
Reborn: Who's Raising the Cheater's Love Child Now?

In her past life, Yun Chu supported her husband, raised his illegitimate son, and helped the Xie family reach the pinnacle of success. In the end, her entire Yun family, over a hundred people, were executed, and she was poisoned by the child she had raised herself! As the poison took effect, she suddenly opened her eyes and found herself back at the age of twenty. The children of the Xie family stood before her, each affectionately calling her "mother." She vowed not to spare any of them, the culprits behind her family's annihilation. If the eldest son liked studying, she would block his path to a civil career; if the second son was keen on martial arts, she would ensure he never joined the military; if the eldest daughter coveted power, she would marry her into nobility where she would be widowed; if the youngest son was as useless as a bump on a log, she would let him fend for himself. Yun Chu was relentless on her path of vengeance. Yet— "Mother!" "You are our mother!" Two sticky rice dumplings clung to her, nuzzling into her embrace. A man stood before her: "I have raised them for four years, now it's your turn."

Daoist3lhgbj · Urban
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110 Chs

Chapter 41: Xie Jingyu's Disappearance

 Front yard banquet hall.


With the accompaniment of tea from the palace, coupled with Mrs. Yun Lin's rounding up, and then Marquis Xuanwu's presence, the guests present are still considered to be talking to each other.


Xie Jingyu and a few of his colleagues were chatting about the current situation of the dynasty, when the boy beside him hurriedly came and said in a low voice, "Your Excellency, Mother He said she has something important to report."


 Xie Jingyu frowned slightly, "Let her talk about it later."


The boy nodded and walked out, and came back a short while later, whispering, "My lord, Mother He said it must be now, and if it is inconvenient for your lordship to leave the table, then she can come in and report."


 Xie Jingyu looked up.


 He was seen standing at the entrance to the banquet hall, ready to come in at any moment.


His face sank as he stood up and walked over, his voice cold, "What's so urgent?"


He lowered his head and said, "Sir, everyone knows that the birthday banquet was organized by the eldest Miss Xie, but there was such a big mistake, if the reputation of the eldest Miss Xie's inability to take care of her family is spread, which family will still be willing to marry Ping's sister as the mother of the house, you think of a way ah."


 Xie Jingyu's face was unpleasant.


Now that the Xie family has lost all of its face and face, he must first think about the Xie family before he can think about his children's marriage.


On the other hand, Ping sister is only thirteen years old, marriage is also two years later, now say this is also too anxious.


Seeing that Xie Jingyu didn't say anything, He anxiously said, "While the birthday banquet is still open, why don't we let Ping Sister-er cook tea for the crowd or show some talent to reverse some of the negative impressions before ..."


 Xie Jingyu didn't even know what to say.


If this were a palace banquet, it would make sense for a young lady from a family to dance and play for the Queen Consort.


Most of those present were officials of lower rank than the Xie family, and if Ping's sister offered her art on the spot, it would really be a disgrace to the Xie family.


"Alright, I'll watch over this matter." Xie Jingyu said in a cold voice, "Go do what you need to do, don't come hanging around the front yard."


He had been with him for more than ten years, how could she not see what he had in mind, her fingers tightened and she said, "My lord, Ping Sister is our first child, and she will also be the first child of the Xie House to speak of marriage, and if anything goes wrong with her affinity, it will be very difficult for the next few brothers and sisters to do so."


 Xie Jingyu's voice was even colder, "What, are you threatening me?"


 He was busy saying, "I didn't mean that, I ..."


 The two were talking, when suddenly someone passed by in the flowers and trees next to them.


 Xie Jingyu pulled He to the side.


Not long after, the subordinates brought back all the mat noodles made by the restaurant, and one by one, they were brought in front of the crowd.


This is the capital's best restaurant chef made by the delicious food, usually want to eat have to queue up at least half a month, this will be able to feast on, so many people surprised.


Old Mrs. Xie finally breathed a sigh of relief and raised her wine glass to thank Mrs. Yun Lin, she knew in her heart that if it wasn't for the Yun family mediating, Drunken Immortal House wouldn't have prepared a meal for the Xie family in the first place.


"How come Jingyu isn't here?" Old Mrs. Xie looked to the empty seat at the bottom, "Chor, do you know where Jingyu has gone?"


