



-Beacon, SLBR Dorm, 10/29, 5:30pm-



Ruby Rose POV


"Okay! I got here as soon as I could, what-" I stop as I see the waist high cheese wheel pyramid. And smell it.

Sharp cheddar.

They couldn't even make it gouda.

"Don't touch it!" Cyril shouts as he points at me from beside the pyramid. "Whatever you do don't draw attention to yourself!"

"Then why are you yelling?" Weiss asks desperately as she walks around behind Cyril who is constantly walking away from her.

"Because I'm trying to draw attention to myself!" He says as he sidesteps her by walking on my bed and hopping off it. "I'm more likely to, fuck I don't know! Can't reason with him, he's insanity incarnate! Madness manifest, patron of paranoia! The reveler of muses and the dancer of the deranged!"

Okay, this is bad. Cyril's gone full wacko.

"Come on Sheggy!" Cyril screams at the ceiling as he throws his arms out, smiling out of sheer stress. "Wanna hear a joke? It wasn't me! You should get that one and if you didn't then run to the store and come back with it!"

He then takes one of the cheese wheels from the side of the pyramid and throws it at the wall!

"Cyril!" I shout desperately, running up to him and grabbing his shoulders to face me. "Calm down! Why are you doing this?"

"Why? Why? Can't you see?" He says as he shrugs away and points to the pyramid. "You go from the bottom to the top then top to bottom but no one thinks about going from the side! Thinking so far out of the box that the people have no choice but to put you in it!"

I, I don't get it. What is going on!?

"Weiss, Blake?" I ask desperately as I look to the two. Blake being wide eyed and scared as she holds her knees to her chest. And Weiss is just worried as she keeps following Cyril around, trying to calm him down.

"I got back to the dorm while I was on the scroll with the delivery service." Blake says before gesturing to the pyramid. "I walked in to this in the room, and let it be. I thought Cyril had left it out and was preparing some sort of ritual for his god of insanity and painters or something."

"Cyril didn't." Weiss says as she stops in front of me. "I left the room with him before he left today, and he only got back from Vale a little bit ago. Cyril, thinks his god Sheog-"

"Don't say his name!" Cyril shouts as he turns around and grabs Weiss's shoulders, surprising the little tsundere as she leans back in shock, her ears splaying back. "His name, can call him. And I've been so stupid to think I could get away with saying it for so long and not expect something to happen!"

He lets go of Weiss, who dusts herself off and composes herself, before turning back to try and reason with him.

While try to figure out what's going on!

Looking around the room, I try and find things that are out of place. Cyril is freaking out because he thinks the, I guess demon god of madness did this. Meaning he has his attention.

At least that's what I got out of this. And now he's acting out in an attempt to draw his attention away from anyone else.

Clearly this is a prank. Either on me, or Cyril and it's playing on his beliefs. Problem is, I can't think with Cyril freaking out!

"Why are the hot ones always crazy?" I ask myself as I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I thought that's only supposed to be on TV."

Turning around, I eye the door, looking for any signs of forced entry. Stepping out of the room and inspecting the knob. Finding nothing, I turn back to the room and step around the pyramid as Cyril locks himself in the bathroom.

"Blake did anyone set the latch on the window?" I ask as I look at the window above the desk.

"No, why? How's that important?" Blake asks.

I don't answer her as I look at the desk itself. And run a finger along the edge. Bringing it up, I look at the brown specks.


Why would there be dirt on the desk of a second story dormitory? The main things this desk is used for is reading, and Cyril's engineering.

And as a stand when want to use the night sky as a background for any show we're watching. We just move the monitor over from the other desk.

None of those things, involve dirt.

Going to the sides of the desk, ignoring Weiss banging on the bathroom door, I pat my hand on the floor, and find a bit more dirt and even some specks of grey concrete.

Coming back up, I open the window and lean over the desk to look out of it. Then petal out of the window and to the ground below. Where I look back at the dorm room window, and noticed a scuff mark on the wall leading up to the window. Looking roughly the right width for a shoe.

Someone climbed up to our window, snuck into our room, and placed a carefully stacked pyramid of cheese wheels in the middle of our room. Clearly in an attempt to mess with Cyril, but who would do it?

Who would have something against Cyril, and who would be able to carry several cheese wheels while climbing? Cheese wheels are heavy to carry around!

Whoever it was, didn't bother trying to force their way through the door. So it's someone who knows how to be subtle. Someone who knows how to plan.

Parsing through the grass as I look for more clues, I find it. A single strand, of orange hair.

Someone sneaky, morally bankrupt, strong, and with a grudge against Cyril. Ginger!?

It is with my temper flaring and my blood boiling that I snarl out a single name.




As a Huntress, in training. There are times, when one must go against threats to loved ones and family. Those threats, do not always have to be Grimm.

