
Finding a party

-Nice to meet you too, Zack.

Laura replied as she let go of Sam's neck

He let out some small coffs as he placed his hands on Zack's shoulder again

-So, what's your role?

-I chosed healer because it had the most spells, but I'm not a rpg player

-Healer? That's perfect, that makes us dps a tank and a healer.

Sam said as he pointed to each one of them

-Are you really ok with party up with us? U can decline you know

-You know, I'm in this place for no longer then 5 hours, so I'm kind just going with the flow.

Laura said with opened eyes

-5 hours? Oh right you-

And Sam interrupted her and said

-You are number 28! One of the last ones!

With a confused expression Zack said

-that's something I wanted to ask, what are these numbers for?

Laura turned around and looked around a little bit before saying

-let's go talk somewhere else, I'm getting hungry.

Sam walked to her side and said

-Oh right, I'm getting hungry too

At this moment, Zack notices he's hungry too

-Oh ok!

Laura took them to a green restaurant and ask the food. And gives a short explanation of the situation. After listen quietly Zack asked her

-So the numbers are given to say the amount of travelers summoned to the world?


Zack asked again

-and there was a big gap between people summoned?

Sam's answered him as his mouth was still full of food

-Yes, yes!

 Laura finished her drink and said

-For example, my number is 11 as i was the 11th traveler to arrive, and this was 2 months ago.

Sam swallowed his food as said

-Actually, you guys too really long to appear, 25, 26 and 27 arrived last month. But since the main quest is about to appear, everyone is guessing that you guys are truly the last ones.

'No wonder everything started to go as soon as i choosed my role, i guess I was the last one to choose one'

Laura stretched her arms as she just finished eating and said

-Just for you to know, we cannot leave this city. There is a invisible barrier that appear everytime we try to leave the city.


Sam replied

-We think the barrier will only lift once all party is formed, as soon as the main quest is released

Zack finished eating and asked

-Do we even know what this 'quest' thing even is?

Laura stretched her back on the chair and said

-We have no idea, however, the citizens of this city said that before we arrived, a royal guard appeared on the center of the city and told them that a Volatile age was about to start

-A what now?

-A Volatile age, seems to be a period of time where a bunch of creatures are born in this world, some aggressive, some passive and some extremely dangerous. And apparently this time there's even a chaotic event happening.Ah a chaotic event seems to be something that only the world notice, something that puts it in danger, like a world level danger, hence why the world summoned us, to deal with.

Zack asked with a really confused face

-Are you serious?

-apparently that's how this summoning thing works.

Sam finished his food and stood up as he said

-Alright let's go find the last two.

Laura who was still stretching for some reason stopped suddenly and asked

-wait, what? Already? You barely finished your food

-No time to lose, we need more friends to grow together!

Sam was already leaving the door

-Damn he's fast, let's go Zack!

Laura stood up and chased after Sam

'wait we don't need to pay?'

Zack just stood up and left the restaurant as he asked Laura

-How money works here? You didn't even paid for the order

-Ah, right i forgot to tell you, according to the old lady who welcomed us, she said that all debts we make here is recorded and will reduce the real money we'll receive from future quests reward. I think they use the numbers to have a check of whos owes who.

-makes sense.

They could see Sam really far away, so they started to sprint too

'how is he so fast?'

-That bastard is using haste.

'oh yeah I have that spells thing's

-Hey Laura, how do I use spells?

-You already know, you got the pain in the head right? That's the guide trusting the information of the spells in your mind, just try out like this.

As she said that, her feet Started to release a faint white wind as she burst forward almost disappearing

Zack just felt he could do the same thing, as he felt as if his blood warming and a sensation of something leaving his body, as wind gathered on his feets and on his back increasing his speed as he burst forward

'hm this sensation of something leaving my body, i feel is like the energy source of the spell, if I put more, will i go faster?'

He concentrated on the energy leaving his body and pushed more out as he became even faster and hit his feets on the ground and fell in a very high speed and rolled in the ground, Laura seeing him falling stopped and ran toward him.

She found him with his arm twisted in a wrong angle

-Holy shit, what did you do! Is just sprinting Zack.

Zack's head was bleeding, and he said

-it's hurting so much, fuck!

Laura replied with a concerned face

-you're a healer, heal yourself!

With his mind almost feinting he could feel his body warming up even more as the feeling of something leaving his body became even more strong and he felt his arm twisted bad to normal as the blood on his head disappeared and his wounds closed.

