
Reborn: Who's Raising the Cheater's Love Child Now?

In her past life, Yun Chu supported her husband, raised his illegitimate son, and helped the Xie family reach the pinnacle of success. In the end, her entire Yun family, over a hundred people, were executed, and she was poisoned by the child she had raised herself! As the poison took effect, she suddenly opened her eyes and found herself back at the age of twenty. The children of the Xie family stood before her, each affectionately calling her "mother." She vowed not to spare any of them, the culprits behind her family's annihilation. If the eldest son liked studying, she would block his path to a civil career; if the second son was keen on martial arts, she would ensure he never joined the military; if the eldest daughter coveted power, she would marry her into nobility where she would be widowed; if the youngest son was as useless as a bump on a log, she would let him fend for himself. Yun Chu was relentless on her path of vengeance. Yet— "Mother!" "You are our mother!" Two sticky rice dumplings clung to her, nuzzling into her embrace. A man stood before her: "I have raised them for four years, now it's your turn."

Daoist3lhgbj · Urban
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110 Chs

Chapter 51: Meeting the Little Sheriff

From the manor out, almost to the eleventh hour, the night of the capital is the eleventh hour and two minutes to five days curfew, this will not go back to the city will have to wait until tomorrow morning.


Listening to Frost helping Yun Chu to sit on the carriage, she asked softly, "Madam, are you just going to agree to treat Young Master Wu?"


 Yunchu nodded.


More than twenty years ago, the Wu family members died of illnesses one after another, and in the end, only the youngest young master Wu was left. Mrs. Wu decided to sell all the family assets to find a doctor to cure young master Wu, and they were so broke that they didn't even have a place to live, so they moved into this manor.


This is the manor passed down from the Wu family's ancestors, and it was also the only property of the Wu family at that time.


But was then a family name Zou design had to sell their ancestral property, the manor was groomed like a royal garden, a variety of carved beams and paintings, pavilions and water pavilions, expensive flowers, really want to sell, can sell at least more than 30,000 taels of silver, and ultimately, Mrs. Wu only got 20,000 taels.


After the Zou family got the manor, they immediately tore down the Wu family ancestral temple, and the grove was about to be burned down by a fire, so Mrs. Wu had nowhere to go, so she came up with the trick of pretending to be a ghost to scare people away.


Sure enough, the Zou family was scared, only to sell the manor, as for the Zou family fortune affected that is a complete coincidence.


Later that businessman took over the manor, Mrs. Wu took the then three or four year old young master Wu to pretend to be a ghost together, and hard to scare the businessman out of the disease.


Not only that, Mrs. Wu went out in the daytime to tell the surrounding people that this manor was haunted, so the word spread and no one dared to take it over any more, and that merchant would occasionally send people to come and check it out, and they were scared away by the growing young master Wu, who didn't need to disguise himself at all, and just that face, as well as the stench of the ulcers on his body, were enough to frighten people out of their wits... ...


"The Wu family's mother and son are also poor people, having lived a dark life for more than twenty years." Yun Chu spoke, "This manor is an ancestral property passed down from the Wu family's old ancestors, I bought this manor with the money earned from the Wu family's ancestral property to cure Young Master Wu, there is nothing wrong with that."


Listening to the wind spoke up, "But that divine doctor's pulse diagnosis is five thousand taels of silver at a time, this manor is afraid that it will take three to five years to earn so much money."


 Yunchu smiled.


When the hot springs were opened, in this winter, they would be able to earn at least fifty thousand taels of silver, paying for young master Wu's medical bills would not be worth mentioning at all.


She thought she was not a compassionate person, but she would help people when she could, and perhaps it was this that made a lot of good karma, which is why God let her go back to the year she was twenty years old.


"Your Ladyship should also ask for a pulse for herself once." Listening to Frost's heart sour, "Your Ladyship is still young, she can still have another young master after curing her infertility ..."


 As soon as the words fell, a sudden cry came from outside the carriage.


 Yunchu immediately spoke, "Stop."


 The driver pulled the reins tight and the carriage slowly came to a stop.


Listening to the frost will be the car curtain pick up, Yun Chou looked out, this will have already entered the capital, about to curfew, the road can not see any pedestrians, only the more man walked past.


 The cries seemed to be in an alley.


Yun Chou got down from the carriage without thinking and walked towards that alley, and Listening Frost several maids hurriedly followed.


There was only a faint moonlight in the alley, and a small white figure could be vaguely seen crouching in the corner.


 That cry, it came from this little figure.


