
Book 1: Records of Magus Killer – Chapter 6 - Crimson Fall of Dahan (4)

If those two Strategic-Class Magicians arrived here, together with the Dahan army that was in the distance, things could end catastrophically.

Not talking about gathering an army of Northern China, with another three assumed Strategic-Class Magicians, prepared to invade Dahan at the best moment. They would all die if they noticed the prolonged attack on Kunlunfang Institute.

"Your sacrifice won't go forgotten, Yotsuba Yatsutaro."

Yotsuba Genzou said with a heavy heart as he looked at his cousin, who was already departing to infiltrate the watchtower where Liu Yan was staying.

After ten minutes, he managed to infiltrate the place, and with the usage of Illusion Magic, he managed to enter the tower as one of the soldiers.

"Sir, you can."

One of the Yotsuba Clansmen conveyed this to Kiritsugu, who took out his specialized CAD to cast the Time Collapse Spells. The Strategic-Class Magics were too costly for the current Magicians to cast alone without the proper equipment.

[Time Collapse: Slow Mode] was soon cast.

This version of [Time Collapse] Spell required some time to take effect, around five minutes, till Psions slowly collapsed without creating an explosion.

Soon enough, the five minutes went by.

Soon enough, Kiritsugu saw that Yotsuba Yatsutaro had killed Liu Yan; after that, he managed to take down around fifteen soldiers, who were mostly Martial Artists and Magicians.

"Genzou-sama, after we return, I think it would be good for all Magicians to mandatory learn martial arts. As you can see, within the Anti-Psion domain, Magic is useless; Magicians need another form of combat. Also, there are many ways of creating similar effects and immobilizing the usage of Magic."

Kiritsugu commented as he gave the signal to attack.

The strategy was simple; they would at first assassinate all enemy magicians; fortunately, there weren't a lot of them, and then kill every living being in the facility.

With the exception of scientists and researchers, those would be captured alive, as they held valuable information.


Somewhere else, on board the battlecruiser Yamamoto.

"Maya-sama, the fleet of the Dahan Navy is approaching. In ten minutes, we would be in their weapon range."

 Yotsuba Clansmen informed, armed combat in a uniform to a beautiful young girl with purple eyes.

"I know. Admiral Yamato, can I start activating the spell?"

Yotsuba Maya asked, looking at Admiral Yamato Rokuro, a sharp man in his seventies that was a distant relative of the Commander-in-Chief Marshall Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni.

Like his relative, he was also someone who could be called a warmonger and liked to wage war. And especially despised Dahan and Great Asian Alliance, or anything that wasn't of Japanese origin.

"There are thirty vessels; from them, five are battlecruisers, and the rest are destroyers, and there are even two aircraft carriers. Sink them all, little girl... if you manage to do that, I will gift Yotsuba Clan a newly commissioned battlecruiser."

The Admiral of the Navy said with a malicious grin as he watched those ships approaching.

At the same time, Maya took that offer seriously, as getting something like a battlecruiser for free was a pretty good deal.

Maya then took out a specialized CAD that Kiritsugu created for her just to cast this Magic, Meteor Stream.

Currently, after many improvements by Kiritsugu and several Magic Engineers of the Yotsuba Clan and National Defense Forces, the might of this spell was already at the pinnacle of Tactical-Class Magic.

Soon enough, the Meteor Stream would become another Strategic-Class Magic.

It's Convergence-type Systematic magic, which controls the distribution of light in its area of effect. Its power is especially amplified in closed spaces such as rooms or tunnels.

This Magic's apparent process is that it forms countless tiny balls of light floating in the darkened area, which are then shot out like rays. The attack appears like a shower of lasers; still, the power of the Meteor Line has no connection with the energy of the light.

Even the amount of light is irrelevant.

The essence of the Magic lies in forcing the redistribution of light, where the coordinates for light to be in are set as little balls, and lines are then drawn between them.

Anything in the space the light passes through is modified as the light is transmitted: regardless of the hardness of the object, heat resistance, plasticity, or resilience, a hole is drilled through.

