
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

85 - Black Cat

"What should we name it?"

Maddy stared at it excitedly. The cat sat on the table, licking it's paw. When Maddy raised a hand to pet it, the cat jumped down from the table. Annie thought the cat was arrogant. It didn't let them pet or hold it. When morning came though, it stayed in their living room. Ollie frowned at it's behavior and pulled Maddy away.

"We don't even know if it's a boy or girl. Or if it's infected!" Ollie exclaimed.

Annie tried not to laugh so she could finish her food. "We should go train soon, Ollie." Ollie nodded and finished his meal quickly. Annie stood with her dishes and washed them in the sink. After she finished, she headed out the door.

"Hey! Kitty, where are you going?" Maddy cried out. Annie looked down to see the cat by her feet. It looked up at her, waiting for her to open the door. Annie made a face and opened the door. When she did, a noise lifted her head up. Standing in the way was Kieran.

"Ah... Good morning. I've forgotten to get something last time I was here..." He looked around and then down. "I see you found it for me."

Annie brushed her short bangs back. "This is your cat?"

Kieran nodded before moving his sight to the cat. "Malik, you've been rude to our hosts for overstaying."

"Oooh!!" Maddy cried out, running towards them. "It's name is Malik? Can I pet it, sir?"

Annie watched them stare at each other and then the cat finally sat down. Kieran smiled slightly and gestured. Maddy laughed happily as she crouched down to pet the cat. "Again, I do apologize for the slight."

Annie waved off his apology. "No harm at all. Ollie and I need to leave. If you could move?"

Kieran moved away. "Yes, sorry about that. If I may ask, where are you headed?"

Annie walked out and turned to look at him. "We're going to train. Since I've been sleeping for three days, I need to get my strength back."

"May I watch a little of your training?"

Annie thought that was an odd request. Was he trying to find her weakness? No, that can't be. "You can come. Maybe you can give some pointers," she suggested while walking behind the house. Ollie ran off ahead with Kieran following her.

"I wanted to also talk to you about your magic," Kieran started but she raised her hand to stop him.

"My family here doesn't know about my magic. I haven't told them I am of noble birth either. They still think I have no memories of my past."


"It's true I have some memories but not all. I am still waiting to make sure of my identity." She stopped to look at him. "We can talk after the training."

Kieran nodded in agreement and she walked forward. Ollie had already set up the targets. They had put a broom upside down into a bucket of dirt to use. Annie took out the wooden swords and tossed one to Ollie. He caught it and started swinging.

"Your style of fighting..."

She looked up at Kieran. "My style?"

"It reminds me of someone I know."