
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

59 - Aster

Annie was going into town with a shopping list. Poppy had insisted she wear women's clothes. Annie wore the simple grey dress and tied her muddy brown hair with a dark blue ribbon. Poppy didn't like how she kept coloring her hair. Annie insisted it was to keep attention off her. Poppy disagreed saying someone could be looking for her with her hair.

Annie still colored it. Poppy had given her a satchel to carry the groceries. When she was finished getting the items, Annie walked along the shops for fabrics and jewelry. There were many pretty clothes and hairpins. She wondered what would look good with Poppy's hair color.

A purple lilac hair pin caught her eye. Some of the petals were dark purple and the others were light. Reaching for it, someone else grabbed it. She looked to see who took it. A boy the same age as her with ashy blonde hair and green eyes stared back at her. It was the boy from yesterday.

He smiled at her, charmingly. He didn't recognize her. Good, she thought. Annie looked at him closer. He wore a dark blue suit with a green tie. A green handkerchief was poking out of his chest pocket. She looked back at the hair pins. When she reached for a white daisy, he also took it.

Annie looked at him and he smiled again. Was there a reason to his smiling? She wordlessly turned away to go. "Hmm, that's odd. Not many can resist my smile," she heard him mutter. Walking off, she thought of him as a fop.

Annie approached the table of ribbons. The purple hair ribbon should be fine for Poppy's hair. Simple enough for her to accept. When she reached for it, the same hand took it. She turned to see him smiling at her again. "Miss, let me buy this for you. In return, please tell me your name?"

She didn't hide her disgust and annoyance from her face. Shaking her head, she moved on. He moved to block her way. "Sorry if I was rude, miss. My name is Aster."

She stood still, waiting for him to finish. He looked as if he expected a response. Annie didn't give him one. His smile faded awkwardly. He brushed his long bangs back. His hair was shoulder length long and tied back in a loose ponytail. Long just like many nobles.

His name wasn't a common name. When he didn't give his title or last name, she knew he wasn't a noble. There were many merchants who tried to get into the noble class. Nobles held power and lands. With the reigning royalty, buying the title was forbidden. If titles could be bought, they would have more power and magic.

A dangerous combination.

Annie didn't want to talk with this man. It was best to avoid the rich and titled. She made another attempt to move away but he blocked her again. She was getting irritated.

"Fair maiden, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Please, won't you tell me your name?" he pleaded. Her temper flared.

"I see you're not used to rejection to know when you are being rejected," she said, lifting her chin high.