"Start Artificial Star Sequence."

Commanded Maya for several members of Yotsuba to cast a supplementary spell, which would boost up the power of her Meteor Stream to the Incomplete Strategic-Class level.

This needed five people to cast the Artificial Star Spell simultaneously, as Maya was casting the Meteor Stream Spell.

[Artficial Star]

Soon enough, the Artificial Star spell was cast as it created a huge star upon the dark night, and Maya finished the sequence for the Meteor Stream Spell.

[Meteor Stream]

Suddenly all light in the area, be it from stars in the night sky or from the Artificial Star, was gathering in small orbs that were floating around Maya, and soon enough, light rays started shooting directly at the enemy naval vessels.

When the Dahan navy noticed the attack, they tried to cast defensive barrier spells, but all in vain, like light rays, destroyed them like they never existed and created countless holes in the first battle cruiser that the Meteor Stream hit.

Fortunately, she had enormous reserves of Psions, on the level of weaker Strategic-ClassMagicians, so she kept shooting and supporting the Meteor Stream Spell as long as she could.

Soon enough, enemy naval vessels started sinking one after another, as one could defend against highly concentrated light rays.

She didn't need to destroy the vessel; she only hit it several times to create holes in the trunk, and the vessel would sink. She also aimed her light rays at weapons, causing several frigates and destroyers to explode from destroying their weapons and hitting ammunition.

"Hmm... you are pretty good at this, girl. They should call you a living cannon; your hits are even stronger than most of our artillery."

Admiral Yamato laughed in delight as he watched all that destruction. In his years of service, many of his colleagues, subordinates, and even family were killed in naval battles with Dahan and the Great Asian Alliance, so he took extreme joy in this.

"No?... then what about Queen of Night?"

The elderly admired corrected himself hurriedly as he saw a sad expression at the thought of her being called a Living Cannon, which wasn't a good nickname or title. After hearing his new nickname, she immediately brightened and sighed in relief and joy.

"I need to rest... this was rather exhausting."

Maya muttered as she went to her quarters to sleep.


Dahan, Kunlunfang Institute.

Meanwhile, the fight in Kunlunfang Institute was in full go.

Yotsuba Genzou was taking tens of lives with his Magic [Grim Reaper], as countless people and soldiers of the Dahan started killing themselves or attacking their comrades. Meanwhile, Kiritsugu was hiding in the shadows and only attacking enemy magicians, killing them on the spot if they made an opening.

Soon enough, within one hour, and only with the additional loss of two lives, they managed to clear out the Kunlunfang Institute completely. Right now, the only people who survived this onslaught were researchers, scientists, and magic engineers.

However, some of them were killed due to being unruly and weren't cooperating.

"How are you feeling, father-in-law? It would be best if you didn't overuse your magic like this. Fortunately, this was the last fight we had in Dahan. If you can still call it like that, this country is already nothing, just a pile of ash."

Kiritsugu commented, looking at Yotsuba Genzou, who was sitting on the ground with a tired face.

"Don't worry... it could be worse. Currently, I am only exhausted from using my magic for so long... fortunately, it is already an end. How many have you captured?"

During the raid on the Kunlunfang Institute, they managed to capture a lot of people who were working at the Kunlunfang Institute or were affiliated with Dahan's military in one way or another.

"Not many... the majority of them were killed during fights, and some refused to cooperate, so the clansmen executed them on the spot at my command. The Head of the Kuroba Branch is currently interrogating some of them."

Kuroba Branch was mainly responsible for information gathering, espionage and other similar activities within the Yotsuba Clan.

"Fortunately, most of the equipment here is in a perfect state and wasn't damaged in the fight. Currently, we are downloading their research data on those projects I have mentioned to you... and practically on everything they have here."

Kiritsugu took out another cigarette and lit it up, puffing another wave of smoke.

"Hmm... that Surgery thing, and what was the name of the second one?"

"Calculation Partition Project... this one is very important for Maya and me."

Kiritsugu spoke as Yotsbua Genzou agreed with him because he was aware of the possibilities of the Calculation Partition Project.

