
Red Blood Century

Anastasia's visit to her grandmother's house takes an unexpected turn when her curiosity leads her to the long-forgotten forest nearby. Intrigued by its mysterious history, she embarks on an exploration that unravels a startling secret -the presence of a trapped demon within its depths. As Anastasia becomes entangled with this otherworldly being, she must summon her courage and unravel the forest's ancient enigma to protect herself and those she loves. A thrilling encounter that will test her resilience and reveal her true strength in the face of the unknown.

RomanceFanatic028 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Anastasia is scared

Anastasia was very anxious at the moment. That's why she decided to go to the balcony to breathe fresh air.

She couldn't sleep because of thinking about what happened before.

If Emily didn't send her to the forbidden forest then who did? Nothing was making sense to her anymore.

Is she seeing ghosts again like she did in her childhood? If that's true then it would be a nightmare for her. Because this was also one of the reasons why Claudia decided to move out of the village.

She don't remember much about her childhood but when Anastasia was just 5 years old. She started seeing things that other people couldn't.

Most people thought that it was just her imaginary friend but only she knew that, it was not true. The creatures she saw and spoke with were in-fact real. But... people never believed that.

Then one day, something happened that made everyone change their perception.

"Don't think about it, don't think about it. Everything is okay now. Don't worry." Anastasia tried to calm herself down while tapping her foot on the ground.

She took a deep breath and gazed at the moon in the sky. The moon was reddish because of the lunar eclipse. It looked very threatening yet beautiful.

While looking at it. She started thinking about Adrian.

Is he also some kind of supernatural creature? Or is she thinking too much? Because why would anyone go to a forbidden place without any motive.

Was he not scared of breaking the rule?

Also after meeting him earlier. She got to feel another level of power that she have never experienced before.

Anastasia knew that their meeting with each other was not a coincidence for sure.

It was planned. But why would he do that?

To get all of these answers. She needs to meet him again. It was not because she is curious about him. But for her to know exactly what is the connection between them that was making her so drawn towards him.

Anastasia heard the sound of notifications popping from her phone. It was a message from Emily.

[Emilia:- Stop worrying too much and go to sleep.]

That message made her laugh. How did Emily know that she was still awake? She felt happy thinking that at least she has someone who cares for her that much.

After sending Emily good night through text message. She started heading towards her bed to sleep.

But then suddenly her heart started to pain. It felt like someone was stabbing it numerous times.

She fell to the ground and clenched her chest tightly. She tried to call Isabelle many times by screaming her name. But it was not loud enough to be heard by her.

She stared at the ruby necklace that she had put on her neck earlier. It was glowing again.

She completely forgot about this thing before. Earlier when she was returning home. Her leg was in pain.

At that time also this locket was glowing and now her heart is paining.

Does that mean this locket gets triggered by her pain? And why can't anyone else except her could see this necklace?.

So it was true. She was right all along. Someone placed a cursed object on her while she was unconscious.

She heard this thing only through people's mouths. But when she is currently experiencing it. She understood how much trauma it cause.

She tried to take the necklace off her neck many times. but it only hurted her more in the process.

To stop this pain, she need to ask for the help of someone who she never thought she would talk with again.

She gazed at the red knotted bracelet that was on her wrist. This thing was given to her by Claudia.

Thanks to this bracelet she couldn't sense

any spirits around her for past years. But now, for some reason, she needs to take this thing off.

Anastasia was hesitant before. But she has no choice now. The pain was tremendous to bear. And she needs to stop it somehow. She was ready to take the risk for it.

She took out the bracelet from her hand and threw it on the ground. After that, she instantly closed her eyes so she could not see the entity's face. She clasped her hand together to pledge.

"Mimi, I need your help."


Adrian tried to get up from the ground continuously but because of his powers slowly going weak. He couldn't stand up.

After observing Ronan. He understood that Ronan has summoned a holy spirit by the book he is holding in his hand. It was not some kind of normal spirit.

For the spirit to loose their control over them he just needs to get Ronan to stop chanting. Then only he could be out of this pain.

But how is he supposed to do that? Even though Ezen was immune to death but if Ronan kept chanting for hours then Adrian's body will soon be turned into a lifeless corpse. And he would be in his spirit form again. So it would be impossible for him to find another human vessel.

While he was troubled thinking about the outcome of the future. His body felt a sensation from inside like someone was giving him an electric shock. He didn't felt it before but then afterward his heart pain stopped. He could also move his body again.

He noticed that Ronan was still chanting and succubi was stuck in one place only.

Then why did he got freed from the control of the divine?

