
Reborn with perfect instant mastery skill

Reincarnated in the world of Naruto with the ability to perfectly master any ability seen, sigh the only side effect is a bad sense of direction

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs


{sorry for not explaining this carefully, but the MC was around 13 when he died. he was sick most of his life and spent his time reading light novels, he got into anime when he read overlord then one piece, dragon ball, and died before he could watch Naruto. He was pure most of his life, too sick to bother about the opponent's sex, he just wanted to enjoy the life he had before he died. well... I should reward you with some of my wisdom again

Nobody owes you a tip, a tip is a gift... from a stranger. the customers already paid you to do your work, you shouldn't be angry at the customer for not giving you a tip. getting mad at them is like getting mad at the fact the food you ordered didn't come with extra food that was never promised. if your job pays low because of tips, that sounds like you and your boss's problem, not mine. so, stop standing over my table after I'm done eating asking for tips, I'm broke as broke can be.... in Japan tips are considered an insult. take notices... I hope my wisdom will help you all ascend to new heights.}

Sora returned to the ramen shop and calmly did his job, a few hours later the shop closed and Sora headed back towards his house, but at this moment he noticed Orochimaru heading towards the hokage office.

Orochimaru noticed Sora and his eyes instantly narrowed, Sora calmly looked at Orochimaru. from what he knew of him, Orochimaru was a person who feared death or found a disdain in how easily humans could die. it was hard to tell, Sora only saw this guy once.

Sora calmly opened his eyes and locked on Orochimaru and began listening to his thought.

'He should be able to endure it, maybe even better than Yamato. but I should first find out why even the old man is so careful around him.' Orochimaru thought to himself, Sora looked closely and saw his moment reascent memories.

Orochimaru the past few days had been taking kids in to do experimentation on them. the primary purpose of Orochimaru's human experimentation is to test what modifications the human body can endure and harness a subject's unique abilities for himself.

Sora's eyes brightened slightly, Orochimaru was the guy he needed. Sora of course thought experiments on children were F up, but then again, Sora saw the world as gray with some other colors, not some white and black.

Sora's sense of life was different from others, this might be because of the Chinese fantasy novel he read before he found anime or the fact Sora had his ideas. not everyone could be saved, and suffices were a most for the greater good. those who try to save everyone are fools.

Of course, this didn't mean Sora will willing to go out of his way to kill others. he would rather experiment on grown-ups than children,

"Orochimaru, for a man who seeks immortality you are going to great lengths with these children," Sora said calmly, Orochimaru instantly froze as he looked at Sora, his actions were all top secret how could Sora have found out.

"what are you talking about?" Orochimaru asked with narrowed eyes, as he made plans to kill Sora. Sora smiled slightly

"i'm willing to land a hand in your experiment. come find me when you are ready." Sora said as he calmly, leaving a stunned and confused Orochimaru,

Sora returned home where he found Kushina was still out cold, sneering loudly. Sora went into the basement where he sat before a table that had his X-ray, and information he wrote down about his body.

Sora had found out that he could copy the knowledge within books a while back, so he had been collecting many books about medication, blood, cells, and other stuff.

although he could copy and instantly understand everything within by the book times 10. it's just the book information, and nothing else. with what he had learned, Sora had been closely studying his genes and finding out how he was connected to the Otsutsuki.

months ago, Sora had found out that he was a decedent of the Senju clan. but his bloodline was too diluted. Sora guessed this means the Senju has something to do with the Otsutsuki,

the Senju clan is the powerful physique, the Uzumaki clan is the power chakra, while the Uchiha seems to be the powerful spiritual energy. if their blood could reunite then the outcome will end Sora couldn't wait to see happen.

after finding out he was a descendant of the Senju clan, Sora had been working on a way to purify his bloodline

He could go through all of his body and slowly edit them, or he could somehow edit one and sit back and watch as that one act like a virus that will affect the others, thereby purifying his whole bloodline.

in other words, Sora wanted to make his virus which would quickly spread through his body, affecting it and purifying his whole body. Sora had spent months working on such a thing, and today was the day he was about to effect himself with a virus,

Not all viruses are bad for you, Sora simply had to make one with set abilities, Sora went on to stick a needle into his arm, and sent the virus into his blood.

as the virus landed on his red blood cell, the virus began affecting the blood, the blood grew stronger as all the useless information within it was removed, returning it to its strongest vision. that blood went on the divided part before the two red blood cells went on to affect the other blood in Sora's body.