As a Huntress, in training, who has been raised by Hunters. I am well aware of the expectations and responsibilities I will be handed. I am to target threats to all peoples. Grimm, and non-Grimm, foreign, and domestic.

"It wasn't me!" Cardin cries as I have Crescent Rose trap him against a pillar by his neck.

"I don't believe you." I say as I cock the bolt. "Try again."

"I wouldn't lie here!" He shouts.

"Yes you would." I say.

"Ruby!" Russel calls as he finally catches up to us, using his semblance to jump over and land next to me. "Stop!"

"Don't worry Russel, I'm sure you can get into Haven or Shade." I say, feeling a little bad about possibly ruining a fellow Hunter's education.

He was the only one who stood up to Cardin, so I do feel some kind of bad here. But, eh, he got into Beacon. He can get into another school easy. And honestly? It'd be hard to do worse for a partner than Cardin.

"No, I mean he didn't do it." Russel says as he puts a hand on mine to stop me from pulling the trigger.

"Russel, I get that you're trying to be a good partner." I say as I turn to stare him dead in the eye. "But back off."

I don't see what the issue is. It's not like I'm about to kill him. Just put the fear of every one of Cyril's gods into him. Traumatize him and then go to Ozpin and get him expelled for breaking his agreement to not cause any more trouble.

"No, Ruby listen." Russel says. "Cardin was in therapy today until lunch. After that he had a meeting with the counselor and then he spent the last two hours studying in the library with me and Dove."

Wait, assuming he's telling the truth. That means Cardin couldn't have done it! Unless he has a speed semblance.

"Um, what's his semblances?" I ask as I, start to feel a little silly.

"He can send his aura out and receive it back like a radar. Giving him perfect awareness of his surroundings and any weaknesses of his opponents. And he gets stronger the longer he stays still, the boost lessening as he moves." Russel says, and no sooner does he say that, is when I nearly fall as Crescent Rose is pulled as Cardin gets himself out of the trap.

"Dear god Rose!" Cardin says as he tosses my baby aside and looks to me with a huff and a glare. "You really aren't helping stereotypes when you go feral on people."

I've heard worse.

"Dude we just talked about this." Russel says as he steps between us, before turning to me. "Look just, not now okay? I don't know what happened, but Cardin wasn't involved."

"That's it?" Cardin asks as he gestures to me. "She goes all-"

Russel turns to point at him, almost in the same way as Mom would point at Dad when he was about to do something dumb. I need to learn that pointing technique because apparently it works on everyone!

"-Psycho, on me." Cardin finishes tentatively.

Russel gives a nod before answering.

"After what you've done, I say this is a good point to call it even." He says.

"Not really." I mutter before speaking up. "If it wasn't Cardin, then who?"

"Who what?" Russel asks, turning back to me.

"Okay, so, one of Cyril's religious figures is a devil like figure who represents madness, insanity, creativity and art." I give the quickest explanation I can. "Long story short, it's never a good idea to call this being's attention intentionally. Because he'll hurt you just as easily as he'll help you. And there is no way to know which, or change his mind. Well, one of the things this being likes is cheese. Don't ask me why. Someone stacked a pyramid of cheese wheels inside our dorm. And I'm trying to figure out who did it because Cyril is freaking out thinking his god of madness is behind it."

I take a beep breath as I try to recall if I missed anything.

"Did you say cheese wheels?" Cardin asks.

"Yeah?" I say with a raised brow. "Do you know anything?"

Russel and Cardin share a look. With Cardin shrugging and nodding towards Russel.

"I think I might know who did it." Russel says slowly as he turns to face me.

"Who?" I ask as I collapse Crescent Rose.



Jaune Arc POV


"Hopefully, I can get my I.D. replaced by the end of the week." I say as me and Pyr walk down the hall towards our dorm.

"What about Renny's scroll!?" Nora complains as she walks backwards in front of us. "He's gotten so attached to it, he even named it and now it's gone! Just look at him!"

Me and Pyr look to the Mistralian walking behind all of us. A book in his hands as he reads while we walk back to the dorm.

"Hmm?" He hums as he looks up from his book. "Did you say something?"

"Absolutely devastated." Nora says sympathetically, causing Ren to roll his eyes and go back to reading.

"We talked to the staff." I say as I turn back to Nora. "Ren is getting a replacement in about two weeks from now. They just have to fill out the insurance papers."

Everything in the cities needs papers. I mean, I kinda get it. But it's just so different from the villages and settlements.

"Well that's good to hear." Pyr says as we start walking again. "Hopefully nothing else too interesting happens anytime soon. A mugging is enough excitement in my opinion."

"NORA!" We all freeze as we hear the war cry like screech, before a blast of red rose petals passes us and slams Nora into the wall, revealing itself to be Ruby. "Do you have any idea what you've done!?"

