
Reborn: Who's Raising the Cheater's Love Child Now?

In her past life, Yun Chu supported her husband, raised his illegitimate son, and helped the Xie family reach the pinnacle of success. In the end, her entire Yun family, over a hundred people, were executed, and she was poisoned by the child she had raised herself! As the poison took effect, she suddenly opened her eyes and found herself back at the age of twenty. The children of the Xie family stood before her, each affectionately calling her "mother." She vowed not to spare any of them, the culprits behind her family's annihilation. If the eldest son liked studying, she would block his path to a civil career; if the second son was keen on martial arts, she would ensure he never joined the military; if the eldest daughter coveted power, she would marry her into nobility where she would be widowed; if the youngest son was as useless as a bump on a log, she would let him fend for himself. Yun Chu was relentless on her path of vengeance. Yet— "Mother!" "You are our mother!" Two sticky rice dumplings clung to her, nuzzling into her embrace. A man stood before her: "I have raised them for four years, now it's your turn."

Daoist3lhgbj · Urban
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110 Chs

Chapter 53 - Xie Shian's Examination

"Listen to the wind, listen to the snow, the two of you take turns guarding Jiu'er, and don't leave her for half a step before I return to the house."


"Listen Frost, take my sign and go find out what's going on."


 Yun Chou ordered it down in an organized manner.


"Granny Qi, take someone to the second young master's courtyard and tie up the second young master first, wait for me to dispose of him!"


Xie Shi'an, who was standing at the side, was shocked, "Mother, does this have anything to do with Shiyuan?"


Yunchu said in a light voice: "It's the maid in his yard who wants to seek death, you say, how it has nothing to do with him, Ange'er, you still have to take the exam, don't delay, let's go."


He forced a smile, "Madam will make a fair decision, so the eldest young master can rest assured about the exams."


Xie Shi An knew that this was not something he should worry about, nodding his head and following Yun Chu to the front yard to join Xie Jingyu.


Three people on the carriage, the carriage slowly drove to the examination room, this is once every three years the courtyard examination, many students hesitant to come to reference.


This dynasty has a provision, all the students who study in the capital city academic government, do not have to participate in the boy's test, can directly courtyard examination, if it is a student of the State Prince Supervision, do not even have to participate in the courtyard examination, can directly participate in the examination.


Xie Shian got down from the carriage, arched his hand and said, "Thank you father and mother for seeing me off, I'll go in first."


 Xie Jingyu nodded, staring intently at his son as he entered the examination room.


 Yun Chou's face was light, with little expression.


 At that moment, a voice came from the ear, "Thank you, ma'am."


She turned her head back and saw Qin Mingheng, the Marquis of Xuanwu, standing beside her in his official uniform, and she was busy taking a step back to ask for peace, "Greetings to the Marquis."


Xie Jingyu heard the voice and immediately came, not moving to block in front of Yun Chu: "My humble servant has met the Marquis."


Seeing this action of his, Qin Mingheng's face instantly looked unsightly as he smiled and said, "I'm acting as the Western District Supervisor for this Academy Examination, I wonder which district Young Master Xie is taking the examination in?"


 Xie Jingyu's fingers tightened, An Ge'er was in the West End.


 From the time he and Yun Chu were betrothed, he and Qin Mingheng had even formed a bond.


It is good that the Xuanwu Marquis House has a title alone and not much real power, otherwise, Qin Mingheng would have suppressed him in all kinds of officialdom.


Xie Jingyu arched his hand and said, "The Marquis is going to invigilate the exam, so my humble servant will not delay the Marquis, and will take my leave."


 He led Yun Chou right towards the carriage.


Qin Mingheng closed his eyes and sniffed in the air, smelling the same flavor as the handkerchief, he took a deep breath of satisfaction.


 After getting into the carriage, Xie Jingyu's face still looked bad.


Yun Chou didn't care about what was going on between the two of them as she spoke, "Husband is taking a break from his duties today, do you have any other arrangements for later?"


Xie Jingyu was surprised in his heart, this was the first time Yunchu asked him about his schedule, did she want him to accompany her for something?


His face softened a bit, "Just dealing with some official business, it's a small matter that doesn't matter, why is your wife asking about this?"


"When I went out in the morning, the in-laws came to report that the maid in's courtyard was making a scene and looking for death." Yun Chu slowly said, "Last time my family law disposed of, causing the old madam to be unhappy, I am not in a position to do anything more, so I would like to ask my husband to step in."


Xie Jingyu's brow furrowed: "Dying to live and disobedient girl sold out is, which is worth so much trouble?"


