
Rebrith in Danmachi

AtemYugi · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Training with Ryuu

It has been two years now since Bell has unlock 5% of the Phoenix force and he has slowly been getting used to using the power he has unlocked from it. While that was going on Koneko and Kuroka were running around the front yard when a girl that looked like she is in her 20's walking up to them. When she got up to them she asked them were there grandpa was and they pointed to the farm that he was working on. She thanked them and walked to him, when she got to him, he started to talk

Zeus: He is in the back let me call him. Bell come here, I have someone I want to to me. You two as well girls.

After he called them all three of them came to where they were called. When they got there, Zeus started to tell them who this person was and what she was doing there. After he said what he wanted to say she started to talk.

Ryuu: As your grandfather said. I am Ryuu and I am here to train you how to fight.

When Bell heard this he was jumping up and down because he was happy that he is going to be trained by his favorite female member. As they were walking to the train ground Bell got two quest from the system.

[Complete the training that Ryuu give you]

Time limit: 3 years

Reward: 2 Random weapon or skill from an anime or game of your choice.

[Get Zeus to tell you stories about your mother]

Time limit: Until your 14 birth day

Reward: The fact you know more about your mother.

When Bell got the two quest he was happy about the first one but when he got the last one he had to think if it was really wroth it or not but decided it was because it is his mother. When they got to the training ground, Ryuu stopped and turned around and saw that Bell was carrying a sword with him. She did not take that much notice of it because of she wanted to start the train. She told them what she wanted them to do and to do it. As they were going to go to do what they were told she called Bell to come with her because she has something that she wants him to do. Bell wonder what it was, went to follow her and they went into the woods. After walking for about 10 minutes they came across a small pack of goblins, and told him to fight and kill them.

Bell nodded and took out the sword he was carrying on got ready to to fight the goblins. As the goblins where picking up their kill Bell killed the one that had its back to him and as it diapered into dust and a gem fell the other two ran at Bell to kill him. When one of them got close to him it swung its club down and Bell jumped out of the way in time and swung his sword killing the goblin, as this one was turning to dust the last one was right on top of Bell and was swooning its club down. Ryuu seeing this was about to help Bell, she saw that the eye patch started to glow yellow and light shot out of all sides of Bell in a two meters and killed that goblin. When she saw this she was about to ask Bell what was but notice that Bell did not even know what he did so she left it be and decied to ask Zeus about it later.

After Bell picked up the three gems Ryuu started to walk back to where that other two girls where Bell seeing this ran up beside her and started to hold her hand, felling that her hand was being held looked to Bell and saw that he was holding her hand. Wondering why he was doing it she asked him

Ryuu: Bell, why are you holding my hand?

Bell: Because it fells nice

When she heard what Bell said she left it be because it was just a kid talking, as they got closer to where the other two girls where they saw that they were yelling at each other about something, as they got closer they heard them

Koneko: I will marry Bell when we are older.

Kuroka: No I will marry him nya.

When Bell heard them his face went red because of it, while when Ryuu heard she was looking at the two 8 year old girls that where talking about marrying some one at a young age. Right when they were about five feet away both of the girl saw him and went to him and started to ask who he would marry. Bell not know what to do hided behind Ryuu because he was embarest about it. Ryuu who saw this could not help but laugh at Bell because of what he did, as she was about to move away Zeus walked up and saw that Ryuu was laughing and Bell was hiding and the girls were yelling at each other about Bell, and a big smile came up on his face. He called to two girls over and said

Zeus: Why not both of you marry him, and if any other girl wants to join you two have to give the okay.

When the two girls heard what he said they both looked at each other and then nodded because that was a far trade. When Bell heard what his grandfather said his face became even redder because he is trying to get Bell a harem at a young age. As they were walking back to the house Ryuu told Bell and they girl to go ahead because she would like to talk to their grandfather. After they left she turned to Zeus and said

Ryuu: What the f**k Zeus, just what is Bell.

Zeus: What do you mean.

Ryuu: Don't play dumb, I saw him use one of your powers but at a some rage. Even if he did it with out knowing.

When Zeus heard this he let out a sigh and started to tell her the truth about Bell. After the story Ryuu just studded their without moving taking in what she was told about Bell. She just looked at Zeus and asked

Ryuu: Does he even know what he is.

Zeus: Not that I know of.

Ryuu: Are you even going to tell him.

Zeus: No, now is not the right time. It might be safer to wait until he becomes a lvl 7 adventurer.

While Zeus and Ryuu were talking Bell and the two girls got back to their house and started to talk about what they did to day. Bell told them that he hunted goblins and killed them, after his story the girl told Bell that they practice magic that they knew that they were good at. Right when they were done tell each other what they did Zeus and Ryuu came back in and Zeus started dinner. After dinner Bell went to his room and Koneko and Kuroka went to their and they feel asleep.

As time went on Ryuu started to warm up to Bell, one day after training Bell took Ryuu to a hiding lake that he found one day after training and jumped in to cool off. While he was doing that Ryuu found a spot that was hiding by some bushes and started to undress to clean herself off. When Bell got out he did not see Ryuu so he went to try and find her as he was walking he heard water splashing and went to it. When he got near he saw a person cleaning them self off, as he got closer he saw that it was Ryuu. While Ryuu was cleaning herself she felt she was being watched, looking around she found out it was Bell that was watching her.

Wanting to toy with him she started to walk over to him and stopped when she was right in front of him bent down and whispered in his ear.

Ryuu: Why are you peaking on a maiden bathing.

After she said this Bells face became red and tired to talk but he could not. Ryuu finding it funny could not hold in her laughter any longer started to laugh. Bell hearing her laugh got mad and stomped off, seeing this Ryuu got her clothes back on and ran to the side of Bell and walked back to the house with him. When they got to the house Bell went back to his room and Ryuu went to koneko and Kuroka's room and told them what happened, when they heard they looked at each other and were mad at first but after a little bit they both started to laugh because of the way that Bell reacted.

At dinner Bell came out and did not look at any one got his food and ran back to his room. Seeing this Zeus asked what happened and Ryuu told him, when she was done Zeus started to laugh because of it and fell back words. The next day Bell did not come out of his room because of what happened yesterday. On the third day Bell came back out and started to train again with Ryuu. From that day on Bell made sure to just go home after training and take a bath there.

3 years later

Bell and the two girls have been training under Ryuu for the last three years and Bell was a master at the fighting style that Ryuu had thought him, while the girl were better at the magic that she thought them. Now that the three years were up Ryuu told Bell and the two girls that she had to go back to her normal job and told them where she worked so when they go their they can came and visit her. After she left Bell heard a sound in his head.

[Complete the training that Ryuu give you] done

Time limit: 3 years, done

Reward: 2 Random weapon or skill from an anime or game of your choice.

Which weapons or skills do you want.

Bell: The weapon and skill that I want is .....