
Records of Ascension : The Dead King

After Someone Took My Life, I Felt Something or Someone Pulling My Whole Being Together With My Memories and Putting Them Somewhere Where They Were Cold and Hollow. And Just When I Thought My Life Had Come Back to Me. I Realized That My New Life As The Living Dead Had Already Begun ... ''Who am I?''

Alcohol_Overdose · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4 - The Rat King vs King Hassan | Unforeseen

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and art, so if you recognize this from elsewhere, surprise! It is not mine. Enjoy ~.

A/N : That's it, Volume 1 is over. Yay!! Now I need to correct the mistakes in the previous chapters before I start writing the next one.

Word count 4315

Chapter 4 - The Rat King vs King Hassan | Unforeseen.


The dark, dank sewer seemed to squirm with the presence of the hooded figure that walked silently.

Hassan advanced through the sewers with slow, silent steps, the clatter of his iron boots completely muffled by the dark cloak that covered his skeletal body.

The cloak seemed to have been made by some enchanted craftsman, for although it was soiled by the mud that covered the ground, it emanated a mysterious magic that kept it immaculate and silent.

The cloak she wore was made of a thick, thin fabric with an enigmatic and unusual pattern.

( A/N : The skill [Chameleon] is active, just to make it clear. )

As he walked, a dark, tense aura enveloped Hassan, like a dark mist that accompanied him.

As he moved, the dim light scattered by the sewer reflected off these shadows and created an eerie color-changing effect.

His face was hidden under the hood, but a sense of coldness emanated from him, a feeling that he was not human or alive.

At his waist, hidden under the dark cloak, was a sheath that appeared to be made of high-quality leather, held tightly with metal straps. He moved with supernatural grace, almost floating through the sewer, and seemed to be in search of something or someone.

''... Nothing here either.'' Mr. Skeleton muttered coldly.

As Hassan continued his search for the rats in the sewers, he realized that the task was becoming increasingly difficult.

The rats were agile and elusive and seemed to be hiding from him.

After hours of tireless searching, when King Hassan began to feel frustrated, he found these [Rusty Iron Boots] ...

[ Rusty Iron Boots ].

Condition: Old and rusty.

Rank Item: E

Description: A pair of iron boots that were once useful, but are now rusted and in poor condition. Although they are heavy and uncomfortable, they can still protect the wearer to some extent.


Defense: +5

Weight: +10

Abilities: ---

Durability: 30/100

Who knew he would find a Companion relaxing around.

But the Skeleton Companion seemed to have become even better.

The rusty iron boots covered even Mr. Skeleton's shins. Although they still protected his shins a little, they were worn, old, and almost falling apart. Even so, they still fulfilled their purpose of providing some comfort when walking through the mud and the dirty waters of the sewer.

Something extremely curious was the fact that the [Scarlet Cloak of the Chameleon] completely muffled the metallic sound of the boots.

Tired of looking for the rats, King Hassan decided to turn around and start looking somewhere else.

He was aware that this place was a huge and complex maze, but still, frustration was beginning to grow in his being.

The gigantic sewers were annoying and unpleasant, and the lack of progress was beginning to weigh on his mind.

''Why do I keep doing this?'' He wondered.

But despite his doubts, a part of him refused to give up. He was determined to find the rats and reach level 10, the only way to get out of that place and find a new goal on his journey.

As an undead, Mr. Skeleton knew that time should not be a concern, since his existence was immortal. However, something inside him said that time was important and should not be wasted wandering through these filthy sewers.

Despite his determination, King Hassan was beginning to feel the effects of time. The feeling of loneliness and isolation was beginning to affect him, although he felt no hunger, thirst, or fatigue.

Meanwhile, Mr. Skeleton still had no news of Lucy, nor did he know what would happen to the "Cosmic Glutton".

That was one of his best abilities... Summoning a monster from another dimension that has unlimited hunger.

He didn't know how much time had passed since he had ventured into the sewers, but time seemed to pass differently for him. What for a living being would be an eternity, for him could be just an instant.


After an indeterminate amount of time, which seemed to drag on like an eternity for Mr. Skeleton, he finally saw something different.

It wasn't exactly something new, but after wandering for so long in a dull and lifeless place, it was a glimmer of hope in despair.

He came to a large hall that seemed to have been abandoned long ago, with moss-covered walls and cobwebs hanging from the ceiling.

As he approached, Mr. Skeleton was immediately happy to find a mouse that appeared to be a new variant.

It was a giant mutant mouse, with a size that seemed larger than normal, but it was still a new variant. Its appearance was bizarre: it had greenish-gray fur, big red eyes, and some protuberances on its body, a sickly skin with pustules and sores all over its body.

