
Records Of The Immortals (Completed up to Book 2)

A chivalrous adventure fiction based on romanticized historical events in the Spring and Autum and The Warring States Era of ancient China. The story is written from the perspective of the immortal peoples - Ying, Xuanye and Yue Maiden, who lived, experienced, and recorded the history. Book 1 : Yue Maiden saved a fugitive prince from Chu State who fled from a rebellion. The unlikely romance happened between them, and for thirteen years they lived happily. Her love story and poem are immortalized forever in history. Book 2: The story is about Ying the immortal who helped King Goujian of Yue to conquer the Wu State and wiped it off the map forever. A story of a beautiful young girl who turned into a sword forger who took a vow to be a sword of justice. Book 3: Xuanye - the handsome and righteous immortal who became an immortal during the rebellion that toppled the Western Zhou Dynasty. He then helped the legitimate ruler and friends to found the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the Vassal State of Qin.

Wulin_Jianghu · History
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71 Chs

The Final Battle of Wu and Yue (part 2)

Xi Shi danced for Fuchai, while Zheng Dan, with teary eyes, poured out some wine for him.

After some time, a eunuch stood up and said, "Stop it! My king, we should go now while we can! We should leave this palace now!"

Xi Shi and the musicians stopped.

"I'm Fuchai…not a wise ruler. I have neglected my job, and I deserve my punishment," he sighed. "But you're all innocent. Those who want to leave are free to go. Go, and leave this palace while you can!"

Hearing his statement, some of the guards, the consorts, and the palace maids kneeled and made a kowtow in front of Fuchai and, one by one, started to leave the palace to save themselves.

After a while, only five eunuchs and eight consorts - including Xi Shi and Zheng Dan, were still in the palace.

"You should all leave," Fuchai said again.

"Your Majesty, you should also leave this palace!" Xi Shi said.

Fuchai bitterly laughed and said, "Where should I go? Come…Xi Shi…continue your dance. I know that Goujian will not kill you. Just let me die while I'm enjoying your last dance!!"

"My king!" said one of the consorts with fiery eyes, "Up to this moment, and you still have the mood to see a dancing? The late Minister Wu Zixu was right. Yue beauties will bring disaster to our country!" With that, the consort took Fuchai's sword spear on the table and used it to stab Xi Shi.

Zheng Dan, who was standing next to Fuchai, was fast, and she managed to pull Xi Shi away and pushed the woman to the ground.

"Consort Li, stop it!" Fuchai shouted and pulled the woman to stop her. "This is not a time to blame others. This is not their fault! It was I who neglected my duty as a king of Wu!"

The woman cried, and she turned his head on Fuchai and said, "My king, you only care for the beautiful faces. You're too blind to see that they're betraying you!"

"Go away!" said Fuchai. "Leave this place while you can!"

Consort Li snorted and said, "My nation perishes, and why shall I live?" With her last word, Consort Li stabbed her stomach with the short spear. Her blood spurted on Fuchai's face.

Consort Li died without closing her eyes. Her eyes stared at Xi Shi with hatred in her eyes. The other consorts started to cry and gathered around Consort Li, who was now dead.

Xi Shi was thrilled. Her face turned pale, and she didn't know what to do. Her conscience could not lie. It was her who caused the Wu State to collapse in the hand of Fuchai.

Fuchai said, "Xi Shi, Zheng Dan! Goujian and his men will surely spare your lives. Please…help me take care of them! Ask Goujian to spare their lives!" Fuchai pointed at the eunuchs and the women.

Xi Shi nodded, "I will protect them with my life. If Goujian doesn't want to spare them…then I will die with them!"

Fuchai smiled, "He will spare you both! You are the best daughters of Yue! Leave this palace now!"

Xi Shi said nothing and only starred at Fuchai with teary eyes. Her conscience disturbed her. After all, Fuchai was her husband, and he had been treating her well for all these years. She wanted to be free. She had longed for this day when the Yue troops and Fan Li would bring her home. But then, here was Fuchai stood in front of her with a desperate look. Was not her who destroyed him?

Zheng Dan knew that Fuchai was too desperate to leave the palace to save himself. Therefore, she decided to save Fuchai in her own way.

Zheng Dan stood behind Fuchai, and she took a wine vessel to hit Fuchai's head to knock him off. Fuchai fell on the ground.

"Argh!" Xi Shi and the others were shocked.

"Eunuchs, help me to bring the king out of this palace! Xi Shi, you help the other consorts. Protect them from any Yue soldiers who may want to harm them!" Zheng Dan said. "Also…keep all of the children save!"

Xi Shi nodded her head, "Zheng Dan, take care of the king! I will make sure they are all safe. I will go and find you later!"

Zheng Dan nodded. With the help of two eunuchs, Zheng Dan brought Fuchai out of the palace.

Xi Shi knew that half of the success of Goujian came from her and Zheng Dan. Therefore she knew, that at least she could ask Goujian to spare the lives of the consorts and Fuchai's children who lived in the palace. That's the only thing she could do to repay Fuchai's kindness to her.

