
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

67 - Who Is That?

Annie turned to see Poppy's disheartened look. The news of no bodies and belongings were heartbreaking. It forced them to think their father was dead. There was nothing for them to bury him. Maddy was trying hard not to cry and Ollie looked away. Poppy pulled Maddy into a hug.

"We want our family back!" someone shouted from the crowd. A man shouted in agreement. More people joined in.

"Now now, people! This is a tragic thing that happened and we can only compensate this much. Please line up and state your losses over there to claim your items," Lord Knielson shouted. The crowd booed at him.

Lord Knielson looked back at the guards. All the guards around drew their swords half out. The crowd went quiet. Lord Knielson looked at the crowds and waved his hands around. "I don't want another tragic event to happen. Please, people! Line up properly and don't cause trouble!" With his final words, he left with some guards.

Annie watched him walk off stage. He stopped to talk to a robed figure. It was really suspicious to her. Or maybe it was the way of a corrupted noble. The figure was leaning against the side of a building. Someone tugged her forward.

"Come on, Annie. We have to go," Poppy told Annie. "We should go claim some at least."

Annie nodded and turned back to see the noble leaving with the figure into the alley. She wondered if her family had treated their lands the same way. When she followed Poppy, she saw that ashy blonde hair man in the far corner of another alley. His eyes were focused on the spot the noble had left.

She watched him turned to a figure who was also robed. It was common to wear robes to cover one's self head to toe. Annie also went around with a robe over herself. She only focused on the figure as the ashy blonde hair man was familiar to her. It was that rich merchant, Aster.

He had been with the nobles when she had stolen their money. He might be the key to finding more. She motioned at Poppy. "I'm going to look for something real quick! I'll be back soon," she assured her, walking away from Poppy. Poppy nodded and pulled the twins close to her.

Annie made her way towards Aster. His clothing was a neutral brown gray shade, made for traveling. Moving through the crowd, she could see his face express anger towards the figure. She couldn't see the figure's face as the hood covered the side. Annie slowed her pace to hear what they said.

"I know he has her! We need to find out where they put her soon or she may die!" Aster gritted out.

"We can't rush right now. We still don't have any evidence," the figure spoke. The voice was low, masculine. "You should calm down before the plan is ruined."

"I know," Aster retorted. "It's just been hard to gather more evidence."

"Aster, don't do anything rash. I'll contact you again when I get more word. You seem to have an admirer waiting for you," the figure said before turning away. Annie was shocked. He had sensed her when she was still in the crowd. Aster had shifted his green eyes to focus on her.

"Annie! You came to see me?"

She could see the smile he pasted was forced. He moved forward while the figure walked behind him into the alley. Annie shifted to look who the figure was. The figure glanced briefly at her before disappearing into the shadows. She wasn't able to see his face since it was covered with a black scarf. She did catch a glimpse of his eyes. They were a brilliant blue, like the summer sky.