
RED (Reversing Evil and Death)

Imagine being the heir to the throne, ready to rule over a great kingdom, but not knowing how to kill your enemies ruins it all. You've been exiled and told to never come back until you finally know how to finish the fight. Yes, exactly! Naisha, a Martian, has been sent to Earth because of her inability to kill her enemies. Her brother has also been banished from the kingdom for supporting her idea of not wanting to kill people. Naisha faces a difficult situation: she has to learn how to kill her enemies and return to find her brother, or remain on Earth and never see her family again.

Sapphire_lynn80 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


It's been a solid ten years since Nixon departed from Arrantandia. Naisha has developed a seething anger and hatred towards her parents and the inhabitants of the land. Except for Yin Yin, who still secretly teaches her, Naisha has lost all faith in the people around her. The day Nixon left, her smile vanished, and since then, nothing and no one has been able to make her grin again.

As Nixon's departure drew near five years ago, a brutal war raged on, but Naisha remained steadfast in her refusal to take the life of any of her enemies. Despite her father's disapproval, she stood her ground. Her unwavering stance, however, did little to sway her father. He was determined to send Naisha to Earth, and the moment had finally arrived.

Naisha didn't even shed tears, she was relieved she wasn't going to be with them for a while and she was also sad she wouldn't be able to come home until she had overcome her fear.

Yurei wasn't happy about what happened, but she was too afraid to speak to Raegan, not knowing what he'd do to her if she tried to argue with him. 

Yurei helped Naisha pack her things and said, "Be brave and overcome your fear."

As usual, Naisha didn't express any form of emotion. She simply said, "I'm not overcoming anything!".

King Raegan gazed upon her with a look of disappointment etched onto his face. His eyes seemed to convey a sense of confusion and disbelief at her recent actions. "I thought you were a bright child," he said with a tone that was more sorrowful than angry. As he slowly shook his head, he locked his gaze onto her once more, as if searching for some sign of understanding or remorse.

As Naisha stood there, she held her pendant and gazed at it, her fingers tracing its intricate design. She spoke softly, "Don't expect me to remember you when this is gone." She turned to look at her mother, her mother's eyes filled with tears. Without another word, she strode towards the portal, the swirling vortex of colors drawing her in. With a sense of purpose, she stepped through the portal and emerged onto the vast expanse of Earth, her heart heavy with the weight of memories and uncertainty.

Naisha arrived on Earth and was pleasantly surprised by how beautiful and colorful it was. Throughout her life, all she knew was gold, but the planet was bursting with billions of colors. As she looked around, she noticed lots of people walking and chatting. She was dressed more formally than the others, and she had a brand new identity. To her amazement, her magical crystal holding all her clothing and other stuff had transformed into luggage. She was puzzled and said, "Huh? What's this?". 

Fortunately, she had a phone and knew how to use it. She kept to herself as she walked around, without asking anyone for directions. She ended up standing on the sidewalk, looking around, unsure of where to go.

Naisha was lost in her phone when Miss Nirvana approached her and introduced herself, "Hello there, I'm Miss Nirvana. May I help you?"

Naisha glanced at the blonde lady, who had dark blue eyes and a perfect body shape. The lady appeared to be around thirty years of age. Naisha continued scrolling on her phone, ignoring the lady's attempts to engage her. Undeterred, the lady persisted, "I can tell that you're new to New York. I can help you get around." she said.

Naisha then showed her a picture of a hotel on her phone, "where can I find this?", She asked. Nirvana smiled, "I could get you there, but where are your parents?" she asked.

After a brief moment of silence, Naisha finally spoke up. "They're not with me," she said in a soft and hesitant voice as if she was unsure of what to say next. Nirvana was taken aback by her response. "Oh, really?" she asked, her curiosity piqued. "How old are you, then?"

Naisha was tired of her Nirvana's constant questioning. "I'm sixteen, can you take me there now?" she asked impatiently. Nirvana nodded in agreement, but before they could make much progress, she posed another question. "Do you want to stay at my place instead? The hotel is really expensive unless you're carrying gold on you," she said with a wry smile.

Naisha was puzzled by the enigmatic nature of humans. Nirvana, on the other hand, welcomed a stranger with open arms, even offering her a place to stay. "I happen to have some gold with me," Naisha responded, producing a gold coin from her pocket. She had lived a life of Royalty, after all.

Nirvana was taken aback and asked, "Where did you get that from?" Naisha gazed at the coin for a while, but suddenly, it vanished. She was bewildered, and as she turned her head to the right, she saw a man sprinting away with her coin. Nirvana shouted at Naisha, "That man has just stolen your coin! Chase him!"

Naisha refused, saying it was foolishness; Nirvana was confused about how she could let it go.

As the day came to an end, Naisha was faced with the decision of where to stay for the night. Nirvana offered her place, and after giving it some thought, Naisha agreed. During their conversation, Naisha learned that Nirvana was a widow who had no children. Despite this revelation, Naisha remained unperturbed, for she had lost the ability to feel and experience emotions. As they settled in for the evening, Naisha couldn't help but wonder about Nirvana's life and the experiences she must have endured as a widow. Nonetheless, she felt a sense of comfort in Nirvana's company and was grateful for the hospitality extended to her. 

Naisha's resolute decision to select Nirvana as her earthly mother, while keeping her Martian lineage a secret, showcases her unwavering self-assurance. Her boldness and confidence in living with Nirvana are a testament to her determination to thrive no matter the circumstance.