
Reborn: Who's Raising the Cheater's Love Child Now?

In her past life, Yun Chu supported her husband, raised his illegitimate son, and helped the Xie family reach the pinnacle of success. In the end, her entire Yun family, over a hundred people, were executed, and she was poisoned by the child she had raised herself! As the poison took effect, she suddenly opened her eyes and found herself back at the age of twenty. The children of the Xie family stood before her, each affectionately calling her "mother." She vowed not to spare any of them, the culprits behind her family's annihilation. If the eldest son liked studying, she would block his path to a civil career; if the second son was keen on martial arts, she would ensure he never joined the military; if the eldest daughter coveted power, she would marry her into nobility where she would be widowed; if the youngest son was as useless as a bump on a log, she would let him fend for himself. Yun Chu was relentless on her path of vengeance. Yet— "Mother!" "You are our mother!" Two sticky rice dumplings clung to her, nuzzling into her embrace. A man stood before her: "I have raised them for four years, now it's your turn."

Daoist3lhgbj · Urban
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110 Chs

Chapter 42: A Backyard Affair

The Xie Mansion wasn't that big, with only a small garden.


Yunchu and Yuan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, led a large group of ladies to the garden, and all of them were lack of interest.


A lady hesitantly said, "I heard that Mrs. Xie planted many jujube trees in the mansion, I wonder if the jujube trees have blossomed this season?"


 Yunchu laughed, "The earliest the jujube blossoms can bloom is in May."


"It doesn't matter if it doesn't bloom, let's go and see how rare it is." Mrs. Hu opened her mouth to support the scene, "The jujube tree in feng shui means that the children and grandchildren are plentiful, so let's all go and dip our hands in the blessings."


The ladies of the house were not of the same stature as the Cloud Family's eldest miss, so naturally they followed one after the other.


Yuan opened her mouth and said, "The date tree is planted in the southeast side of the mansion by the corner of the wall, if you all don't mind that the date tree is not enjoyable, then go this way."


 The group followed to the southeast side.


This side of the original is a garden, what season to plant what flowers, every spring and fall will be arranged to enjoy the flowers of the feast, this year all changed to plant date palms.


These are adult date palms purchased and transplanted from the outskirts of Beijing, and each tree is high above the courtyard wall, with lush foliage.


Mrs. Hu said, "It seems that this year will be able to hang the fruit, then come to the Xie Mansion to find Mrs. Xie to ask for some jujubes to taste."


Yunchu politely said, "When the fruits are hung, the Xie family will arrange for people to send them to the various mansions, so don't think that the green jujubes are astringent."


"Huh, why do I seem to hear something?" A lady with more sensitive ears spoke up, "In that direction."


Yuan looked over, "That's a small courtyard that no one lives in at the Xie Mansion, and on weekdays only the maids go forward to clean it."


As her words fell, a sudden gust of wind blew over the small courtyard, and the sound, simply unpleasant to the ear ...


 The faces of the ladies changed in unison.


One of the lady's husbands and Xie Jingyu belonged to the political rivals, both of them were fifth-ranking officials, and both of them had their eyes on that fifth-ranking position.


 Granted, the Xie family doesn't have much of an advantage anymore, but what if?


 She spoke, "That's a strange sound, go see what it is."


 She took the lead and headed that way.


 Yunchu smiled.


She specifically reminded Xie Ping to add this Mrs. Yuan to the banquet list, and Mrs. Yuan didn't let her down.


Yuan, a woman in her forties or fifties, how could she not hear what was going on with that sound, and was frightened when she saw Mrs. Yuan leading the crowd in that direction.


Yunchu gently pulled her mother-in-law, lowered her voice and said, "Xie's subordinates are not so bold, it's impossible to do that kind of thing in broad daylight, if we don't let these ladies to find out, we don't know how to discuss our Xie's family in the future, go and take a look at it."


This is reasonable, and today is the old lady's birthday banquet, all the subordinates are busy for the birthday banquet, it is impossible that anyone still has time to hide here to perform illicit affairs.


It would have been nothing, if she covered it up, it would have been the end of the matter if she had been given a lewd and unpleasant name for the Xie family's backyard.


Thinking about this, Yuan's heart was quite a bit more at ease, the key was Yun Chu's calm face, so it was as if she had a backbone, and she smiled and said, "I think it's the wild cat that's making a mess."


