
Hello Sang-Woo.

"Sang-woo?" I thought to myself, looking over my shoulder to spot a boy that looked anything but menacing.

He had a calm aura about him with a somewhat chubby appearance with his jet black hair styled in a bowl cut that complemented his overall nerdy look.

If anything, this boy looked like someone who would have been bullied so did I have the right person?

There was a chance that this could be a mistake but I wasn't going to stress it.

"I asked you a question," The boy questioned, his voice didn't fit his face whatsoever.

It had a certain bass that shook the very room, it was intimidating but it was hard to take him seriously with that face.

"Don't bother… He is the one that saved me," Yumi responded, she sounded disoriented.

I knew she needed time to rest, this wasn't the time to ask questions and I needed to confirm if this was the Sang-woo I was looking for.

If it was, I could get it over with, maybe give that maniac control of my body again to get rid of him like I did previously.

But what if I don't get control back? What if I become a repressed consciousness?

The fact that it interfered with the gods made me wary but if I could utilize it well enough, I wouldn't need to complete the task to unlock the muscle and core memory, did I?

That was an option but I knew that I also couldn't let Minsuk go, I was frightened of what he would do.

If we shared the same mind, then there was a chance that he knew what I looked like.

What if he came after me when all of this is over? There was no way I could survive him.

I would be killed for real and I began to think that this wasn't a random action.

I wasn't just put in this body to get revenge, I was put in it to stop Minsuk.

I wasn't going to risk anything and needed to stick with the task at hand, was he the reason the gods malfunctioned the other day where I couldn't get access to them?

I knew this had to be addressed but for now, I needed to see if I had the right person.

Sang-woo just looked at me, he looked tired like he hadn't gotten any sleep since he was born.

I didn't know what to say but luckily, I didn't need to say anything.

"You're a little young for her, aren't you?" Sang-woo pointed out, rubbing his chin as he observed me.

"Young? Oh! Hahaha! I'm afraid you're mistaken," I had to refute his claim suggesting that me and his sister were a thing.

"So why are you here?" He questioned me but I needed to find a way to divert this conversation to get the information I needed but it was strange that he didn't know me or didn't he?

"Where are my manners, I'm Minsuk," I said and the moment I said this, his eyes shot open.

"Minsuk?" Sang-woo said as he looked at me from head to toe as a smile creased his face.

"Ah! I know you! Yumi never shuts up about you," Sang-woo blurted out and this sounded strange.

It was beginning to sound like we were dating but that couldn't be the case, I knew that Minsuk had a girlfriend but it wasn't Yumi.

"I hope that is a good thing," I couldn't come off as threatening and I can't lie, Sang-woo seemed like a decent guy but here was the thing.

The school was for the rich but judging from Yumi's job, it was obvious that they weren't well off.

So how was Sang-woo able to afford to go to school, was he on a scholarship?

I took a glance at his clothes and realized that he didn't have anything fancy on.

Before the conversation could go further,  Sang-woo excused himself to answer his phone.

I wasn't one to interfere but I also knew I wouldn't be able to get what I needed today.

I had to leave this place, I haven't even been in this body for up to a week and so much has already happened. If this was everyday life for Minsuk then I wasn't sure my body would be able to keep up with it.

It was too much drama for me and each day became more complicated, I couldn't escape and decided to do something I would probably regret.

I was going to get in contact with the lady who was threatening me over the phone.

I had no choice, that was my gateway to figuring out who this bastard was even though I had an accurate idea already.

Maybe I was here to rewrite his wrong and find redemption for his rotten soul but I knew more than anyone that he couldn't be saved.

[[Contact with the gods reestablished!!]]

I don't know why but I was relieved upon seeing this but I needed answers, I couldn't let that happen again because if he could cut off the gods' connection to me, I would be in trouble.

This meant it still influenced what was happening.

"Thoth! What the hell is happening?" I needed answers and I wasn't going to be satisfied until I got it.

However, I didn't get a response so I left the hospital in a haste.

I didn't even know what to do but I needed to focus on my goal and the next plausible course of action would be making contact with trainer, Vicky.

[[A new message from the God of Information, Thoth!!]]

I was overcome with relief, I needed answers and this was the least these things could do.

[[The gods have noticed the resurgence of the host's consciousness but it should not pose a problem unless you allow it to access your body]] 

Thoth informed me but this made the whole unlocking of the host's memory pointless because I could simply access them through him.

[[That is correct, you can access fragment of your host's memory but it would replace yours.]]

Thoth was clearly reading my mind as I hadn't said this out loud but I didn't mind it as it made communication a lot easier.

"What do you mean it would replace mine?" I asked Thoth.

[[Your consciousness will cease to exist and your host will be revived. If you do not wish for this to happen, you must complete the tasks or the gods you will be trapped in this body as a repressed consciousness]]

Thoth informed me and then I realized why this happened. They wanted to show me a glimpse at my future should I fail to complete my tasks.

I wouldn't just be trapped in this body, I would be trapped as an observer; a passenger.

I shuddered at the thought as I picked up my phone and called the nameless number on my phone.

The one that had spoken about a lady named Soo.