
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

15 - A Child's Resolve

They held each other for a long time before she realized she had to go. As he could feel her shiver, he took off his cape and wrapped it around her. "Anemone, you're a good friend to me too. I won't forget also." His voice seemed soft and tender towards her.

She smiled happily but then it faded. " I... I should go back. They must be looking for me, my maids."

He smiled back. "If you do want to run away, you can come with me. You can be my personal servant."

She grimaced at the thought. "I'm learning to be a Lady. Why would I want to be a servant?"

"Well... Ladies have to marry! You can marry me then since I'm a royal!"

Disgusted, she pushed him away. "Marry? We're still little kids! Why do you keep talking nonsense?"

Watching her pout, he took her hands in his. "If I were to come see you when you are older... will you think about it then?" One of his hands pulled the handkerchief away.

Her eyes brighten. "If I agree, will you come back?" She thought about how it would be great to see him again if they were older. He nodded in confirmation. "Okay, yes!" she agreed but then hesitated. "But I can't promise. I will need to see you first."

"Okay, I'll make sure to come see you," he promised. Then he muttered something under his breath.


"Nothing important. You should go back as it's very late." He turned her around and pushed her out. Looking up, she noticed it had stopped raining. She turned to look at him and saw he had a goofy smile. He pushed her again. "Go, before it rains again!"

"Okay... Bye, Fairy Prince!" she waved as she started running back towards her home. "Take care! Until we meet again!" As she wasn't watching where she was running to, she tripped again. Thankfully, this time she didn't scrape anything but she was embarrassed. She turned to see if he had seen, expecting to see him laughing with that bright face.

There was no one there.

She adjusted the cape he had wrapped around her and started running again. Maybe he had already left, she thought. The moon was now lighting her way back with the rain clouds parting. She should be careful running back, especially in heels.


As she finally made it to her room, she saw Miss Sophie standing outside her door. When Miss Sophie saw her, she wrung her hands and hugged her.

"Lady Anemone! Don't run off like that again! I was worried sick!" she cried, squeezing her tight. "I wasn't sure if we should inform the Duchess but I thought... it would be terrible!! So I didn't. Where have you been?"

"Outside," she replied stiffly.

"My goodness, Lady! Your dress is dirty and wet!" Miss Sophie surveyed as she pushed her into view. "Let's get you changed!"

As Anemone was led into her room, the maids helped her undress.

"Miss Sophie... will the lessons really be useful?"

"Yes, of course Lady Anemone. I'll be teaching you on how to apply them in your daily routines." Miss Sophie sat down on a chair nearby. "The Duke does insists on these lessons, but the Duchess wants you to be able to protect yourself."

Anemone looked up in surprise. "Mother?"

Miss Sophie nodded. "You must remember this. For a Lady, there is nothing that can not be used."