
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 8

Year 201, and month 3 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

Besides my Shop business, which was making me mountains of business, I had also one other business I was focusing on.

My caravan business was slowly becoming the biggest player in Blossoming Sword County.

The reasons for this were quite easy, the biggest being the amount I had invested in it. In this year alone, I think I had invested about 80K.

This made it rapidly grow, but what made it slowly become the biggest was the fact that there lacked real competition.

The only competition was other caravan companies who had no backer and whose only strength was experience and credibility.

Because Blossoming County wasn't particularly small, especially when looking at QingFeng prefecture. When looking at the average county, it wasn't very big either.

And a lot of handle trade just didn't happen a lot in this County before I came.

So because of this, big companies just didn't care enough to invest time and resources to create a caravan company.

Because think of it like this. The caravan business was like silver, it made money, but for people who were fighting for gold, it wasn't really worth wasting their time for silver.

And while they could just open a branch, that also took time. Some time would be needed to be invested at the beginning, and even later some time still needed to be spent on it.

So for that reason, small, not-so-profitable sectors weren't invaded by companies. And instead remained for singular shop owners.

In my old world, this changed mainly when industrialization came along. It made it so that even these previous sectors, where they could get maybe a few cents a profit per thing sold, could now make tens of cents per thing sold.

And in my plan Secrecy, I was also looking into sectors I could automize in the future. But that's for later.

All in all, despite that massive spending in the business. I was slowly seeing results. I had made about 50K from the business, leaving it only 30K in the red.

But that was ignoring the 5K I had saved this year alone because of it. Which was 1K more than I had guessed. Which came because I had grown my business more than I had expected.

And this year, I had calculated at least save 10K, especially since 3 Third-Grade Cities were about to fall into my hands.

And in the Third year of operating, I had guessed it would be in the green if also calculating the spirit stones I saved because of it.

All in all, the Caravan company was also slowly forming to be a good investment

And sadly, My Plan Secrecy was going alright, I had already not expected high results at the beginning of it, especially since it wasn't also meant for that.

The only reason I started so soon despite not needing it was because when it would be useful, I would already have the foundation needed. And it didn't cost that much anyway. Technology was cheap in the cultivation world.

But besides my business, I also had a good life.

I had another 3 children and got Li Meiying pregnant. my 3 new children were called Li Hua the child of Li Liu, Li Ying the child of Li RongRong, and Li Yan the child of Li Huo.

And while I kept regularly f*cking my wives. I made sure to not get them pregnant as much anymore. It was all becoming a bit much and I wanted to stabilize it before it would become too much.

I had also built a large manor in Blooming Sword City. It is 83Km2 (meter) large. Especially in garden size. But I knew even this wouldn't be enough in the future

The manor was split into the main manor, where I lived, and then 7 side manors where my wives and their respected children lived.

My current oldest child, Li Ming, was already almost 3 years old. It felt like I had accomplished so much in so little time but at the same time. It was going so fast.

Li Ming was an adorable baby and I may have become a simp for her. I may be a scum, but I was also a father.

My other children were also growing up well.

And my status also had a few changes.

[Name: Li Wei

Age: 18

Realm: 10th Qi Refining Stage

Women: 4

Descendants: 8

Family Fortune: 38

System upgrade: 13/50 clan members, 5/25 clan cultivators, Official Clan Manor 83000/50000m2, Clan Treasury 137K/100K spirit stones

Talent: 120x3 1080 7560

Eartly-Rank Fire Root: 5447=>3007/10000=>50000 Mortal-Rank Wood Root: 2882=>42/5000=>10000

Mortal-Rank Wind Root: 2892=>52/5000=>10000 Peak-Rank Water Root: 1021=>8581/10000

Mortal-Rank Metal Root: 2880=>40/5000=>10000 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Mortal Formation Talent: 4560=>2800/5000=>10000 Mortal Alchemy Talent: 2907=>1147/5000=>10000

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Earthly Talisman Talent: 81=>3321/10000 Peak Divine Sense Talent: 1621=>4861/5000

No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

My current cultivation speed was very fast. So if I gave it my all, with my resources, I could have already broken through the Foundation Building Realm.