"I blame myself." Pyrrha says with a sigh.



Ruby Rose POV


"Um, I've done a lot of things." Nora says with a smile. "Uh, which one?"

"The cheese wheels!" I raise my voice, a little upset at how, not upset she is.

"Um, what?" I hear Jaune ask as he steps forward. "Hold up, Ruby what are you doing?"

I let go of the girl and step back. Reminding myself to stay calm. No need to do to Nora, what I did to Cardin. I actually kinda like Nora. And I don't fully trust anyone on Team CRDL.

"Cyril is freaking out because someone left a stack of cheese wheels in our dorm and he thinks it's his demon god of madness." I say for the second time today. "And after a bit of investigating, I have two suspects. One has two alibis. The other, is Nora!" I say as I point to the smiling girl.

"Now I'm sure this is a big misunderstanding." Pyrrha says as she steps forward while Ren puts his book down, or, just stops reading it.

"I'll be the judge of that!" I say as I look to the ginger, the other ginger. The short haired ginger that isn't Cardin. "Where were you between the hours of one and three!?"

"I was carrying cheese wheels from the kitchen to the lawn and into your guys' dorm!" She says confidently.

"See?" Pyrrha says. "She was, wait what?"

Pyrrha whips her head back to face Nora as her smile fades.

"Yeah, I got bored and thought Cyril might wanna summon that Sheo guy!" Nora says excitedly. "But then I remembered he was in Vale, so I figured I'd just leave it in your room."

"Nora I left you alone for half an hour." Pyrrha says as she turns to the girl. "How?"

"I got bored." She shrugs.

I don't really know what I was thinking. But, let's just say someone was slapped.



Taiyang Xiao Long POV


Rounding the corner, I find the girl I've been looking for, currently in a shouting match with Team PRJN. With Jaune holding her back, Ren staying in front of Nora as she nurses her cheek, and Pyrrha stuck in the middle.

"Ruby just calm down okay?" Jaune says as the girl thrashes in his arms.

"I will not!" She shouts to the ceiling. "This is a hate crime! A religious attack!"

"She didn't mean anything by it." Pyrrha tries to reassure.

"Ignorance of the law is no excuse!" Ruby shouts.

"What law?" Ren asks.


This is signal all over again.



-Ozpin's office, 7pm-



Lyman "Ozma/Oz" Ozpin POV


It's not often I have to deal with student discipline this late in the day. And when I do, it's usually Glynda catching a couple in an intimate moment outside of their dorms.

"Well, seeing as Mr. Leon is willing to drop the matter on the promise it doesn't happen again, I see no reason to further escalate the issue." I mediate for the teens.

"I would agree as well." James says, acting as a secondary mediator and witness. Seeing as our discussion was interrupted by this dispute. "Though I believe the issue of breaking into the kitchen and another team's dorm should be addressed separately."

"Agreed." I concur with my fellow headmaster.

"But she-" Young miss Rose stands up.

"Ruby, it's dealt with." Mr. Xiao Long stops her. "Go back to your dorm okay?"

"But dad-" She persists, before Mr. Leon picks her up and moves towards the elevator. "This isn't over!"

"It is." Mr. Leon says before pressing a button on the elevator as Ms. Valkyrie and Mr. Ren filter in as well.

"She is so much like her mother was." Tai shakes his head.

"Truly?" James asks with a raised brow. "To my perspective, Summer and, Ms. Rose are quite different."

Tai gives a slight look of remorse. Or, perhaps nostalgia. There's a look of longing in him for a split second before it's subdued.

"I said was." He responds softly. "Summer was, almost exactly like Ruby is until our third year."

'The death of her sister April, followed by May who was on the same team.' I think to myself. 'Followed by her father just after her graduation. And then her sister Diana.'

All within eight years. The death of so many loved ones would dampen anyone's spirit.

"Well, either way that was certainly a spectacle." James says as he walks around my desk to stand beside Mr. Xiao Long. Recognizing the tone and wishing to see it shift. "A pleasant surprise to find the young boys to be rather reasonable. Mr. Ren and Mr. Leon both showed great maturity there."

"Truly?" I speak up. "From my perspective it seemed as though Mr. Leon was merely embarrassed over his lapse in judgement. Mr. Ren on the other hand, I saw more apathy and exhaustion than I did maturity."

"I suppose you would pick up on those things more easily." James says before turning towards Tai. "Regardless, was Mr. Leon actually upset in the way they claimed? His subdued nature leaves me with doubts."

"Jimmy, when I got to the room he was locked in the bathroom and came out looking paler than your backyard." Tai says as he uncrosses his arms. "The kid may say he's not overly religious, but I've no doubt he genuinely believes what he says."

