
Record of Ragnarok : The First Ragnarok

Every 1000 years, the gods assemble to decide the fate of mankind. After 7 million years, the gods decide that it's time for humanity to be destroyed. The will of the gods is absolute, but mankind still has a chance! Valhalla Constitution, article number 62, explained in paragraph 15 of the super special clause. The final struggle between humans and gods, Ragnarok! *Note: This fanfic takes place in an AU and has quite a few new characters, but familiar faces will appear every now and then.

Torent · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Power of a God

"Humans spend their lives trapped in a cage. Be it war, love or fortune, it's all just a big cage. We sing our own praises, tell ourselves we're so much better, but in reality… we're the same."

Those words were once said by Pan, ruler of the utopian forest of Arcadia. And a young Artemis listened diligently, trying her best to make sense of the god's words.

"Then… not even the gods are free?" she asked naively.

"That answer is, like many things in this world, beyond me, child. But know this. The gods have grown complacent. Arrogant. They… We believe there is nothing in this world we cannot achieve. And that very way of thinking is what confines us."

Artemis would never forget Pan's speech. During her hunts, during her ventures onto mankind's battlefields, even during her leisurely walks through heaven's gardens, she would remember those words and seek to escape that cage.

After her conversation with Pan, Artemis refused to step foot in Arcadia again. Yet, despite the goddess' decision to keep her distance from it, or perhaps because of that decision, the forest of Arcadia came to hold a special place in her heart. So special, in fact, that she chose it to be her final resting place. After her fight with Apollo, a flock of hawks guided the wounded Artemis, leading her to the sacred grove.

"Arcadia shall become my grave," she told the hawks then.

But the shallow wounds covering her body were far from enough to kill a deity. The birds took her to a certain god's hideout, deeper into the forest than she'd ever been. There, a slightly older and wiser Pan nursed her back to health with herbs and decoctions not even Artemis had heard of.

"Perhaps I have also become too arrogant for my own good," she joked, and Pan smiled.

Unbeknownst to the other deities, Artemis revoked her inner vow and remained in Arcadia for a long time after that. With the god's permission, she hunted there. She climbed Arcadia's mountains and explored its plains, but the forest was her true home. The dryads and nymphs praised her righteous way of life, and it felt like the land itself had taken a liking to the goddess. Yes. Gentle as always, Artemis did not disturb the circle of life. Despite being a goddess, she didn't abuse her power. Despite being a huntress, she didn't kill needlessly. She ate and drank, slept and hunted. Mimicking the lifestyle of its other inhabitants, that was how Artemis spent her days in Arcadia.

Decades later, it was finally time for the goddess to leave, for word of unrest amongst the gods had reached her ears. As she looked back at the forest, it almost felt like she'd been living inside a long dream. The spirits of Arcadia hugged her, begging the goddess to stay, and the nymphs sang a melancholic tune. Nature itself seemed to be mourning. It is said that the trees themselves cried that day, and the mountains sobbed.

"You have spent these years honing your skills to their upmost, child. They far surpass those of your brother's now. However…" Pan began.

"Do not think you are invincible," Artemis said, as if she'd read his mind. "Do not grow complacent, for that would be your downfall."

It wasn't necessarily that her skills had surpassed Apollo's, and she was aware of that. But, if she and her brother were to fight again, Artemis was sure she would win. Her hunts in Arcadia had sharpened her instincts, had forced her to adapt and learn. The ace up her sleeve, the ultimate technique she had used during her battle with Apollo had also been refined and improved. Now… it could kill even a god. And that was precisely why the goddess had to be stricter than every with herself.

Pan nodded, pleased by her words. As a farewell gift, he gave Artemis seven of his most trusted hounds, blessed beasts from the sacred forest, capable of besting even the strongest animals. Thus, with a heavy heart and a warm smile, Artemis left Arcadia at last.


"Farewell, human," Artemis whispers as she adjusts her aim.

The goddess takes a deep breath and begins to pull on the string. She pulls, and pulls, and, before long, it seems to have reached its limit! The bow quivers in agony, and a metallic screech echoes through the arena like a wave. Gods and humans alike cover their ears as the weapon's cry cuts the air.

"This is incredible! Who could've thought that Artemis would use a technique of this magnitude?" Heimdall shouts, but he himself can't hear the words over the noise.

The string is on the verge of breaking! The entire coliseum shakes as if hit by an earthquake, and the cries show no signs of stopping. Herfjötur grits her teeth, struggling to keep her eyes open through the unbearable pain. So Artemis was hiding something like this… A furious wind stirs up clouds of dust, and the spectators fruitlessly attempt to shield themselves. The supreme gods themselves have perplexed looks on their faces!

In the middle of that hellscape, only two beings remain unfazed. Artemis, channelling her attack, and Hannibal, still running towards her. With each step he takes, the gusts grow more violent. Seconds feel like years, and the battle seems unending… Artemis is only an arm's length away. Hannibal's eyes glint as he reaches for his weapon, the ground quaking beneath his feet. And then it happened. The goddess finally released her arrow.

At that moment, the same thought crosses everyone's minds. "That is the power of a god."

"Iokheira Selene," Artemis mouths solemnly as the arrow shots up into the sky.

Like the calm before a storm, the arena falls completely silent. The projectile flies at an incredible velocity, it curves and twists and soon doesn't even resemble an arrow anymore. Reminiscent of the Ouroboros, its tip pierces its nock as its ascent stops abruptly. But it's not falling! The golden ring continues to float above the coliseum, spinning violently! So fast, in fact, it's starting to look like a sphere of light! Yes, it's beginning to resemble…

"A moon?" Apollo mutters, his brow furrowed.

Amidst all this chaos, Hannibal doesn't react. He doesn't even try to defend himself! The reason? It's all happening too fast! The ascent of Artemis' arrow, its transformation… The entire process doesn't last more than two seconds!

"H-hey, Scipio, dude. Can that Hannibal guy… win against that?" Alexander asks, wide-eyed.

The Roman general swallows hard, his eyes glued to the battlefield. The words won't come out no matter how hard he tries, and he silently curses his ignorance. It's finally starting to sink in.

"Gods… really are incredible."