

Tell me do a person dies when he is killed or does he dies when everyone forgets about him ? one can be destroyed but one cannot be defeated until that one never stops believing! The world Where Rex lives is corrupted will he be able to save this world from the clutches of corrupted people who runs this world or will he also be forgotten in the clutches of Corruption. Humans are the real demons!!

RAJA_DaS · Fantasy
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38 Chs


Her grip becomes tight on the shoulders of Rex and she comes more close to Rex her face is right before Rex face..

Rex gets more flustered and Shifts his gaze from her face and looks down..

Rex - y...ye...yeah!! We can do that.

Rex thinking- why did you agreed to it.. your secret is going to get revealed, your social life is over now Rex.. No one will come near you! You are going to become a freak for the rest of your life....

Aleena then moves her hand from Rex's shoulders and then starts walking. Rex still in one place thinking how to avoid this situation,

Aleena stops and looks back at Rex.

Aleena - so you are coming or not?

Not getting any ideas in his mind he decided to follow along.

Rex - yeah! Wait I am coming.

They left the garden together.

In the roads of the district city,

Rex and Aleena walking together

Rex is still worrying about what to do about his situation, Aleena looks at Rex and smiles .

Aleena - whats with that face of yours ?

Rex - wa..what! Does my face has something on it?

Aleena - no, you idiot! I am talking about why your face is so gloomy?

Rex - aaah! Oh you see it's because of the sun, it's so bright today! I m feeling hot, didn't know district city will be this hot.

Wipes of his sweat from his face.

Aleena - I see, well this is district city for yaa.

The city is populated, surrounded by so many people it's bound to feel hot and also it's summer right now.

Ooh! HERE WE ARE!! so Rex meet the district city market. A place where one can find anything.

The market was bustling with people, everywhere you can hear cries of the shopkeepers trying to get the attention of people, Buyers arguing about the cost.

Aleena was right! one can find anything here, from flowers to herbs , from tools to magic tools , food items to spices , magic gears to wands, it was a scenery to look at.

Aleena suddenly holds Rex's hand firmly.

Aleena - the market is very crowded today, hold on to my hand or you might get lost..

Rex - yeah!! Ok.

Rex can't believe how much Aleena's hand was soft, it's like holding on to a sponge with a skin as a layer on top. Her hand was warm, though she was the one who casted an ice magic infront of him.

Aleena takes Rex's hand and began to walk taking the lead.

Aleena - move along boy, we have to be there in 10 mins, or my teacher will close it down.

It's already passed noon time.

Rex - Ok! Ok! Let's move fast.


At Aleena's teacher's place,

Aleena - we still got time, let's go inside!

Aleena entered the building followed by Rex.

Inside the building,

Aleena - common Rex, i think teacher is in her room.

they both enters into a room, and the door sign signified a snowflake.

Aleena - teacher, sorry for intruding into your room like this, if you are busy we can leave.

There sitting on the chair, a woman on her thirties, with dark black hair was reading a book. looking at her one can tell she is experienced in the art of magic. Her aura was different from any other, it was cold and calm.

The women eyes falls on them both,

women - what are you doing here? at this hour, Aleena today was your day off isn't it?

Aleena - yes it was, but i have brought someone with me too meet you.

women - to meet me! who wants to see this old women now?

her eyes falls on Rex.

ooh a young boy, so you wanted my approval of your boyfriend i guess?? nice he looks neat! I totally aprove!

Aleena - (with a flustered voice ) no miss Evania!! he is not my boyfriend, he is younger than me.

Miss Evania - So What!! age doesn't matter girl your love matters the most!

Rex and Aleena both looks at each other with flustered looks and red cheeks.

Aleena - he is not my boyfriend ! We are here to evaluate his elemental magic affinity!

Miss Evania - oooh! you should have told me that first no....sorry if I made you guys uncomfortable..haha.

So who is he though? your friend or family relative?? what's your name young boya ?

Rex - ah yes! my name is Rex Viper, it's my first time in the district city, Aleena's father and mine are close friends and its an honor to meet you, Aleena is really talented and meeting her teacher is just a great honor, you are very pretty and exotic.

Miss Evania - My! My! young boy, you know your Flattery skills haaa!

I am glad to meet such a young sweet friend of Aleena...

Aleena! make him your fast or I might steal him from you...hahaha(laughing covering her mouth with one hand).

Aleena - oooh! enough with those Miss Evania, you are making me embarassed infront of Rex here.

please let us use the magic orb and we will just leave!

Miss Evania takes out a key from her drawer of the table,

Miss Evania - such a furious girl..haha! ok ok, take the keys and go unlock the door to the Evaluation Room , I will be there in a moment.

Aleena tooks the keys from Miss Evania's hand and takes Rex's hand and starts to move.

Aleena - let's go! Rex .

And they lefts the room.