That day probably was the longest day in her life. Xi Shi asked all of the consorts, eunuchs, and the children who remained to gather at her palace.

It was an easy battle for the Yue soldiers since the Wu soldiers had been demotivated. In the afternoon, almost all of the remaining Wu soldiers had surrendered.

Fan Li and his troops marched to Guanwa Palace, the last resort of Fuchai, where Shi Yiguang or Xi Shi lived.

After Fan Li arrived at Guanwa Palace, he entered the main palace. The palace was almost empty as many of the guards and eunuchs had fled.

Fan Li could not hold his emotion anymore. He had been waiting for this day for more than twelve years. He hopped off from his horse and ran inside the left-wing of the palace. The spied had sent out the palace's detailed maps, and he knew precisely where Xi Shi's palace was located.

As soon as he arrived at the palace's left-wing, he shouted, "Shi Yiguang! Shi Yiguang!"

As he ran past a long corridor, his footsteps echoed clearly. The hall was hollow underneath. When Xi Shi walked lightly on the corridor, her steps' rhythm was more enchanting than any music. Fuchai built this palace, and this corridor mainly, to listen to the melody of her footsteps.

Xi Shi, who was in her palace, heard the voice. She could not believe what she's hearing.

"Shi Yiguang! Shi Yiguang…Fan Li is coming to bring you home!" Fan Li shouted.

At the other end of the corridor, a soft voice said, "Mister Fan, is that you?"

Fàn Lí felt blood rushing upward from his chest and shouted, "It's me! It's me Fan Li… I've come for you!" He ran forward with uneven steps.

Xi Shi came out of her room and stood still as she couldn't believe what she saw. Indeed, it was Fan Li - the man she had been waiting for all these years.

When Fan Li saw her, it seemed that his whole world had stopped. After more than twelve years, finally, they were able to see each other again. The beautiful woman was no longer young, and the handsome young man was no longer in his prime youth.

Both of them rushed to welcome each other. They couldn't help but crying and started to embrace each other.

Meanwhile, Ying, with the other soldiers, entered the palace. Guanwa Palace was a palace for women, especially for Xi Shi. Therefore, mainly women, children, and eunuchs resided in the palace. Ying ordered the soldiers not to disturb the women and children in the palace.

Ying entered the palace and checked the palace rooms to find Xi Shi and Zheng Dan. Then she saw Fan Li and Xi Shi were hugging, expressing their love. She was happy for them, although at the same time felt a great stab at her heart.

She wiped her tears and left the palace to search for Zheng Dan.

"Shi Yiguang, please forgive me!" Fan Li said while clutching Xi Shi's hands. "In these past twelve years…I have let you down!"

"No, Minister Fan…we're all just fulfilling our missions in life! Although it was not easy for me…but I've never blamed you!"

"For twelve years, I've been dreaming of today. Finally, we can defeat Wu!"

"Fuchai…what will happen to him?" Xi Shi asked in a low voice. "He's not a wise ruler. But he treated me kindly. Please….you have to persuade King Goujian not to kill Fuchai. Just depose him, and let him live like a commoner!"

Fan Li knitted his eyebrows and said, "Xi Shi, he's an evil king…"

Xi Shi didn't let him finish his word. With a low sad voice, she said, "It was I who indirectly persuaded Fuchai to kill Wu Zixu and made him neglect his duty. If you think that he's an evil ruler who had to responsible for his evil deeds, and how about me? Am I not the evilest woman in history?"

"Of course not! You're a daughter of Yue State. You're just defending your country!"

"No matter what…I married him, and he's my husband! Please…don't kill him!"

"I will ask King Goujian not to kill Fuchai. But let's not talk about him. I now have to bring you home!"

Xi Shi smiled with teary eyes, "Mister Fan, am I dreaming? Is it true that I can return home and be with you forever?"

Fan Li nodded and wiped her tears. "Come, let's go now!"

Xi Shi nodded, and as she and Fan Li walked on the corridor, a report came to Fan Li. "Minister Fan, some soldiers began to loot and burn the palace," the soldier reported.

"Ridiculous! Where is Ying? She is supposed to oversee the troops!"

"General Ying went out to seek Zheng Dan," the soldier said.

Fan Li sighed. After all, these Yue soldiers were half-barbarian. Unless they see death or heavy punishment, it's tough to discipline them.

"Xi Shi, wait here! You better go back to your room. Don't go out until I return!" Fan Li said. "Guard, you stay here and guard well Lady Xi Shi!"

The guard complied, and Fan Li rushed left the palace to discipline his troops.

Xi Shi and the guard walked toward her palace. And they saw a woman was on their way, blocking the two of them. It's a beautiful woman, with a simple dress and fiery eyes. She's Yue Maiden.

"Madame Fan," the soldier greeted the woman.

"Madame Fan? Is she…is she Minister Fan's wife?" Xi Shi asked. She saw Yue Maiden's angry eyes, and she was terrified.