
Reborn: Who's Raising the Cheater's Love Child Now?

In her past life, Yun Chu supported her husband, raised his illegitimate son, and helped the Xie family reach the pinnacle of success. In the end, her entire Yun family, over a hundred people, were executed, and she was poisoned by the child she had raised herself! As the poison took effect, she suddenly opened her eyes and found herself back at the age of twenty. The children of the Xie family stood before her, each affectionately calling her "mother." She vowed not to spare any of them, the culprits behind her family's annihilation. If the eldest son liked studying, she would block his path to a civil career; if the second son was keen on martial arts, she would ensure he never joined the military; if the eldest daughter coveted power, she would marry her into nobility where she would be widowed; if the youngest son was as useless as a bump on a log, she would let him fend for himself. Yun Chu was relentless on her path of vengeance. Yet— "Mother!" "You are our mother!" Two sticky rice dumplings clung to her, nuzzling into her embrace. A man stood before her: "I have raised them for four years, now it's your turn."

Daoist3lhgbj · Urban
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110 Chs

Chapter 106 - Aunt He's Death

He slowly stopped crying.


She looked toward her two children and said with a sad expression, "I don't know how惟哥儿 is doing ..."


"Don't worry, I'll arrange for someone to take care of Brother Dan." Xie Shi An spoke, "It's getting late, drink up."


He took the porcelain bottle, she smelled the strong aroma, she believed what the children said, the poison would not cause pain, sleep and everything would be over.


 But not willingly.


 The Ho family has not yet been restored to the light.


 The children are not yet adults.


 He didn't even see Yulang for the last time.


He closed her eyes, tilted her head, and drank as much of the sweet poison from the porcelain vial as she could.


 The poison had just gone down when the door to the woodshed was pushed open.


 It was Yunchu who walked in.


She opened her mouth with a complicated expression, "Ange'er, Ping'er, let me handle things on this side, you two are tired, go back and rest."


Xie Ping watched her own mother drink the poison with her own eyes, her whole body collapsed, her body was shaking all the time, and when she heard Yun Chu say this, she didn't dare to look at He again, grabbed the maid's hand, and hurriedly backed out.


Xie Shi'an was just holding on, what he should have done had already been done, there was no way he could watch He break again.


He stood up, stumbled unsteadily, straightened himself by holding onto the wall, and walked out.


 Listening Frost and Listening Wind guarded the doorway and closed the door to the woodshed behind them.


Although He drank the poison, she really didn't feel any pain, her eyes fell on Yun Chu and suddenly smiled miserably, "The one who made the decision was the old madam, the one who gave the poison was the adults, and the one who fed the poison was An Ge'er and Ping Sister, the madam has picked herself off really cleanly."


"Aren't I here to collect your corpse for you?" Yun Chu looked at her condescendingly, "It is said that when a person is about to die, his words are also good, He Ling Ying, I'll ask you a few questions, answer me properly."


 He was in another trance when he heard his maiden name.


She laughed coldly, "I've been reduced to this state, and it's also your handiwork, Madam, do you think, I'll answer your question?"


"To be able to guess that there is my handiwork, you are not too stupid." Yunchu pulled her lips, "Then again, I might as well tell you that Xie Shiyuan's anger with Marquis Xuanwu also had my push, how about it, unexpected?"




 He really didn't think that this matter was also related to Yun Chou.


 She couldn't wait to strangle the person in front of her.


Yunchu looked at her and slowly said, "If you don't answer my question properly, Xie Shi'an, Xie Ping, the two of them will end up in exactly the same place as Xie Shiyuan."


He gritted his teeth, "When exactly did you know they were my children?"


Early on she sensed that the Lady was deliberately targeting several of the children, but none of them believed her.


No wonder the lady like a sudden change of person, Xie Fu which has not been sent by the lady, the original, the lady knew that the Xie family cheated her.


Yun Chu did not answer her doubts and spoke, "Four years ago, the pair of children I gave birth to, where exactly did they go?"