The rat had extra eyes in strange places, like on the side of its head, and seemed to suffer from some disease that caused blisters all over its body. The size of the animal was also impressive, about the same as a large dog.

Due to the enhanced camouflage of the cape, the rat did not notice or smell Mr. Skeleton.

King Hassan almost let out a happy laugh. Almost.

Mr. Skeleton used his assessment skills on the creature to gather information and assess its threat.

Mr. Skeleton felt a sudden sensation in his mind as if something had changed within it. Then a bluish message box appeared in front of him, partially covering his view of the mutant rat.

[ The level of your <Appraisal> skill increased by one. ]

[ Appraisal ]

Skill Rank: E

Skill Effect: Allows the user to evaluate the statistics and abilities of a creature or object.

Bonus effect 1: Allows you to detect weaknesses in a target.

Bonus effect 2: Identifies recent tracks and footprints.

Mr. Skeleton watched the screen with admiration for a moment and thought to himself: "Two really useful bonus effects. Will my other skills also have bonus effects?

But, turning to the creature, he noted its abilities.

[ Giant Mutant Mouse ]

[Level]: 9

[Health]: 1000/1000

[Mana]: 50/50


Strength: 25

Agility: 10

Endurance: 30

Magic power: 5

Talents : [Infection], [Enhanced regeneration], [Toxic immunity], [Corrosive acid]

[Skills : [Infected claws], [Infected bite], [Strong bite], [Scratch], [Acid spitting].

Since he couldn't use his [Appraisal] skill to get detailed information about the creature's abilities, Mr. Skeleton had to rely solely on its labels and surmise how they worked.

He watched the creature carefully as he thought about the possible effects each ability could have, trying to anticipate its movements and prepare for any eventuality.

Mr. Skeleton then thought about his combat skills: [Saber Proficiency] and [Amorphism].

He pondered that while [Amorphism] might be useful in other situations, it would not be as effective in the impending battle, since he would not have enough time to activate it.

Therefore, only his [Proficiency Saber] would be useful.

Understanding his target's abilities, Mr. Skeleton was ready for battle. He wielded his sword with skill, ready to attack the giant rat.

The rat, which detected Mr. Skeleton's presence thanks to its keen sense of smell, realized it was in danger and lunged forward with sharp claws. The sound of its claws scratching the floor echoed through the room.

Mr. Skeleton, however, managed to deftly dodge the attack by sliding to the side.

He positioned himself behind the rat and delivered a precise blow, cutting off the animal's hind leg. The rat let out a sharp roar of pain, which echoed through the room as it tried to turn around to attack again.

Mr. Skeleton leaped backward, narrowly escaping the attack.

The fight intensified as the rat attacked with fury, desperate to survive.

Mr. Skeleton dodged the rat's attacks with skill, looking for an opening to counterattack.

When the moment was right, he delivered a precise blow, the blade of his sword cutting deep into the rat's flesh.

A stream of blood gushed from the wound, splattering on the ground with a grotesque sound.

The creature let out a sharp cry of pain, its body writhing in agony.

The injuries caused by Mr. Skeleton's blade were terrible, leaving the rat visibly weakened. Still, it kept fighting, ignoring the pain and weakness in a last-ditch effort to survive.

The rat, in a last effort, leaped towards Mr. Skeleton, its infected claws extended. But with one nimble movement, the skeleton dodged and drove his sword into the rat's neck.

The sound of metal cutting through flesh and crushing bone echoed through the room, followed by a high-pitched scream from the rodent.

Hassan wiped the blood from the blade with an elegant, fluid motion.

The blood splattered on the dirty floor of the sewer, forming a scarlet semicircle around Hassan.

After finishing the fight, Mr. Skeleton walked toward the exit of the hall, ignoring the ruins left by the battle.

Mr. Skeleton turned his head slowly, not expressing any emotion at the chaos he had caused in the hall.

His blank stare remained fixed ahead, ignoring the ruins and the carnage he had left behind.

But his attention was attracted by the damp sound coming from behind him.

He turned slowly, unhurriedly, and his empty eyes met the one who made the sound.

In his cold, indifferent voice, Mr. Skeleton spoke: ''... I was finding it strange that I haven't received any notification that I killed him... He paused briefly and continued:

''... But now I understand, [Advanced Regeneration], don't I?'' He spoke in a debauched tone.

The Rat or rather the damp sound he heard earlier was coming from the Mouse.

The dismembered parts of the Rat were 'regenerating', rather, they were rapidly connecting to it ( Rat ), quickly returning to their original state.

