
Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System

https://discord.gg/9HzpZJQHcq Reborn on another planet far outside of the nearest Galactic Empire that was searching for our Hero. His existence already breaks the very fabrics of space and all of creation, yet he sent through to experience another whirlpool of life-threatening problems before the actual problems were dealt with. The Hero originally passes away to be sent forward centuries into the future to awake in the body of the ailing Galactic Empires Crown Prince who shortly passed away before took over the body. From that moment forward, the hero did everything in their power to lead their empire as the Crown Prince, with the belief the new life meant something big, instead all his work was for nought and his own Imperial Familys internal problems caused his downfall and exile as a traitor. Having escaped with the last project he had worked on as the Crown Prince which would have solved many of the issues the Empire faced and helped create a unified Council that controls the Empires within space, instead his sibling’s greed got him killed and reborn once again, this time in the past. Back in a body similar to his old one with the knowledge of the far future and bound with a Primordial System that could make the moon a Death Star and help him create his own fleet of clone troopers with space wizards. He could also recreate the pillars of the old Gods and recreate the Mountain of Olympus and Asgard to serve him. Both on Earth and in Space as the Hero summons legends of anime, video games, science fiction and Humanities perseverance to fight beside him and build a Galactic Empire that cannot be rivalled among the stars…

PhantomMedjay · Sci-fi
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205 Chs

Judge, Jury, and Executioners...

Esmonds eyes, like all of those present and watching from afar, were glued to the actions of the Three Gods of Anir who'd lifted the accused before their hovering thrones.

'"For your acts of sin, and the wickedness that festered within your human hearts…

You shall be sentenced by us!

Judge, Jury, and Executioners…"' a chilly feeling reverberated throughout all of Vaadan, even affecting the beasts that inhabited the lands.


Levas and Hari were walking everything from the comfort over their Capsule Pill Homes, when the chilly feeling made the two feel like the blood was being drained from their body.

'W-What kind of monsters has that bastard summoned!' Cursing in his mind, Levas was far too scared to say anything aloud just in case the beings calling themselves Gods heard him.

Hari on the other hand was praying for mercy in his heart and mind, even though the innocent Hari haven't ever hurt a fly in his whole life, he prayed to wash away the non-existent sins.


"My boy…" Richard watched helplessly from the balcony of his room.

Within the city he ruled and lorded over, the sky displayed the judgement of his sons' actions as well as his henchmen.

The Gods also showed the sins of his son and his friends in the past to the people before them, which was then transmitted through the surveillance drones which sent the signal through the satellites.

In turn they transmitted the signal down to a projector which was repurposed to use Pure Light Magic Stones to help project the image within the sky.

The people within the city and neighbouring towns to Grand Duke Richard Dormers main city within his fief could see the images of the judgement within their town.

Even the capital of the Trika Empire wasn't spared and had to deal with the troubles shown in the sky that ruined the image of the Royal Mages and Paladins of the Church.


'"We have come to a decision…

As you have harmed so many without any care of the pain and damage your actions caused because of the status your birth right afforded, it shall be stripped, along with your powers…"'

The three Gods all lifted their right arms which sent a light beam into each of the three accused men.

Their bodies convulsed for a moment until their mouths opened wide while bloody tears ran down their faces, and a ball of light that glowed in accordance with the elemental affinity of the body.

The two henchmen of Henry had a blue and red glow, respectively displaying their affinity with Ice and Fire, but in the case of Henry, he happened to have a rare deep crimson glow.

'Blood magic…' Esmonds mind screamed as he saw the energy withdrawn from Henrys body.

It made some sense to Esmond why Henry had a cruel mind since the powers of Blood Magic wasn't simple and nor was it as simple as the other magics to learn in comparison.

Esmond thought about jumping over for a moment to absorb the Blood Magic that was drawn out of Henrys body, however it seemed one of the Gods was onto his plan and instead grounded him without alerting anyone.

Finding himself stuck, Esmond had to give it to the God, which happened to be the nearest one to him of the three, to be able to bound him to the floor of the platform.

But Esmond wasn't going to give up like that and was ready to unlock the constrains on his power, only to stop when he heard Rahzil appealing to the Gods.


"Oh, merciful Old Gods of the land Firaniru!

I ask another favour of the mighty Gods of Anir!

May my Chief and Master be honoured by the powers of the Blood…" Rahzils plea was caught by the cameras and was transmitted to the floating image within the sky throughout the Vaadan Region and parts of the Trika Empire.

The Emperor was in particularly curious about the man who appeared at the beginning of the whole drama.

Richard Dormer however was livid someone was taking his sons powers away.

He was already thinking of ways to prepare his men to travel through the dangerous mountains that lead through the Deep North, but by the time he would arrive, his boy would be long dead.

With deep red eyes that were filled with grief, anger, and helplessness, Richard watched on as the Gods made their judgement heard.



We have no issues with the request, however that shall happen after the hearing and judgement has occurred…"'

Rahzil seemed to have felt the weight of the world finally fall off his chest once he heard the Gods.

He was fearful of Esmond fighting against the Gods which would have led to his death in an instant.

Even the defiance of the people not bowing which was down to Esmond keeping them upright had piqued the interest of the Gods who knew it was coming from Esmond but remained quiet for the time being.

'"You two, the ones who fulfilled the orders of your Master blindly without thinking of the consequences.

You even induldged yourselves after you Master was done…

For that alone you shall face the wrath of those you captured and destroyed for your own selfish gains.