Hearing this, Yun Chu directly laughed: "Convicting the girl without properly investigating?"


 Her smile made Xie Jingyu feel a hint of mockery for no reason.


Mocking him for being a scholar in vain, mocking him for his lack of housekeeping, mocking him, mocking the Xie family, this laugh contains too much ...


 "Then Husband go about your official business, and you will not be bothered with the affairs of the backyard again."


After Yun Chu finished this sentence, the carriage happened to arrive at the Xie Mansion, she lifted the curtain and got off, and without waiting for Xie Jingyu, she walked straight in.


 Xie Jingyu pinched his brow and let out a long sigh.


For the past five years, the backyard had been left to Yun Chu to take care of, and this was the first time she had asked for it, so even if he was busy, he had to take the time to go and take a look.


 He jumped out of the car and followed Yun Chu to the courtyard where Xie Shiyuan lived.


Old Mrs. Xie and Yuan, as well as several aunts were in the courtyard, and Hearing Frost stood at the door of one of the compartments, her face heavy.


"Jingyu, you are finally back!" The old lady had been sick for a while, her body was a bit weak, she helped her mother-in-law's hand to stand up, "Look at what your daughter-in-law has done, she even had people tie up, I couldn't even untie her if I wanted to, saying that she must come back to be able to do it, she's only the mother of the house of my Xie family, she's not the God of Heaven!"


 The old lady was indeed furious.


The previous indeed is naughty some, but this time since much peace, a girl to find shortcomings, why punish?


Last time the birthday banquet went wrong, Yun Chu decided that the Xie residence can't do without her, so she's acting more and more without scruples, isn't she?


"Grandson-in-law wouldn't dare to be a heavenly king." Yun Chu walks over, Xu Fu body, "Grandson-in-law to the old lady to greet, today this thing is just happened to bump into the courtyard examination of An Ge'er, so there is no time to go and the old lady to get through to you, you old first sit down, let my husband to dispose of it. Listen to Frost, you tell us what happened."


Listen to the frost came over, lowered his head and said, "Lady ordered slave girl to check, slave girl will be the second young master around all the maiden, as well as serving boys have asked once, the original second young master yard these maids, there is no which has not been the second young master punished ... "


He stood behind the old madam and couldn't help but speak up to interrupt, "It's only natural for the master to punish his subordinates, what's there to say?"


 Hearing Frost sighed and gave those maids a look.


All the maids rolled up their sleeves and pulled back their collars to reveal shocking bruises.


 Yunchu pursed her lips.


In his last life, three or four maids in Xie Shiyuan's yard died, and then he took seven or eight concubines, four of whom died in bed.


In fact, there has long been a girl ring to find her complaint, just every time she wants to check, was still He mom He solicited the matter, and then Xie old lady longitudinally favored, as well as Xie Jingyu turned a blind eye, she this non-biological mother, is not good to ask more ...


In retrospect, let's say she knew of at least a dozen or two dozen women who had died at the hands of Xie Shiyuan.


"I beg you, madam, to do something for the slave girls, the second young master, whether he is pleased or displeased, will take it out on the slave girls, and the slave girls have every good place on their bodies except their faces."


"The second young master likes to take the whip to whip people, the slave girl's back is full of whip wounds, if the slave girl made a mistake, the second young master punished then so be it, but the slave girl has never done things in a disciplined manner, and never made a mistake, but she was beaten every day, and this day slave girl can't go on living."


"The second young master made the slave girl stand against the flower pot for a day, and when the slave girl didn't stand still, she was punished by being soaked in the water tank for the night."


 The several maids serving beside Xie Shiyuan spat out their bitterness in succession.


He coldly said, "It's not that you girls serve the second young master is not dedicated, otherwise how would the second young master punish you, and another, the second young master is only eight years old, even if you take a whip and whip into what ..."


"You shut up!" Xie Jingyu said angrily, "An aunt, where is your place to speak, get out!"


 He couldn't help but be dumbfounded.


She's Yeeko's mother, why doesn't she have a say in what she says?


 The backs of Xie Jingyu's hands were bruised.


These years he has been in the promotion stage, busy with official business, go out in the morning before dawn, late at night to come back, occasional recess also have a whole lot of things to deal with, the child's discipline is really neglected too much too much, he always thought that the only brother just do not love to read not progressive, thinking that there is Ange'er will be enough, never thought that the only brother to do this kind of thing!


 He finally understood why Yun Chu had asked him to handle it.


 Because, it wasn't something that Yun Chou could handle anymore.