It was a horrible sight to see, but Mr. Skeleton acted indifferently to it all.

Then, Mr. Skeleton drew his saber again.

''So...'' Mr. Skeleton said as he scratched his chin with his free hand, thoughtfully.

''If cutting you into pieces doesn't work, I just need to turn your brain into a sieve... until you can no longer regenerate.''

He let out a cold chuckle before adding, ''It's not like I have anything better to do.''


The hours passed with Hassan doing every kind of unimaginable brutality he could imagine with the Mutant Mouse's body.

Hassan wanted to test the poor Mutant Mouse's limits.

In the end, after several cuts, with Hassan avoiding cutting into the mouse's brain, the creature collapsed with deep wounds all over its body.

Its body convulsed uncontrollably due to several factors, including severe blood loss, as a small river of blood formed at Hassan's feet.

The other factor was that Hassan assumed that regeneration had a certain limit.

In that case, he took the rodent's body to the extreme.

Now Hassan was checking what he had won in this "battle".

[Congratulations! You have killed the ''Giant Mutant Rat.'' ]

Hassan, bored, went back to hunting, after all, that was what he knew how to do best. Kill and kill.

[ The level of your skill <Saber proficiency> skill increased by one. ]

[ Saber Proficiency. ]

Rank Skill: E

Description: Basic saber skill, allowing vertical, horizontal, and diagonal cuts.

Passive Effect: +6% damage with a saber.

Passive Effect: With constant training, evolution to more advanced moves.


Umbral Blade

Description: Enchant the weapon with dark power, absorbing the target's life energy and healing King Hassan with each hit.

Active effect: Heals a small amount of life.

Mana cost = Undetermined.

Recharge time: 10s.

His ability has evolved into a godly ability.

He can feel knowledge entering his head, very strange, it was like it was there all the time, but before he didn't have access.

[ You obtained the Achievement: Rat Terminator I ]

[ Rat Terminator I ]

Description: King Hassan specializes in hunting these creatures, passively increasing damage by 10% against rats of all types.

Bonus effect: +2 to Agility and Strength.

["Gluttony" is being activated... ]

Hassan ignored the sound of flesh being chewed and bones being crushed.

[ The Emissary of the Underworld granted him a small portion of his Authority. ]

[ The level of your <Item Box> skill increased by one. ]

[Item Box]

Rank: E

Description: An ability that allows the user to store and remove items from a magic box. The size of the box and the number of items that can be stored increase as the user levels up.

Active 1: [Item Recovery] Allows the user to recover an item that has been lost or stolen, as long as the item was previously stored in the box. The item is recovered in the same condition in which it was stored.

He watched briefly and was satisfied with the passive effect, then opened his status window.


[Name]: King Hassan

[Race]: Skeleton

[Title]: 2

[Level]: 6

[Halo]: The Emissary of the Underworld

[Health]: 300/300

[Mana]: 10/10


Strength: (37) [+12]

Agility: (18) [+27]

Stamina: (20) [+10]

Magic power: (2)

[Stats: 0]

[Talents] : [Undead] [Gluttony] [Piety] [Amorphism] [Item Box]

[Skills] : [Appraisal] [Saber Proficiency] [Umbral Blade]

[Equipment]: Military Saber (Status: Good), Scarlet Cloak of the Chameleon (Status: Excellent)

[Defense]: 120

Other than the new skill, [Umbral Blade] and the new Title [Rat Exterminator I] there was nothing new.

Not even a single level, even though the monster was Level 9.

The higher its level was, the harder it would be to move up.

-King Hassan-

A Long Time Later:

Finally, after it seemed like years, Hassan managed to reach an acceptable level.

He killed dozens of rats, mutants, giants, and adults. No matter what they were called, Hassan's blade always found itself decapitating them. Remorseless.


[Name]: King Hassan

[Race]: Skeleton

[Title]: 2

[Level]: 9

[Halo]: The Emissary of the Underworld

[Health]: 1.150/1.150

[Mana]: 10/10


Strength: (97) [+15]

Agility: (68) [+30]

Stamina: (100) [+15]

Magic power: (2)

[Stats: 9]

[Talents] : [Undead] [Gluttony] [Pity] [Amorphism] [Item Box]

[Skills] : [Appraisal] [Saber Proficiency] [Umbral Blade]

[Equipment]: Military Saber (Status: Good), Scarlet Cloak of the Chameleon (Status: Excellent)

Hassan counted the exact amount, and it was 60 extra points.

What Lucy recommended to him was 50 points in three attributes. And now he had double that.

There were no other significant changes other than his title:

[ Rat Exterminator II ]

Description: King Hassan specializes in hunting these creatures, passively increasing damage by 20% against rats of all types.