3000 years in the pits of Gehenna!!"'

The bodies of both men were swallowed by the ground as undead skeletons dragged them down into the fiery pits of Gehenna.

Their eyes were desperate for someone to save them.

The look which could haunt somebody for many years that they failed to save the person, but when the Mages looked out to the people in the crowd, all they saw was smiles and joy that they were being punished for their actions.


'"And… You…

The vile being that harmed so many to fulfill his own pride and ego…

How shameful…"' they Gods looked down on Henry, speaking in unison as guilt filled their voice for allowing such an existence to live.

Henry wanted to say something in defence but the binding around his mouth stopped that from happening.

But more than that what ever Henry wanted to say wasn't worthy of the Gods ears.

'"For your crimes… not only what you committed within this town but all across the land of Firaniru… and that sin alone is far too great for Gehenna to handle…

You shall be sent to the deepest depths of Gehenna, the Infernus of Ganzer…

For ten thousand years… where you shall experience all you have wrought upon others…"'

The ground split apart to swallow Henry whole, as the inferno deep below the ground burst through the opening as the screams of the supernatural filled the ears of all who watched the events of the public ruling.

As Henrys body was dragged away into the depths of Gehenna, the three Gods turned to look in Esmonds direction.

'"Your existence… is stubborn… and… strong…

You stand against our divine powers, even teaching your people to do the same…

Do you hate the Gods of Anir… or the foundation?"'

The Gods were trying to understand what sort of person Esmond was to dare stand against their divine might, but the more they examine Esmond… the more they felt fearful of the unknown…


Esmond smiled at the Gods before removing his mask to show them some respect.

"Hehe… I'm someone that despises the foundation… to the point I've understood… the source…"

The Gods of Anir seemed to find Esmonds worked to be unbelievable and scoffed at him, but they could tell if one was lying in their presence.

Esmond hadn't spoken one lie yet.

'"You… are interesting…

We shall leave you with the gift requested by the summoner and something of our own volition."'

The Gods raised their hands in Esmonds direction as Light and Dark Elements few from the palms into his mind.

Feeling a great surge in power rushing through him, Esmond felt like checking out his Status, but held off till everything was sorted and dealt with.


The Gods left after giving their gift to Esmond, leaving the rest of the people to disperse and the transmission to end once Rahzil had thanked everyone that watched.

He also mentioned that those who came to their lands much respect the laws or be ready for judgment by the Old Gods and their methods.

The idea to use the Old Gods to conduct the ruling was because of an old method that was used by Rahzils Empire back in the day.

It was fair and simple as the Gods would show an account of what happened and why, the only problem was it went against the processes and laws of the one God that led the Church of Eternal Light.

Using the Old Gods, the idea was to ruffle the feathers of the people leading the church and the nonsense they constantly paraded around the world.


By the time Esmond had turned to his offices in the Clan Headquarters, Julius was playing with his children within Esmonds office since Angela had gone off to grab them all some food from the kitchen below.

The Mercer family had gone all out to watch what happened out in the square of the town, however straight after the event they came up to Esmonds office.

Julius wanted to speak with Esmond about something specific, but it seemed Angela also had something on her mind as well.

Funnily enough, Esmond kind of had a feeling that he knew what it was that they wished to talk about…




[Hosts Primordial Human Body has absorbed the Blood Mana Element!]

[Blood Mana Element has been analysed and recognised by the Spatial Ark Star World!]



[Hosts Primordial Human Body has absorbed the Nature Mana Element!]

[Nature Mana Element has been analysed and recognised by the Spatial Ark Star World!]



[Name: Esmond Manston]

[System Level: 1]

[Host Level: 23]

[Experience: 29,428,926,500/41,943,040,000]

[Credits: 6,643,601,000]

[Body Condition: Healthy]

[֍ Soul Condition: Healed (Condensing) ֍]

[Body Status: Primordial Human (Great Noble)]

[Xrian Organism Count: 1,010]

[MP: 2,100,000/2,100,000]

[Status: Healthy]


- Pure Lightning

- Pure Fire

- Pure Water

- Pure Light

- Pure Dark

- Earth

- Wind

- Ice

- Thunder

- Blood

- Nature]

[Strength: 150 🔒 (525🔓)]

[Endurance: 150 🔒 (525🔓)]

[Stamina: 150 🔒 (525🔓)]

[Dexterity: 150 🔒 (570🔓)]

[Intelligence: 150 🔒 (610🔓)]

[Agility: 150 🔒 (515🔓)]

[Magic: 150 🔒 (430🔓)]

[Wisdom: N/A]


Spectral Consciousness


Universal Lifeforce Control

o Lifeforce Pace

o Lifeforce Body Strengthening

o Lifeforce Vision

o Lifeforce Manipulation]


[Artus Anima Star]

[Quality: Elite Grade]

[Grade: 0]

[Level: 42]

[Exp: 936,000/2,100,000]


[Spatial Ark Star World]

[Grade: 0]

[System Level: 1]


[Hunting Grounds Generator]

[Stage: 0]

[Level: 1]


[Universal Sentient Lifeform (Lifeforce) Body Refinement]

[Grade: 0]

[Level: 42]

[Exp: 936,000/2,100,000]


[Universal Sentient Lifeform (Lifeforce) Essence Energy]

[Grade: 0]

[Level: 42]

[Exp: 936,000/2,100,000]


[Universal Sentient Lifeform Essence Spring]

[Grade: 0]

[Level: 5]

