
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · Urban
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109 Chs

CHAPTER 56: Mighty Celestial 2

"Skull Organization 15th guardian, nice! I will use you as a scapegoat to show all the people in celestial base the punishment for disobeying its number one rule" Leo said with a flash of killing intent.

"But now I need to sleep"

[ Next Day ]

[ 8 days left, 3rd of June ]

"Ah, time to see the progress of my base" Leo yawned, walking inside the bathroom to take care of his hygiene.

< Moments later >


Knock, knock, knock.

"Leo, are you awake?"

Nora's voice sounded behind the door. "Yeah coming!" Leo yelled out, walking towards the door, and opening the door.

"Come on, everyone is waiting" Nora said, making way for Leo. He nodded and walked downstairs followed by Nora.

The command building stood majestically at the center of the base. In a large normal looking hall, countless people sat around a big round table waiting for Leo and his subordinates. After waiting for a while, the door of the hall was finally pushed opened drawing everyone's attention.

Leo and his subordinates walked in slowly, and everyone quickly stood up greeting Leo respectfully. He nodded calmly, taking his sit at the head of the table.

Those who don't know Leo looked at him with curiosity, shock and mostly, surprise, while those who knew him looked at him with Awe and admiration. When Leo was away Nora managed the base, most of them already took her as their leader, but to their shock, she was just a subordinate, and with all her strength and skills, she is still just... a subordinate. Which made them wonder how strong their leader is.

"Please" Leo gestured for them to sit down.

"Thank you mister Leo" Luna said.

Leo nodded staring at everyone present, seeing some unfamiliar faces. "Please introduce yourself and your department in my base"

"Mister Leo, my name is guoping, Celestial records manager."

"Mister Leo, my name is good luck, celestial workers' manager."

"Mister Leo, my name is Jasmine, celestial farm and sea pond manager."

"Mister Leo, my name is Yuner, also known as iron fist, captain of the north death squad, celestial trainer."

"Mister Leo, my name is Luna, captain of the west death squad, celestial trainer."

"My name is Levi, captain of the south death squad, celestial trainer."

"My name is Rick, captain of the east death squad, celestial trainer."

"Mister Leo, my name is chifeng, celestial hospital manager."

"Mister Leo, my name is Sabrina, celestial school manager."

"Mister Leo, my name is Jim, celestial storage manager."

"My name is Zhang, Celestial battleship admiral."

Leo nodded calmly, then turned to the remaining two people standing behind Jim.


Seeing Leo staring at them, the brown hair lady spoke first. "Sir, We are under mister Jim."

"Ok, what are your names?"

"I am Cilia, he is Jerry, we are both natives of the island."

'Just Like Jasmine and Jack.' "Ok, for you guys to be here, it shows you are both hardworking and trustworthy" Leo said checking their profiles in the system. 'I would say Nora have good eyesight for people.' He thought inwardly.

"Cilia, you'll be in charge of controlling the coupons and how to handle them. While Jerry, you'll be the head of the scavengers team. Your task after doomsday is, you'll enter the city scavenging any useful things bringing it back to the base."

"Thank you sir" Jerry said with a bow.

Leo brought out a book, filled with instructions on how to manage the coupons. He then gave the book to cilia. "I will give you the materials the coupons should be made out of, And add celestial logo on every coupon. Your task Is very important because these coupons will be the currency to be used in the base. Any normal survival will get a total of 3 coupons par day. If the survival is a worker in any department they will get 4 coupons." Leo stopped and looked at everyone present.

"For the heads of each department, they will get 9 coupons a day. This will make the others work hard. You understand?"

"Yes Mister Leo" cilia answered holding the book tightly to her chest.