Superstitions are difficult to fake. For long at least. They carry on in one's attitude in everyday life. Through phrases they speak, fears they hold.

Which only adds to this mystery.

I could understand Mr. Leon faking a religion as a way to separate himself from his home. Conjure up a new identity to detach from the old. But such measures only run so deep before they simply start to slip. In short, the only reason he'd panic, is if he believed there was a reason to panic. So his religion is real. Or, as real as any established religion is.

Which only raises the question, where does he come from? An unknown religion, miraculous and dustless technology, Menagerian games.

And everyone there is dead but him.

"What do you think, Oz?" Tai asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I ask as I lock eyes with the former elite Huntsmen. "My apologies. I wasn't paying attention."

"We were discussing what to do with miss Valkyrie." James says.

"Right, of course."



-SLBR Dorm, 8pm-



Cyril Leon POV


And that's the last cheese wheel!

"I still think this is excessive." Jaune says as I leave all of the wheels on Nora's bed.

"She stole them, she can have them." I say as I leave.

Yeah, turns out that once food leaves the kitchen, it can't go back in. The only food allowed in is from the deliveries. So, Nora is now the proud owner of 12 cheese wheels.

And yes, she has to pay for them all. That was the entire school's supply of sharp cheddar.

Also, part of the menu has to be changed for the next week until a new supply can be brought in, and I'm upset over that.

Was really looking forward to cheesy potatoes.

"Have a nice day." I say as I turn around and leave.

Honestly, the thing I'm most upset about is that our room was broken into again! That, and I'm genuinely ashamed of my behavior. Not that I thought Sheogorath was about to suddenly appear. I've met the brother gods. Who's to say anything else is real or not?

I just hope this never gets brought up again.

Stepping into our dorm, I sigh as I head to my bed, and faceplant.

"Um, Cyril." Weiss says as I hear her approach from behind before sitting on the bed. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I say as I turn my head to look at her. "Just, stressed is all."

Her and Blake are already changed into their night clothes. It's just me and Ruby left, and Ruby is in the bathroom angrily brushing her teeth.

"Understandable." Weiss says curtly.

She, doesn't say anything as she just stares at the wall awkwardly. Before reaching over and putting a hand on my head.

"Um, what are-"

"Shut up." She cuts me off as she rubs my head while refusing to look at me.

I sit here for a bit longer as she continues to rub my head. And I have to wonder what the hell she's on. Is, is this just a thing for her?

"Alright, Cyril you're good to, what's going on?" Ruby asks as she steps out of the bathroom.

"I'm merely attending to the mental health of my teammate." Weiss says.

"By running your hand through my hair?" I ask curiously. "I mean, it's nice but I think a hug would do."

"Do, you not like this?" She asks.

"Weiss, human's don't get anything out of head rubs." Ruby whispers, causing the girl to look to me, and then to Ruby, and back to me.

"I-I I knew that!" She says as she removes her hand from my head, allowing me to move and sit up on my bed.

"It's kinda obvious." Blake grumbles as she lays down in her bed and faces the wall. "Human's don't have, ears on top."

"I said I already knew!" Weiss protests defensively as she crosses her arms.

"Wait, scritches are an actual thing?" I ask, a little surprised I hadn't figured that out sooner.

"Don't call it that!" Weiss says, snapping her head to look at me with a glare. "It's demeaning."

"Yeah." Ruby says as she walks over and puts a hand on Weiss's head, earning a small blush from her. "It's better to call it a massage."

"Oh, I've just been calling it the reset button for you two." I shrug, causing them both to look at me curiously.

"Why?" Ruby asks as she stops rubbing Weiss's head.

"Because you two eep and freeze up when I do it." I say.

"That's because you're a brute." Weiss responds with a glare.

"What she means is it's because you slap our heads and just dig your fingers in." Ruby translates, before adding. "You're just so rough with it."

"Oh, sorry." I answer awkwardly.

"I never said you were doing anything bad." Ruby answers in return with a wolfish grin as she hugs a soon to be blushing Weiss. "don't mind."

"Can you guys not discuss your preferences while I'm still awake?" Blake interjects as she turns over to glare at us.

"You're just jealous of us." Ruby says as she looks over to her and sticks her tongue out impishly.



-Beacon, SLBR Dorm, 10/30, 6:30am-



Ruby Rose POV


Making sure to wake up before everyone else. I check my scroll for the time, and grin as I look over to Weiss and Cyril. Weiss is always the little spoon, even with me.

And she is tooth achingly adorable when half asleep. But, that's not my aim right now. I actually need to get her fully awake. Consent is important after all.

"Weiss." I whisper as I gently shake the girl in Cyril's arms. "Weiss."

"Hmm?" She opens an eye. "Ruby?"

"Good morning." I say before giving her a kiss.

Morning Weiss doesn't give the same, needy and desperate kisses that Awake Weiss does. They're like two completely different people.

