
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

55 - The Beast's Contract


She felt something touch her hair.

"Did you know? Red anemones mean death in the language of flowers."

Who was talking to her? She frowned, feeling a bright light shine on her. The voice was feminine, cheerful. A hand caressed her face.

"It's also the meaning of forsaken love," the voice mused. "Who have you forsaken?"

She thought about her family relationships. Anemone hadn't done anything bad to them. Pondering harder, she remembered her promise to the fairy prince and her engagement. Her brow furrowed again at the thought.

"I suppose you came here for something. Need... something. What is it you want?."

Her eyes opened. Anemone looked upwards to a girl who looked like her. The only difference was her eyes. They were red. "Who are you?"

She laughed at Anemone. "You came for me but don't know who I am?" When Anemone nodded, she was silent. "I am one of the most sought after magical beast. I am the bird that grants rebirth and regeneration. You have been able to see me by touching my gold egg."

She smiled and touched Anemone's hair. "I love the color red. I only appear to people I like... and I like you. Your battle for survival was impressive. A pity you weren't strong enough. A contract with me will give you power... strength... You will never die from being with me."

Anemone felt heat flowing into her. She felt rejuvenated. "Magical beast... Contract?" she mumbled.

The girl smiled. "Every magical beast requires something in return for our services."

Anemone thought about what she had. "What do you want? To be in a contract with me?"

"To rule a country."

Anemone thought some more. "If I accept, will I be reborn or revived?"

The clone gave an ambiguous smile. "That is your decision. Be forewarned though. If you choose to reborn, you will not be the same person. If you choose revive, I can only revive you a few moments from when you died."

"I want to be revived", she said without hesitation. "I want to find who was behind the one who killed my parents and me. I will offer my role as... The Crown Prince's bride."

Her clone laughed in delight. "I will tell you what will happen if you should fail to keep your end of the bargain. Your life will never be reborn and your soul will be mine. Do you agree to this contract?"

Anemone closed her eyes. Her mind was clear. She could just pass away now and move on. Her family flashed before her. Her father saying he will save them. Her mother telling her to not give up. Cayden trying so hard not to let her go. Her fairy prince... he came too late.

His sorrow filled eyes... his earnestness. His face was so close to her... Her eyes opened and she smiled slowly. "I will go back. I will accept your offer and keep my end."

Her clone mimicked her smile. "When you are revived, you won't be able to think much. I am weak now but I have enough to revive you. Your brain was damaged and will take time to heal. When you go back, you won't remember much. Rest assured, I will continue to heal and you will recover it later. If you want to help me recover, look for the gold berries."

"Gold berries?" she asked. Her vision started getting hazy. She felt drowsy.

"They will make me stronger. Anemone, I have already healed your body. You must go now if you want to complete our contract. Please remember. Gold berries... And when you need me, call my name."

"Your... name?" she asked sleepily.


This ends the arc of her childhood.

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