He's heart shook as she lowered her head, "Wasn't the Lady's child re-interred by your Yun family's ancestral shrine, and what's the point of coming to ask me?"


After saying this, she felt her legs a little weak, and seemed unable to support her body, a feeling of life passing so clearly came ...


"The price for talking tough once, that would be Sister Ping's dowry." Yunchu Yun was lighthearted, "I'll give you one more chance."


 He bit his lip in death.


"Still not saying?" Yunchu smiled, "If you don't cherish it even on your last chance, then don't blame me, Ange'er and Ping'er ..."


"I say, I say!" He limply paralyzed on the straw mat, his voice no longer had the same mid-air it had before, "Madam's pair of children were handed over to His Excellency by the steady woman, and His Excellency personally carried the children out of the Xie Mansion, and apart from His Excellency, there is no one who knows where the children were thrown to."


 Yunchu closed her eyes, "At that time, the child was still alive wasn't it?"


 He smiled to himself.


It turns out that madam knows everything. How could madam let Yulang go after she threw away the child who was still alive.


But Tamaro hadn't even come to visit before she died, so what was she worried about that wolfish man for!


"Yes, the child is still alive." He felt like it was a little hard to breathe, "Madam, I've said everything you've asked me, promise me that even if you can't do anything to treat Ange'er and Ping'er well, please, please don't hold up their future, please, madam ..."


 With the last of her own strength, she grabbed Yunchu's ankle.


Yunchu gently lifted her foot and He rolled onto the straw mat like a falling leaf.


She lay on the straw mat, breathing hard with large gulps, and suddenly she coughed violently, blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, her eyes opened as wide as they could go, and she just lost her breath.


 Yunchu sighed.


Xie Shian and Xie Ping teamed up to force He to die, but what she cared most about before she died was still those two children.


 She looked into He's dead eyes, shook her head, and walked out of the woodshed.


 Walking out, he raised his eyes and saw Xie Jingyu standing at the entrance of the small courtyard.


"Husband is here." Yun Chu spoke, "Aunt He has always said that she wanted to see Husband one last time, and she couldn't get what she wanted before she died, so she died in peace."


 Xie Jingyu's eyes reddened.


He and He knew each other at a young age and walked together for so many years, so how could he bear to see how she went from a living person to a corpse?


He was sorry to He, and he was sorry to Yun Chu, and he didn't know how to face all this.


 He turned and walked away.


 Yunchu said in a faint voice, "Is Husband sure he doesn't want to go in and take a look?"


 Xie Jingyu's footsteps lurched, didn't look back, and walked straight away.


 Yun Chou's eyes were cold.


 Why did she marry such a selfish and cowardly man.


 She instructed the granny in the courtyard, "Set up a thin coffin and bury it."


 The subordinates didn't dare to utter a single breath and hurriedly went to do it.


Xie Jingyu returned to his study and sat there for more than an hour before the palpitating feeling finally slowly disappeared.


He got up and went to the woodshed again, but found that it was empty, and when he asked, he realized that He's body had been dragged outside the city ...


This night, Xie Jingyu barely slept, because as soon as he closed his eyes, in front of him were He's two blood-hole eyes, looking at him miserably and mournfully.


 He regretted not going to see He one last time, regretted not letting her rest in peace ...


When he got up in the morning, he had a splitting headache, and he couldn't even go to the morning court, so he hurriedly sent a boy to tell him to take a vacation.


 After lying on the couch for a while, the subordinate came to report, "My lord, the lady is here."


 Xie Jingyu was a little afraid to face Yunchu.


He lied to her that An Ge'er's several children's mother died to make Yun Chu pour her heart out to several children, not that he didn't need to explain this matter when He died.


 There wasn't much of a husband and wife relationship in the first place, and with this, it's even more of a nothing.


 He was afraid, afraid that Yun Chou would make peace.


 If she did offer to make peace, would he say yes, or no?


 Did he have room to refuse?


At this time, the door of the house had been pushed open and Yun Chu walked in, "I heard the boy say that my husband was sick, and he even took a leave of absence from the court, so how come he didn't ask for a doctor?"