Adrian was confused but then his eyes fell into the ring he had on his finger. The big ruby diamond on it was glowing brightly and then it abruptly stopped.

Then he remembered about this thing. The ring was connected with the necklace he gave to Anastasia.

If one of them would feel any kind of pain then their diamonds would sparkle.

He completely forgot about that. If his heart is paining then Anastasia also might be facing the same problem.

Thinking about that he doesn't know why but it was making him feel guilty.

His diamond stopped glowing which means Anastasia did something to stop it.

But how is it possible? Is Anastasia's power more powerful than the divine entity Ronan called? He will ask her all this in the morning but first he should end Ronan.

He teleported himself towards Ronan and grabbed his neck tightly.

He was so angry that he wanted nothing but to bathe with Ronan's blood. But he decided to keep his composure before killing him.

"Once a traitor, always a traitor. I think this proverb was made for you only. So before I kill you. how about you tell me who you summoned? Then only I will think about a way for making your death less painful."

Ronan was shooked seeing Ezen gaining his power again. That's why he stopped chanting and the book from his hand fell down to the ground. Making the connection of the spirit stopped from reaching them.

That thing made succubi gain her balance again over her body.

Ronan thought that he did exactly as the book told then why did the divine spirits lose their control over Ezen? It never happened before with other demons.

He knew that nobody could save him anymore and he was even ready for death to come towards him. But why should he die alone? Let's take everyone around him too.

If he is going to die anyway then why should he keep his mouth shut? He doesn't need to follow the rules anymore.

He opened his mouth to say the name of the entity he summoned. But he couldn't say a word. He felt like he just lost his voice. He tried to tell the entity's name again and again but it was of no use. His voice was permanently gone.

Even Adrian understood it. The holy spirits don't want him to know the person's name that's why they muted Ronan's ability to speak. That means he is useless now then what is the point to keep him alive?

He grabbed a sharp knife from the counter and stabbed it in Ronan's stomach. And pushed him to the ground living him groaning from pain.

Succubi was quite impressed when he did that.

She missed him being fierce in fighting like he was in his olden times. But now Ezen sometimes acts with composure. She doesn't like that change in him.

Adrian who was sitting on Ronan's chair while massaging his temples. Felt succubi ogling at him like she was gonna eat him. That thing made him frustrated. He hates it if anyone stares at him for too long.

He feels like other people are silently judging him but that is not true at all. Most of the time they are just admiring his face nothing else. But he is too paranoid to understand it.

"Succubi! Give me that stupid book" Adrian got frustrated and screamed at succubi making her come out from her imaginary world.

"Huh? Alright."

She went to get the book but on the way she saw Ronan laying on the ground. Still moaning with the pain. She looked at him with disappointment. Why can't he die fast? She thought to herself.

She stepped on his stomach and walked over from his body as nothing happened.

Ronan:- (+_+)

Succubi bend to pick up the book but when she tried to touch it. Her hand burned down. She cried with pain. "Ouch! Who the hell put a binding spell on a book?"

"Smart people do. If they have a binding spell on it then that means they don't want us to find out about this thing. It means this book contains their secret."

Adrian levitated the book in the air and opened the page Ronan was reading. "We can't touch the book but we could read it."

"Go on succubi. Translate it for me."

Succubi glanced at the page and saw that the book was written in Hebrew language. She don't know how to speak Hebrew fluently but she could understand it very well.

"So the entity Ronan summoned was  archangel Michael. He is the leader of all the angels in heaven. Oh, Now I understand how he could control us easily." Succubi said while still reading from the book.

"Talk about yourself woman. The only reason he could control me is because my powers are weak now. but if I come back in my original form. Do you think anyone has a chance before me?"

"Of course, you are very strong." Succubi chuckled. She didn't knew that she would unintentionally hurt ezen's ego. "But think about it. How could a person like Ronan could summon a powerful angel from heaven?"

"Do you really think they give a damn about Ronan's life? No one wants him. Not hell not heaven. Who wants to keep such a selfish person in their place? Not me. Michael came here to protect the book not him."

It took succubi 1 hour to read the whole book. And then she understood that this book not only contains information about angels but it also has information about demons too.

"Ezen this book contains everything about hell and even information about how to summon you."

That time Adrian understood how Ronan found out about him.

"But the question is. Who the hell has this much knowledge about both hell and heaven? Can you check it for me? Who wrote this book?"

Succubi nodded and checked the last page from the book and saw a name she never heard from a long time.

She doesn't know how Ezen would react after hearing his name. After all, he is the reason Ezen is in this state.

"It's Victor Dalton."