Yunchu quickened her pace and soon saw clearly that this was a girl who was probably only three years old, her long hair was draped over her body in a loose manner, her head was buried in the middle of her knees, her small shoulders were twitching, and she was making a thin cry like a cat's purr.


 Yun Chou also noticed that the little girl wasn't even wearing shoes.


Her heart softened, and she hurriedly picked up the child, saying softly, "Why are you out there alone, where are your parents?"


The little girl lifted her face, her palm-sized face showed that her eyes were big and round, her eyes were full of teardrops, one by one rolling down, when she saw Yun Chou, she first opened her eyes in confusion, then with a whimper, she fell into her arms and cried out.


Yunchu immediately had her hands full: "Don't cry, be good, if you cry again, you'll become a little flower cat."


The little girl, however, couldn't stop crying the more she cried, her tears falling on her shoulders, her clothes soaking wet.


 Yun Chou's heart inexplicably followed hard.


Her favorite child was Xie Shiyun, but even if Xie Shiyun was hurt and cried out, she wouldn't have this feeling of her heart hurting like a knife.


She wrapped her arms around the little girl and patted her back gently as she walked out of the alley, climbed into the wagon with difficulty, sat down, and sang softly as the little girl slowly quieted in her arms.


As she was about to communicate, she saw those big, beautiful eyes close, and the little girl fell asleep in her arms.


Yun Chu's heart was soft, she said softly, "Listen to Frost, you and Uncle Chen go and walk around the neighborhood to see if any of the families are looking for a child, and if all aspects are right, bring the person over."


 Listen to Frost lead the way.


The carriage pulled over and stopped, leaving only Yun Chu holding the child, Listening to the Wind and Listening to the Snow waiting underneath the carriage, and a coachman holding the horse.


 Just then, suddenly many people came over and surrounded the carriage.


The leader was a Sister in her forties or fifties, she stared coldly at the carriage, "Go up and search."


 Four or five guards immediately stepped forward.


"What are you doing?" Listening to the snow hurriedly stopped, "Inside is our family's madam, don't assault our madam!"


That Sister's face was cold: "It's not normal for this carriage to be parked on the side of the road in the middle of the night, who's a proper lady who doesn't come home in the middle of the night, go up and search!"


Listening to the snow was simply anxious, and was about to argue, when the sound of a child's cry suddenly came from the carriage.


 That Sister's face lit up with joy, "The Sheriff is in the carriage!"


As soon as she pushed the two maids from Hearing Snow and Hearing Wind, she helped the guards to get on the horse and violently lifted the curtain of the carriage.


She caught a glimpse of the girl being held by Yun Chu and rushed over in a single bound, crossing her hands under the child's armpits and yanking them outward.


The little girl was already crying, and when she was tugged like that, she suddenly erupted into even more violent sobs.


 Yun Chou's eyes sank, "Let go."


"You're the one who should let go!" That Sister glared angrily, "How dare you steal from our County Mistress, I think you're tired of living, it doesn't matter which family's madam you are, your days are over!"


 With that, she hugged the child and yanked hard.


 Yun Chou was wrapping her arms around the little girl's waist, seeing this, she didn't dare to push any harder and was busy loosening her hands.


The little girl punched and kicked in the hands of the Sister, crying on the breath, originally white and tender a small face, even appeared blue and purple.


 "Let go of the baby!"


 Yun Chou's voice jerked up and her aura was all over the place.


That Sister was not so much frightened by her aura, but by the Little Sheriff's greenish-purple face that her legs went soft, and she even placed the child on the soft cushions of the carriage.


"It's okay, don't cry ..." Yun Chou's voice was soft to the core, "Auntie hug you okay?"


That Sister's face sank, "What qualifications do you have to be our Sheriff's Aunt ..."


Before the words were finished, the little girl stretched out her two short arms and wrapped them around Yun Chou's neck.


Yunchu placed her on her knees and pointed at the Sister and said softly, "Do you recognize this person in front of you, is he someone from your family?"


 The little girl just wrapped her arms around her and didn't say a word.


 Yun Chu raised her eyes and said, "If she says she knows you, I will let you take her."


That Sister couldn't believe that she needed a stranger's nod to take away her young master.


But, with the little master nestled so dependently in this lady's arms, it was simply useless for her to come on strong.


She spoke up, "Our little Sheriff can't speak, according to what Madam means, I can't take the Sheriff away today?"


 Yun Hatsu froze.


 This kid can't talk?

She remembered that Yu'er had told her that he had a sister who couldn't speak, and wasn't Yu'er's sister the county princess?


 The little girl is the child of the King of Ping Shi?


But isn't the Pingxi King's child four years old, and this little girl looks like she's about three years old ...