Leo stared at them calmly. "Now let me see your records"

"Mister Leo, this is the number of workers in the base" Goodluck was the first to hand Leo a list of workers about 15,000. Leo took it with a nod. After Goodluck, everyone also presented their reports,

it turned out that Jasmine brought more workers from the town to help in the farm, and they had already harvested their first crops, which surprised Leo. And Jim had taken care of it all. The captains divided the soldiers into four groups, three consist of 40,050 men, the remaining 30,050 was left to Luna to command, as the guys said, she is a woman so it would be difficult to control such a high numbers of soldiers. Even with her protest no one listened to her.

Leo nodded looking at the list, after a while he said. "Remove 200 people from the soldiers, then turn these 200 people into the security of the base, their task is to protect the people and arrest anyone who break the rules or misbehave in the base, I want my base to be the best and safest place in the world, iron fist, can you handle this?"

" Don't worry Mister Leo, consider it done." Yuner answered.

"Leo these are the records of all the building" Nora said handing Leo a list of all the buildings in the base. Leo took the list, The moment He looked at it, he was stunned in place.

"Is this...?"

"Yes Leo, these are the total of buildings in our base, Ten plot of land for farming, Twenty barracks with ten prisons which can hold 50 people each. An artificial lake for rearing fish, 50 warehouses for storage. 2,000 houses with a capacity of 200 people each with restrooms. This command building, 50 hospitals and 15 schools. Now the whole north of the island Is occupies by us. This is our base." Nora said with a proud look.

Leo was ecstatic, without a thought, he brought out 6 silver spirit stones and 390 red spirit stones shocking everyone present.

He then gave each subordinates one silver spirit stones, and the rest, 30 red spirit stones. Everyone looked at the stones on their hands with shocked gazes.

"I am happy today, that's why I'm giving you guys these stones, all of you impressed me. Oh! Don't eat the 30 at once, eat 5 every day. After 6 days you all will be in man formation 5 stars, but after doomsday the powers of these stones will be reduced, Thus These 30 stones will only move you to three stars but now, it will move you to 5 stars." Leo stopped and turned to his subordinates. "And you guys, let me know before eating the stone, because you will feel pain when creating your cores, but when you do, you will become a true enhancer." Everyone nodded in understanding, and the others quickly eat 5 red spirit stones, becoming super enhancers.

Leo nodded, he was happy today that he used 65,000 Doom stones without batting an eye To exchange for 390 red spirit stones, his doom stones are now 31,000.

After talking for a while, Leo sent all the members out to gather all the people in the base.


"l'm sorry Leo, I didn't know there was a spy in the base" Nora said facing down out of self-blame.

"Come on now, how would you have known, let just eradicate this fool"

"Can I kill him myself?" Nora asked with clear killing intent.

Leo looked at her with a frown 'is this still my sweet little sister?, she is talking about killing like it's a norm. Should I be happy or worried?'

"Huh?" Nora tilted her head staring at Leo, seeing him silent "What is it Leo?"

"It's nothing, it just... you have changed"

"Really?, Am I bad now?" Nora asked in a low voice, still facing down.

Leo raised her chin up with his index finger and coaxed her "Come on, that's not what I mean. I like you in this form. But make sure to be good to kind people and kill bad people ok"

"Yes, but you are speaking as if I'm a kid, am 18 for God's sake." Nora said walking away, a small smile on her face. Leo shook his head with a smile.

"Wow, your sister is cute" Mila teased as she stood behind Leo.

"Cute? I will let you challenge her after we deal with the spy, I know you will like that"

"Really? I would love that"

"Be careful you, she is not a simple opponent" Ricky said walking towards them.

"We'll see" Mila answered with endless fighting spirit.

"What are you all talking about, let go!!" Nora's voice sounded ahead, urging them.

"We are coming" Jack said walking towards her followed by the rest.

'This is going to be interesting' Leo thought following them behind.

'I must prove to them that I am not a weak girl, and show Leo I can fight beside him. I have been practicing my skills to its highest stage I can master, I know I will win.' Mila thought.

Leo VS his subordinates will be coming up soon.

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