
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

43 - Feeling Rushed

Anemone felt the blood drain from her face. "Dying of happiness?" her voice squeaked.

The queen smiled, amused. "Dying as in someone tried to kill you or you're dying from an illness. Almost dead."

Anemone couldn't believe it. "Then... Your highness...?" Her mother's words came back to her from the garden.

~"I was there when she received her magical beast."~

"How... How did you get your magical beast, your highness?" Anemone gulped, the words had been hard to let out. The queen's sapphire eyes darkened.

"Rose, she has approved on being the crown princess, correct?" the queen asked, staring at Anemone. Her mother squeezed her hand.

"Anemone, do you accept on being crown princess?" she asked softly. "You will be in the eyes of all nobles and will be targeted by them. This role is not easy and comes with many dangers. Tell us now..."

She thought about the role. The fight for heir had ended and she had lost. There was nothing else she wanted. She had promised to listen to her mother. "I accept," she said, her voice from with resolution. Her mother started crying and covered her face. Anemone had never seen her mother cry real tears before. It scared her.

"Rose, stop that. You're already scaring your daughter," the queen scolded her mother. "Anemone, I will give you a month to think about it. I'm giving your family time to go home and be together. When you come back, I will tell you everything. It will also mean... you will come and live with me."

Anemone looked at the queen in shock and turned to her mother. No longer living with her family? Did all noble ladies had to go through this when they were young as she? Her heart was saddened but her mind already gave it's word. She must go through with her words.

"I understand, your highness." She stood and curtsied deeply in her simple blue dress. "I have given my word before with mother that I would follow her decision. Since it's been decided, I will go with you as the crown princess."

Each word resounded in her heart deeply. A small part of her asked about her fairy prince. She gritted her teeth. She had not seen him since then. The weight on her neck was a constant reminder. She will wear it as a memory of a dear friend. Forget her promise to him.

The queen smiled slowly. "Your resolvement on this is commendable. I'm still giving you a month to think it over." She stood, fixing her dress. "It's dark now and I need to go back. Rose, you should go home tomorrow. Thirty days from now, meet me at the palace again."

Anemone felt like a fool, still in her curtsied pose. She slowly straightened, listening to her mother and the queen talk. They were saying their goodbyes to one another while walking out. Looking towards her neighbor, she had hoped to see Iris more in town. With the queen's decree, Anemone won't enjoy the time at all.

It would've been nice to be a child without responsibilities.

Webnovel doesn't allow me to chang the font to bold or italics. It's hard to emphasize a flashback or a person's thoughts without. I will try to make it easy to understand with symbols. Let me know what you think!

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