
Reborn with magic talent

Darrel Jones's life was nothing but pain and regret over the things he had done and till his death he never got to say sorry to his family Watch as he tries to make up for his wrong doings in this new world filled with magic and new adventures, where danger lies in every corner

Slow7burn · Fantasy
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7 Chs


I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the first rays of sunlight piercing through the canopy of trees above. For a moment, I lay there, disoriented, wondering if it had all been a dream. But the smell of pine and the soft rustling of leaves reminded me that I was, indeed, in a new world.

Sitting up, I stretched and took a deep breath of the crisp morning air. My makeshift bed had served its purpose, and I felt surprisingly well-rested. The events of the previous day came rushing back—the conversation with the divine figure, the realization that I was in a world of magic, and the small flame I had conjured.

Eager to test my newfound abilities, I stood up and found a small, open area in the clearing. I remembered the sensation of the humming in the air, the vibration that seemed to resonate with my very being. Closing my eyes, I held out my hand and focused, trying to tap into that feeling once more.

"Let's see if I can do this again," I muttered to myself.

I pictured the small flame from yesterday, willing it to appear above my palm. But nothing happened. Frowning, I tried again, concentrating harder. Still, there was no spark, no flicker of light. Frustration began to creep in, but I reminded myself that I was just starting. Magic couldn't be easy, could it?

Determined to make some progress, I decided to try a different approach. Maybe fire wasn't the only element I could control. I imagined the gentle flow of water, the solidity of earth, the swiftness of wind. One by one, I focused on each element, hoping to conjure some sign of power.

But each attempt ended in failure. The water remained still, the earth unmoved, and the air undisturbed. I sighed, feeling a mix of disappointment and confusion. Why couldn't I do it? The divine figure had said I had the potential for great power, but I couldn't seem to access it.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to give fire magic one more try. I recalled the feeling of warmth, the light that had danced above my palm. Concentrating on that memory, I held out my hand and focused all my energy on creating a flame.

At first, nothing happened, but then I felt a familiar warmth in my palm. Opening my eyes, I saw a small flame flickering above my hand. It was tiny, but it was there—a real, magical flame.

A smile spread across my face, and I felt a surge of triumph. "Yes! I did it!"

Encouraged by this small success, I concentrated on maintaining the flame, making it grow slightly larger. It danced and flickered, casting a soft, warm glow. The sensation of controlling the fire was exhilarating, unlike anything I had ever experienced.

But as soon as I tried to shape it into something more complex, the flame sputtered and died. I frowned, realizing that my control was still rudimentary. Even so, I had managed to summon fire again, and that was something.

"Looks like fire is my thing," I said to myself, feeling a mix of pride and determination.

Remembering the divine figure's words about using my power wisely, I decided not to push myself too hard on the first day. I had succeeded in summoning fire, and that was a good start. The other elements might take more time, or perhaps fire was my true calling in this world.

Feeling more confident, I decided to explore the forest further. There had to be more to this world than just trees and streams. Maybe I could find a village or some sign of civilization. With magic at my fingertips—albeit limited—I felt more prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As I walked through the forest, I practiced summoning small flames, trying to improve my control and precision. The more I practiced, the more natural it felt. The flames responded to my will, growing and shrinking as I commanded. It was a slow process, but each small success filled me with a sense of accomplishment.

By midday, I had managed to maintain a small, steady flame for several minutes. It wasn't much, but it was progress. I knew I had a long way to go, but for the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful.

This world of magic was my second chance, and I was determined to make the most of it. I would learn, I would grow, and I would harness the power of fire to forge a new path. As the sun rose higher in the sky, I set out with renewed determination, ready to face whatever lay ahead in this magical, mysterious world.