in life, he now feels.

The next chapter will be him talking to his mom and the other women about his and Natsumi's training later when she gets to the kitchen, and after that he's going to start exploring the system a little bit.

Comment on what you liked and what you didn't so I can keep improving.
