
Fragile (K)

Home Bitter Home.

I saw some freak following but its not new. He must had already ran away given the stench was stronger.

I got inside to find my mother in corner. She was still traumatised from the beating of a hirer. There was no way I would console her because it doesn't work the same way here.

In school we are taught to understand people, to make situations better. But here we trained as pigs from birth. You are domisticated either for fine fruits or bloody loots.

I kept my uniform in the rotten trunk and went to the pot for water.

Argh! It's bitter.

Seems like it was one of those days when few people working for our little sanity are called upon to meet the demands of glitzy laws.

My brother would be back until 9. S--

"Lev, hold this."

He was early today.

"Okay. Is it?"

"Yeah they told that complains on cleanliness is getting considered for a week or so, thus no work. Is she good yet?"

"Don't think so."

"You also lie down."

"Yes, Sam." He can't pay for the single source of light at night for half a month at most.

I never ran because this thin roof over my head would also be snatched from me.

I hear their stories because it makes me realize it's more fragile than my life.

Alivia's case was much more ugly than this. I try to remember it every night because it makes me feel better in many ways. Yet she was again set on a new boy. Never learnt a lesson.

Her previous raped her and beat her and threatened to leak. I promised to solve her life because I kinda felt sad from hearing her. It was solved with the dude getting suspended. He was never seen afterwards.

That Kultz boy...he is...nice and cute.

I...unconsciously smiled.