Bonus Effect: +5 Agility and Strength.

His lowest stat was Magic Power, which was his priority in raising. For he saw how godly his [Umbral Blade] skill was in combat.


Hassan stopped in front of an old solid wood door. It looked as if it had been made many years ago, and time had left marks on its worn and weathered surface.

There were no ornaments or decorations, just some boards nailed together and an old rusty bolt.

With a smooth motion, King Hassan unsheathed his military saber.

The blade glinted as he deftly held it in his scrawny hand. With a quick thrust, he advanced toward the door, channeling his strength and agility into the point of his sword.

With one precise strike, the sword blade sliced through the wood of the door in an X shape. The door split into four parts, creating a path into the interior of the place.

The place was impressive, not for its elegance, but for the grandeur of the oval hall.

It seemed to have been built with large stacked stones, without much concern for symmetry, except for a single flaw that interrupted the perfection of the circle.

The lack of maintenance and care over the years was evident on the walls, which showed many cracks and weathered parts. The place had an air of abandonment and oblivion.

The silence was absolute, except for the sound of his footsteps echoing through the grandiose environment. It was an impressive place, but at the same time oppressive and intimidating.

But, all this was ignored by Hassan who looked at the being in front of him.

The Rat King stood up before Hassan, his scrawny, squalid figure seeming to defy death itself.

Its sharp, protruding ribs stood out on its lifeless skin, while its scarlet eyes glowed in the dark like burning embers, piercing poor Hassan's soul.

His long arms ended in razor-sharp claws, ready to slice through his flesh and devour him alive.

The menacing presence of the King of Rats seemed to fill the entire environment, making it clear that he was the supreme lord of this domain.

King Hassan stared at the Rat King with a cold and intimidating gaze, like a predator watching its prey.

The silence between them reigned for long seconds.

The First to make a move was King Hassan removing the free hand and saber hidden inside his cloak. Making a T-shaped possession.

[ Activating the 'Umbral Blade' Skill. ]

King Hassan's hand was shaking with a deep red hue as if it was charged with enough energy to set the darkness around it on fire.

He gently ran his skeletal hand over the Blade.

The scarlet glow disappeared as quickly as it appeared, and the sword blade seemed to absorb it as a dark aura enveloped it.

''Please entertain me as much as you can.'' King Hassan spoke in a cold, calm tone as he stared at the Rat King with an implacable gaze.

[ The Emissary of the Underworld is interested in this Battle. ]

In the blink of an eye, the Rat King disappeared ...

A thin layer of dust floated in the air, showing the void where he once stood.

King Hassan deftly dodged the sharp claw that approached his face, taking an agile step to the side and leaning his body back.

No matter how fast the Rat King thought he was, King Hassan saw him moving like a slug in comparison.

Every move of the enemy was predictable after all, it was only a beast,

allowing King Hassan to dodge with ease and speed.

Suddenly, King Hassan brandished a half-moon, delivering a swift and accurate blow with his sword.

However, the Rat King was quick enough to dodge, taking a giant leap backward.

The Rat King maintained a disdainful expression as he stared at King Hassan, but suddenly his face contorted in pain and surprise as a deep gash opened in his chest, exploding into a spray of blood.

He staggered back a step, panting, one hand clutching the wound as his eyes widened in shock.

King Hassan stared blankly at the creature, his voice sounding calm and solemn as he said, ''Honestly, I'm disappointed.''

''You are pathetic.''

He lowered his sword, leaving the blade pointing downward as scarlet blood dripped from the tip of the blade.

The Rat King was visibly enraged as his eyes turned red.

[ Scar is entering 'Enraged' mode ].

The creature began to emit a guttural grunt, and its skin began to turn increasingly red as if it were burning from within.

King Hassan, still keeping his posture relaxed, looked at Scar with disdain as he said: ''You are so boring.'' His words were loaded with contempt.

He seemed to be one step ahead of the creature at all times.

King Hassan disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving a thin layer of dust in the air as he moved behind Scar.

He reappeared again, and Scar seemed to notice this as he turned to face him, but King Hassan mistook his opponent for a nimble foot maneuver and came up behind him.

Scar barely had time to react before King Hassan delivered a sharp blow with his sword.

The Rat King let out a high-pitched scream as King Hassan's sword cut into his unprotected back, tearing through his skin and muscle tissue until it reached his collarbone. Dark blood gushed from the open wound as the creature staggered forward, trying to get away from Mr. Skeleton.