But I decided to focus on my business, which was rapidly growing, instead of my own cultivation base. Because sure, it would be nice to be stronger, but Li Huo was already a Peak Foundation Building cultivator. And she was soon even about to break through the Golden Core.

So because of this, I decided to grow my business instead of growing myself. And with the amount of money, I was making. I had full Peak protective gear. Even a Peak Foundation realm cultivator would have trouble killing me.

The power of money.

And besides that, I had several Mortal Grade Talismans in myself. They could even injure an Empty Golden Core cultivator if they were careless.

I was currently sitting in my hard, seeing my kids play and my wives talk. Life was truly beautiful until I a guard came in. Bringing a soldier with him.

The soldier was wearing the official Blossoming Sword Unifrom. Meaning Governor Feng had probably sent him.

The soldier informed me that Governor Feng had requested my presence since there were some guests that wanted to see me. He even told me to dress up as nicely as possible, making it clear the guest were very high-level.

So I put on my Peak Grade robes while putting on all kinds of other accessories that were also Peak Grade. This was the benefit of being friends with Manager Wang.

Who had managed to not only break through the Foundation Building Realm. He even managed to become the branch leader of the Blossoming Sword sect. A befitting promotion when thinking about all the money he made for the Treasure Workshop in what used to be a small village.

I then followed the guard, not to the official governor building, but to a very high-class inn.

I went to the top floor, where I entered finding Governor Feng, Patriarch Feng, Governor Feng's father who I had once seen. And an unknown other older lady.

Governor Feng greeted me, making me sit down at the square table before introducing everyone.

"Daotist Li, this here is my father. The current Patriarch Feng. While this lady is Sect Elder Chen Jie from the Fallen Tree Sect".

Hearing this, I was surprised, this lady was truly a big shot. The Fallen Tree sect was the biggest sect in the QingFeng Prefecture. They were 2 levels lower than Lu Huo's sect.

"This here is the young man I talked about. He is very talented in not only formations but also talismans and business". Governor Feng greeted me, visibly nervous while Patriarch Feng and Sect Elder Chen remained silent. (he doesn't say pills because, on the outside, Li Wei says he isn't an alchemist and this is someone he hired)

"Daoist Li greets Patriarch Feng and Sect Elder Chen". I gave them both a slight bow, showing my respects to both of them.

Patriarch Feng remained unfazed while Sect Elder Chen gave me a nod back.

"The reason why we called you here was that we heard from Feng Po that you could draw Mortal grade Talisland and Formations". Sect Elder Chen took the lead, explaining why they wanted to meet me.

It seems they had heard from Feng Po (Governor Feng) that I sold Mortal grade talisman and Formation. I did this for 2 reasons. 1, so he would maybe buy some.

And 2, so that he could introduce me to other people who were interested. This was a way to keep my identity as a Mortal Grade Formation and Talisman master mostly hidden. Especially from Malicious people.

And it seemed that Governor Feng had purposely served its purpose, and brought me 2 big fish. A Talisman or Formation master of the Mortal grade was worth equal to a Nascent Soul realm cultivator.

But unlike Nascent Soul cultivators, we sold something. And the price of something could be affected by a lot of things. But 2 important ones are, how useful is it. And how rare it is.

If it is very rare and useful. It will naturally go for a high price. And to lower this price, you need to affect one of both. But you can't affect its usefulness, because why would you buy it then? This could only be used in very specific situations.

But a better one to use was to make it less rare. So because of this. Powerful Clans, Sects, and Kingdomes were searching for Formation masters, Talisman masters,...

Because in this way, they could slightly lower the price of what they were buying.

I had something Patriarch Feng and Sect Elder Chen wanted, and they had something I wanted. Now we just needed to search for the amount we were willing to trade it for.


Hey, Author-Chan here, I just realized I can't receive power stones. And no, I wasn crying because I got none. Shut up. But real talk, a review or collection would be nice if you wanted.

Also, has anyone got any Idea how I can make a guard special/interesting while not making it something that would be too strange for this world. The change can be big, but not something like suddenly jumping 3 realms and receiving the experience of a war goddess.