Yunchu smiled and said, "Just now, mama He said she had something important to report, so husband went out and thought he would be back in a while."


 An extremely bad feeling suddenly arose in Old Mrs. Xie's heart.


She looked to the Zhou mother at her side: "Go, seek out Jingyu and tell him to hurry and come to treat the guests."


 Mother Zhou led the way.


About a quarter of an hour later, Mama Zhou came and said with a suppressed voice, "The slave girl searched around and didn't find your lordship, I don't know where he went."


 Old Mrs. Xie took a deep breath.


That He is a scourge, to call Jingyu away on such an important occasion, what is more important than the birthday banquet?


If she had known, she should not have promised Yun Chu to pardon some of the subordinates who made mistakes ... But now it is too late to regret, her old man opened his mouth, "Keep looking."


 Yun Chou lowered her head and sipped her tea, hiding the coldness under her eyes.


 "Thank you ma'am."


 A low voice sounded at his side.


Yun Chu put down her tea and looked up with a standard hospitality smile, "Marquis, do you have any orders?"


Her smile was less than the bottom of her eyes, but it was as bright as a spring flower, causing Qin Mingheng to lose his concentration for a moment.


He took a sip of wine, then he looked at ease and said, "I heard that Mrs. Xie re-interred her two children who died early, I used to live in a temple for a while, and I heard from the masters that the re-interred deceased need to let the masters overpass for seventy-seven and forty-nine days before they can be at peace in the next life, and I know a few masters here, so Mrs. Xie needs to make arrangements for that?"


 The smile on Yunchu's face was a few moments more genuine.


 Aside from the Cloud family, this was the first person who cared about her dead child.


She smiled and said, "All of these things have already been arranged by my brother, thank you Marquis for taking the trouble."


"Those two children also have the Xie family's bloodline in them, Lord Xie, who is the children's biological father, did not care about the children at all, would someone who doesn't even care about his own bloodline care about the people on his pillow?" Qin Mingheng's voice lowered a few degrees, "Has Mrs. Xie not thought of a way out for herself?"


 Yun Chu raised her eyes and fell into the midst of Qin Mingheng's dark eyes.


 Surprisingly, she saw a wave of genuine concern in those eyes.


 Marquis Xuanwu was actually really thinking about her future?


But, this was the first time she talked to Marquis Xuanwu face to face, there was no friendship between them, and they were almost like strangers.


 How did this person ...


"Mrs. Xie poured her heart out to these children of the Xie Mansion, will these children really be filial to Mrs. Xie?" Qin Mingheng took a sip of wine, "There are some things that should be broken."


 Yunchu pursed her lips.


It took a lifetime of hard lessons for her to see through those around her when even an outsider could.


 She understood the implication of Marquis Xuanwu's words, that he wanted her to make peace.


She would never reconcile in her life, because reconciling a woman back to her home family would affect the chi of the sisters in her mother's family.


It didn't matter what happened to her, she would never let the Yun family suffer again because of herself.


 Why do you want to make peace when you can clearly be widowed.


Yunchu opened her mouth and said, "Thank you for Marquis' concern, my wife is deeply in love with her husband, what should be cut off is cut off, my wife can't understand."


 Qin Mingheng's face instantly turned gloomy.


 What a love affair.


 Xie Jingyu had done that kind of thing, and she was still so infatuated.


She is the cloud family bright and beautiful young lady, is the first beauty of the famous capital, she is so, ruined in the Xie family ...


 "Old madam, I have business to attend to, so I will take my leave first."


 Without waiting for Old Mrs. Xie to say anything, Qin Mingheng got up and left directly.


He can go to the banquet, has been the honor of the Xie family, early departure is reasonable, the crowd did not feel anything.


Yun Chu, however, vaguely felt that Marquis Xuanwu seemed to have been moved to anger because of her words just now, and that's why he waved his hand and walked away.


The banquet didn't show up until the end of the banquet, and the old lady's face became more and more sullen.


But her old man still forced up a smile to greet the guests, "The Xie family has invited an opera troupe, ladies and misses backyard please, let's order the opera first."


Most of the male guests left after the banquet, and the women followed to the backyard to watch the play.


Yunchu led the crowd forward, the courtyard arranged as tea and snacks, everything, the ladies are quiet and began to listen to the opera.


After a couple of plays, before it got a little boring, a lady offered to take a look around the garden.