
Reborn: Who's Raising the Cheater's Love Child Now?

In her past life, Yun Chu supported her husband, raised his illegitimate son, and helped the Xie family reach the pinnacle of success. In the end, her entire Yun family, over a hundred people, were executed, and she was poisoned by the child she had raised herself! As the poison took effect, she suddenly opened her eyes and found herself back at the age of twenty. The children of the Xie family stood before her, each affectionately calling her "mother." She vowed not to spare any of them, the culprits behind her family's annihilation. If the eldest son liked studying, she would block his path to a civil career; if the second son was keen on martial arts, she would ensure he never joined the military; if the eldest daughter coveted power, she would marry her into nobility where she would be widowed; if the youngest son was as useless as a bump on a log, she would let him fend for himself. Yun Chu was relentless on her path of vengeance. Yet— "Mother!" "You are our mother!" Two sticky rice dumplings clung to her, nuzzling into her embrace. A man stood before her: "I have raised them for four years, now it's your turn."

Daoist3lhgbj · Urban
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110 Chs

Chapter 52: Someone is trying to throw himself into a well

 The two groups of people were in a stalemate when the sound of a galloping horse's hooves came.


A dozen horses stopped in front of the carriage, the leader was a sweat-blooded horse, and on the horse was an imposing man wearing a black cloak.


 Yunchu looked up and recognized that the person coming was none other than the King of Pingxi, Chu Yiyi.


Chu Yiyi rolled over and dismounted, walking to the front of the carriage, standing in place and not going forward again, he spoke, "So it's Mrs. Xie."


Yun Chou got down from the carriage with the child in her arms and opened her mouth, "Greetings King Ping Xi, my wife would like to ask King Ping Xi, how could such a large royal residence with countless serving subordinates let such a small child leave the residence late at night?"


 She knew that what happened in the Pingxi Royal Palace had nothing to do with her.


But when she thought of Yu Ge'er sleeping in the Xie Mansion for several nights without anyone coming to look for her, and when she thought of such a young girl wandering off in the middle of the night, she felt sorry for the two children.


Moreover, it was not at all normal that the little girl in her arms should be indifferent when her own father was right in front of her.


 When the emotions came up, it was a little hard to resist opening his mouth to question.


 Even if the other party was the mighty Ping Xi King, she was not afraid in the slightest.


Chu Yiyi met her eyes, his voice was a bit mute, "Recently, I have been busy with official business and neglected my child, this is indeed my negligence as a father."


 The attendants of the Pingxi Royal Palace each had their eyes rounded in shock.


They had followed the king for some years, and in all those years, they had never seen the king bow his head and apologize to anyone, and this Lady Xie was the first.


 Yun Chou also didn't expect this prince to be so pleasant.


She looked down at the child in her arms, "Your father has come for you, go home with your father."


The little girl didn't even look at Chu Yiyi, lying on Yunchu's shoulders, arms and legs wrapped around her, at a glance, she knew that she didn't want to go back.


"Changsheng, Father King has brought you home." Although Chu Yiyi tried to slow down his tone as much as possible, he still sounded very heavy, "You said you wanted to raise a cat, will Father King promise you?"


The little girl immediately got up from Yunchu's shoulder, her eyes slowly looked at Chu Yiyi, her dark eyes somewhat unwilling to believe.


 Chu Yiyi nodded: "Father will not lie to you, good boy, father hug."


The little girl seemed to think for a long time, which stretched out her arms, reluctantly into Chu Yi's arms.


 Yun Chou's arms became a little empty all of a sudden.


The little girl vainly hugged her father's neck, looking at Yun Chou with great reluctance, her large eyes slowly floating with a hazy mist of water.


Yun Chu smiled and touched her head, "There are many bad people outside at night, don't run out so capriciously in the future."


 The little girl pursed her lips and nodded softly.


Chu Yiyi looked at Yunchu and said, "Thanks to Mrs. Xie, if Mrs. Xie has any need to help, you can open your mouth."


 Yun Chou blessed her body, "A show of hands, no need to thank you."


 Chu Yiyi nodded toward her, holding the child, and rolled onto his horse.


The little girl hugged Chu Yiyi's neck and looked at Yun Chu with wide eyes, until Yun Chu's figure slowly disappeared into the night, only then did she lose her sight and retracted it, nestling in Chu Yiyi's arms.


Returning to the mansion, Chu Yiyi let the people serving gather in the front yard, dozens of people shivering.


He sat in his chair, not angry, and said in a cold voice, "Speak, how did the county princess leave the house late at night?"


