
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · Urban
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109 Chs

CHAPTER 78: Reunion: Thirty Black zombies

On a high building two block from Leo stood two figures, one putting on a plain black outfit and the other a red short dress.

The two were currently staring at Leo back as he walked toward the station.

"My lord, what is your plan?" A beautiful young lady in a red dress asked.

"I don't have a plan"

The man in black replied flatly.

The lady kept silent knowing that her Lord was not planning on revealing his plans, but till asked a burning question.

"My lord, Leo haven't had a clash with you so why are you going to all means to kill him?"

The man just smile and after a while he said. "Who said he haven't clash with me? When I sent you on a mission he interfere so he'll have to pay for that."

The lady frowned slightly. 'I know you are hiding something, and that thing is the reason you are going after Leo.' She thought.

After some thought she opened her mouth again. "What are we doing here then?"

"We are here for test subjects but Leo won't make it easy."

"I thought you said you want to kill him, this is a perfect opportunity, his subordinates are still weak, I will keep them busy for you so you can kill leo?"

The man chuckled and turned around walking away.

The lady was a little dumbfounded, staring at her departing lord.

'Don't he have courage to kill leo? Or what...? ah! I don't know what is going on in his head.' The lady growl and turned to Leo seeing him staring at her.

"This two are monsters" she said walking away from the roof top.


'These two, wait a second why haven't I search for her profile in the system all these while. And who was that man with her?' Leo thought staring at the building the two figures were once standing on.

"What is it Leo?" Mila said following Leo daze.

"Just some uninvited guests" Leo answered and knocked on the station metal gate.

'Uninvited guests?' Mila was a little confused and let her daze lingered on the building for a while.

"What are you staring at?" Sam asked approaching her.

"Nothing" she answered.



"Should we open the gate?" a man in a black police outfit asked staring at his friend.

"No, let wait for the chief." the other said, the two were staring at the gate without batting an eye, each armed with man made weapon, A long wooden spears with a sharp tip.

"What are you fools waiting for?!" The chief yelled at them walking outside the building.

"Chief someone is knocking from outside and zombies are still outside." The second man said quickly when he heard the chief question.

"Open the gate, the zombies had been taken care of"

'Taken care of? They are more than 500 zombies, if they are taken care of why didn't we heard gunshots?'

The two guards stared at each other seeing the same confuse look on their faces.

"Are you two deaf?!" The chief roar at them.

"Oh yes" the two nodded and slowly but cautiously opened the gate.

Standing before them was a handsome man in a black windbreaker coat and two beautiful women behind him, with countless people behind them.

The two guards looked at each other again really confuse, when they saw the corpses of hundreds of zombies they were even more shock.

"Can we come in?" Nora asked with a smile.

"Yes celestial king, don't mind these two fools" the chief pushed the two stunned guards out of the way and opened the door for Leo and his group.

Leo nodded and everyone entered the station.

"How many survivors are here?" Leo asked flatly.

"A total of 120" the chief said calmly.

Before he could asked another question he heard someone called out to him.



Tyson rushed up to his dad and gave him a hug.

"How did you? did Leo save you?" The chief hugged his son and asked with relief.

"It's a long story dad" Tyson answered and the two separated.

The chief looked behind Tyson seeing Garrett and Thiva which caught him by surprise.

"I knew you three are together so where are the girls?"

"They are save Mr Cameron, but we lost some of our friends" Garrett replied in a solemn tone.

Cameron nodded sadly and said with a smile "two of you should go up your families are waiting"

Garrett and thiva looked up at him in shocked, without wasting time they ran toward the building passing Leo and his subordinates who are walking ahead.

"I think their families are in there" Sam said.

"I hope so" Mila added.

"Dad what about mom?" Tyson asked as the two continue walking.

Cameron sighed and said with a heavy heart "when I got home to save you mom..." he paused.

Tyson looked at his dad waiting for him to continue.

"When I got home I saw your mom tearing and eating bark blood all over her body and face, when she saw me she pounced on me, I was heartbroken but I had to do it."