Sora closed his eyes as he felt the effect happening to his body, of course already made sure that this will not backfire or anything like that. Sora only felt himself growing stronger and stronger by the moment.

the best thing about all of this was that of course, the Sora Senju bloodline will not be the same as the normal Senju bloodline. Sora had edited and added genses from other stuff to strengthen the bloodline.

with the power of genetics, Sora had control over the building blocks of life. So, this new Senju bloodline could be called the Aplah Senju bloodline.

the blood spread, Sora began accessing memories and information stored in his genetic code. Closing his eyes, Sora went through such memories.

As descendants of Asura Otsutsuki, the son of the sage of six paths. the Senju inherited his powerful life force and chakra, and through Hashirama Senju eventually manifested as Wood Release.

Compared to other shinobi clans, the Senju didn't just specialize in one area, instead choosing to master ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu to give themselves a wide variety of skills to help combat their enemies. Due to this, they acquired their name, "Senju" meaning "a thousand skills" or "a thousand hands", in reference to their being "the clan with a thousand skills".

It is due to this they were the Uchiha Clan's primary rivals, and ultimately crushed their will to fight by the end of the Warring States Period.

Asura Otsutsuki inherited his father's physique remarkably powerful life force and physical energy. From this, he had tremendous stamina and resilience. Asura had a brother named Indra,

Indra was recognized as a prodigy, even by his legendary father, having inherited much of the latter's power, talent, and strong genes. He had a great aptitude for any skill or study he applied himself to. Furthermore, he also inherited his father's powerful chakra and spiritual energy.

Indra was the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, the two were complete opponents, Indra being the talented one, while Asure being the one who had to get by through others' help and hard work.

On his deathbed, the sage of six paths selected Asura as his successor to carry out his dream of peace and understanding in the world, after seeing how each of the two brothers carried out a mission.

The night the sage of six paths passed on his power to Asura, asking him to reach out to Indra and help him regain his compassion. As everyone began to celebrate Asura's success, Indra, jealous of his brother, attacked the village and chose to fight Asura for the title of successor while also seeking revenge on his father and brother for denying him his birthright.

Asura pleaded for Indra to reconsider, but his words fell on deaf ears since Indra sternly believed that power and force were the only true means to ensure peace and order were obtained. As Indra began attacking the citizens, Asura awoke his Six Paths Chakra and was able to fend off Indra's attack. Realizing this fight was inevitable, the sage of six paths instructed the villagers to pass on their chakra to Asura, allowing his power to fully mature. Using his new power, Asura was able to defeat Indra, who fled in anger while vowing to destroy Ninshū and his younger brother as well.

When the sage of six paths was on his deathbed, he informed his son about a final meeting with Indra, who vowed to undo all his father's work, even in the following life. Asura comforted his father and vowed to reincarnate with Indra to continue their feud, as he hoped they would one day find a peaceful resolution.

Sora was shocked as he saw these two brothers every reincarnation, shockingly Madara and Hashirmana were one of them.

Sora sat down in deep through, opening his plan six paths chakra gathered. with his awakening of this bloodline and even doing more than just perfecting it, Sora was able to gain the six paths chakra within this bloodline.

the chakra everyone uses could be considered to be muddy and unpure, six paths chakra was the purest and more powerful chakra, going back to the origin of chakra

Sora had also gained knowledge on what those black orbs he could make were. they were called truth-seeking orbs, which can alter their form and characteristics in various ways. Though only the size of a fist, each hides within it the power to obliterate an entire forest.

Those who awaken Six Paths Senjutsu are able to wield Truth-Seeking Balls, When not in use, Truth-Seeking Balls generally float behind the user's back in a circular formation, the orbs are always on standby once created, and users cannot create additional orbs after the initial acquisition number. thus, orbs that are lost for whatever reason cannot be replaced.