He was aware that the child between Maya and Kiritsugu would be a Born-Specialized Magician, as it was almost a hundred percent probability that descendants of Born-Specialized Magician would also be one.

And now, imagine if such descendants could also use Modern Magic to their fullest abilities.

Absolutely terrifying, right...

"Kiritsugu-sama, we have found a file about the Calculation Partition Project."

Reported hurriedly one of Yotsuba Clansmen, more specifically, a member of the Kuroba Branch Family, Kuroba Mitsugu, who was now a 17-year-old teen, cousin of Maya, and son of Kuroba Juuzo, a Head of Kuroba Branch.


He was already impatient but, at the same time, filled with anticipation.

"They have completed it... successfully."

When Kiritsugu heard that, it felt like a huge boulder had fallen from his heart, and Genzou seemed to be very happy, despite his expressionless face.


He immediately ordered Kuroba Juuzo to continue.

"Apparently, it was a top-secret project, and only three people were aware of its existence, from which two are in our hands, and one died during the fight. It was never uploaded in-network, and everything was documented on paper."

He started reading the data from the Kunlunfang Institute about the Calculation Partition Project.

"They perfected a ritual that could work to give Born-Specialized Magicians a second Magic Calculation Area by sacrificing a strong magician as a medium. They have succeeded in four cases, all of them being held within the Institute. All of them are imprisoned here."

Reported Kuroba Mitsugu, with a hint of fear looking at the fianceé of his cousin, he gave off a deadly aura that was ready to kill if not satisfied.

"Good, very good. Use 'that' magic on them to copy memories of those researchers and then kill them and destroy the bodies until nothing is left. Same for those experimental prisoners. Kill and destroy bodies. No one can even know about the idea that something like this can exist."

Emyia Kiritsugu immediately issued an order, which Genzou agreed with, as a ritual like this was too dangerous and too precious.

Born-Specialized Magicians have innate magic abilities that are impossible to replicate, and their Innate Magic can be really terrifying. Now there was a method that could let Born-Specialized Magicians use Modern Magic.

"Also, find everything about the Surgery of Perpetual Youth that was researched here by Jiedo Heigu. That research could lead to uncovering secrets of prolonging life."

Kiritsugu spoke as he inhaled smoke from his cigarette after he sat on the ground next to Genzou.

"Hmm... who would have thought that this operation would be so successful. For only a mere five lives, we have achieved so much... though even those five lost lives of our clan pain me much... they would never be forgotten, heroes of not only Yotsuba but all Japanese Magicians."

Muttered Genzou as he took one cigarette from Kiritsugu.

"It is like a miracle..."

Both of them looked all over the research institute while counting their gains.

"Miracle, that was created by you, and research of Emiya Family. We would not have achieved such great results if not for Gem Sequence Explosion Spells. If not for Gem Sequence Healing and Defensive spells recorded into gems, who knows how many lives among our clansmen would be lost. For that, I hereby thank you. To provide research on your family and to save the clansmen of your fianceé, people you have never met, is not something I can ever forget."

Genzou said to his future son-in-law.

"We achieved much. And much more awaits us..."

Muttered Kiritsugu as he continued smoking cigarettes.


"How are things going?"

He asked, looking at Kuroba Juuzo, who came from the interrogation of captured people.

"Most of them know nothing about confidential research and could be considered useless. I propose we kill them. In regard to research, we have completely emptied all of their database, library, and laboratories."

Commented Kuroba Juuzo, as Kiritsugu nodded in agreement.

"Equipment is already loaded on transportation trucks that were in barracks of the Institute."

After he got confirmation that those researchers were useless, he wasn't against killing them. Either way, they already got all the relevant information, and they probably destroyed all the magical research of Dahan...

This was something that they wouldn't be able to recover in the next decades. Not only did they destroy their research, but they also stole everything that could be helpful to the Yotsuba.

This way, they could compensate for their low numbers.

"After we return home, I will order all of our clansmen to train in martial arts. It would greatly boost the combat ability of our clansmen. Many things in this world could immobilize the usage of magic. Afterward, the magician could be considered useless."