"Morning." Weiss mumbles after the kiss, and lays her head back down.

"No." I say playfully as I poke her cheek. "You need to stay up."

"For what?" She groans.

"Because we're about to get a shower and get dressed for the dance." I whisper.

"Oh, right. The dance." She says as she moves and slides out of the bed, carefully slipping out of Cyril's arms without waking him up.

I stand up with her, kissing her as I pull her into the bathroom.



"Ahn!" She moans as I nibble on her ear as the water falls on us. Holding her trembling form from behind as her tail is wrapped around my thigh.

"Shh, you gotta keep your voice down." I whisper as I massage her petite breast, my other hand massaging her lower lips.

"Ru-Ruby." She moans softly.

"Better." I kiss her cheek and insert a finger.

"Hmmm!" She squeals, clenching her mouth shut.

She's just so cute!

"So, I get the room to myself tonight. Right?" I whisper.

"Rmm hmm!" She moans as I work my finger faster.

"Good girl." I say with a kiss before going back to nibbling on her ear.

"Ruby, I, I'm gonna, I'm." She starts shaking.

I detach from her ear and kiss her. Initiating a hungry makeout session as she trembles in my arms. Her tail trying desperately to squeeze my leg numb as I feel her legs almost give out. Causing me to hold her up against me as she rides out her high.

"Ha, ha, ha." She pants as she separates from the kiss and goes slack in my arms. "You, could've, just, asked."

"I could've." I agree as I kiss the nape of her neck. "But that wouldn't be as fun, would it?"

She would've said yes either way, I have no doubt. But I didn't want her to think I was neglecting her.

"You're, incorrigible." She pants out.

"Big talk for someone who got undressed and said yes ma'am." I tease with a wide grin.

That sounded better in my head.



-30 minutes later-



Cyril Leon POV


Rolling to my back as I wake. I notice the lack of a certain Faunus attached to my arm. Sitting up, I notice Weiss is at her vanity brushing her hair. Ruby is not in the room but the water is running. And Blake is still asleep in her bed.

"What time is it?" I groan as I reach for my scroll.

It is so hard to not just call it a phone.

"It's nearly seven on the dot." Weiss answers.

It takes me a moment of confusion, wondering how she heard me. Then I remember she's a Faunus with fox ears.

'Right, I keep forgetting she has super ears.' I think to myself.

"Thanks." I say before laying my head back down.

The dance isn't until five today, so I have no reason to be up early. So, I'm following Blake's example and staying asleep.

"You're quite welcome." Weiss says in an, unusually chipper mood.

"You sound happy." I remark.

"I, woke up in a good mood you could say." She says as I hear the sound of makeup kits being opened and closed.

Now that I'm fully awake, the conversation having roused me fully. I get back up and turn over in my bed. Standing up and stretching just in time for Ruby to get out of the bathroom.

"Morning Cyril!" She says as she steps out in casual clothes, skipping over to me and planting a quick kiss on my lips.

"Seems everyone is in a good mood today." I remark.

"I'm just excited for the dance today." She says innocently as she heads back to her bed and jumps backward, landing on the bed as she props her hands behind her head and kicks one leg over the other.

"Speaking of." Weiss says as she finishes her routine. "As a member of the planning committee, have to go make sure the entire event is set up properly."

She then stands up and heads towards the door.

"Should any of you need me, I'll be in the main auditorium assisting the help with the set up." She says before opening the door, and stopping short at the blonde in the doorway.

"Sup bitches!" Yang says as she leans on the doorframe.

"Is that Yang?" Ruby leans forward to look past the opened door.

"Hey! Where's that birthday girl?" Yang says as she tries to move past Weiss.

Who doesn't budge, and puts a hand up on her stomach to stop the girl in her tracks.

"Hey there sweet cheeks." Yang says with a wink. "I get that sisters are a popular kink but that's not my thing."

"Urgh!" Weiss utters in disgust as I can mentally see the face she's making. "I'll have you know I'm exercising a new dorm rule. No entering without permission. Wait did you say birthday?"

"That's what she said." Yang quips with a snap of her fingers. "Now seriously where's Ruby?"

"You can let her in." Ruby says as she hops up. "Trust me, she'll only get worse if you don't."

I then hear Blake flick the switch on her weapon.

"Not like that!" Ruby says as we both turn to the girl who is still laying down, but with one eye open and her arm hanging off the side of her bed with Gambol Shroud in it.

"Hmm." Blake grumbles before flicking the safety back on and sliding the weapon back under her bed and closing her eyes again.

She scares me sometimes.

Okay not really. But my point still stands that she is way too trigger happy.

"Wait, Ruby it's your birthday?" I ask. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I wanted to make it a surprise!" Ruby says as she peeks past the door at Yang. "And you ruined it!"

