
reborn with the memory of olivier queen reborn in harry potter(hiatus)

Somebody asks a god for Olivier's Queen memories in the world of Harry-Potter, will his bow allow him to save the people close to him or will he use it as a weapon?

Zozo_77 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 3: What happened during 4 years

It's been four years since I started to make my plan a reality. I've grown quite a bit and possess muscle worthy of a teenager,

the constant exercise supplied with enough food and some nutrition potion enabled my body to grow in peak shape, I decided to let my hair grow

to suit the pureblood custom better but not without some nagging from my grandmother.

Some big things happened during this time,

First I studied all I could and I was very proud of myself thanks to a combination of my drive to fit in this world and to acquire new knowledge and Olivier

innate intellect I was able to learn a great deal with the help of the black library.

It was great to learn about so many things that the film and the book hadn't spoken about or only talked about briefly without detail, even being able to create a potion and handle magical plants was more difficult than described.

I profited from the time to learn about the laws and the pure-blood etiquette thanks to the help of the other lord painting. It was through questioning Wallarbuga that I realized that my thinking was biased

As soon as I discovered this flaw I started to study like a pureblood heir which with some reluctantly help from Walburga was easy and strangely enough, she was proud of my choice to have chosen her as a teacher

but after some of her lessons, I was able to realize she was probably thinking it will make me submit to the dark lord.

In the mirror, to this, I started to do the physical training Olivier went through and I profited from this time to assimilate his memory to the point of becoming my own.

the only downside to training the wizardry custom was the hours of continuous writing with proper noble calligraphy with a Quill. It became so hard to do the two on the same days that I injured my wrist about two times.

It was after those injuries that I decided to at least make a pen with a quill and write more efficiently.

I hope you remind yourself that this is coming from a guy who has dealt with the League of Assassins training but the pain receptor of a child coupled with the accidental magic I had each time was hard.

It finally took half a year for my malnutrition body to be able to handle both Olivier and the league training without error after bathing myself in a medicine bath after each training session.

Once my body was stable enough for training I let myself be engrossed in the rest of my magical study like

-Potion and Herbology, it was great to learn about their relationship, it was quite relaxing, I decided to study when I had free time or was bored and it paid off more than I planned, thanks to my year as a vigilant I was able to grow

a little of all including cannabis..and I was able to let grow the plant related to the Wolfsbane potion. Snape won't know what hit him if he takes me for a mini Sirius.

-Astronomy Although it's not a subject I passed much time on I still studied on an acceptable level for a NEWT student knowing that all black names came from stars. And the fact that some magic like ritual magic

are linked to this made me look forward to questioning Professor Sinistra.

-Arithmancy which I took in stride but my pace slowed down due to some personal project which will hopefully help the muggle-born in Hogwart, even with the difference in the timeline it seemed that Dumbuldor was preoccupied with them

only to gather support.

-Ancient runes: it was an interesting subject, it was like learning a new language but since Olivier had some experience in the subject the transition was easy. The various utility of this language was just cheating,

I could make things invisible which I did by using it on my crossbow and my costume. The pity was that without guidance I was not able to get as far as I wanted, just early N.E.W.T level just enough for the principle of gravity to come into the folds.

I found the subject fascinating because I was able to use a set of runes to create some ward dissipating the bullet.

-History of Magic: As boring as the book described it I decided to study it without great passion but I discovered that it was mostly boring because Binns didn't anime his lesson, although the memorization work was quite hard

it was not as hard to link the history of an individual part to a larger part. But I decided to sacrifice my time more now than in Hogwart

-Transfiguration, charm, and other subjects students shouldn't attempt were done via experimentation, elemental spells making were the most difficult but it was normal as my core was lacking compared to an adult wizard however

the Lumos, locking or unlocking charms, and other spells focused on intent were easier, I even was able to do a Patronus and I was surprised by my animal...

And finally, I was able to hire a master legitimens thanks to Odbert's contact and boys he was surprised by the strength of a 9-year-old occlumency which left him in tears thinking that a mental magic prodigy appeared.

The second news was the apparition of a Heros named Green Arrow

Yes, you guessed it,

Thanks to the goblin's effort in building an arrow cave which was organized by Odbert. Goblins were expensive but were good at executing orders in a less costly manner.

For that, they employed muggles through contracts that were made foolproof against Legilimency and made them remember another structure.

Even with that, they didn't know where to start so I had to use the knowledge Anatoly Knyazev inculcated in Olivier to dig a hole in the room behind Walburga's magical painting. After that, I made a

trap-door with a code being hidden behind it and Boom The Arrow Cave was born.

In addition to this, I made the goblins link me to the city sewer to escape the police.

It required only the technical part to be the same as a Batcave now.

To build what I wanted some exclusive rune had to be made in place and with Olivier's late knowledge it was a piece of cake.

I did my best to build a super ghost computer in advance of the time. I thanked god that Olivier was a computer specialist / Expert computer hacker

because of his time as an Argus agent.

As soon it was finished I started to hack the police and establish myself as a secret detective named A like L which allowed me to incorporate some of Olivier's less delicate skills in my head

like his ability to link clues together or his view of the murderer scene. I solved 15 unresolved murderers which included some cops in a week proving my ability to

their authority I was able to partner with them. But what they don't know was that these murderers were all connected to one of the biggest gangs in England.

it seems that my first targets come to me on their own and nobody will have the reasons why I started from them, once equipped I made my way to one of their headquarter

to torture *cough*, collect information about their bodies about the organization of their group.

That night I made my first contact with the darker reality of the magical world and to this day I still don't know if I should be thankful to have been able to see this problem before

I start to rely on my biased knowledge more than that.

*Flashback to some future chapter I think it will be more interesting*

Apart from that, I explored the black family castle on my 7th birthday. I came across a room containing all the previous lords which allowed me to have my status as heir confirmed

and any other member's claim was impossible. They explained to me that this room was open on each birthday of a family member and since it was my birthday it allowed me in.

The third news was the release of Sirius black

It seemed that this discovery was made at a really good time because in exploring the black family castle on my 7th birthday, I came across a room containing all the previous lords which allowed me to have my status as heir confirmed

and any other member's claim was impossible. They explained to me that this room was open on each birthday of a family member and since it was my birthday it allowed me in.

causing the release of Sirius Black. to not have any effect on my plans.

It was confirmed on the days when I checked the accounts linked to my hidden public muggle identity which was Olivier Queen CEO of Queen Corporation a company that arose in these years

for their diverse business varying from film to technology to environmental issues.

It was there that I met Sirius, Lucius, and their daughter Dracona she seemed less bitchy than her brother Draco at least.

it seemed that her last two years at Howart will come at the same time as my first years.

It look like she was the only heir Malfoy and not heir black which seemed to enrage Lucius, seeing him insult and slap his daughter like that allowed Sirius to speak of the result of the test too.

it appeared that he remarked that he was disowned of the Black Family contrary to Dracona, I didn't touch her because I don't know if she follow her father like her little brother or not

The news of his loss of status made him lose control too and in a goblin nation land no less, poor Lucius will see his gallon ripped for this.

The guard surrounded Lucius and his family in no time and it seemed that Dracona was pressured too much for her comfort as she fainted before I caught her.