
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

56 - Two Years Later

On the edge of the forest, there was a small town. A fishing dock was situated by a lake. The house she lived in was more outside of the town walls. Snow covered the fields that use to be filled with crops and flowers. She was known by the name Annie.

When she had woken up, she had tried to give her name. Her throat was too dry and her words were hard to pronounce. When her caregiver said Annie, she just nodded. She was too tired to explain. The caregiver was the one who found her.

Her name was Poppy. She had dark orange hair she wore in a loose braid over her shoulder. Her chocolate brown eyes exuded warmth. Poppy was cheerful and optimistic. Being the same age, Poppy always came to talk to her regardless of the silence.

Poppy had two younger siblings that were four years younger than them. Being twins, they looked identical with matching orange hair and brown eyes. Ollie was older and loved to be a knight one day. Maddy was the younger twin and liked to be spoiled. She aspired to be a lady.

The sad news was they were the lower class. They could never be a knight or a lady. Annie was learning a lot about people who were not born noble. They had found her at the edge of the woods. Annie had left on the trip mid autumn but when she was found, it was mid winter.

She didn't know how long it had been. Her memories came to her slowly, but not fully. Poppy had exclaimed how her clothes were ragged and bloody. No wounds were found on her though. Even the cold didn't seem to affect her.

They had marveled over her vivid red hair but were sad when she colored it muddy brown. The twins pestered her about who she was and her past. Annie didn't say much. It seemed a part of her blocked most of her memories. Her name and she was of noble birth was all she knew.

During time, she helped around their house. She had also recovered her skills and knowledge. They were poor and Poppy did the farming. Their father worked in the factory by the docks. Unfortunately, a fire had broken out last winter and their father died in it. With their income so low, they weren't able to plant or harvest much for the winter.

The noble who owned the lands didn't compensate their family. Ollie was outraged and ranted of the unfairness. But what could an eight year old boy do? Poppy still remained optimistic and tried to make ends meet. Only Annie was able to see how strained she was.

Today, she told Poppy she would find some work in town. Poppy refused of course but with no choice, she had to accept. Annie had put on their father's clothes. Poppy had tailored it to fit her due to Annie's insistence. Annie had also cut her hair shoulder length, going with a short ponytail.

She had felt a pang of loss but brushed it aside when she placed the cap over her hair. Looking in the mirror, she was satisfied. She easily passed for any teenage boy on the streets. Adjusting the cap to cover her eyes, she headed out of the house.