
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

71 - Decorating Their Shop

After Aster had shown the place, she left to tell Poppy about the good news. Poppy had waited nearby at a small cafe. They had discussed all week on what kind of shop they would run. When Aster showed her around the shop, she had pitched her idea to him. He had agreed to do a joint business.

Excited, Annie explained what they should expect the shop to look like tomorrow after the renovations. Poppy had told her the night before they should open a dressmaker store. The small town only had one and it catered to the gentlemen of nobility. Poppy had some clothes she had embroidered that they could display. Annie was also good at sewing.

Aster would provide bolts of cloth and thread for her to use. Annie discussed the plan excitedly over tea with Poppy. The shop had wide windows that they can display with mannequins. They can change the outfits weekly to show off designs. Poppy already had a design picked.

The town mostly had farmers and factory workers. They all wore simple and durable clothing. Women's everyday wear would be a simple blouse and a loose fitting skirt that reached the ground. Some tied a waist corset made of fabric. The waist corset was what maidens showed off their embroidery.

The problem was many villagers maidens couldn't afford to sew or had time. Poppy had always sold her waist corsets and belts to them instead. With the new shop, she would be able to pull in more. Annie knew how to embroider also and had helped on the side. They would also be able to teach Maddy.

After they finished their tea, Annie showed Poppy the place where they would have their shop. Poppy pointed under the windows. "Let's grow some flowers or bushes here! It would look very appealing!"

Annie stared and thought about what kind to grow. The ground didn't look fertile at all. "Do you know if the soil is good for growing?" Poppy and Annie both crouched to observe the ground more.

"We can dig this out and use fresh soil to replace it. The flowers we have at home are the hydrangeas and peonies," Poppy contemplates to her.

Annie nodded and stood up, brushing her dirty fingers on her skirt. "Let's go with the purple hydrangeas. They are big enough to cover the area properly."

Poppy also stood and used a handkerchief to wipe her fingers. "We should also get a fence to keep animals out." Annie nodded and went to unlock the shop's door. The door looked sturdy but the gray paint was peeling off of it. She wondered if they should use a different color. Walking in, they looked around the room.

"Annie? You're still here?" The girls turned to see Aster enter the room from another doorway. The doorway was from a room in the back on the right. it also led downstairs to the basement. His eyes fell on Poppy. "Who is this?"

Annie moved in front of Poppy. "This is Poppy. She will be working with us." Annie didn't like the way Aster looked at Poppy.