

Kuoh Academy, Student Council Room

Every few seconds there was a sound of a page moving. There was currently only one person in the room. She had violet eyes, hair styled into a bobcut and wore glasses. Her name is Sona Sitri and she is the current Student Council President of Kuoh Academy aswell as the young lady of the 72 pillars Sitri family. She could be currently seen to be looking through the information about the new first years starting this April.

Everything was normal as always until she stopped at a certain profile. She furrowed her eyebrows while muttering "Adam Cross, someone from America? How unusual. There' something wrong with this document." She narrowed her eyes while checking the information over and over. The more she did the more she felt something was wrong. Sona let out a tired sigh and spoke to herself "I'm going to go crazy, what the hell is wrong with this guy?" Pursing her lips she stood up and wanted to go ask for help from an old friend.

She walked through the academy and stopped when she saw a door with the engraving Occult Club in it. Before she was able to knock, a surprised voice came from the inside "How unusual for you to be here, Sona." Dropping all pretenses, she stepped into the room. Behind a desk there sat a red haired women with a voluptous body. She was the leader of the Occult Club, bearing the family name Gremory, one of the 72 pillars. Directly getting to the matter, she threw the document over to Rias "I want you to look at this and tell me if you feel anything off about this." Rias tilted her head and looked over to the page containing Adams data. For a few minutes it was pure silence when a curious voice rang out "You sure theres something wrong? I can't feel anything in paticular." Sona closed her eyes and spoke "I see, must be my imagination then. Still, I hope you could send either Koneko or Kiba to monitor him once the new term starts." Rias nodded her head and watched until Sona left the room. Once she was left alone in the room, she sank back into the chair and muttered "Another variable appeared, what exactly is going on. First the Red Dragon Emperor and now this."