
Records: of Those who Hides

When the night is dark and the full moon is shining brightly on the sky. Have you ever wondered what creatures hide behind the shadow of darkness. Now , image of creatures from the stories of your parents or grandparents may come to mind. You might think that it's all just urban legends and stories to scare little kids. But what if I tell you that not only are they real , they may be just close by. And they may appear a little different from what you imagine. Don't look around , you will not see them. But don't worry , I will compile a book of records for you. For not all is able to see in the dark. So then I allow me to shed light to the creatures hiding in the dark. -Peter Rubio

UnluckyFisher · Horror
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31 Chs

Chapter 15 : Found

" Professor she's getting closer"

" 'It's getting closer', don't mind it jus focus on opening doors"

Even in panic they still opened doors one after another.


A grunting sound made them looked ,and they saw a woman with a long black hair was and wearing a long white dress was slowly walking to them.Its dripping in blood and water and was mumbling unrecognizable things under its breath. It was only a few meter away from them which shock them.

" Ahhhhhh! How is she this close already!?"

screamed Marissa.

" It made the rules of this dream space so it move more faster as long as it follow the stablish rules, it's moving extremely slow"

Unknowingly, Marissa hold the door knob of the next door. A strange felling of familiarity called her attention, her attention were then removed from the spirit and she look at the door in front of her.

"I Found It!!"

she shout and then tried to open the door. She was shock to find that it was stuck. She tried to force it but it did not budge .

" Its Lock professor!"

" It can't be lock , used more force,kick it if necessary!"

the professor then inch in the direction of the girl with an intention of helping her , but as he gotten closed he felt a chill that flowed up his spine. He then turn around slowly and saw that the spirit was now only a foot away from his face.


The spirit scream on his face which then paralyzed his whole body. The hair of the spirit the slither around his body like snakes and then it rope around his neck strangling him. He then struggle by pulling out the hair from but it won't budge. He then take something from his pocket which he then fired at the hair. It was a butane can with a lighter installed in it's nuzzles, a DIY flame thrower.


The hair was then burned and fell to the ground releasing him from it's grasp. The spirit then kneeled to the ground clutching it's hair.

He then turn around toward Marissa but then stop after a few steps. A hand was holding his legs strongly preventing him to move further. Blood started to appear on his skin as the nails of the spirit dig into his flesh.

"Aghhhh" The professor screamed in pain

Hearing the scream ,Marissa panic more and started banging the door with her body . Tears and snot flowed down her face as she force the door to open.


after a few banging, the door then gave in opening showing a bathroom behind it.

A bathtub was the most prominent feature of this room which was on the dead center of the room. It was overflowing and was flooding the floor.It water have a hint of scarlet mix into it , it was blood.

After scanning the room her attention was then pulled into an object on the floor, a bloodied box cutter was submerged in water flooded floor but the blood that stained it blade doesn't seem to fade.

" I found it professor,what's next!?"

" P-put it in the b-box!"

The professor struggled to give the commands a s the pain on his leg increased, he was about to fire his flame thrower onto the spirit but it then released him without warning and then dash forward with a single leap charging at the girl which was entering the room. Seeing this the professor then grab it long hair and pull with all his strength, but the spirit was stronger than him so aim the flame thrower into it's body.


Steam appears as the flame connect with the dripping body of the spirit . The professor knows that his attack doesn't affect the spirit except for a slight discomfort,but he didn't need to damage the spirit he just need to delay it until the girl isolate the catalyst in the box.

But to his shock ,the spirit turned around and whip it's free hair hitting him clean on his body sending him flying back making him back out almost instantly , the spirit then dash forward onto the open door.


The professor sit up as he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He then scan around him an saw that he is still at the entrance of the apartment. The spirit might have kicked him out of the dream space. He the turn on his left and saw Marissa convulsing on the floor, on her hand was a box that made a rattling sound as she aggressively move. Web of nerves appeared on her neck and her mouth foam out involuntarily.