Truth-Seeking Balls encompass the power of all five basic natures, and as such, they surpass both kekkei Genkai and kekkei tōta. By combining the various natures inside the orbs, it is possible to produce a variety of effects. They are capable of instantly turning anything they touch to dust

If imbued with a certain Yin–Yang Release jutsu, the orbs can nullify any ninjutsu they touch and thus become impervious to it; this includes negating the regenerative qualities. However, the orbs are incapable of nullifying senjutsu, as natural energy can be used to combat itself.

Asura gained access to the Six Paths Senjutsu, allowing him to augment himself and his various techniques. In this state, he could fly and nine Truth-Seeking Balls.

Sora pretty much gained all of Asura's abilities, but he didn't master them. although his natural talent was higher, his physique and talent were off the charts. Sora was now an alpha Senju, he will gain Asura's bloodline if he could gain the Uzumaki. and yes, Sora had wood release,

standing up, Sora realized it was morning already, his nose twitched slightly as he smell something. heading upstairs, he saw Kushina was up and cooking. she seemed to be at 140%, and last night's sleep seemed to be what she needed

"you're up, I cooked you breakfast." She said with a smile as Sora went on to sit in front of the food she cocked, Kushina suddenly began smelling the air before she closely smelled him

"... your aura changed." She said as she closely looked at Sora, Sora smiled slightly as he eat while explaining his research over the past few months.

"so, you're saying the Senju and Uzumaki clan used to be one? you're also a member of the Senju, and just recently perfected your bloodline to the point you're could be considered an alpha" She asked in shock, to which Sora nodded slightly

"don't hurt yourself," Sora said seeing her thinking about this too much, Kushina snorted slightly

"I want to help, will my bloodline help?" She asked Sora calmly looking at her before nodding slightly, he had pretty much copied everything he needed from the Uzumaki clan, Senju, and Uchiha clan.

but he was just making his bloodline stronger, he might as well help Kushina out with this. so, Kushina gave Sora a drop of her blood. Sora made a clone that went on to study her bloodline, along with his new bloodline.

once an alpha Uzumaki bloodline is made, it will combine the two and make something like an alpha Asura bloodline. meanwhile, Sora will work on getting an Uchiha DNA. if sora could just copy someone doing the same thing to others, he could just copy them, allowing him to outright rewrite bloodlines with his chakra and not need for all of this. hell, he might be able to give himself all the bloodline abilities he wants...

"so, here is the 6th book," Sora said calmly as he pulled out the 6th book in one piece, Kushina's eyes instantly brighten. she instantly noticed this book was thicker than normal

"this one will go up to Thriller Bark Arc, I added an extra arc with it as the next book needs to be all its own thing," Sora said with a smile, Kushina nodded as she began reading, this was her job to make sure Sora didn't make any mistakes. after all, what dumb ass author doesn't have anyone to do this, that author should go ahead and die. what a complete embarrassment

Sora left her alone and went out to walk while letting his thoughts wander. the thought that there was someone with 5 OP abilities, one of them being Superiority dying kinda scared him. just what kind of power was needed for such a thing, Sora had to find a path that will make him OP times 500.

he had to use everything he could use to grow stronger, create techniques, and try and create bloodlines that he could copy to further give him new abilities. Sora was going to use Superiority to its limits, using earth knowledge, along with the knowledge of other anime worlds, and hell even light novels, web novels, and those few fan fictions he had read.

there are so many cartoons, anime, novels, and other stuff he could use to become a god-like being. for one, he could place a selected bloodline in a simulation, right down to the DNA, for an extended period of time, in a harmful element, this could allow a bloodline to evolve.

this will take time, but if he could master a space-time jutsu, then he could start from there to create a time-based jutsu. just thing of an evolved human? evolved Senju, Uchiha? Otsutsuki?

think what would happen if Sora could recreate bloodlines from other anime worlds. the horror this will bring, and they all evolve as well. scary thoughts, truly scary.