
Records: of Those who Hides

When the night is dark and the full moon is shining brightly on the sky. Have you ever wondered what creatures hide behind the shadow of darkness. Now , image of creatures from the stories of your parents or grandparents may come to mind. You might think that it's all just urban legends and stories to scare little kids. But what if I tell you that not only are they real , they may be just close by. And they may appear a little different from what you imagine. Don't look around , you will not see them. But don't worry , I will compile a book of records for you. For not all is able to see in the dark. So then I allow me to shed light to the creatures hiding in the dark. -Peter Rubio

UnluckyFisher · Horror
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31 Chs

Chapter 29

" Haisss...."

Julia sigh while she scroll through her iPad , on it sites of scintific studies were open.Judging by her open tabs ,she is having a hard time on looking for what she seeking for.

The low sigh of her friend called the attention of Marissa.

" What's the matter?"

She asked as she lift her head from her face off her laptop. 

"I have to make this paper about post mortem and such but I can't find any usefull info on this sites."

Julia rant after a long sigh as she showed great anoyance her hand scroll up and down agresibely on the iPad screen trying to find a paper that can coresspond to her demand.

Marissa frown as she look at her friend.

"What kind of topic is it that you can't seem to find it on the internet?"

Ask her in confusion as she found it unbelievable that Julia can't find a site that can give her what she want on the internet.

" Reanimation.."

" What ? I thought you don't believe on psedo science?"

Marissa ask as she hide her shock by the word said by her friend.

After what she have experience,she can't help but connect that word to what she have saw back on the ' field study ' she have undetaken.

Julia smile and shrug her shoulders

" Well , the prof ask us to make this reports about post mortem but she didn't specify the topic, she instead ask us to choose our own and I thought if I make something unique and interesting. I aim for a good grades "

" But why Reanimation?"

" Oh.. I happen to saw that on tv last week about that incident on the forensic laboratory.The news reported that it was a leak of biogas but I have met somepeople online who talk about it and some of them calimed that they were there and saw that it was actually some walking corpses and some things, at first I just took it as a joke but the showed some pictures and videos which made me wonder if it was biologically possible so I choose to tackle it."

Marissa paused by the statement of Julia. She slowly look at her friend and.

" Even though I saw some site with those topic , I think it will not be a proper sources to cite a scientific paper from.

" Come to to think of it ,your major deals with this kind of things right , do happen to have some references I can borrow? "

Julia look at Marissa with aplesding look .

" Ah ..eh..I can't enter the lab today as professor is out on an outing so we won't be able to enter the library."

She made and excuse.

Although she can go to the lab with her spare key , she fear that she won't be able to make excuse ls tat will prevent Julia to go with her, and the library being right next to the laboratory, she won't be able to hide those starnge specimen displayed on the shelves.

So she just made the a difussing excused.

" How about the library on the town square, I'm sure it has some relevant books we can borrow."

She then redirected the conversation.

" Your right , by how big that library I'm sure it has some old books or something that I can use."

Julia immediately stand up and collected her things, she then urge Marissa and they both left the campus.

Riding Julia' s car , they drove to the town library on the town square.

Not knowing that a dark shadow loom upon them.