"Hey! You should've said something!" Yang defends.

"Isn't the surprise, supposed to be for the birthday girl?" Blake asks tiredly.

"It's Ruby." I point out. "Doing things backwards is kind of her thing."

"Rmm, fair enough." Blake grumbles as she turns back around.

"Yang! Outside!" Ruby says as she marches out of the room and drags Yang with her.

Weiss looks to me questioningly. And I just offer a shrug as not even know what's going on.

Weiss just sighs as she puts a hand to her forehead and shakes her head disapprovingly.

"I shall see you all later." She says as she heads out of the dorm, before stopping and turning around. "Cyril, I would like for you to be present in the room at four."

She then turns and leaves.

Looks like I've got time to kill.



-10 am-



Gol, earth. Again, another word without any, real translation. Also a word that relies heavily on context. Gol, can be stability, it can be fragility, it can be earth, or it can be the ground beneath our feet. When used as it is in the game. Earth, mind, dragon. It means "Bow down and submit to my authority." By way of context. Dov, rule the skies where none other dare to touch. By adding mind and dragon, you are telling them to submit their decisions to one above them.

But, again it is contextual. Like most of the Thu'um.

Can't wait to mess with this one a bit.






"Checkmate." I say.

"How!?" She asks as she puts her scroll on the table, having hidden it from me. "I literally cheated and you still won."

She was using an online chess game and doing that trick where you let the opponent go first IRL, while mimicking their moves onto the chess app. And just doing what the computer does.

"Remember when you went to the bathroom?" I ask as I rest my head on my fist.

"What did you do?" She asks with a glare.

"Word of advice." I say with a grin. "Don't look down at your lap every time you're about to take a turn."

I then hold up my scroll and show her that I took the time, to do the exact same thing on my scroll. Just instead of a game, I was looking up strategies to beat an A.I. chess game.

"I, you, I." She points at me before making a fist and lightly slamming it on the table. "Fuck you. I can't even be mad at that."

Ruby and Weiss are still out. So, it's just me and Blake. And we're both too antisocial to go out of our way to interact with other people.

"You know, I'm surprised you haven't said anything." I say as we reset the board.

"About what?" She asks.

"About yesterday." I clarify.

"Not much to say." She shrugs. "I, understand why you freaked out."

"You do?" I ask, genuinely curious as to what could get Blake to be sympathetic.

"It'd be like if I walked into the room, and a pile of skulls was just, there." She says. "I'd be freaking out that I'd somehow earned Kapalcito's attention."

"Who?" I ask.

"Kapalcito is the spirit of death and decay." Blake says. "My people believe them to be a malicious, but necessary part of the natural order."

'Something evil, but necessary?' I think curiously.

"Like, someone who has an undesirable job, but takes way too much pleasure in doing it?" I ask.

"Yes, actually." She says with surprise. "Huh, that, usually takes a bit longer to explain."

Wasn't that hard of a deduction. Considering I've met people who joined the army because they want to kill people.

"Anyway, Kapalcito is the collector of skulls." Blake continues. "They go from place to place, spreading decay with the help of three of his sons. It's said that if you start seeing the skulls of the deceased, and start hearing their voices. It means Kapalcito is near, and he's looking for you. So yeah, I get why you freaked out."

So even with Ozma around to tell people what's happened before. You still have people coming to their own conclusions about the world.

Makes sense honestly. It's not like he can be everywhere. And from what I've read in my history tutoring. Ozma can go years or even decades without appearing.

"Huh, so, is that a Faunus thing or-" I start to ask.

"A Billi clan thing." She cuts me off coldly. "Word of advice, don't make any generalizations. It's a good way to piss off a lot of Faunus."

"Learn that one yourself?" I ask pointedly.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Blake asks as she crosses her arms.

"You make generalizations about humans." I point out.

"Because almost all humans are the same." She says, earning a flat stare from me. "What? You are all, literally, physically the same."

"Skin tone, eye color, hair color, face shape, region of birth, culture, religion." I list off. "All are different from person to person. Hell, Faunus are just humans with an extra piece tacked on."

"Say that again and I'll smack you." She says pointedly.

You know, considering she was hardcore racist a month or two ago. I consider this a step up.

Not good by any means, but, less stinky of two piles of trash you know?






Here I am, sat on the toilet in my tux as I wait for Weiss and Ruby to finish getting dressed.

Turns out that in Atlesian culture, it is improper for partners to see one another for an outing before either are ready. In other words, no peeking on the girls until they have their faces on. Or the boys. It's not gender exclusive.

How progressive.

"Alright Cyril!" I hear Ruby say excitedly. "We're good!"

"Finally." I sigh to myself as I stand up and flatten out my tux.

I went with a dark blue tux and a black tie. And I asked about any customs like giving flowers to Ruby and Weiss.