Genzou commented.

Meanwhile, as two of them sat on the ground, all Yotsuba Clansmen were running here and there, carrying hardware from the research labs, experiment samples, various magical equipment, and everything that had some value and loading them to the transport trucks.

After everything was loaded, they started clothing themselves in the military uniform of Dahan, so they could pass through checkpoints and roads without major trouble to reach their destination.

Which was a pickup point close to some unknown abandoned finishing port, where the Japanese navy was already waiting for them.

"What do you think, father-in-law? How, according to you, would the war end?"

Kiritsugu asked silently.

"Internal collapse of Dahan and its absorption by the Great Asian Union is already sure. Those cowards are just waiting for Yotsuba to leave, as they cannot afford to fight us, even with their full power. Afterward, it would be interesting...Right now, there have been talks about Taiwan Island and what to do with it after Juumonji Clan and National Defense Forces took over that place."

Letting go of Taiwan would be a great mistake, as Japan could use some additional territory.

"Apparently, they want to deport all citizens from there and take it exclusively for Japan. That would be a good idea, as now, our strength is at the top, and we would get a military barrier against the Great Asian Union in case of attack."

Now due to war, their territory expanded by taking back Okinawa and several other Islands, and more importantly, taking over Taiwan and restoring Karafuto Prefecture by taking it back from the New Soviet Union.

"Thought... biggest problem would be birth and expansion of anti-magician movements. Apparently, some of them are already created and started expanding through USNA called Humanists. And there is even one that is operating on an international scale called Blanche... they would create a ton of problems for sure."

Yotsuba Genzou continued in his thoughts about the end of World War III.

"We should be already going, father-in-law. Trucks are loaded, and Navy ships should be waiting for us. After Maya destroyed all that Dahan Navy Fleet, ours should be already at the place of meeting waiting for us."

Emyia Kiritsugu stated as both of them went and boarded some random military truck.

As the convoy of military trucks was leaving the Kunlunfang Institute, after some distance, an enormous explosion took over and razed everything to the ground, creating a crater deep several meters in the ground.

Nothing remained from the once glorious spot of magic research in the entire Asia, excluding Japan. This was also a form of precaution that Kiritsugu and Genzou took, as they couldn't risk that the Great Asian Union could salvage something from the ruins of the Institute.

So they mined the entire place with the stronger Gem Sequence Explosion Spells they had in their arsenal and sent the whole place straight to oblivion.


"Yotsuba completed their part perfectly. I think it is time for our part, Genryūsai-dono."

"Yes... everything would depend on how you would solve the situation. USNA Fleet is strong... and with Leviathan Strategic-Class Magic, they are even stronger on the sea. Have you made enough preparations to deal with them?"

"Yes, Genryūsai-dono. Everything is set. After tomorrow, nobody would even know that the USNA had any fleet in the Pacific. What's more, we will raze down the entire Peal Harbor... this time effectively. Currently, the USNA is the biggest threat to the existence of a unified Japan. My branch has managed to infiltrate high enough to know that they are currently expanding at rapid speed, especially in training magicians and technological advances. We will be in danger if we don't move fast enough."

"Yes... what about that other thing? Are you sure they will suicide attack the National Diet during a government meeting?"

"Hundred percent sure... it was information directly gained by Yotsuba by torturing one of the high-ranking spies of the Great Asian Union. It should happen a week later... as a form of revenge from their side, due to spilling so much of the blood of old Han... damm hypocrites."

"What will we do?"

"Nothing. We let that happen. Let them burn. The only thing we will do is to we will notify pro-magician fanatical senators not to go there that day."

"And what about that puppet ruler in the palace?"

"Hmm... it already lost its meaning. Imperial Will died more than several hundred years ago with the death of Emperor Meiji... what did we have from then? Mad ones, suicidal ones, and then weak ones, useless ones, coward ones... they are no longer used even as a symbol." 

Check out my other fanfics: Saga of Astral Mysteries and A Song of Blood and Sunlight or my original novel Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition


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