
Recreation of life

"David lived an amazing life, but alas, it ended." he has achieved great things, but there were certain regrets that he can't overcome. David's soul was snatched by the gods. This story is about a man needed by the gods to resolve a crisis inevitable to heaven and earth...

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5 Chs

David Gikkins.....

My Grandparents were always there with aelia and me. They were always supportive and kind. At an early age they have granted me their life experiences, morals and virtues. due to which I have always exceeded in my life.

My grandparents have considerably aged. They were at the age of 80 years. Old age leads to many aged diseases. My grandparents have beaten many problems and diseases in their life. I have been there for regular check ups and healthy medication. I have come to know their conditions. I have proceeded to search for countless theories and many professors but can't achieve anything. At last I only hope for them to live longer. I Decided to spend a lot of time with my grandparents. Aelia and lena had often brought food to the hospital. Often I slept at the hospital. I have decided to hide my grandparents conditions from my family but they knew how severe their conditions are.

After certain years passed. My grandparents passed one by one. It was a dreadful year. Aelia and I have cried many times. At the end of my eyebrow there were always dried tears. People would come and go with their comforting lies. Lena was always their for me. Aelia and my parents were also sad but they were trying to console me. At last I have been living with a conclusion that life is uncertain. Due to such an incident my life changed. I had been visiting various temples for peace and medication and prayed for my grandparents. Donating food and clothes in orphanages. I wasn't religious of any kind but at last I wholeheartedly proceeded with all of the customs of burial. "Peace to their souls".

In the corner living area of the building. It was a place back in the building. There were four slabs of stones with their names written. The insignia of my family was placed. It was a beautiful garden. The roses were there for my grandmother's and Banyan trees for my grandfather's. There were four corner stones of their names placed around the building. I have taken all my saved money and my parents and aelia Lena have helped to secure a loan for a three story building.

My parents, Aelia and I always come with flowers. Lena was always there besides me. I have changed very much. There were a cold aura that would often surround me. These dreadful years I have always done the majority of the operations. They were impressed to grant me a role of senior doc. I have taken many leaves and often spent time with lena. Aelia and my parents were often happy to see me idling around the house. Lena has also started to do online work at home. Lena and I were always having a good time with each other.

Today Lena was very nervous we were visiting a close friend of mine. He was a doctor in the field of gynecologist.

we were there to get a check of fertility.

results soon take place around a week. I have secretly sent a message to identify the report first hand.

After 2 or 3 days my friend has secretly messaged reports. I was basically shocked with the reports. I asked my friend to check 2 or 3 times. I was infertile and my wife lena's body is incompatible with children. She can have a test tube baby but during pregnancy her figure changes. It was led to major problems in the baby in her stomach and also in operation. It was a major risk. There was a certain percentage chance to have a baby but I don't want to risk it. I can't let lena risk her life.I have said to change the reports with only me being infertile.

At the end lena had been very eager for her reports. At last we visited my doc friend to get my reports. Lena couldn't control herself to check her reports but I had stopped her and said that we should check the reports at home. I was driving my car to the home sweats were dropping from my forehead. Lena had been worried about my condition but I had told her to be at ease.

We arrived at our home. After some talking with my parents. Lena and I were in our room. we decided to not tell our parents about anything until we found anything terrible. Lena had checked her reports. she had been very grateful for the normal reports. I had seen her face rid of tension. I had also pretended to check my report. I don't want her to find out my report but I had to let her check my report. After checking the report she had a sad face but she decided to console me and we would find another way to get rid of this predicament. Lena is always there for me and I don't want her to leave me. I had unexplainable nightmares and dreadful thoughts. Lena had been strict with my diet and always made healthy things for my body. This was a gruesome experience but every time Lena's happy face was there to uphold me at every time.

My life was going smoothly. I have accepted my shortcomings. Lena wants to talk about the future ahead. I guess the inevitable has come. I had told lena before she wanted to say something. I had said all the years you have been in life. It was very peaceful and majestic. Awesome memories will always there with me. I will always be there for you. I can't have a single moment without you. I also cried a little. Lena had a stoic face after that she laughed a lot. I had been petrified with such an amused expression. At last lena said ," Who wants to leave such a caring husband.