King Hassan remained motionless, his sword still wedged into the Rat King's back, as he watched the dying creature. His vacant eyes remained inexpressive, without any sign of satisfaction or compassion for his opponent's suffering.

They ( His Eyes ) seemed to have a slight sadistic desire behind them as if they enjoyed seeing the suffering of the Rat King.

King Hassan pressed his foot against the Rat King's back, keeping him on the ground, and drew his sword hard. The sharp blade cut into the monster's flesh, causing a stream of scarlet blood to spurt from the open wound.

The Rat King roared in pain as he tried to break free, but King Hassan did not give in. He delivered a powerful kick to the monster's back, knocking it away from him.

The Rat King staggered, trying to keep his balance as blood dripped from his wound. King Hassan watched the creature with a cold and merciless gaze, ready to continue the confrontation.

King Hassan again drew his sword, now bathed in blood, and looked at the Rat King with an icy stare.

He approached slowly, his sword dragging on the ground with a sharp sound, and stopped a few meters away from the dying monster.

... King Hassan lowered his gaze and observed the ground on which he had just stepped. He noticed that the ground had given way, creating a small crater under his foot.

He looked up again, analyzing his surroundings calmly and attentively. He frowned, clearly suspicious of the situation.

'Nothing happened?' he thought to himself, '... Strange.' He then ignored that strange event.

... King Hassan moved with agility and precision, easily dodging the Rat King's attack.

Watching the Rat King, King Hassan noticed that his wounds had disappeared without a trace.

''Oh~ Regeneration.'' He said slowly. ''It's been a while since I encountered an enemy with Regeneration.''

With impressive speed, King Hassan appeared in front of the Rat King leaving him completely alarmed.

King Hassan raised his sword and brought it down hard, striking a blow to the chest of the Rat King, who was thrown backward with the impact.

He started to get up, but King Hassan was already on top of him again, delivering a series of precise blows that avoided the monster's vital points. Blood gushed out and the Rat King screamed in agony as he tried to defend himself, but it was in vain.

King Hassan didn't stop until the Rat King's body lay motionless on the ground. He slowly walked away, watching the corpse with a cold, distant gaze.

King Hassan raised his sword and delivered a horizontal blow, cutting the Rat King's body in half. But to his not surprise, the two halves of the monster's body began to move, and soon came together again.


Suddenly everything began to shake as if an earthquake had hit the place. Causing King Hassan to stop in the middle of his attack.

King Hassan balanced himself as the earthquake shook the ground beneath his feet.

He looked around, seeing cracks forming in the ground and rocks breaking loose from the walls.

Suddenly, a deafening boom echoed through the hall as chunks of rock fell from the ceiling, causing a cloud of dust and debris as the dust filled the air. The Rat King, who was still recovering from the last attack, looked just as stunned as King Hassan.

The ground continued to shake under his feet, and it seemed that the intensity of the earthquake was increasing. The earthquake continued to shake the hall, causing the ground to open up into large cracks.

King Hassan used his superhuman speed and reaction time to dodge the large debris falling from the ceiling and walls, dodging each one by millimeters.

The rocks exploded into pieces when they hit the floor, and the shrill sound seemed to echo throughout the hall.

King Hassan prepared to move, but he seemed to be stuck in place as if some invisible force was preventing him from moving.

King Hassan felt as if the ground itself was pulling him down as if gravity had been increased tenfold.

He tried to move, but his feet seemed to be stuck to the ground.

Meanwhile, the King of Mice seemed to be suffering the same effect. He tried to move, but his claws were stuck in the ground, preventing him from escaping the impending fall.

The earthquake continued to shake the ground and the walls of the hall began to crumble.

The air became heavy and difficult to breathe as if the environment itself was fighting against them.

King Hassan felt a chill run down his spine when he realized that something other than the earthquake was happening.

Then the Predicted happened... King Hassan fell into the hole that had formed and was quickly swallowed by the scourge.

As he fell into the hole, King Hassan tried to grab onto something, but all he could manage was to grab some loose rocks that crumbled in his hands.

He tried to concentrate to use his powers to keep from falling, but the darkness was so dense that he couldn't see anything.

Finally, he seemed to reach the end when his body collided with some kind of liquid.

That liquid resembled the universe, full of stars, and seemed to be embracing him, and gently he began to feel his consciousness fading away.

King Hassan felt his body sink deeper and deeper into the liquid, and as he sank deeper and deeper, his consciousness began to dissipate. The sensations around him became more distant and hazy as if he was being sucked into another world.

He tried to fight the feeling of numbness that spread throughout his body but to no avail.

His eyes became heavy and he could no longer keep them open. His body felt as heavy as lead, and even if he wanted to move, it would be impossible.