Turns out that's gender free as well! Because I'm the one receiving flowers. Because Weiss and Ruby asked me out. Or, well Ruby is giving me Weiss flowers. Atlas doesn't have anything like that.

So, stepping out of the bathroom, I'm greeted to the site of Weiss and Ruby in their dresses. Much the same as canon. With Ruby having red dress with a black waistband, a black bow on the right side if the band. And a black see through mesh top just above her breasts. Black see through leggings and red heels. Giving her a cutesy but still classy look.

Weiss on the other hand, is going full elegant beauty. A pristine white dress that's grey on the top of her chest, sort of matching Ruby's. But the lower you go, it starts to have specks of light blue glitter woven into the dress. And the white sash around her waist comes out the back as two tassels that sway around her tail, highlighting it and actually blending with it, as opposed to how her last dress tried to blend her tail into her dress. Her hair is braided on the left side and her ponytail being tied in at a lower angle and swept around her right shoulder to rest in front of her.

"Well?" Ruby asks with a small blush as she gives a twirl. "How do I look?"

"Your dress accentuates your natural charms beautifully." Weiss says, giving a small bow with her hands clasped in front of herself.

"You look beautiful Ruby." I say with a smile, causing Weiss to roll her eyes at my lackluster response. Ruby still enjoyed it though, if the smile and growing blush on her face is any indicator.

"I should hope you have more to say in my regard." Weiss says demandingly.

Translation, I want you to compliment me and make me feel special.

"Of course." I say as I take a step forwards towards her. "For you and your pristine visage have no equal. The snowiest and most untouched vistas are a pale and pitiful comparison to the sight of your beauty and-"

Weiss is getting redder and redder as I continue. And Ruby is struggling not to laugh as I lay it on thicker and thicker.

Not even Blake is spared as she holds a hand over her mouth.

"So tantalizing is the sight of such elegance you inspire-" I continue as I step closer and grab her hand.

"Okay you've proven your point." Weiss shouts a she pushes me back, clearly overwhelmed.

"I had a point?" I laugh. "But seriously, you look almost perfect.

"Almost?" She says, clearly offended.

"I hate your heels." I say, maintaining my stance on that particular matter. "I prefer you without them."

"think you look perfect." Ruby says as she walks over and offers the stubborn girl a kiss on the cheek.

"You know I can tell when you lie, right?" Weiss says.

didn't. And I know that's false. That or she just hasn't been calling out any of my bullshit.

"I'm not lying!" Ruby whines. "You are perfect. Though, I think you'd look more perfect without the heels."

'Ha!' I mentally jeer. 'Even Ruby prefers cute Weiss.'

She really is adorable without the heels.

"Well that's too bad." She says as she tilts her head up before walking over to me and wrapping an arm around mine. "The heels stay on."

"Even in bed?" I ask teasingly.

Weiss looks up at me with a curious brow raised. And I have to wonder if that joke just flew over her head, or if that's not a common joke here.

"Why would you where shoes in bed?" Ruby interjects, and I hear Blake facepalm in the background. Letting me know it's not just me.

She's still here because she's waiting to be picked up by Sun.

"Never mind." I shake my head. "Shall we?"

The set up is that I'm escorting Weiss to the dance and will be with her until about six, where she'll trade out with Ruby and leave to cover the greeter's spot. At about seven, I trade out with Weiss and cover the spot, giving Weiss and Ruby time together.

At eight, I might just head back with Ruby who said that's as long as she plans to stay.

"We shall." Weiss nods before we leave for the dance.

Why do I get the feeling I'm missing something?















-First war of Freedom-



The shipment of Faunus being carted to the capital of Mistral was running smoothly. In fact, at the pace they were making, they might make it early. If not for the ditch in the road, cleverly hidden by sticks and dirt. The lead cart hits the dip and breaks its front wheel.

"Damnit!" The lead of the transport curses as he's nearly thrown from the coach.

The cart nearly topples with how overstuffed it is. Causing the Faunus inside to panic.

"Someone shut them up!" The lead calls out as he steps down from the coach. "We don't need panic spreading to others and attracting the Grimm."

"I think I might be able to help with that!" They hear a voice call from the thick brush before the individual revealed themselves.

A tall young man with brown shaggy hair covering one eye to hide an eyepatch. The other a striking blue. A brown, worn cloak and plated functional armor that had red seams and dye in the leather. Making him stand out, yet almost blend with the dirt road.

Adorned with a single kite shield and sword.

"And who the fuck are you supposed to be!?" The lead of the caravan asks. "The horseless highwayman?"

"You can call me whatever you want in your memoirs." The man says confidently as he struts forward. "But for now, I suggest you mosey out of here and leave the good people you have locked up, behind."

