
RED (Reversing Evil and Death)

Imagine being the heir to the throne, ready to rule over a great kingdom, but not knowing how to kill your enemies ruins it all. You've been exiled and told to never come back until you finally know how to finish the fight. Yes, exactly! Naisha, a Martian, has been sent to Earth because of her inability to kill her enemies. Her brother has also been banished from the kingdom for supporting her idea of not wanting to kill people. Naisha faces a difficult situation: she has to learn how to kill her enemies and return to find her brother, or remain on Earth and never see her family again.

Sapphire_lynn80 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Zypher had other things planned out, he was furious his son, Zuran did not succeed. 


"Naisha didn't get rid of them?" Queen Elvander sighed. "She's not learning anything, Your Majesty," she said with a worried look on her face. Raegan glanced at her. "I suppose you're right...if so, we should send Yimoyi there."

Elvander considered sending another child to Earth, despite her disdain for humans. If they tried to stir up trouble, Yurei could easily take care of them.

"Alright then, besides that would be a very good birthday gift for her, sending one of her sisters to accompany her...but why don't you send Yurei instead?" Elvander asked. 

Raegan placed his hands on her shoulders and spoke gently, "Yurei is the eldest and has so many responsibilities right now. She truly embodies what it means to be a princess. I hope you understand." He then kissed her on the head.

Elvander smiled and left Raegan's Chamber. 


Sitting at the top of the mountain, Nixon gazed out at the vast expanse of the world around him. With his bare feet dangling over the edge and his loyal demon dog, Triton, resting at his side, he couldn't help but wonder how Naisha was faring at this very moment. 

Despite his own struggles and the many obstacles he had faced, Nixon had chosen to stay alive - to keep fighting, to keep pushing forward - all for the love he held for Naisha. She was the reason he had refused to give up and let himself succumb to the challenges he was facing.

With a fierce determination burning within him, Nixon had promised himself that he would return to Naisha one day. It was the promise that kept him going, the promise that kept him strong, and the promise that ensured he would never give up on his love for her.


"Nirvana, don't touch anything!" Naisha yelled. She had sent Nirvana to England to explore and have fun. Although grateful for Naisha's care, Nirvana planned to visit her again. On a particular day, Naisha invited Asher and Nike to her house and took them to her room where she had a secret base underneath it.

It was full of all kinds of weapons and costumes, different gadgets, books, and other mysterious things. 

Nike responded calmly with a smile, trying to ease Naisha's worries, "Relax, I have no intention of doing anything with it." Asher had been exploring every nook and cranny of the base and was amazed by its size. "Naisha, how is it possible for such a massive place to be hidden underneath your room? It's absolutely enormous!" Asher exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder.

Naisha presented two costumes to Asher and asked her to try them on, "Do you prefer this one or the other?"

Asher was quick to grab the costumes and hurried towards the changing room. As she disappeared behind the door, Nike turned to Naisha and spoke up, "What about me?". However, Naisha remained silent, lost in thought. Nike walked closer to her, trying to get her attention, "Hey, are you even listening? Please don't ignore me."

Naisha and Nike were standing face to face, close enough that their noses were almost touching. Naisha's eyes locked onto Nike's, and she spoke softly, "You should forget about me." Her gaze drifted away from his, and Nike was left feeling shocked and confused. "So you do have telepathy!" he blurted out. He took a step back, his frustration mounting. "You're nowhere near being romantic," he grumbled. "You're such a pain in the neck."

As Naisha gazed at him once more, she was suddenly reminded of Nixon, her brother. She took a few steps closer to him and pinched his ears, scolding him, "And you are not even close to being sensible!". Nike was taken aback by the sudden gesture and looked at her with a mix of excitement and surprise

 "Don't look at me like that. I only did what I would have done to my brother," Naisha said as she crossed her arms. Asher emerged from the changing room and Naisha stared for a while, reminiscing about when she first got her suit.

"You look great!" exclaimed Nike with a smile. Asher danced with excitement, and after a while, Naisha gave them both fake swords and a suit for combat time.

Naisha ignored Nike's confession and urged him to continue despite his embarrassment about his lack of combat experience.

Asher initially struggled, but Nike surprised himself with his ability.

Naisha stood by and watched as Asher and Nike engaged in their practice fight. At first, it was a friendly sparring match, but things quickly escalated when Nike accidentally touched Asher with his sword. Asher was visibly furious that Nike didn't apologize, which only served to rile her up even more. The fight that was once just for practice became more intense as they both struggled to gain the upper hand.

Despite the chaos that was unfolding before her, Naisha decided not to intervene. Instead, she stood back and observed the two combatants, her eyes darting back and forth as they exchanged attacks. "Are you guys having fun?" she asked in a sharp tone, hoping to diffuse the tension between them.

But Asher's anger only grew, and she felt that Naisha's words were a sign of disappointment. She had been hoping to impress Naisha with her skills, and now she felt like she had let her down.

As Asher launched attack after attack, Nike adeptly blocked and dodged each move with ease. But he wasn't just defending himself - he was also carefully studying Asher's techniques, analyzing her every move to understand her style of combat. After a while, Nike had gained enough insight into Asher's fighting style to predict her next move and launch a counterattack with precision. Naisha was not particularly impressed by Nike's performance but was glad to see that he had finally found a more effective strategy against his opponent. "Okay, that's enough for now," she said, calling an end to the match.