
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

48 - Must Go Forward

They soon arrived at a small clearing. A small waterfall poured from a cliff. In front of them, a wall made of rock stopped their tracks. Her father got down from his horse and moved to help them down. Anemone fixed her skirt before moving towards the wall. It had strange carvings etched in deep. Her mother, once she was off the horse, rushed to hug Anemone.

"Anemone, I know you're confused but just trust in your parents okay?"

She nodded, watching her father equip his sword. Her mother moved forward to the wall and touched the etchings, as if looking for something. "Mother, I do trust you but I know how to fight also. Let me help too!" she pleaded.

Her mother shook her head. "Anemone, you were only taught one on one combat. I need you to help me instead. Help me look for a way to open this wall."

Anemone helped her mother by touching the wall. Her heart beat faster when she heard the noise of fighting near. She was burning with the need to impress her parents with her skills. Anemone had to breathe slowly and remind herself that she needed to trust her parents. Focusing on the wall, she was confused on what to look for.

Thinking that, she felt something press down when her hand smoothed over a stone. The sound of rocks grating against each other echoed loudly. The wall her mother was touching slowly opened to reveal a dark pathway. Her mother moved back in surprise. She lifted her hands and casted a light spell, the light orb floated above here head.

"Derek!" she called out but her father shook his head. He had taken his sword out and readied his stance.

"Go on without me, Rose! I'm going to defend here!"

Her mother started crying. "Stay alive, Derek! I love you!" She ran and hugged him. Anemone grew scared. Something bad was happening. Her father reached down and hugged her, kissing her cheeks.

"Anemone, keep your mother safe okay? Father will be with you two soon after he finishes this. I love you, Anemone.. Rose..." Anemone watched the tears roll down his cheeks. His hug was so tight. It was hard to breathe. "Now go, you two. Hurry forward."

Her mother pulled her towards the opening. "Fa-father..." Anemone stuttered. Her father was not an emotional man, more stoic. To see those tears, it hit something in her. While they ran in the cave, Anemone was lost in thoughts. Her feelings were in turmoil.

"Mother, please tell me what is going on? What is happening?" she pleaded. The climbing over the stone path and stumbling over rocks were making her lose her breathing.

"Anemone... We're... Being chased, obviously... Someone strong," her mother panted. "I'm sure your father will be able to handle it... Just a little bit close!"

Their dresses kept getting snagged by the prickly rocks, ripping and tearing. Frustrated, her mother ripped the skirts on the side for both of their dresses. She threw the hoop skirts to the side. Anemone stared at them as they ran off again. Her mother had always made sure they were fashionably dressed. To see her do this...

Then... Anemone heard sounds of footsteps running towards them.