"Balderdash, Rexus, kill him." The lead says, gesturing to the coachman who takes a crossbow out, and fires it at the man.

Who catches the bolt in his hand and crushes it. Not stopping his stride.

"Eh, your aim's a bit off my friend!" He says as he persists. "That shot would've merely hit my shoulder! Debilitating yes, but hardly lethal. I'll let you try again!"

The lead urges the coachman to reload and fire as the man continues to calmly walk forward. Finally having the bolt loaded, he aims and fires at the man now a mere twenty feet away.

The man catches the bolt again. Snapping it in his hand as he never loses stride. His face a picture of calm as he walks. No, strolls forth.

"Eh, better." He says with a pitying grin. "That one would've hit my chest, might have hit my lung if not for the armor. One more?"

The coachman shakily loads the bolt as other guards and workers come up to see what the hold up is. And are naturally confused as they only see a single armored man.

The coachman raises the bolt to the man as he walk right up to him. An innocent smile on his face as he regards the coachman as one would a friend.

"Now, at this distance." The young man begins to explain. "That bolt would go right through my armor and get stuck in my chest."

"Fire you idiot!" The lead shouts, spooking the coachman into pulling the trigger.

The man doubles over, hand clutched to his chest as he takes a knee.

"Damned bellend." The lead curses before turning to a guard. "Get one of the spare wheels and fix the cart. And you! Get the dying fool out of my earshot and off the road."

"Oooh." The man groans, before his groans turn to, laughing. "Oohhohoho! Oh I couldn't help myself!"

He then stands up, holding the bolt in hand before tossing it to the side. His smile going from friendly, to arrogant.

"Surprised?" He says before grabbing the coachman's crossbow and pulling it, before shoving it back, shoving the stock into the coachman's gut before yanking it out of his grasp and bringing it up. Breaking the weapon on the man's jaw. Knocking him out cold and sending him back against the lead.

"Kill him!" The lead of the caravan commands, causing the guards to all converge on the young man, who blocks a sword with his shield. Deflecting the swing and throwing a right hook into the guards temple, sending him dazed and to the ground.

The man then slaps one of the horse's, causing it to rear up and come down. Stomping another guard and breaking his leg as he fails to back away.

In five minutes, the young man manages to disable fifteen caravan guards without ever unsheathing his sword. Turning to the cowering lead of the caravan, he regards him with near complete disinterest as he walks past him.

"Keys." He says as he holds up his hand.

Catching the set, he rounds the caravan and unlocks the cage. Rummaging through the set and tossing the cuffs keys to the nearest Faunus.

"I'll get the others." He says with a friendly smile before turning to the second and third carts.

After releasing the rest of the slaves and fixing the cart himself. The young man looks up to see one of the men he released taking a sword from an unconscious guard, and stalking towards the lead.

"Hey." He calls out as he stands up and begins walking over. "Hey, what do you think you're doing!? Hey! HEY!"

The man runs up and stops the freed slave from swinging down on the unarmed lead. Grabbing his him by the wrist.

"He needs to pay!" The fanged man says. "He needs, to pay!"

"Not today!" The man says as he pulls the sword out of the fanged man's grasp. Tossing it aside with a clatter. "If you have any respect for me, for the man who just saved you. You'll respect my wishes, and leave him be, leave him alive."

"That's it?" The fanged man asks. "We just, leave him? Leave him and his lot free?"

"I said alive." The man stresses in a low voice. "I never said free."

"What?" The fanged man asks in confusion.

The man turns to the lead and stalks towards him.

"I'll not have anyone die on my watch!" The man declares as he walks. "That includes these men! We'll be taking them with us to the Teal Coast! After which I'll oversee our voyage to Sanus, where you'll all be free to do whatever life calls you for."

Though there was discontent. None dared disrespect their savior, least of all so soon after their rescue.

"Thank you." The leads grovels. "Thank you so much!"

"Stop thanking me." The man says. "It's not as though I saved your life."

"Wh-what?" The lead asks in confusion.

"What?" The man says in return. "I said no one would die on my watch. As soon as we're on Sanus, I'm turning around and heading back here for more people. I didn't save you, I just gave you time to convince these people you should get to live."

The former lead of the caravan looks out amongst the group of freed slaves. None of which were bothering to hide their looks of disdain for him.

"Wh-what's your name?" The former lead asks nervously.







Is a bastardization of Sanskrit for Skull, Kapala, and collect, Cinoti.

I was originally going to do something a bit different. But then I realized that it was too close to Kapalika or Shiva. Which is a real life deity that people worship.


Keeping this here for me.

Fus, force

Ro, balance


Wuld, whirlwind

Nah, fury


Yol, ingnite


Strun, storm


Fo, frost


Gaan, stamina


Ven, air


Gol, earth


Su, wind


Rii, essence