 A group of ten or so people took a few steps to the small courtyard where no one lived.


The sound was even more pronounced when they walked in, causing several young ladies who had just gotten married to blush.


"It's the first time I've heard a wildcat calling for spring." Mrs. Yuan walked quickly up the steps and pushed the door in front of her open with one hand, "Just in time to see what kind of wildcat it is."


The door opened, and the crowd clearly saw a man and a woman, their clothes half retired, hugging each other on the couch in the room.


When she saw the faces of the man and the woman, Yuan's entire body froze in place, her brain was bombarded with thunder from the sky, and she just wanted to faint right away.


 Some thin-skinned young women backed away.


Like Mrs. Yuan more than thirty years old lady what battle has not seen, immediately said in a high voice.


 "Why Lord Xie!"


"On the day of Old Madam Xie's birthday, what were Lord Xie and the maids of the house doing hiding here?"


"I didn't see Lord Xie's figure at the birthday banquet, it turned out that he was even pulling and tugging with the subordinates, not clear, if he came ... later."


Many of the ladies looked at Xie Jingyu with contempt and at the same time, they were filled with sympathy for Yunchu.


As if she couldn't believe it, Yun Chou stood frozen in place, completely unresponsive until Yuan pulled her.


Yuan's voice was trembling, "Chou, Chou'er, what to do, how to be good ..."


As if Yun Chou had finally found her mind, she quickly headed for the steps, bending down to pick up the clothes on the ground and draping them over Xie Jingyu and He.


She blocked the two, looked to the crowd and said, "The ladies misunderstood, this is not my Xie Fu's maid, it is Aunt He, she is very good at singing, just now I called her to go to the forecourt to sing opera to help, but her body is poor, it should be halfway to the discomfort, so my husband held her to come here to take a nap ... "


 Yuan's trembling heart finally stabilized.


 It's better to make out with an aunt than to mettle with a maid.


Once again, she admired this daughter-in-law, such a messy situation could even think of a reason to defuse it, their Xie family simply couldn't stay away from Yunchu.


 But this reason made the ladies present feel even more sympathetic towards Yun Chou.


The husband and his aunt were hiding here to tangle and pull at the banquet, which was a complete disregard for the mother of the house.


They had long heard that Mrs. Xie was unable to bear children, and now that she had lost even her husband's respect, they could only imagine how difficult it was.


Obviously, Mrs. Xie is sad to the extreme, but still have to stand up to defend her husband and the Xie family's decency, the pearl of the cloud family, but fell into such a field ...


"Mrs. Xie should still have a bunch of things to take care of, so we'll take our leave first."


 "Mrs. Shea get busy, we'll get together later."


 A group of ladies with extreme eyesight offered their farewells.


Walking out into the front yard, the ladies who were still watching the play didn't understand what was happening and made eyes at each other, so they all offered to leave.


 Only when they reached the outside of the Xie Mansion did the crowd dare to talk out loud.


"Those of you watching the play in front of you don't know yet, do you, that Lord Xie and one of the aunts were doing that in the backyard and we crashed it."


"What's with all this hiding and doing this kind of thing in the middle of the day, can't wait?"


"That aunt must be beautiful or else Lord Xie wouldn't be so confused."


"When you say that, I remember, that aunt looks a bit older and her appearance is not impressive, a hundred thousand miles worse than Mrs. Xie."


 "So Lord Xie likes older women ..."


What happened in the backyard reached the old lady's ears, and she was so angry that her old man's ears boomed on the spot and almost fainted.


 Mrs. Yun Lin's face was as gloomy as water, as if she would explode at any moment.


She only knew that the Xie Mansion had Aunt Yu, Aunt Jiang, and Aunt Tao, when had there been an additional Aunt He?


Xie Jingyu even met up with a maid in the backyard on the day of the birthday banquet, and asked her daughter, who she held in the palm of her hand, to help round up the party.


 How much her daughter should have suffered!


"Mother will go home first." Yun Chu personally sends Yun family members out, "Sister-in-law, persuade my mother well, I'm fine."


 Liu Qian Qian's gaze was filled with worry.


The men of the Yun family will also take concubines, but concubinage requires the head wife's nod, and will never metamorphose before that, which is a complete lack of regard for the head wife.


Today the cloud family here, Xie Jingyu all dare this kind of behavior, usually do not know how to despise the cloud early ...