"What did you do?" Tyson asked in a chock breathe.

"I shot her 3 times on the head"

Cameron said wiping away a line of tears and brought out a silver pendant and put it on Tyson neck.

"That is your mom last memorial, keep it save." Cameron said patting his son's shoulder.

"I will" Tyson nodded gripping the pendant tightly.

{ Note: Bark was their Dog }


Leo heard the interaction between the two but just pretended not hearing anything and asked.

"Is everyone ready to depart?"

"No Mr Leo, let me give them the go ahead" Cameron said quickly rushing inside after nodding to his son.

Leo and his subordinates and fighters stood outside, waiting for them.


"Ok everyone! Leo is outside to take us out of the hell hole! Now take only what you can and get ready!!!" Cameron said as soon as he walked in.

"We are save"

"Thank God"

"Thank you chief"

"Come on let get ready!"

Everyone was celebrating and packing their stuffs after hearing the chief words.

Garrett was reunited with his mom and two sisters who were holding on to him as if he will disappear the next moment.

While thiva was with his dad, the man in black suit, once a billionaire but now, nothing but a desperate man trying to save himself and family.

They have all lost a family member or members either uncle, aunty, grandparents, etc. Everyone in the world surely lost a relative.


"Leo what is it?" Nora asked calmly seeing Leo thoughtful look.

'Is it me or am I sensing countless black zombies?'

"black zombies are coming" Leo said calmly.


Nora said clearing confuse.

When celestial fighters heard Leo their faces change dramatically.

"Good, I really what to pay them back for that defeat" Sam said with a Deep frown.

Seeing that even Mila could kill a black zombie triggered something in her, A pure fighting spirit.

"Calm down, I will handle them" Leo said walking toward the gate.

"Our leader is interfering?"

"This is fun!"

"Have not yet seen the leader fight any zombie, I can't wait"

"Me too"

"The kings last 30 minutes, how many will the leader last?"


Subordinates: "...."


"Why are they cheering?"

Cameron asked walking toward the window, his face changed dramatically seeing the 8 foot monsters walking toward the station.

"What is it chief?" Mary, Garrett mom asked as she approach the window, seeing the zombies she froze on track.

Everyone stared at each other and all walked toward the window to see what's going on. When they saw the zombies they all froze in place shivering in fear.

The two stunned guards were already hiding behind a car inside the base, while two celestial fighters replaced them opening the gate for Leo.

Coming to view was only a small army of black zombies, ranging up to 30 black zombies.

When celestial fighters and Leo subordinates saw the zombies they all froze, those cheering stood frozen with their hands and weapons still in the air.

"Are you kidding me?"

"What the hell?!"

"How can they be so much black zombies?"

"Can our leader face than all?!"

Countless questions came out of The mouths of all the death squad members, staring at the 30 black zombies who were matching towards them.

Their veined right hand turning into different weapons as they matched toward the base, their black eyes got darker when they saw the headless body of their kind.

"Leo, should we...?"

"No, stay right there"

Nora was about to asked if Leo need backup but Leo refused straightly.

"Am worried" Sam said feeling anxious, even with all her fighting spirit, seeing this Hugh number of black zombies she was not confident to win.

"What are you saying, they are no match for Leo." Ricky said with a smile.

"Yeah, don't forget Leo beat the hell out of use when we were training, I know he can win." Mila said with a smile but was praying silently inside.

Nora stared at her brother back with complicated emotions, the feeling of being weak and helpless about it was not a good feeling at all.

"Be careful Leo" she said silently.

Leo walked outside and stopped 30 yards away from the zombies.

'Potentate, what realm am I?"

[ EXP are till being store, so you are till in the half heavenly realm 3 stars.]

"That's more than enough"

Leo said cracking his neck and knuckles.

"Let have fun!"

He said and the emperor sword appeared in his hand, glowing with an eerie red light.




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check my second book: RISE OF THE SHADOW QUEEN.

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