-Damn, don't worry me like that buddy, we just met, for fuck sake.

Zack let out a small cof and replied

-Sorry, holy shit, it still hurt.

-My goodness, can you walk?

-Yeah, i think so.

Zack stood up while holding his arm

-Are you sure?

-Yeah, let's go after him.

About 10 minutes away from there

-Hey, wanna party up?

Sam was asking everyone that passed by him, with a number on their chest

-I already have a full party, sorry man.

The man with a number 14 on his chest declined his invitation

-Ah it's ok, do you know of someone who doesn't have a party yet?

-No, i don't, sorry.

A man with the number 15 came looking for number 14

-what's taking you do long, Neko?

-This guy is looking for a party

Number 14 replied and Sam asked in confusion


Number 14 answered


The guy with a metal club in his waist, number 15, was thoroughly observing him as his eyebrows moved upwards as if he remembered something

-Oh there was like, two people who asked me for a party about 2 hours ago. they're seemed to be siblings.


-I saw them in the main square.

As soon number 15 said the name, Sam burst out with haste towards the main square as he said thank you in a hurry as his voice faded away in the distance.

15 asked 14

-who the hell was that guy

-I have no idea.

In the path to the main square Laura and Zack were walking to the last place they saw Sam burst in the opposite direction in the other street

-wait is that him again?

Laura activated haste and dashed to his direction while saying

-Let's go Zack

Zack activated haste and chased after her

'this time, i won't feed more energy, just doing it normally should be fine'

As they moved fast to reach Sam they noticed he had already stopped so they stopped haste

As Zack stopped haste, he felt his body getting cold as his speed decreased instantly, surprisingly, he was not tired after sprinting, but he could feel as his body has less of something that he could not explain, he twisted his right hand and asked

-Guide, i have a feeling of something less in my body, what is this feeling.

The book appeared and started to Levitate as Zack could hear the voice in his head

[This feeling of 'something' depleting in your body is caused by the usage of spells]

'spells? This wierd feeling is magic?'

[Upon using mana you will feel the 2 process, mana usage and depletion, this 'leaving' feeling can only be described as mana usage]

-how do I know how many mama i have left in my body?

[Normally you have to know your limitations and understand instinctively how much mana you have, however, the God of Magic did anticipated such occurrence so he placed the status line in the profile page, so you can check how much you have and usage limitations]

'profile page?'


The book opened itself on the profile page, the page that had name, spells and such, on the very top of the page, by the side of the role, that was a mana area, it said 70/100

'I have 70 and my limit is 100, wait'

-Guide, what happens to me if my mana really 0?

[You'll feel very heavy and eventually pass out, this state is called mana 0 state, you can only awake after your mana reaches 15]

-Thats dangerous, how do I recover mana?

[Staying still and sleeping are the most effectives forms of replenishment]

-Again Sam, stopping recruiting everyone without consulting me first

Zack could see from about 15 meters away as he walked towards them the book disappeared, he was looking Laura pulling Sam away from someone and had a small deja Vu

-Hi, I'm sorry for this guy, he's a little energetic, too much, energetic i should say.

Laura said as she let go of Sam behind her, there was 2 people in front of her, there was a number in each one of their chests, it was 21 and 22

The man with the number 21 on his chest por on a small smile on his face and said

-No problem, we were looking for a party anyway..

The woman with the number 22 on her chest continued

-..so he appearing here is actually really good.

Laura awkwardly asked

-are you two perhaps, brother and sister?

Number 22 answered

-Yes, I'm Ellen and this is my brother Elliot

Elliot waved as he said hi, and Ellen continued

-We are twins, I'm not much of video games so I don't understand much of what's going on, missions and roles and stuff, but I learn quickly.

Laura put on her usual bright smile and introduced her and the other two, she took two new members to a restaurant again, although only then we're eating this time, as she explained everything to them, and finally she took everyone to a inn, as the night was coming.

On the next day everyone agreed in training a bit as a team in a testing field of some sort in the very edge of the city, everyone could hear small explosions everywhere, Laura explained that everyone else were probably doing the same as them, so the training continued until the time on the sky finished.

When the time ended, all parties received a message that the party selecion time had ended and the mains mission whould release in 5 hours. Every team had a color atributed to them, Zack's party, was blue.

And after reading the annoucement the number on his chest changed to blue as well.