She demanded many brand jewellery and I accepted with a pained expression.She wanted to speak about the test tube baby but I denied any other medical procedures. I said that many things take place while pregnancy and a test tube baby is not a safe option but lena was smart. she demanded a thorough explanation. I lied about many medical theories and gave a humble explanation but she wasn't convinced. At last I had taken her to my doc gynaecologist friend to hear the entire truth. Lena was shocked and angry she punched and slapped me countless times. She also cried frequently. She can't forget that I have cheated her. She left the home and had gone to my father in law and mother in law house.

I had to wear a nice flower suit with violin while other artists played a song with a wave of my hand. I always waited at the door to see her. she always gets her bodyguards to send me home. My mother in law was very angry by seeing her daughter's sad face. My father in law were supporting me behind the scenes. People were always watching but I couldn't care less. lastly I couldn't control myself and entered her house at night. My father in law had an angry expression but none the less he told me to secure my love life when there is time" Just Go". I silently walked into her room at a slow pace. she was sleeping silently. I lie down at a corner of her bed facing her beautiful face. Suddenly started sleeping quavering her name. After certain time she had woken up. She had known that I would come for her. It was her instinct. She had a pleased expression playing with my sleepy face lastly she kissed my cheeks. She walked out heading towards the hall. she told the maids to send me home at the morning.

I woke up with a refreshing feeling. I searched throughout the room looking for lena. At last with a regretful expression I walked towards the exit. After a certain time I have reached home. My parents were there asking about my looks . I told the tale with short phrases. Aelia was there secretly listening to the conversation. My parents told me to freshen up. After I had gone to refresh myself. Aelia and my parents couldn't hold themselves and started to crackle up with tears. arwin was also told to play in the bedroom. Brushing my teeth with glancing at the mirror. I have found the finest trace of light red hue at my cheeks . It was a familiar colour of make up that she would frequently buy to apply at her lips. I was excited that there were chances that she would forgive me. After I decided to push myself utmost to achieve her favour. To bring her back.

After that day aelia was always there at the front of my father-in-law's house secretly watching me and at the other distance there were my parents who were silently watching me. They were excited like none other. I have been playing her favourite songs. She has been secretly watching and listening with a pleased expression.

At the hospital with a sad depressing face. I have told them about my uncertain psychological illness that it will take time to heal. I have taken medical leave due to the above mentioned illness.

After continuous excruciating days to please her, she had seen my restless expression playing violin with rasp noises . It led her that the situation was going overboard. Later in the morning she had been at our house meeting parents and aelia. playing with kid arwin. After I had some home with the saddest expression. Always at night she would always give a kiss that is why I had carried a mirror to always find the mark other day. sometimes pretending to sleep but, this time there was not a mark at cheek. It led to a tear in my eye. After having many thoughts I walked toward my home. David didn't know that the previous night lena hadn't applied any lipstick so there weren't any traces in his cheek. After reaching home while watching lena at home. I cried like a kid. Lena comforts me and says sorry for bullying me. I laughed and cried at the same time after that sentence. She pleaded not to do it anytime soon.

With that statement my tears are not stopping soon. She told me to stop with a worried expression. At that time I kissed her in front of my parents and aelia. She didn't stop me but with a light push said wait but seeing her teased red face. I just stopped the voice coming from her with a deeper kiss. Lena pushed me and started running towards the room with her red face.

I changed somewhat that I can't describe. I naturally became smooth talker. Everytime I tease lena her face became red and chubby. It was just too cute I can't control myself Just kissed her deeply. There were uncontrollable nights but It was blissful.

After all that my peaceful life was on track. David and lena lived happily ever after. After living with her certain years we decided to adopt a child for an orphanage. We visited various orphanages There were many abandoned children's lives. Orphanages having children with physical and mental cases. We cried after seeing the condition of certain children.

At an orphanage, We spend time interacting with orphans. There was a boy who is only 6 years old. Practically playing with himself. Throwing the ball on the air and trying to catch it. We are going to interact with the kid. The kid wasn't naive he had seen the harsh world and accepted it. While having a peaceful conversation with me I liked him a lot. This was an aspiring boy thus we decided to adopt him. After finding that he had a sister. After some day he and his sister were playing. It reminded me of Aelia. Lena also wanted a daughter and thus we decided to accept the boy and girl. Their monther have been died in pregnancy. They always blamed themselves. they didn't knew their father.

After all adoption papers and court hearings.They have been living with us.

We decided to name them Ana and Xris.