

sen reach the bloody battlefield where he is standing on a cliff with nothing but bare hands and in the other side there is hundreds of mans wearing red fire shukunē. The Shukunē is composed of a yellow shitagi ( under clothing), a blood red kosode (small sleeve), a black hakama , a white hakama-himo, white tabi ( foot pouch), and waraji . The blood red kosode has its owner's division insignia emblazoned on the inside.they all have a sword with them. their leader make a signal. and with it ten of them comes runing at sen. sen also takes out a notebook from his back, tear the first page and touch it in his bracelet. with it his brain suddenly started to get manny information about boxing. the page he tore a second ago was about a character name brox li. brox li is a twenty years strong man who is the champion of WWB(world wild boxing). he knows twenty types of boxing moves. they are all imaginary. then another type of information about how someone can materialized his will at his own will. sen thinks of his own will. he is willing to get gigantic hands for help. but nothing happens.

sys: boss you need strong willpower to do that. imagine it in your head and try to imagine that it is made of wind.

sen starts to do so but it failed.

sen: why? why is it fail again?

sys: boss without your copy clone analysis every other things level is zero. you need points to upgrade them. and with killing them you can do so. till now two of them gets near sen. a punch came. sen immediately dodge by jumping at his right side. he make a clone out of him and then starts punching those people like mad. a sword slash comes from upwords and cut right hand of Sen's clone. but he didn't shout and grab that sword with his other hand. at this points others also comes near of them. the leader of enemy team was smiling. everyone's sword is pointing at Sen's heart or body. but then suddenly two bodies came taking all those swords at their body. it was sen's clone and that man who cut a hand of the clone. before dying the clone handover a sword towards sen.


after that clone vanished from it's place two lights comes towards sen.


a pain breaks inside his body. bloods start to comes out from hands and legs.

(what is going on?)

sys: you are experiencing the pain that your clone gets before dying. your strength and endurance increase. your affinity flame also increased. you have now now five more points. total points eight.

(upgrade clone)

sys: clone is upgraded to third level. you can now summon five clone together at the same time.


after that sen stands up again due to his own will. now with him there is five more clones with a sword. now it was easy for them. when a sword slash comes they defended with their sword and with other hand they punch at a vital point of their opponents body causing them to die.

sen: oi sys upgrade my abilities in my body. and don't ask me.

after a few minutes they kill all ten of them. but there is still ninety of them waiting. sen didn't makes a move at them. they all tooks the swords that were on the ground. the five persons was ready with ten swords. while sen was taking the items that he can get from the dead bodies. twenty people now come runing towards sen.

sys: boss you need to hold on for a little more. sunset is going to happen soon. but boss you need something to eat.

sen understand what sys was trying to say. he activated his clones again and five more person came out. he instructed them to go to their base and prepare some dry fruits and water for them. they all goes towards the back side of sen.

after a hour almost fifty people from other side and twenty from Sen's side killed each other, Sen's body is full of his own blood from head to toe. system suggest sen to buy and drink health potion from store. but sen was not in a position of doing so. he fell on the ground.


a conch sound declare to stop the war as sunset is happening. everyone is going back to their base. Sen's clones carry sen to the base. with help of health fruit sen survives and wakes up at night. right beside him there was two people guarding him and fanning him. he eat some fruits and water and sleep again. next day before dawn he wakes up again.

(what is my status?)


status :-



agility -3

intelligence -5

will- 7



clone -10

analysis -5

(so what is benifit?)

sys: your clones can evolve into servants.

(and what is the price?)

sys: fulfill some conditions according to the recruitment set by you?

(tell me the process)

sys: at first level all individual clones to level 10. they will have a job exam.

then give them techniques and weapons according to their jobs.

(how much point will it takes?)

sys: 100th.

(how much points do I have now?)

sys: 25.

(can you level up them with this?)

sys: yes. you have only five left so each of them will level up to level 5.

( how many can level up to 10.)

sys: not even one.

( ok. do it in the middle of the battle. when you will see they are near death. level them up.)