
Chapter 2: Meeting the Gods

Dying is nothing like I thought. As a person believing in science and logic, I thought only the void awaited me after death. But after hitting the ground and dying instantly, I was surprised to not lose consciousness.

I felt like I was floating among the stars. After some time, I realized I couldn't feel my body anymore. As I wandered through the void, I realized that what I thought of as stars were, in fact, souls like myself.

I tried to move near another soul; I wanted to see if I could communicate with it. Moving without a body proved to be complicated. It must have been evident that I was struggling because Another soul approached me and said.

"You don't have a body anymore, kiddo; If you want to move, you must use your mind."

After hearing the advice, I tried to move again and was successful and began to go toward the soul that spoke to me.

"Thanks for the advice. I was pretty stuck there."

"Don't worry. It's always a pleasure to help newbies."

The soul realized I was confused because he added.

"Hahaha, It's the third time dying."

"So reincarnation is real ?"

"Yes, but don't worry. The One responsible for this place will explain it to you when it's your turn. So how did you die? At what age?"

"I was 20 when I fell from my balcony".

After hearing this, the glow of the soul I was talking to dimmed a little, as if he was sorry for me.

"Sorry to hear that you died so young."After hesitating for a moment, he asked," Suicide?"

"No, my balcony just broke."

"Good for you. I heard that unless you have extraordinary circumstances, killing yourself gives you tons of bad karma.

We continued to chat for a while. Well, to be precise, he talked for most of it, but I didn't mind since he was funny. I couldn't stop laughing when learning that he died of a heart attack while in bed with a girl.

"At least you didn't die a virgin," I laughed.

Suddenly I felt something pulling my soul, and I started panicking.

"Don't worry. It's just your turn to be judged. You are lucky. Usually, it takes way more time. Good luck, kiddo. It was nice to meet you."

Suddenly a big flash of white appeared, and the voices around me faded.

The force was pulling me, and the light disappeared suddenly. I heard a soft thud as my body landed in a sitting position on a very comfortable chair.

After opening my eyes, I found myself inside what seemed like an office. They were no décoration on the walls apart from a big window. On the other side of it, I could see the vast cosmos.

My seat faced a big desk with two chairs across it. On it sat the most beautiful couple that I ever saw.

The man looked in his forties, with a few wrinkles around his piercing blue eyes and grey temples. His face seemed sculpted by an artist, and his faint smile gave him a benevolent aura. He was wearing a business suit. Even if he was handsome, I was not attracted to him. You see, I was attracted to a particular kind of man, but we will talk about it later.

The woman seemed like the wet dream of a horny teenager. She had a perfect hourglass figure with huge breasts. Her almond-shaped eyes were green. She was wearing a modern Qipao that left little to the imagination. Her motherly smile when looking at Alice made her look a little sad.

I couldn't help to be attracted to her. Don't judge me. You couldn't resist that ultimate MILF, either. As you can see, I don't discriminate. If I am attracted to something, I go for it. All those years on the internet destroyed any sense of shame I had.

After a few minutes, the man broke the silence and started talking.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am the God of Death. Nice to finally meet you.

From his tone, I could feel that he did not mean anything bad, but I couldn't help but to frown after hearing that.

Seeing that, the woman shot an angry look at her companion and said

"Don't be insensitive, darling. The way you said it, it seems you are happy she died."

"Well, honey, even if I am not happy about it, I am pretty relieved she finally died."

After Hearing that, I became so enraged that tears began to form around my eyes. I forgot my fear about that God status and started to shout.

"What do you mean by that?. Did I not deserve to live my life"

Hearing my outburst, the god of Death suddenly had a panicked look on his face.

"You misunderstand. I …"

Suddenly a huge pressure was felt in the room. The papers on the desk started to fly across the room; Even if Alice could feel the pressure, she wasn't experiencing any discomfort. But it wasn't the case for the God of Death. His face instantly paled.

"Shut up, you idiot!"

"But Dear…"

"I said SHUT UP !!"

The woman was visibly furious. Seiing she wouldn't hear any excuses, The God of Death gave up and lowered his face in defeat; I was confused by this situation.

"Sorry, Dear Alice. Ignore that moron."

It seemed even the mighty God of Death was powerless against his wife.

"First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Destiny, and I am the Goddess of Fate. That idiot's name is Charon."

As soon as she finished the introductions, Destiny got up and bowed before Alice.

"Alice, I am so sorry."

Author notes:

I plan to release five chapters a week. Starting next week, I will set a Power Stone goal for bonus chapters.


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I wish you all a good day.

Naotochancreators' thoughts
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