
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

41 - A Surprised Visitor

When her eyes finally opened, she was in her bed. She felt drained and tired. What had happened? Her stomach grumbled in protest, as a reminder. She closed her eyes in embarrassment. She had fainted in front of her mother from hunger. She must've been so worried.

Whispers in the next room drew her attention. Looking out the window, she saw it was almost dusk. She slowly moved off the bed and stood. Clenching her grumbling stomach, she followed the smell of food. Savory meat and fresh bread wafted towards her. She followed it with her nose.

She stopped when she saw the people in the next room. Her mother was serving tea to the queen. They also stopped to look at her. "Good... Good afternoon, mother... Your highness," she greeted nervously, curtsying.

Her mother placed the teapot gently on the table and then rushed to hug her. "I'm sorry, Anemone! I can't believe what a horrible mother I am for not realizing-"

Her rant was stopped short by loud laughter from the queen. They both looked to see the queen sprawled all over the sofa, slapping with her hand on the cushion. "Oh, Rose! I've forgotten what a worrywart you are! It's refreshing compared to your visage in society."

"Pe-peony! You're not setting a good example of being ladylike at all! You're the queen!"

"Oh hush," Peony said irritably. Despite her words, Peony straightened in a proper sitting position. She smiled slyly. "Being such a bad parent, you can't even let her eat as you suffocate her to death. I'm glad my children won't be smothered like that."

Her mother let go and stared angrily at Peony. "How.... How dare you!"

Peony started laughing and beckoned Anemone over. "Come sit and eat before you get smothered by your mother again." Anemone blushed and sat next to the queen. The table was filled with delicious food. She grabbed one of the plate nearby and looked over what she wanted to eat.

There was savory pot roast with herbs crusted over in a pot. Fresh looking bread still had steam wafting up slowly. There was also a plate of asparagus with chopped almonds sprinkled over. At the far end of the table, there was a huge vanilla cake with white frosting and strawberries tumbling down from the top.

Everything looked so good! She started grabbing food and eating quickly. "Anemone, don't eat too fast! You'll get a stomachache," her mother warned as she sat across from them. She smiled at Anemone softly. "Next time, tell me something like this first. I had used too much magic on you and was concerned it was me."

The queen laughed at her words. "That's why your mother called me so I can drain the excess magic. To think... Your own mother starving poor you these three days." Peony made a sad face. "She must be upset that I will soon steal you away as a daughter in law."

Her mother gritted her teeth. "Pe-peony..."

"You know it's a capital crime to kill the future crown princess..." the queen trailed off, realizing something. Anemone stuffed some bread in her mouth, not seeing them exchange sad faces.