When he was interrogating the mountain bandits in Beijing Zhaoyin all night long, the people in his residence suddenly went to tell him that Changsheng had disappeared, and it was as if his heart had been thrown into a frying pan, with a thousand unbearable feelings.


He immediately called a team of guards to search the whole city, and finally the child was found, but fortunately nothing happened.


Changsheng wanted to keep a cat a long time ago, but because she was weak and would get a rash when she touched a cat, she never agreed to do so. Tonight, Changsheng insisted on relying on that Mrs. Xie, so he had no choice but to use keeping a cat to get Changsheng to come back to his embrace, but it is not that, Changsheng left the house because of the cat.


 The serving man stood shivering in the courtyard.


 Chu Yiyi's line of sight fell on the Sister who was close to serving the child.


That mamma can only open her mouth and say, "In the evening, the slave girl saw the county master making a painting, painted a woman, wrote the word mother, and cried a lot, the slave girl guessed that the county master out of the night to leave the house should want to go to find her mother ...."


 Chu Yiyi's eyes were somewhat obscure.


 He could fulfill any request the kids had, except for this one.


He suppressed his emotions and said in a cold voice, "The Sheriff Lord is a four year old child, can she just leave the house if she wants to, from her courtyard, she has to go through at least five gates, tell me all of you, what's going on here?"


 When Chu Yiyi was interrogating the subordinates in the courtyard.


Chu Hongyu ran into his sister's house, ordered the maid to retreat, and climbed straight into the little girl's bed.


 He whispered as he took his sister into his arms.


"Changsheng, I know you also miss your mother, tell you a secret oooh, I actually found my mother, it's just that it's a bit of a hassle to go to my mother's house, so I haven't dared to tell you ..."


"But it was wrong of you to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night, promise me you won't do it again and I'll take you to see Mother."


The little girl's long feathery eyelashes fanned out, and her large pupils flashed with a spiritual luster.


 She gestured several times in a row with both hands.


Chu Hong Yu smiled, "Brother won't lie to you, it's true that he found mother, mother is especially good looking, very gentle, especially like me, surely she will like you too."


 The little girl danced her hands up.


"Father promised you to raise a cat ah, really good, but you can not touch the cat, will grow a lot of many small rashes, especially itchy, when the cat is raised in my yard ..."


 The siblings talked and slowly fell asleep.


This night, Yun Chu but did not sleep much, in his mind for a while is Yu brother's figure, for a while is the little county master's figure, the two figures interlaced, a moment to laugh, a moment to cry, but also together to call her mother.


 Before dawn, Yunchu woke up.


She got up and picked up the wooden carving on the table and rubbed it carefully, much reassured.


 After the grooming was over, the outside invitations arrived.


Xie Shian waited in the side hall in a new suit, and Yunchu then remembered that the courtyard examination was today.


 She was so busy with this and that every day that she forgot about it for a while.


Thinking about it, she also specially prepared many things for Xie Shi'an, such as and the first congee, the first scholar soup, one a pass meal, the toad palace to win the laurel wine ...


Yun Chu picked up a cup of tea and personally handed it to Xie Shi An, "After going to the examination center, the most important thing is to be calm and quiet, this is a cup of clear tea, drink it and you will be able to abandon impatience and come out on top."


 "Thanks, Mother."


 Xie Shi'an took the tea and drank it.


Several other aunts in the room have said auspicious words, brothers and sisters also wished him to win the talent, the atmosphere is very harmonious for a while.


 He sneaks a sought-after talisman into Xie Shi'an's hand.


Yun Chu smiled and said, "Brother An, your father and I will send you to the examination center today, your father should be waiting in the front yard, let's go."


 Xie Shi'an nodded.


The two were about to leave when a granny suddenly ran into the Sheng residence in a great panic: "Madam, it's bad, someone wants to throw a well!"


He said angrily, "Can't you see that the eldest young master is going to the courtyard examination, what's the point of saying these unlucky words at this time, go down!"


If all this crap affects her son's entrance exams, she'll have to kill this granny.


That granny was full of anxiety and said, "Madam, the slave girls just pulled her back from the well and she was about to hit the wall and went around looking for scissors to cut herself, what should we do?"


 Yunchu frowned, "Which one is trying to find a way out?"


 The granny said, "It's Jiu'er from the second young master's courtyard."


This said, Yunchu remembered, last life is also this day, Xie Shiyuan yard a girl haunted seeking death, that time she was in a hurry to send Xie Shian to the examination room, let listen to the frost to look at the treatment, but did not expect to not look at, that girl finally jumped into the lake to die.


In the end, she made the decision to give Jiu'er's parents a large sum of money for her burial, but did not bother to find out in detail why Jiu'er wanted to commit suicide.